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Hey, dose anyone know if the retail version of the game will have the option of putting in spaces?
Because you cannot in beta and it would be really good to have a name that more than one word lol.
Can you keep your beta account for the retail game. Like if you got a name and charicters you really like do you have them on ur retail game or do u have to make a new account and everything for the retail????
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So dose noeone know if the retail game will have the option of putting in spaces for the charicter name? What about numbers?
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I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
..One word name numbers variations of ingame character names like 'Konan'
..You can't keep your beta characters but you can keep your 3day headstart toons
EDIT -- On the RP servers the naming convention is going to be even stricter than this.
* Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)
* I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)
Im assuming ur kidding (though its hard to tell when someones writing) because that would be messed up.
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I'm pretty sure you can put hyphens in between words for the name.
Um okay, well i guese thats good
No spaces =(
Thanks for the answers guys
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I agree with the hyphens but no I wasn't joking. Take a look at the community page introducing RP ruleset.
"Uber-lEEt--PuffDaddy--Roxxorz" <-- isn't in RP-Hyboria
* Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)
* I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)
Kk thanks, i was hoping u were kidding though =(
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Yep, off the official community forums. It's been a huge thread since they started it on Friday.
* Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)
* I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)
HAha awesome! I been looking there every day but i cant find it. It wont let me make an account for some reason. Can you please send me an HTML Link?
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Sry, about the late reply ..give a minute and I'll try and add it.
EDIT-- here it is
* Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)
* I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)
Il read through it when i have a ton of time
Playing GW right now XD
Dose the thread include the rules for charicter names? Thanks
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That thread is just the opening discusion on the RP-ruleset, as for the naming convention for the rest of the game it's been stated a few times since, atleast, last summer.
Sorry, I would have no idea where to start looking for it. It's just something I've run into a few times over multiple sites, dev vids and internet radio interviews, since '06. But, I'm certain there's a naming convention for the entire game and they plan to enforce it.
So pretty much what I stated earlier plus nothing vulgar, no drug references, etc.., fairly standard stuff. But, what the player base from the community/combined beta's seem to be suggesting for the RP servers goes, as far as, what is stated in the first mod post and then some, for punishment of repeat offenders.
..Nothing at all in RP that breaks the immersion factor or just doesn't belong to Hyboria..
* Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)
* I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)
Awesome tyvm, ur a great help
I guese im getting a little off topic but community.ageofconnan wont let me subscribe because i apperently have an Open. I am gonna read it through a couple times but i cant even swear or talk about weed on a rated M game? Lol if so its prob cuz twelve year olds would abuse it and ruin gameplay but it would be nice to be able to
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As for chat, in private, grp or guild, talk about whatever you want.
In general or OOC, if someone bothers you, tell'em to go F*ck themselves. This doesn't seem to be an issue. It's M rated, afterall.
""EDIT-- If you and one/few others really get into it for an extended period of time, in open chat, then expect a GM to end it on the quick, though.""
It's just they want the character names to feel authentic to the game's lore for RP'ing. They'd also like as few OOC usages as possible on the RP servers.
...You know, say we're in hyboria talking about the Stanley Cup results(or whatever) in OOC. It seems fine and it's in the right place. But, if we're on an RP server, our discusion is messin' with everyones else's game immersion.
The regular servers probably don't have much of an issue for everyone getting on OOC and talking about sports, etc.
But again, just because there's a huge number of MMO players that aren't afraid of the words 'Yummy Big Joints', it doesn't mean others wouldn't be offended and start the 'pls ban %t' garbage. ../shrug
* Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)
* I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)
any of you guys know if they are going to add a biography section in your characters profile? much like Everquest II and other games?
RP rules are never enforced. You're dreaming if you think that's going to happen.
Naming rules are only enforced if the name is outright racist or profane.
Of course, the fewer subscribers a game has, the more time the GM staff has to police these things. For a while. Then they have to lay off the GMs.
Not a gripe at all on funcom either I am glad they are they way.If your too big of a idiot to be unable to come up with a decent char name and feel the need to use idiot stuff liek Connann75 or Konnannn then you deserve to have your name changed and banned if you keep it up.Nothing I hate worse than seeing morons in a mmog with dumb names like HowardStern69 or Drizzzit544.