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If I want to watch Lost or Family Guy or South Park or The Simpsons (even tho it sucks now) and many many more shows it's like the season/series stops dead quite often and waiting months for a new episode......... In the UK our series start and don't stop until it's finished and thats how I like it so i'm not waiting for ages just to see a new episode. I mean if it's sports or somthing then why don't they have channels dedicated to the sports?
Like frigging every time i've been on holiday there theres always adverts every 5 mins and it's likes quite often they'd have adverts when the show ends but then show the credits after the ads.... why not show it all together? Other times you'd have the programs intro and then adverts :S How about just having frigging adverts before and after the show and have all the title and credit screens together witht he program?
GRRR and you have some weird adverts like for guns and shit...... how about don't advertise guns and ban guns unless you have a license and the police have fully checked your storage area? Then maybe you wont have sooo many shootings.
Nice segway from our poor television to our out of control shootings.
I've lived in this country for 20 years...never once seen a commercial for guns.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
I've lived in this country for 20 years...never once seen a commercial for guns.
I was there for 2 weeks and saw tons....
NEVER once seen a ad for guns on TV
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
I've lived in 6 different states and watched a lot of tv over the last 20 years and never once have i seen an ad for guns either..
maybe down in the south lol
Trump 2016
Most T.V series have always had a on and off season. Usually they play a bunch of new ones, then you get into the off season and you watch reruns while they make new ones. Though lately its becoming more sporatic in nature. As for Gun adverts.. Where the hell were you? I've been in dozens of states and I only see gun commercials on Hunting channels.
I do have to add that I have never seen a gun ad either. I have seen ads for gun shows, but not a commercial for a gun. That would be quite humorous when you think about it.
LIved in the US all my life and I've never seen an ad for guns..except for on the hunting/fishing channel, go figure.
I have a sneaking suspicion this is a poorly disguised troll attempt
I could swear that gun ads are in the same category as smoking commercials, can't do 'em. Although.. gun ads woud be amusing in a weird sorta way.
Little Boy: Boy golly.. I sure am bored today
Little Girl: I know.. I wish we had something to do!
*a large puff of smoke appears in an explosion, a man's silhoutte can be clearly seen in the cloud*
*smoke clears*
Man: Hold it right there children, I have the solution to your problem!
Children: Wow! National Rifle Association President, Kayne Robinson!
Kayne: *hearty laugh* That's right kids, and have I got a thrill for you! *he pulls out a massive handgun*
Children: Wow! A .500 Nitro Express! Can we try it!?
Kayne: You betcha!
*scene cuts to montage of children shooting at various things, small mammals, and business buildings*
Children: Gee, thanks a lot Mister Robinson!
Kayne: No, no children, thank the Bill of Rights for giving you the right to this delightful weapon.
*children and Kayne smile broadly and look at the camera, a gun in each one of their hands*
Announcer's Voice: The .500 Nitro Express, now with cyanide-tipped, armor piercing rounds- for when you just have to kill something!
Add the mentos theme song in the background.
Trump 2016
So I think that since all of us people who actually live in America have never in many combined years seen a commercial that advertised guns, we can all safely assume that the OP either mistook a tampon ad for a gun ad, or made something up in order to make it seem like people in the USA are a bunch of gun toting wack jobs.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Well, they both can lead to a bloody mess.
The Bill of Rights
Second Amendment: declares "a well regulated militia" as "necessary to the security of a free State", and as explanation for prohibiting infringement of "the right of the People to keep and bear arms."
also, if guns were banned guess the only people who would have them? Criminals. Criminals will ALWAYS find a way to bring guns in, U.S can't stop drugs from coming in then they sure as heck can't stop guns coming in. Great idea, have everyone unharmed and have criminals having guns...that sounds great
No offense, but are you serious?
I know how much you gun-guys love to quote this part of the Bill of Rights, but seriously, the Right was written with the intent to keep a gun to form a militia in the time of need against a possible recourse by the British. It holds absolutely zero weight in today's society...
I understand that some of you guys absolutely need to have that "boom stick" to make yourself feel powerful, but seriously, you only make yourself look bad when you try and apply the 2nd amendment to your own personal needs.
Anyways, carry on, guns for all and a bullet for everybody.
Eternally mine,
The MMO gaming blog I write for.
The Bill of Rights
Second Amendment: declares "a well regulated militia" as "necessary to the security of a free State", and as explanation for prohibiting infringement of "the right of the People to keep and bear arms."
also, if guns were banned guess the only people who would have them? Criminals. Criminals will ALWAYS find a way to bring guns in, U.S can't stop drugs from coming in then they sure as heck can't stop guns coming in. Great idea, have everyone unharmed and have criminals having guns...that sounds great
No offense, but are you serious?
I know how much you gun-guys love to quote this part of the Bill of Rights, but seriously, the Right was written with the intent to keep a gun to form a militia in the time of need against a possible recourse by the British. It holds absolutely zero weight in today's society...
I understand that some of you guys absolutely need to have that "boom stick" to make yourself feel powerful, but seriously, you only make yourself look bad when you try and apply the 2nd amendment to your own personal needs.
Anyways, carry on, guns for all and a bullet for everybody.
His point was that because the law does not explicitely state what you just wrote, it will never get overturned...get off of your high horse.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
The Bill of Rights
Second Amendment: declares "a well regulated militia" as "necessary to the security of a free State", and as explanation for prohibiting infringement of "the right of the People to keep and bear arms."
also, if guns were banned guess the only people who would have them? Criminals. Criminals will ALWAYS find a way to bring guns in, U.S can't stop drugs from coming in then they sure as heck can't stop guns coming in. Great idea, have everyone unharmed and have criminals having guns...that sounds great
No offense, but are you serious?
I know how much you gun-guys love to quote this part of the Bill of Rights, but seriously, the Right was written with the intent to keep a gun to form a militia in the time of need against a possible recourse by the British. It holds absolutely zero weight in today's society...
I understand that some of you guys absolutely need to have that "boom stick" to make yourself feel powerful, but seriously, you only make yourself look bad when you try and apply the 2nd amendment to your own personal needs.
Anyways, carry on, guns for all and a bullet for everybody.
If we ever need a revolution to replace the quote "people should not be scared of their governments, governments should be scared of their people" we would sure as hell need guns as peaceful protests mean nothing and accomplish nothing, i do not condone violent protests but lets face the truth do peacefull protests ever accomplish anything? We need the fear tactic. "You cannot know peace without war"
lived in Indiana all my life and i've seen lots of commercials for guns, all from Don of Don's Guns. his catch phrase: "I don't like to make money, I just love to sell guns." think he finally died, he was a disgusting old man
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
I lived in Indiana for awhile as well and never saw a commercial for must have been a local thing from your area.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
I choose Hiatus over cutting a series short "just because". Good Neighbors, Black Adder, The Office(British), probably Robin Hood after Season 2.
I know some shows go on too long(All the CSI's and Reality Shows), but better that bad shows go on too long than good shows don't go on long enough.
The Supreme Court might just answer that question this summer when they determine if the 2nd Amendment applies to "the people" as an individual right or collective right "well-regulated militia". Sadly, I expect the court to sidestep the real issue and just rule on how it applies specifically to the DC anti-gun laws.
I hear ya. Same thing here in Australia. A season of a show never gets played from start to stop. Right now they took off the new shows like Lost, Grey's Anatmony, House etc over Easter. I think one reason they might stop showing episodes mid way through a season and then start back up at a later date is perhaps the networks haven't purchased the rest of the episodes.
Oh and as for the gun ad thing, don't listen to these yanks they are yanking your chain, of course they have gun ad's on TV.
HERES one for instance.
I have never seen a gun commercial except for on the hunting/fishing channel.
Although the idea of someone used to european television calling out our commercials is entertaining.
European commercials in some countries are like softcore porn. or sex scenes from R rated movies.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
well, the supreme court doesn't seem to think so.