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why do people not play this game?



  • SweeetSweeet Member Posts: 135
    Originally posted by Fadedbomb

    Originally posted by Sweeet

    Providing you're a die hard Matrix fan you stand to gain something from MxO. But it does have its major flaws. Lets break it down into it's finer points;

    Missions - Your only means of leveling. Story driven missions (critical missions) can feel engaging but are far and few between. You'll have a load to do at the beginning but once you've done them all and are left with nothing but the standard set you'll find no diversity what so ever. Every mission will feel like the last and they'll soon grow old very fast. If you think grinding in  L2 was ain't seen nothing yet.

    PVP/PVE - In a world designed around interlock you'll find that hackers throw a major spanner in the works. But its not just PVP that suffers from this broken mechanic, PVE can become unbearable in a crowded place full of the mishaps.

    End game - Once you've hit the level cap you'll grind and grind and grind to make info for branching off into other trees....and then you'll wait for the next instalment of the matrix saga. Which could take weeks...unless you're a major RP'er and like to make up stories as you go but unfortunately that doesn't cater to everyone.

    All in all MxO can leave you with a very bitter taste towards a franchise that you love. I'm not saying it's not worth trying, if you're a Matrix fan you'll find a few nice twists you hadn't thought about. But it lacks in oh so many ways...oh so many. It's actually quite sad but hey, I enjoyed it while I could, I suggest you do the do the same. 
    I fixed that error for you.



    WoW is the easiest grind there is. Considering the MMO community as a whole see WoW as the "starter" mmo to bring more people into playing MMO's this is understandable. WoW currently is the kiddy MMO player game. The 9mill ish subs are from kids having their parents foot the bill for a game that seems to appeal more to them than most adults (not saying there aren't any, just more than 80ish percent of the population in WoW are kids).


    WoW has also been remarked as "the ez-mode mmo". Awhile back I snickered at a hardcore EQ raiding guild whom completely moved to WoW raiding for a change of pace. Only to have them posting on this site remarking at how easy raiding in WoW is comparative to EQ (the origional  hard-set mmo).

    Simple point I'm trying to make, please stop comparing WoW to everything like it was a Chocolate Moose sundae. The game, simply put, is nothing to compare anything to lol.

    Lol I see your point. But I was just trying to state if you think leveling in WoW is boring, you won't get very far in MxO.

    To wank, or not to wank. The ultimate MMO sacrifice.

  • upn2daleftupn2daleft Member Posts: 28

    i played this game from beta until sony took over. it was an awesome game and great live events. this game was really all about the live events they held. the first live event they held when they killed Morpheus was the best and so much fun. then we got to kill the assassin that killed Morpheus. It was great chasing him around the game jumping from building to building and inside buildings too (its awesome that you can actually go into every single building in the game, with no loading, and each building is different). Anyway the game started out awesome, lots of fun, great environment, great graphics for the time it came out. But after Sony bought it from Monolith, it just sucked, they changed the combat system which is the first reason I closed my account and made it much harder then what it used to be and just lack in the live event department which is the bread and butter of this game. Basically it turned into Seinfield Online, I would log in and hangout by a hardline and chat with others about how the game sucked and thats all we did. Sony sucks (PotBS sucks balls too).

  • neolivesftwneolivesftw Member Posts: 163

    My boi posted on herr a while ago that therr were about 30 thousind playas. So that sounds like alot.

    Hail Neo, full of pwnage, Morpheus is with thee
    Blessed art thou among Zion, and blessed is the roundhouse against Smith.
    Holy Neo, pray for us now, and at the hour of Victory, Amen.

  • ladyattisladyattis Member Posts: 1,273

    Neolives, please use proper English when posting, otherwise it becomes very hard to divine what is meant. As for the server population, no know but SOE knows, so it could be the 30k you claim, or it could be something very low (10k or less), which is what I'm betting. The game is fun for quick missions, but all in all it's a broken game. Monolith knew it, and they had no experience in the field of MMOs, so it's no surprise what they released was trash.

    -- Brede

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457


    Originally posted by neolivesftw

    My boi posted on herr a while ago that therr were about 30 thousind playas. So that sounds like alot.
    I'd be very surprised if there were ever 30,000 players subbed to MXO.


    The emotes are very good. The theme is definitely Matrix. Other than that it's all very substandard. The free trial would be a waste of anyone's time as I see it.



  • MarunaiMarunai Member Posts: 15

    I just bought the game and when it comes in I'm gonna give it a go for 30 days. If I like it, I'll stay, if not then I'll go  back to CoX earlier than I anticipated. lol. I do hope to find some people playing that enjoy the game and are willing to help me. I'm gonna be quite disappointed if the only people on are standing around talking about how much the game sucks. I'll be doing some roleplaying too. That should be a blast.

  • noiichinoiichi Member Posts: 16

    well i play it sometimes so if u r gonna be in the server im in ill help u out

    kill, kill , kill some more, go to sleep, wake up, rinse, lather repeat :)

  • BlackWatchBlackWatch Member UncommonPosts: 972

    Loved the overall concept of the game.  The lore is great.  The fact that the game isn't 'fantasy' is another plus. 

    I have given MXO a few shots.  I tried the game at launch... again a year or so later... and again about 6 months ago or so. 

    Why didn't I stay? 

    Same reason(s) I did the same thing with CoV/CoH...

    Cookie cutter


    Mob's just hanging out... anywhere/everywhere

    Combat system


    Again, I like what they tried to do with MXO, but not how it was delivered as a game.   It simply wasn't 'for me'. 



  • AmarsirAmarsir Member UncommonPosts: 703

    I'm a CoH fan so I have no problem with instances or random missions compiled from repeated source pools. But even by those standards, MxO was incredibly repetitive.

    More importantly, it lacked the fast 1 vs Many combat that CoH has. In MxO combat looked pretty, but it was pretty boring. On that however, I know Sony did the unthinkable to Star Wars and thus must be damned to hell for all eternity, but still in this case the combat system revamp was a good thing. That is, unless you preferred a system where an enemy could shoot at you and you couldn't do anything in response.

    Another problem was teaming. People were nice in an "if you need help, I'm here" kind of way. But I found no teaming to speak of, and there was no sense of them needing me and vice-versa.

    So that's why I don't play it. I found it slow, repetitive, and lonely. I get enough of that in real life. :(

    Currently playing:
    DC Universe
    Planetside 2
    Magic Online
    Simunomics, the Massive Multiplayer Economic Simulation Game. Play for free.

  • MarunaiMarunai Member Posts: 15

    Well let me know what server that is so I can get on it.  I'm assuming there's a global friend channel I can set a name to, so if there is I'll make mine Marunai.

  • noiichinoiichi Member Posts: 16

    well u can have fun with that if u wish, but i never played CoH sooo hows the combat in it?

    kill, kill , kill some more, go to sleep, wake up, rinse, lather repeat :)

  • MarunaiMarunai Member Posts: 15

    Patching MXO as I type this. Since you didn't tell me what server you're on then I'm just gonna pick one. My public name is theillusionary. Not sure what this does in the game if anything. Set the name as that when I was registering the game at Station. I probably won't use Marunai now that I'm randomly picking a server. I'll post my new name and server later.

  • InevitableSilenceInevitableSilence Member UncommonPosts: 82

    I dont get what people mean whent hey say they kille doff Morpheus? What was Morpheus's role in the game?

  • AmarsirAmarsir Member UncommonPosts: 703

    Originally posted by Mequellios
    I dont get what people mean whent hey say they kille doff Morpheus? What was Morpheus's role in the game?

    Check out the story as continued by the game. I do have to give credit to MxO for being willing to evolve the world and involve the players while doing so. No other game really makes that same effort.

    Currently playing:
    DC Universe
    Planetside 2
    Magic Online
    Simunomics, the Massive Multiplayer Economic Simulation Game. Play for free.

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457


    Originally posted by Mequellios

    I dont get what people mean whent hey say they kille doff Morpheus? What was Morpheus's role in the game?

    He was a quest giver. (/spammer).


    Unlike the other quest givers he wasn't an AI he was a live action character played by one of the support staff.

    He would turn up in game at secret locations every couple of weeks and if you found him in time you could talk to him. Typically he would give a some kind of  speech in an abandoned church somewhere to the faithful. "The Frenchman is foreign. The machines run on batteries" or some equivalent twaddle.

    People would either ask him "meaningful questions about the The Matrix" or just verbally abuse him.

  • rsrestonrsreston Member UncommonPosts: 346


    Originally posted by neolivesftw

    cus their stoopid noobs that cant handle the rp and the best pvp in the world 

    Way to go, "vet"! Keep scaring away the new blood in your precious game and soon SOE's gonna cut the life support from it.


    I tried the game, but it's hard when you meet a roleplayer that can't get out of his character to help a newbie learn and, perhaps, enjoy the game, subscribe, invite friends and really keep the game alive, and maybe, growing.


  • SkyJackalSkyJackal Member Posts: 390

    I just find it funny how people continue to buy into ftw's bull.

    He's not an MxO player, he torments this forum for the lulz. Ignore him and move on like the rest of us have.

  • shermishermi Member Posts: 52

    Ok to the op the reason why nobody playes the game is simple Soe and the matrix staff aren't doing there job.     All games from Eq to wow to hello kitty online are suppose to be developed, maintained, and upgraded by  the companies that run them. 

    When games population go down instead of creating better content fixiing f'n bugs that have plaged games from launch and advertise game companies and some people playing the game start saying the problem is the community.  

    I don't care to roleplay it's not my thing i need missions, content, exitement that is what makes me want to play and also people.  People to have fun with it's not up to me to fix there bugs or advertise there game. 

    Take swg for instant instead of giving what everybody wants wich is a classic server they refuse to do so and people are allways complaining that there are no people in the game.  I love the matrix the movies and this game was fun for me for a long time.

    I am not the owner or developer of this game if the dev's want feed back on an idea then ask a question then act on the anwser from me and others if possible.  If they want  me to stay fix the game give me stuff to do other than "roleplay"  (last time i rollplayed i had a carboard sword and playing d&d board game).

    W.o.W is the biggest mmo because they keep making it better (well for some people).  There is a ton of stuff to do and they are allways developing more stuff wich attracts costumers.  And no i am not a wow fan but i wont deny they know what to do to make a succesfull mmo.

    Just my opinion.


  • jerksonjerkson Member Posts: 106

    I just got a buddy key, and I really enjoy the game.. However I find the questing/mission system is really dull.. I mean, accept mission, go to location, go up in elevator, kill kill kill, loot, rince repeat. THere's no variation in the missions at all, very sad. I'm finding I can only play like 30 mins then I shut it down and need a brake.



  • BushMonkeyBushMonkey Member Posts: 1,406
    Originally posted by Centhial

    hey all,
    i am not gonna lie, i play vanguard primarily. i just recently started playing pirates of the burning sea and i am having a lot of fun with that too. Also i jump on eq2 occasionally and i enjoy that game as well. so long story short i figured the station access pass would be the better choice financially. Well i figured what the heck lets try out some of these games and i loaded up the matrix online. I have to say it has been a ton of fun. i have never seen a a game with such a great community. i have created 3 characters so far and every time i have had a high level come show me the ropes. i get tells constantly saying if u need help let me know. it is action packed and the lore/storyline is amazing. graphics arent bad for the timeframe either. i just wanted to take the time and say i am having a great time and thank the community for being so great. my advice for anybody is not just take the word from the forums but always try a game for youself, you might be surprised. I have to admit i have never shown any interest in the matrix online and i prob would have never tried it if i didnt get the station access but i am having a blast. i like em all i try ever game that hits the market and have found few that i dont , but i just wanted to point out this may not want to be one you ignore. i understand the animoustiy (sp) towards SOE, but i do beleive this game may be a little underrated. anyway thanks for listenin,

     You just hit the probverbial nail, I see no reason to empower bad behaivor with my $

  • WRyanWRyan Member Posts: 266

    I sort of fell into this game via boredom.  I don't remember exactly what game I had just quit or was waiting on, but I remember seeing that there was a trial out, and thought "What the hell?  I'll try this one."

    So, I downloaded, updated, and got started.  I remember being somewhat curious of the game, because based on screenshots, it looked to be really good.  I'm not a shallow guy, but good looking graphics (at the time) go a long way in making a game enjoyable.  Although, it's not the only thing, nor the most important.

    Anyhoo, I was fortunate enough to get into a nice crew, who then introduced me to the whole Guild/Faction system.  I had no expectations for the game itself, so it wasn't a hard sale for me to be Merovengian.  I actually came to enjoy being the "badguy".  The crew I joined, was part of a guild that was BIG into RP, and I had the opportunity to really sink my teeth into some pretty good RP.  The people actually made up stuff for the other players to participate in.  There were all kinds of twists and whatnot to be had... it was good fun, and probably some of my most memorable moments in an MMO (oh the irony).  I had never RPed before this time, and really, haven't since.

    So, why did I not buy the game after my trial was out?  Well, the most obvious reason was that I was out of a job and broke.  Not having any money tends to get in the way of this sort of hobby, as I'm sure most of you know.  Secondly, the whole mission setup... all of it... it seemed extremely buggy at the time (this was right after SOE had taken over and had implemented their Combat 2.0 revision, so bugs galore).  It felt like a major grind.  I came from SWG... I realise all MMO's will have a certain element of the grind, but playing MxO felt like nothing but (sadly, this is what keeps me from playing CoH too.... which sucks, because that game was incredibly innovative and fun.)

    Lastly, the game just didn't feel like The Matrix unless I was RPing, and that was attributed to the people leading the events, keeping the tone.  I mean, look it - there really wasn't anything in the game that reminded me of The Matrix.  No running on walls; bullet time was practically non-existent.... everything that made the movies something we'd never seen before, was nowhere to be found in MxO.

    I will say this, however.  The first time I ever saw an Agent, was something to behold.  It was incredibly intense.  I remember doing a mission with my friend in some restricted area, and he was almost done.  An Agent pops up out of nowhere and... well... the whole thing started to unfold.  I began fighting the Agent, knowing I didn't have a chance of winning.  I knew I didn't have to defeat him... I just had to keep him busy long enough for my friend to finish his mission.  I was using Aikido at the time, which is sort of the "tank" profession of the game, so I knew I could hold my own, given the defensive nature of my skill-set.  He finished his mission, and we got the hell out of there, all the while, Agents chasing us all over.  I was almost dead the whole time they were chasing us, and those guns they used were nothing nice.  Finally, we saw a telephone booth, and got to it just as my life bar was almost depeleted.  It was very exciting to say the least.  One of the best gaming experiences of my life :)

  • firefly2003firefly2003 Member UncommonPosts: 2,527

    $OE is the reason I dont't play it (SWG victim)

  • djmathewdjmathew Member Posts: 3
    Originally posted by WRyan

    One of the best gaming experiences of my life :)

    Heh, that's a great story!

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    When you think how bad SOE is, and how much people hate SOE.....

    It's kind of a perspective check when you find out that SOE is the best thing that ever happened to MXO. It's so bad it makes SOE look like comparative MMO gods.

    It occours to me that another reason no one plays this game is because no one likes goths. They are immensely boring people.

    If you are a goth, come on down and role play.

  • BrianshoBriansho Member UncommonPosts: 3,586

    I'd come back if they fixed the Nvidia 8800 issues.

    Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!

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