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As predicted, "Toilet Boy" Blixtev's Jedi update nerf is going over like salt on wounds:
Check out these select threads:
Check out this classic Blixtev explanation as to why he did something:
Blixtev this makes no sense to me, why not just make the skill passive like riposte, and add the extra 10% to saber block. This is currently just an extra skill we need to fire for no reason.
And while we are on the subject of riposte/reflect, why weren't they both designed to work off of parry? After all that is a light jedi's defense mod. Riposte should fire off a parry on a melee attacker (only melee) and reflect of a parry on a ranged attacker. This would make jedi equally effective against melee and ranged. This would also allow Saber block to become an aggro generation skill against melee or ranged attackers in heroic instances, as well a doubling as a lifeline.
If you're worried about keeping the line at 6 points, 2 points for 50% riposte at 50% damage, 2 points for 50% reflect at 50% damage and 2 points to improve both riposte and reflect to 100% of Saber damage
Because one of the major issues lightsiders have is they need more buttons to mash. A vast majority of the Lightsiders complain they have so few abilites, and I have to agree that watching your character swing with no interaction makes for dull gameplay it ALSO more importantly takes out the element of player skill. WHEN you use your abilites and HOW your opppents respond to them screams of skilled players vs those who have no idea how to use them. I saw this happen in internal testing where light vs dark the lightsider popped his block and reflect, and the darksider just sat back until they dropped, then unloaded all his specials.
More buttons to mash... He he he. THAT adds to fun, doesn't it?
One of the reasons I wasn't having any fun anymore in the game was Jedi sucking to high heaven, and really not being worth playing at all. And I refused to quit playing Jedi because that was what I spent the most effort EARNING...
This update, which I would have had to wait nearly a YEAR for from the time I quit, is utter crap, and leaves the profession WORSE off than before. But then I'm not at all surprised, has this bunch EVER gotten anything right?
As usual, I hope they stick to their guns and push this piece of crap live. It will cost them players, thus serving my personal agenda.
Once again, an "update" is really a nerf.
Some things never change
At least the /respec and starter Jedi of the NGE get a little taste of what it was like to be one pre NGE.
Blixtev + any Jedi change planned = massive nerf
Plus Blix claimed that all jedi robes/cloaks were going to be "updated," turns out he didn't mean he was going to raise their armor rating to match what they should be, but "color code" them so Light jedi can't wear dark robes without being heavily nerfed, and dark Jedi can't wear light robes, without being heavily nerfed, and instead they are only adding a new cloak, which is slightly BETTER than the Elder robe, but will require a six month grind (give or take) to get.
basically the major result of the update is to remove diversity, give folks a nerf, and turn Jedi into even more clones.
The only good part of it (being fair and balanced as always lol) is that there is a reasonable collection to get 5th generation lightsabers, which will be customizable like the 1-4th gens are.
So folks giveup two major factors of diversity (template and appearance) for the sake of a tiny bit of diversity.
I would say on balance it's a pretty bad update.
hey, glad my main is a smuggler, where I can at least still fence while sitting!
Esquire is calling it the "NJE."
He he he...
Note though that it's always the NGEJedi profession that gets the short end of the stick... BH only gets more powerful, while Jedi ends up being made WORSE than they were before.
Same old Blixtev.
But hey, I tried to warn them. Pissing off the NGEJedi players will cost them a lot of subs and generate a lot of anger though. What will be fun to watch is how this plays out, if they give in and alter the expertise, shove it down their throats as is, or, and this will be classic, PULL the whole thing and delay it until "another chapter" to "make it better" because "we listened to you".
I think that by the end of this the majority will be pushing for them to scrap the whole Jedi revamp.
funny cause if you actually see the will see 90% are saying it is way overpowered now....even the dark sided jedi, who got the beefier side of the update
<-- Miagi's alt cause god forbid you don't conform to the masses and have legitimate questions
I was following a thread that got deleted, in that thread Blixtev responded telling the players something as if the players didn't know what they were doing when it's the opposite, the players are the ones actually experiencing the game, he said all Jedi has the same expertise build on live- I can say that's wrong, of course the obvious FOTM pvper would have force cloak, lightning and saber block but I knew several Jedi that took different combinations of abilities including myself. Now with Blixtev saying that all Jedi expertise choices are the same on live, is going to end up all the same when the next patch goes live, there's too few points left for the general tree that everyone will end up having to take the same skills.
He really doesn't know what the hell he's talking about and he was basically telling the naysayers "Lrn2play".
Another bad update in a long line for Jedi. Its all moot, whatever they do to the profession, after all we used to have hundreds of temps to choose from. Anyone else remember those awesome template threads? They were well thought out and vastly different, cookie cutter was Master Saber/ Master Defender, I myself loved the no mastery templates. Man do i miss having all of that freedom.
Even after all that has happened I am still able to be shocked by some things that are said.
The need to have more buttons to mash was ACTUALLY used as a reason for a particular skill.
I seriously don't know what else to say at this point. I am still waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out and tell me I have been Punked.
First off.. just to get this out of the way.
I never played SWG to be a jedi.. never wanted to be a jedi. So this update IF I was still playing wouldn't affect me.
However, I would like to point out one thing.. and its not unique to SWG or Blix.. but I'm seeing it more and more.
When customers tell a developer.. what you did is NOT fun.
Then the developer responds with a general flame.. about how they are all wrong and just to stupid, uninformed (not playing enough) or whatever other rational.
That person needs to work in another field. They should quit or be fired on the spot.
When I tell you something isn't fun in an optional form of entertainment you are trying to sell to me. I don't care how you explain it to me.. its still not fun. After its not fun long enough I will no longer pay for it.
So in the end no matter what your idea/theory/rationalization is... if you are in this position as a developer you have lost. PERIOD.
Which pretty much is exactly what my sig is all about.
However if it wasn't free, they obviously made a big mistake, it's as simple as that.
You know it, the best way to realize your dreams is waking up and start moving, never lose hope and always keep up.
The power of the force is weak in blix. Jedi mind tricks work not on rational players.
Let me give you a big steaming pile of shit.
It's free, so it MUST be good.
Yup its simple!......wait, what?
The sad thing is, they will roll it out no matter what the public says. Even if they get an overwhelming amount of negative feedback prior to releasing this to public/live servers... they will still do it.
This tells me that they do not listen to their customers.
The dev's are driven by someone/something else, but it's apparently NOT the players.
If they say that changes come as a direct result of player feedback, then they are killing the many for the good of the very few.
Hopefully this will be one time that SOE actually listens to their customers and rolls this back or just doesn't launch it.
I recall an update to XP that SOE launched for SWG sometime during the CU. That change p*ssed off a lot of people. SOE rolled the change back. Anyone else remember that?
However if it wasn't free, they obviously made a big mistake, it's as simple as that.
nm... ^_^
LoL I'm hoping that was sarcasm.. because if it wasn't... I just totally give up ;p
Oh and its not really any different than LU44 for EQ2... Rangers were not happy with the arrow changes. Dev kept telling them they were only looking at a small part (the wrong part?)
They responded they were doing raids etc on Test and the changes were not good.. Dev responded.. but you are only looking at the small picture... rangers said.. um..
Oh and the reply I quoted.. I assume since people pay a monthly fee to play.. that your last line was the cryptic truth.. hidden in your message. If not... oh noes
?? WOW, does this actually make sense to you? I'm sure I can find someone to violate you with a baseball bat, no charge. The stupid logic and things people will put up with from a company that's suppose to be competing for their money just utterly astonishes me.
How typical of SOE.
They seem to have done what they do best, deleting the threads posted by the OP since clearly once again they cant be asked to address the players concerns, or do not have a solid argument to do so...
baaaaa, baaaaa baaaaa baaaaa
<grabs sheep sheers for poster>
Now you are ready for the summer.
However if it wasn't free, they obviously made a big mistake, it's as simple as that.
I am not sure what world you live in... Do you not pay $15 a month to play? What do you think those $15 a month are for? To pay for developers who do what?
Unlike another poster, I play SWG to be a jedi. Always have and always will. Jedi make the Star Wars universe unique and with without them it might as well be Cowboys in Space.
SOE is a pile of poodoo that needs to be buried and I think this is the last straw for me.
I intened to take a hard good look at AoC and SGW when they come out.
Me, I am no lamb that intends to continue to pay money to get shafted.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the NGE target market.
I mean seriously, of all the things that could be said... I have seen some shocking arguements by certain fanbois as to why SWG and it's designers are 'not that bad'... but this takes the all time cake.
And FYI erandur... it's NOT free. True, it's not an expansion in the traditional game market sense. Those 'free' updates, as they are advertised, keep people playing, and paying. There's a big difference between paying money (not free), and not paying money (free).
OK, here's the impression I'm getting from Blixtev, when I first saw him early on in the CU he was a BH focus dev and has said some controversial things and I have never liked him from the beginning. When I heard he was promoted to lead designer, I thought "oh here we go...", and look at him now, he thinks the customers has 0 IQ or a pack of lemmings or something, he tries to mislead people with some of the things he says and just today before the thread got deleted, his response was a clear "learn to play noobs" type comment.
Devs put up "feedback" threads because they're required to, however they don't care about feedback we give them, they only care about the bugs of existing changes they're interested in, not the protest, ideas and suggestions we give them.
when i saw this i was like wtf?
this is worse then the nge and when will the dev's get it. people want alpha jedi and yes the game should be about getting alpha jedi and about pvp. that is what sold the game back in the day and what could sell it now if they rolled back to pre-cu. but no they just sit there and work on more and more crap that no one wants outside the 3 people who play nge along with the credit farmers.
people should be on $OE forums screaming we want pre-cu. people should go to the fan fairs and screwam we want pre-cu. i have had it with this.
i say it is time for us to step up showing people how much the game sucks. i will be hitting other forums to talk about how lame the changes are and to show the world that $OE needs to be shut down. all $OE do is lie and steal. it's time for all of this to end and for us the true player base of swg to regain our game.