Wat up.
Im a PC gamer, also got an Xbox 360. Bin gaming since i was a little kid, with my NES n N64. Grew up gaming, with my PS2, NES n GB. Have always been a casual PC gamer, only got into it alot in the last 5 years. Favorite Games? Way to many to name. Hundreds of these epic games carried me threw my childhood, fun beyond words. Id have to say Half-Life, Doom, Pokemon, Halo, Battlefield 2 and Super Mario Bros 3 though. Nothing compares to playin video games with ur buddies though, stoned or whatever. Its just the best
Im a big fan of MMOs, and by big fan, i mean i fucking love them! Age of Conan has to be all time most hyped game. These MMOs, are fun beyond words. I just love em
Anyways, some of my other hobbies are paintball, movies, clubbing n shit. Gaming is my favorite though . From beta''s to marathons to just sittin on the couch whippin some ass online
Well, thats a bit about me
If your interested in gaming together, or whatever, hit me up r better yet add me