I usually don't say things like this but it sounds like Maple story or something similar is along the lines you all are looking for. Removing the nudity and gore from a rated M game?
You sir are the typical pixel lover. "Oh my gawd look at teh hot naked NE wao wowowo"
And anyway, the reason I asked that was .... well to hell with giving you a bloody reason.
I responded they way I did because removing those two elements in themselves detracts from the immersion in the Conan world.
It's grity ,overly sexualized, and full of head choppin delight. Thats the conan stories. Read the books without the blood and nudity and you got a sunday cartoon called Alley Oop.
The point is vercin, that players can turn it off, you can leave it on all you want and you will get that effect. But giving the option to the player is what should be morally accepted. It's not hurting you that other's can't and choose not to see it, does it?
No it's not hurting anyone. I for myself just don't see why you would do that. I don't NEED the nudity or blood and gore to make me happy int he game, but I see it as a vital part of the LORE of conans world.
Turning it off to me makes the game seem less conan and more just arcade beat em up.
It's like when they play some song ont he radio with the cuss words bleeped out....it's just a bunch of words at that point with a whole lot of choppiness.
The Stranger: It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid.
People should not be sickened by animated blood. Its just as violent as watching wile e coyote getting smashed with an anvil. But if your worried about it you can play a ranger where you won't have to do the fighting up close.
hmm.. personally i would not enjoy watching a coyote getting smashed by an anvil, but I am strange that way
Gore is 'new and fresh' in mmos now so people get excited, understandably. But get some play hours under your belt and the novalty will wear out. It will become annoying and processing power could be better spent elsewhere. Just compare it to spell effects in other games... even the best effects and animations start to lose their flare and become boring after seeing them a few hundred times.
I'm with some of the other posters on this one... I would hope gore and nudity aren't the only things that make the world enticing.
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence. Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
Just wondering, would there be an option to turn off / censor nudity?
love it.. in a thread about gore there is a discussion of censoring nudity
hey - if you find nudity disturbing, ok, i have no argument - each to their own.
But i have serious questions about the mental health of people who think decapitations are ok, but breasts are immoral. In fact, I find that very disturbing indeed - it is ok to sever a head and murder someone, but unacceptable to see breasts, the source of sustenance and life? wowee... what up with people?
Just wondering, would there be an option to turn off / censor nudity?
love it.. in a thread about gore there is a discussion of censoring nudity
hey - if you find nudity disturbing, ok, i have no argument - each to their own.
But i have serious questions about the mental health of people who think decapitations are ok, but breasts are immoral. In fact, I find that very disturbing indeed - it is ok to sever a head and murder someone, but unacceptable to see breasts, the source of sustenance and life? wowee... what up with people?
I find it interesting that the same people that spout 'nudity is natural and no big deal' always seem to go absolutely nuts and violently defend the subject whenever its presence in the game is threatened. So which is it, not a big deal or worth getting psychotic about? Awfully hypocritical. Or maybe just dishonest.
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence. Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
Ah ok, guild wars isnt skill based... and ninja gaiden isnt an MMO... tetris is just OMG WOW amazing godly game so that doesnt count.
guild wars endgame is ALL about skills...
anyway. turning off the gore is understandable but i imagine (with the system req) that most people will end up playing low spec setting and the gore really would not do much. kinda like playing WoW on lowest setting, when they release some new models or weather for example it still looks crap no matter what they do...sometimes you can barely see whats going on, i have a feeling AoC might be a little like that.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds -Solid non level based game -Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
I can give one aspect from a public servant point of view. I don't know if it has an impact, but consider this. There are people that have served in the military and/ or other public safety professions that see this stuff on a weekly basis..
I play games to escape my reality for awhile. Seeing certain aspects of gore could possibly bring back not so great memories. However, I personally think if that is going to be an issue, that person should reconsider playing violent genre games.
I'm just giving a different point-of-view for your questions. Ya never know what someone has had to endure.
I usually don't say things like this but it sounds like Maple story or something similar is along the lines you all are looking for. Removing the nudity and gore from a rated M game?
You sir are the typical pixel lover. "Oh my gawd look at teh hot naked NE wao wowowo"
And anyway, the reason I asked that was .... well to hell with giving you a bloody reason.
I responded they way I did because removing those two elements in themselves detracts from the immersion in the Conan world.
It's grity ,overly sexualized, and full of head choppin delight. Thats the conan stories. Read the books without the blood and nudity and you got a sunday cartoon called Alley Oop.
Some people would like these options. It's your opinion that it detracts from the game and thats great for you. However, some people would like options to change it. Is that really a reason to become offensive and belittling? I've read all the books and I mean all the original ones. Turning off Nudity and Blood in gore won't make one iota of difference to me in the game or immersion. Women can be sexy and exciting without being fully nude and combat can be exciting with blood spattering on every hit and heads rolling.
But it isn't like anyone is taking anything from you. Although I'd also like a parential filter that lets me lock these features off at the account level. That would definitely be a good feature to add. Course then your parents might turn it off and then you would have a reason to bitch although as a parent I might argue and say tough.. :P
Just wondering, would there be an option to turn off / censor nudity?
love it.. in a thread about gore there is a discussion of censoring nudity
hey - if you find nudity disturbing, ok, i have no argument - each to their own.
But i have serious questions about the mental health of people who think decapitations are ok, but breasts are immoral. In fact, I find that very disturbing indeed - it is ok to sever a head and murder someone, but unacceptable to see breasts, the source of sustenance and life? wowee... what up with people?
I think it is about choice. Some people find blood and gore, or nudity things that they would rather not see. People are asking for the option to pick and choose the level of "intensity" of the game. Is that really so hard to comprehend?! In the end it does nothing other then broaden the appeal of the game.
Well, I'm glad that the option is there to turn them off. It is a matter of 'each to their own' for whatever reason.
The only thing that strikes me, as odd, is that it is an 'M' rated game. Everything you'd see in a 'R-Triple X' movie would seem to be covered under this category. AoC itself, wouldn't rate higher than an 'R', if it was a movie with gore and nudity on.
I can't see the difference between a few mouse clicks of interactive entertainment and the mind numbing, 'arms reach', passive complacent permissions you give out automaticaly, when watching a movie/T.V. of similar content.
Again, 'each to their own' but as for the concerns of children, or anyother person, that may stroll on by and end up causing you undo grief. Well, it's 'M' rated for a reason. Buyer beware.
* Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)
* I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)
This thread ultimately proves that arguments from both the Anti-violence & Pro-violence sides are full of crap when it comes to making a point for their case...
Anti-violence: "NO! You can't put gore in video games, it ruins young minds and makes kids violent!"
Pro-violence: "WTF?! You are actually going to put in an option to TURN DOWN THE GORE?!?!?!1111... Unacceptable!"
IMHO, both camps =
Which, is why I personally support the option to turn it on or off to your liking and let everyone else STFU.
The reason I asked is because I usually play with a friend and his wife. They have a young child who sits on her daddy's lap while he plays, the animated violence is ok, but the gore is too much.
I apologize for creating a heated debate of why someone would be so brash as to want to play a mature game, but take out the mature content out.
They should implement a settings tab so that THE PLAYER can turn that stuff on or off, this would be THE PLAYER'S responsibility to do, if the stuff is not acceptable to them. There again, if it isnt and they complain, then in my opinion its their own fault for purchasing it in the first place, after all, it should have warnings and all plastered all over the box anyways.
Just wondering, would there be an option to turn off / censor nudity?
love it.. in a thread about gore there is a discussion of censoring nudity
hey - if you find nudity disturbing, ok, i have no argument - each to their own.
But i have serious questions about the mental health of people who think decapitations are ok, but breasts are immoral. In fact, I find that very disturbing indeed - it is ok to sever a head and murder someone, but unacceptable to see breasts, the source of sustenance and life? wowee... what up with people?
I find it interesting that the same people that spout 'nudity is natural and no big deal' always seem to go absolutely nuts and violently defend the subject whenever its presence in the game is threatened. So which is it, not a big deal or worth getting psychotic about? Awfully hypocritical. Or maybe just dishonest.
He wasn't going nuts n defending that nudity was needed. He was stating a fact that so many ppl find it acceptable to see blood n gore. But to see a breast in a game is taboo. I personally question the same. Why is it acceptable in our society to have blood/violence/gore on most media...but the thought of seeing a nipple is outragious n cencored?
I would much rather have my kids see a boob than see a person decapitated...but perhaps I am the odd one?
Just wondering, would there be an option to turn off / censor nudity?
love it.. in a thread about gore there is a discussion of censoring nudity
hey - if you find nudity disturbing, ok, i have no argument - each to their own.
But i have serious questions about the mental health of people who think decapitations are ok, but breasts are immoral. In fact, I find that very disturbing indeed - it is ok to sever a head and murder someone, but unacceptable to see breasts, the source of sustenance and life? wowee... what up with people?
I find it interesting that the same people that spout 'nudity is natural and no big deal' always seem to go absolutely nuts and violently defend the subject whenever its presence in the game is threatened. So which is it, not a big deal or worth getting psychotic about? Awfully hypocritical. Or maybe just dishonest.
He wasn't going nuts n defending that nudity was needed. He was stating a fact that so many ppl find it acceptable to see blood n gore. But to see a breast in a game is taboo. I personally question the same. Why is it acceptable in our society to have blood/violence/gore on most media...but the thought of seeing a nipple is outragious n cencored?
I would much rather have my kids see a boob than see a person decapitated...but perhaps I am the odd one?
The answer seems kinda obvious but maybe you are not from the united states. What is acceptable and what isn't acceptable is dynamic depending on the culture you live in. For one culture nudity might be completely commonplace and just a fact of life but blood and graphics violence might be completely taboo.
So it isn't about your tolerance it is about the culture you live in that defines what is acceptable. For whatever reason in the US the culture is reasonably permissive on violence but not ok on nudity. You can say the culture is stupid for that kinda bias but you would be rather bigotted to not accept that different people see things differently...
So in the end it is called tollerance in accepting that different people have different views on what is acceptable. Any game that is being sold on the international market needs to acknowledge these cultural differences especially when including features that one culture might find unacceptable. That is if that company wants to sell their product successfully in that culture?
So really this isn't a debate about if the game should have nudity or gore but just a request/opinion that the game would be better if there were options to enable the player to select or disable these features based on their personal preferences and cultural biases.
The fact that the feature exists is what makes the game have a Mature rating. This is really irrelevent to the existance of an option to turn on or off features that might in fact have created the Mature rating. To remove the mature rating would require removing these features entirely which isn't desirable by a large part of the community.
As a parent I would even further like these options to be server side options that I could enforce for accounts I setup. This would enable me as a parent to enforce my standards of what is acceptable for my children without necessarily having to deprive them of a game that their peers may want to play. Again this is a feature that for some percent of people will improve the acceptability of a mature game in their household selling more game copies.
It isn't necessary to force the existence of features down the thoats of people that might reasonably like the game without these features enabled. This is really a simple cost/benefit decision.
Heres something you guys should consider.... Maybe a female gamer likes AoC and wants to play it. As far as I know, MOST or MANY females wont enjoy blood gore and heads flying so they might want to turn it off. And they might also not want to see boobies.
I can agree with everything but the boobies. If a girl gamer don't wanna see boobies, let's hope she never looks in a mirror naked, or ever watches a National Geographic special. Could scar her for life.
Heres something you guys should consider.... Maybe a female gamer likes AoC and wants to play it. As far as I know, MOST or MANY females wont enjoy blood gore and heads flying so they might want to turn it off. And they might also not want to see boobies.
I can agree with everything but the boobies. If a girl gamer don't wanna see boobies, let's hope she never looks in a mirror naked, or ever watches a National Geographic special. Could scar her for life.
Last time I checked in real life I had a package myself (some days its more impressive then others), but I'm not particularly interested in seeing packages hanging out in game, belonging to other players or otherwise. Not that theres anything wrong with a guy that does I just don't swing that way. Would I be scarred for life if I saw one? I would hope not. But im certainly not eager to seek them out.
So by the same line of thinking, why would a women really want to see boobies? Why wouldn't they be interested in disabling the visual in game? I know I would enjoy a game more if I didn't have to look at naked men, so whats the difference?
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence. Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
Heres something you guys should consider.... Maybe a female gamer likes AoC and wants to play it. As far as I know, MOST or MANY females wont enjoy blood gore and heads flying so they might want to turn it off. And they might also not want to see boobies.
I can agree with everything but the boobies. If a girl gamer don't wanna see boobies, let's hope she never looks in a mirror naked, or ever watches a National Geographic special. Could scar her for life.
Last time I checked in real life I had a package myself (some days its more impressive then others), but I'm not particularly interested in seeing packages hanging out in game, belonging to other players or otherwise. Not that theres anything wrong with a guy that does I just don't swing that way. Would I be scarred for life if I saw one? I would hope not. But im certainly not eager to seek them out.
So by the same line of thinking, why would a women really want to see boobies? Why wouldn't they be interested in disabling the visual in game? I know I would enjoy a game more if I didn't have to look at naked men, so whats the difference?
Because this is the same mentality that ruins games all the time. "I knew before I bought the game that it had this, but I still bought the game, so I want this done to make it fit my ideals.".
Next will be the "OMG!! MY son saw the blood and boobies while playing at a friends house!! Remove both now or I will sue!!!!1111!!1"
Like it or not, the boobs and gore are one of the reasons the game will sell very well. A few puritans deciding not to play because they have to see pixelated boobs is not going to hurt the bottom line on this one.
with Zorvan on this one but even with the complaints that may arise after launch, the title has been well documented throughout it's entire development. It's rating is clear and all, possible, attempts to change content or threaten legal suits is nothing more than wasted time and money.
On or Off, the choice seems to be included in the game options. Whether to buy it or not is upto you.
It will be a sucess, atleast under today's 1/4 wonder standards and hopefully far beyond that.
I've got nothing but empathy for those that can't join in at launch, for whatever the reason, as I too felt quite left out during the 'WoW's the only choice' craze. I didn't care much for the graphic style and the overall content of global chat channels sealed the deal for me("I wanted to play a game not feel like I had to chow'down on bottle of Tylenol").
Unlike my experience with forced MMO withdrawl due to lack of interest in title selection, those that don't want to play have many other options available which are generally consired 'mainstream' and I'd direct you to Aion as potential replacement in the near future.
If non-standard structured MMO's(sandbox) are what your after, without intentional gore/nudity, keep an eye on Earthrise. I'd also suggest keeping an eye on Darkfall but it's content, like AoC, may be adult in nature.
* Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)
* I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)
You sir are the typical pixel lover. "Oh my gawd look at teh hot naked NE wao wowowo"
And anyway, the reason I asked that was .... well to hell with giving you a bloody reason.
I responded they way I did because removing those two elements in themselves detracts from the immersion in the Conan world.
It's grity ,overly sexualized, and full of head choppin delight. Thats the conan stories. Read the books without the blood and nudity and you got a sunday cartoon called Alley Oop.
The point is vercin, that players can turn it off, you can leave it on all you want and you will get that effect. But giving the option to the player is what should be morally accepted. It's not hurting you that other's can't and choose not to see it, does it?
No it's not hurting anyone. I for myself just don't see why you would do that. I don't NEED the nudity or blood and gore to make me happy int he game, but I see it as a vital part of the LORE of conans world.
Turning it off to me makes the game seem less conan and more just arcade beat em up.
It's like when they play some song ont he radio with the cuss words bleeped out....it's just a bunch of words at that point with a whole lot of choppiness.
The Stranger: It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid.
Ok, you have a valid point...
But you dont see why? We gave you several reasons already... are you even reading our posts?
Give me a good skill based sandbox game, and i'll give you a cookie!
I do have a point however.
As people like to say though, it's your money. Play how ya like.
The Stranger: It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid.
I do have a point however.
As people like to say though, it's your money. Play how ya like.
Exactly my point
Give me a good skill based sandbox game, and i'll give you a cookie!
hmm.. personally i would not enjoy watching a coyote getting smashed by an anvil, but I am strange that way
the first time, incredible.
the fifth time, cool.
the 50th time, meh.
the 100th time, .... yawn.
Gore is 'new and fresh' in mmos now so people get excited, understandably. But get some play hours under your belt and the novalty will wear out. It will become annoying and processing power could be better spent elsewhere. Just compare it to spell effects in other games... even the best effects and animations start to lose their flare and become boring after seeing them a few hundred times.
I'm with some of the other posters on this one... I would hope gore and nudity aren't the only things that make the world enticing.
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
hey - if you find nudity disturbing, ok, i have no argument - each to their own.
But i have serious questions about the mental health of people who think decapitations are ok, but breasts are immoral. In fact, I find that very disturbing indeed - it is ok to sever a head and murder someone, but unacceptable to see breasts, the source of sustenance and life? wowee... what up with people?
hey - if you find nudity disturbing, ok, i have no argument - each to their own.
But i have serious questions about the mental health of people who think decapitations are ok, but breasts are immoral. In fact, I find that very disturbing indeed - it is ok to sever a head and murder someone, but unacceptable to see breasts, the source of sustenance and life? wowee... what up with people?
I find it interesting that the same people that spout 'nudity is natural and no big deal' always seem to go absolutely nuts and violently defend the subject whenever its presence in the game is threatened. So which is it, not a big deal or worth getting psychotic about? Awfully hypocritical. Or maybe just dishonest.
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
They probly will, but why play conan when you can't have the absurd violence? Tits and blood 08
anyway. turning off the gore is understandable but i imagine (with the system req) that most people will end up playing low spec setting and the gore really would not do much. kinda like playing WoW on lowest setting, when they release some new models or weather for example it still looks crap no matter what they do...sometimes you can barely see whats going on, i have a feeling AoC might be a little like that.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
I can give one aspect from a public servant point of view. I don't know if it has an impact, but consider this. There are people that have served in the military and/ or other public safety professions that see this stuff on a weekly basis..
I play games to escape my reality for awhile. Seeing certain aspects of gore could possibly bring back not so great memories. However, I personally think if that is going to be an issue, that person should reconsider playing violent genre games.
I'm just giving a different point-of-view for your questions. Ya never know what someone has had to endure.
You sir are the typical pixel lover. "Oh my gawd look at teh hot naked NE wao wowowo"
And anyway, the reason I asked that was .... well to hell with giving you a bloody reason.
I responded they way I did because removing those two elements in themselves detracts from the immersion in the Conan world.It's grity ,overly sexualized, and full of head choppin delight. Thats the conan stories. Read the books without the blood and nudity and you got a sunday cartoon called Alley Oop.
Some people would like these options. It's your opinion that it detracts from the game and thats great for you. However, some people would like options to change it. Is that really a reason to become offensive and belittling? I've read all the books and I mean all the original ones. Turning off Nudity and Blood in gore won't make one iota of difference to me in the game or immersion. Women can be sexy and exciting without being fully nude and combat can be exciting with blood spattering on every hit and heads rolling.
But it isn't like anyone is taking anything from you. Although I'd also like a parential filter that lets me lock these features off at the account level. That would definitely be a good feature to add. Course then your parents might turn it off and then you would have a reason to bitch although as a parent I might argue and say tough.. :P
hey - if you find nudity disturbing, ok, i have no argument - each to their own.
But i have serious questions about the mental health of people who think decapitations are ok, but breasts are immoral. In fact, I find that very disturbing indeed - it is ok to sever a head and murder someone, but unacceptable to see breasts, the source of sustenance and life? wowee... what up with people?
I think it is about choice. Some people find blood and gore, or nudity things that they would rather not see. People are asking for the option to pick and choose the level of "intensity" of the game. Is that really so hard to comprehend?! In the end it does nothing other then broaden the appeal of the game.
You can turn off both. (Nude and gore that is)
They both go together tho, not independent of eachother.
Well, I'm glad that the option is there to turn them off. It is a matter of 'each to their own' for whatever reason.
The only thing that strikes me, as odd, is that it is an 'M' rated game. Everything you'd see in a 'R-Triple X' movie would seem to be covered under this category. AoC itself, wouldn't rate higher than an 'R', if it was a movie with gore and nudity on.
I can't see the difference between a few mouse clicks of interactive entertainment and the mind numbing, 'arms reach', passive complacent permissions you give out automaticaly, when watching a movie/T.V. of similar content.
Again, 'each to their own' but as for the concerns of children, or anyother person, that may stroll on by and end up causing you undo grief. Well, it's 'M' rated for a reason. Buyer beware.
* Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)
* I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)
This thread ultimately proves that arguments from both the Anti-violence & Pro-violence sides are full of crap when it comes to making a point for their case...
Anti-violence: "NO! You can't put gore in video games, it ruins young minds and makes kids violent!"
Pro-violence: "WTF?! You are actually going to put in an option to TURN DOWN THE GORE?!?!?!1111... Unacceptable!"
IMHO, both camps =
Which, is why I personally support the option to turn it on or off to your liking and let everyone else STFU.
The reason I asked is because I usually play with a friend and his wife. They have a young child who sits on her daddy's lap while he plays, the animated violence is ok, but the gore is too much.
I apologize for creating a heated debate of why someone would be so brash as to want to play a mature game, but take out the mature content out.
They should implement a settings tab so that THE PLAYER can turn that stuff on or off, this would be THE PLAYER'S responsibility to do, if the stuff is not acceptable to them. There again, if it isnt and they complain, then in my opinion its their own fault for purchasing it in the first place, after all, it should have warnings and all plastered all over the box anyways.
hey - if you find nudity disturbing, ok, i have no argument - each to their own.
But i have serious questions about the mental health of people who think decapitations are ok, but breasts are immoral. In fact, I find that very disturbing indeed - it is ok to sever a head and murder someone, but unacceptable to see breasts, the source of sustenance and life? wowee... what up with people?
I find it interesting that the same people that spout 'nudity is natural and no big deal' always seem to go absolutely nuts and violently defend the subject whenever its presence in the game is threatened. So which is it, not a big deal or worth getting psychotic about? Awfully hypocritical. Or maybe just dishonest.
He wasn't going nuts n defending that nudity was needed. He was stating a fact that so many ppl find it acceptable to see blood n gore. But to see a breast in a game is taboo. I personally question the same. Why is it acceptable in our society to have blood/violence/gore on most media...but the thought of seeing a nipple is outragious n cencored?I would much rather have my kids see a boob than see a person decapitated...but perhaps I am the odd one?
hey - if you find nudity disturbing, ok, i have no argument - each to their own.
But i have serious questions about the mental health of people who think decapitations are ok, but breasts are immoral. In fact, I find that very disturbing indeed - it is ok to sever a head and murder someone, but unacceptable to see breasts, the source of sustenance and life? wowee... what up with people?
I find it interesting that the same people that spout 'nudity is natural and no big deal' always seem to go absolutely nuts and violently defend the subject whenever its presence in the game is threatened. So which is it, not a big deal or worth getting psychotic about? Awfully hypocritical. Or maybe just dishonest.
He wasn't going nuts n defending that nudity was needed. He was stating a fact that so many ppl find it acceptable to see blood n gore. But to see a breast in a game is taboo. I personally question the same. Why is it acceptable in our society to have blood/violence/gore on most media...but the thought of seeing a nipple is outragious n cencored?I would much rather have my kids see a boob than see a person decapitated...but perhaps I am the odd one?
The answer seems kinda obvious but maybe you are not from the united states. What is acceptable and what isn't acceptable is dynamic depending on the culture you live in. For one culture nudity might be completely commonplace and just a fact of life but blood and graphics violence might be completely taboo.
So it isn't about your tolerance it is about the culture you live in that defines what is acceptable. For whatever reason in the US the culture is reasonably permissive on violence but not ok on nudity. You can say the culture is stupid for that kinda bias but you would be rather bigotted to not accept that different people see things differently...
So in the end it is called tollerance in accepting that different people have different views on what is acceptable. Any game that is being sold on the international market needs to acknowledge these cultural differences especially when including features that one culture might find unacceptable. That is if that company wants to sell their product successfully in that culture?
So really this isn't a debate about if the game should have nudity or gore but just a request/opinion that the game would be better if there were options to enable the player to select or disable these features based on their personal preferences and cultural biases.
The fact that the feature exists is what makes the game have a Mature rating. This is really irrelevent to the existance of an option to turn on or off features that might in fact have created the Mature rating. To remove the mature rating would require removing these features entirely which isn't desirable by a large part of the community.
As a parent I would even further like these options to be server side options that I could enforce for accounts I setup. This would enable me as a parent to enforce my standards of what is acceptable for my children without necessarily having to deprive them of a game that their peers may want to play. Again this is a feature that for some percent of people will improve the acceptability of a mature game in their household selling more game copies.
It isn't necessary to force the existence of features down the thoats of people that might reasonably like the game without these features enabled. This is really a simple cost/benefit decision.
I can agree with everything but the boobies. If a girl gamer don't wanna see boobies, let's hope she never looks in a mirror naked, or ever watches a National Geographic special. Could scar her for life.
I can agree with everything but the boobies. If a girl gamer don't wanna see boobies, let's hope she never looks in a mirror naked, or ever watches a National Geographic special. Could scar her for life.
Last time I checked in real life I had a package myself (some days its more impressive then others), but I'm not particularly interested in seeing packages hanging out in game, belonging to other players or otherwise. Not that theres anything wrong with a guy that does I just don't swing that way. Would I be scarred for life if I saw one? I would hope not. But im certainly not eager to seek them out.
So by the same line of thinking, why would a women really want to see boobies? Why wouldn't they be interested in disabling the visual in game? I know I would enjoy a game more if I didn't have to look at naked men, so whats the difference?
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
I can agree with everything but the boobies. If a girl gamer don't wanna see boobies, let's hope she never looks in a mirror naked, or ever watches a National Geographic special. Could scar her for life.
Last time I checked in real life I had a package myself (some days its more impressive then others), but I'm not particularly interested in seeing packages hanging out in game, belonging to other players or otherwise. Not that theres anything wrong with a guy that does I just don't swing that way. Would I be scarred for life if I saw one? I would hope not. But im certainly not eager to seek them out.
So by the same line of thinking, why would a women really want to see boobies? Why wouldn't they be interested in disabling the visual in game? I know I would enjoy a game more if I didn't have to look at naked men, so whats the difference?
Because this is the same mentality that ruins games all the time. "I knew before I bought the game that it had this, but I still bought the game, so I want this done to make it fit my ideals.".
Next will be the "OMG!! MY son saw the blood and boobies while playing at a friends house!! Remove both now or I will sue!!!!1111!!1"
Like it or not, the boobs and gore are one of the reasons the game will sell very well. A few puritans deciding not to play because they have to see pixelated boobs is not going to hurt the bottom line on this one.
with Zorvan on this one but even with the complaints that may arise after launch, the title has been well documented throughout it's entire development. It's rating is clear and all, possible, attempts to change content or threaten legal suits is nothing more than wasted time and money.
On or Off, the choice seems to be included in the game options. Whether to buy it or not is upto you.
It will be a sucess, atleast under today's 1/4 wonder standards and hopefully far beyond that.
I've got nothing but empathy for those that can't join in at launch, for whatever the reason, as I too felt quite left out during the 'WoW's the only choice' craze. I didn't care much for the graphic style and the overall content of global chat channels sealed the deal for me("I wanted to play a game not feel like I had to chow'down on bottle of Tylenol").
Unlike my experience with forced MMO withdrawl due to lack of interest in title selection, those that don't want to play have many other options available which are generally consired 'mainstream' and I'd direct you to Aion as potential replacement in the near future.
If non-standard structured MMO's(sandbox) are what your after, without intentional gore/nudity, keep an eye on Earthrise. I'd also suggest keeping an eye on Darkfall but it's content, like AoC, may be adult in nature.
* Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)
* I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)