Maybe it's the fileplanet community that is the problem. All of those people ranting in beta most likely won't even be playing the game because they either don't like it or can't run it. The whole fileplanet thing was an exercise in failure so I'm pretty much ignoring anything to do with it. The pvp weekend seemed good so I'll just wait and see what happens at release.
As I said in preveious AoC and Tabula Rasa threads these "Beta" tests are anything but anymore. In fact they often do more harm than good.
Guild Wars was smart to do things the way they did with their preview weekends and AoC's case jsut bears that out. The AoC PvP preview works fine. This fileplanet thing, I refuse to even call these things "Betas" anymore will simply be disgusting and frustrating to many people.
And this has nothing to do with the quality of AoC or any other game. Real open Betas are a thing of the past that are no longer possible. And even from a PR standpoint I think they do more harm than good.
All MMOs should seriously look into following a development model more like Guild Wars. Otherwise they will get dragged down by a sea of asshats.
What started all that crap was the invasion of the WoW kiddies and their immature attitudes. I have played WoW and the community there after several years is still just as immature as it was in the beginning. Those kiddies think that AoC should have been as polished as a 4 year old game (WoW for those that can't follow what I am saying). They are treating an open BETA as the final product when in fact, there is a closed beta going on at the same time on different servers.
If they had kept their immature mouth shut there would be no problem.
Since I've had a Fileplanet sub since earlier this year, I decided to grab a copy of the Age of Conan beta client last week and give the game a try. While it could use some polish, I'm one of those people who hasn't had any hardware issues running it, so I managed to get into the gameplay, which I enjoyed. I like the combat, the lore, the combat rose UI...all in all, I'd normally be picking up a copy of the game in two weeks' time. But I'm not. Why, you ask? The beta testing community is the whiniest, rudest bunch of idiotic Funcom ass-kissing fanboys that I've ever seen, bar none. Someone mentioning that the AoC demonologist reminded him of a combination of an EQ and WoW class prompted a torrent of "fuck WoW, eat shit n00b" "go back to WoW, baby!" "I'm gonna come to your house and kill you!" type comments. Any time any other game came up, or someone said something not totally complementary about AoC, a ton of people ended up insulting them, threatening them, calling them poor scrubs who couldn't afford a decent machine, and so on. While I know that a beta community isn't entirely indicative of what the final game community will be like, these jackasses have put me off buying the game in the short run, at least until I find out a bit more about what the release community is like. Oh yeah, and the official forums? --->
Your statement is completely one-sided. What about the people constantly starting threads about how great EVERY other game is than Age of Conan? What about the WoW children coming in and start polls asking for options that are ALREADY in closed beta or the gold client, and have been discussed openly by moderators and devs?
What about the people who obviously come into our "beta" forum and cry and complain that Age of Conan is no where near release quality when, in fact, they are "playing" (not TESTING) a 3month + build than current closed beta or even GOLD release?!
What about the constant WoW arguements in /global in AoC started by WoW Fanbois constantly spouting crap about how overpowered a certain class is because they kept getting killed by them. The same class I dominate in PvP because the game is SKILL based and not ITEM/SPELL based?
You sir have stated nothing but hypocritical information. I ask you please revise it and give a FAIR description of the current beta community. As it stands, most of them are tired of the aformentioned individuals attacking AoC with ignorant and misguided statements that cause hell on the forums to erupt instantly.
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity: Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
I agree with the OP, I have postponed my plans to buy this game and I will wait for: 1. Game to be released and several patches for bug free gaming 2. The ad community of Asshats to rape, pillage, and destroy as much as they can and then move on. 3. And exact system specs to know what to run the game on, not the kinda sorta maybe shoulda coulda woulda run systems, before I upgrade my system.
I'll take another look to AOC in september. Need infos about end game PVP , and i wait for those players moving on , and going to play Aion then war . September. Not before. And this game needs to be patched and improved a LOT !
it's not a problem of BETA i'm afraid. Most of those people preordered the game.
It's beta. There aren't server communities yet. If you want to avoid this then look where the large RP-PVP guilds are joining and go there where there will be a mass of mature people.
Since I've had a Fileplanet sub since earlier this year, I decided to grab a copy of the Age of Conan beta client last week and give the game a try. While it could use some polish, I'm one of those people who hasn't had any hardware issues running it, so I managed to get into the gameplay, which I enjoyed. I like the combat, the lore, the combat rose UI...all in all, I'd normally be picking up a copy of the game in two weeks' time. But I'm not. Why, you ask? The beta testing community is the whiniest, rudest bunch of idiotic Funcom ass-kissing fanboys that I've ever seen, bar none. Someone mentioning that the AoC demonologist reminded him of a combination of an EQ and WoW class prompted a torrent of "fuck WoW, eat shit n00b" "go back to WoW, baby!" "I'm gonna come to your house and kill you!" type comments. Any time any other game came up, or someone said something not totally complementary about AoC, a ton of people ended up insulting them, threatening them, calling them poor scrubs who couldn't afford a decent machine, and so on. While I know that a beta community isn't entirely indicative of what the final game community will be like, these jackasses have put me off buying the game in the short run, at least until I find out a bit more about what the release community is like. Oh yeah, and the official forums? --->
Ageo of Conan has two very distinctive problems.
1. The Hype: Yes, the Hype. Now if this is FunCom's fault (partly I'm sure) or the fans (also partly), or even parts of the media, doesn't matter. It all blew things way out of proportion in terms of what to expect of this game. One effect of this is that rabid fanboy's try to elevate the game into something it is not. They are also quick to put out lies regarding all kinds of things.
2. The Haters: AoC has more than average haters. Why? I have no idea. But for a long time now, AoC has been the goal of bashing of an entire community of MMORPG players. Every little detail that looks negative is immediately taken by storm and talked about in such vicious and insulting ways, it's not even funny anymore. Meanwhile, any normally positive things are blatantly crushed beneath the Haters boot with unfounded assumptions and half-truth's.
The Community? The community grew out of these two problems. It's no worse than any other community in average. Ever checked the boards of any MMORPG? You've got idiots left and right, to a degree that depends on the game in question, but you have them everywhere.
As I said, AoC suffers from the Hype and the extra-loud haters out there the most. Because they are what you see on the outside because they yell the loudest. I've seen and read and chatted with more than enough people playing AoC to know that the general community is not any worse than that of any other game.
My guess is the whole drove of Hypers/Haters will eventually go away after a month latest. Try to look into the community again then. I am rather certain you will find a different pictures, because the extremists have moved on to something else...most likely WAR.
A game with an 18 rating is just going to attract MORE kids, not less
Though there are more problems than just the community, I suspect this is the reason open beta testers can only see up to level 13. I'll say no more....
I hate immature communities, which is the main reason I don't played World of Warcraft anymore. I was intially thinking Age of Conan HAD to have a mature community because of the ESRB rating, but I guess that's not the case.
Oh well, only time will tell. Hopefully the kiddies who had to have their mom buy the game for them will all run away when they find out they can't auto attack for exp and go afk watching Spongebob while they play.
It really depends on what server you are on, for example:
I played WoW for about 2 years and the server I was on was mostly mature, the community was great, yet also very fun and liked to goof around, I found even the teenagers were alright, and I didn't come across very many kiddies. Off course there were a few jackasses and the inevitable elitists but they didn't spoil the game in any way.
Shortly before I stopped playing WoW I tried out another server with a blood elf, the community was inhabited by absolute retards, and I thought 'oh so this is what everyone keeps talking about'. It didn't bother me much, but I hated how matter-of- fact this crowd of people were.
I don't think you should worry too much, in the end you will have a cool bunch of people in your guild/friends to hang around with no matter what the server is like, and I generally find most of the inbreds are in the low levels.
That's the problem with Open beta, the community in the Open beta is always the worse you will ever see. Most of the time, it's players that's going to test the game and NEVER play it anyway. I got a friend who beta tested it, and he didn't want firstly to buy it. He tried, complain and leave. Most of people just try the game when in beta.
For my part, when I try a beta, I don't read the chat, it's worse then Barrenchat in WoW or any general chat.
You can't judge a game from it's open beta community, since their all the same (experience from Lotro, wow, eq2, swg beta)
Its "The Crowd", the jetset of mmo's. It was that way with vanguard and with LotRo. The best game out there is the game "The Crowd" is not playing.
I was bored like hell the last weeks and since i never played WoW (yeah, really) i though i enter enemy territory and play WoW. I needed to see the source of all evil by myself. The game is gorgious and better then the most stuff out there for a casual. Some in-deep housing and it would be perfect. Since i played there was no retard corssing my path. Not a single Chuck Norris joke and *gasp* open roleplay. The community on this server is better then the most i have ever met. Most probably because "The Crowd" is betaplaying AoC atm or haunting the EQ2 servers till WAR releases
I would still like to see some kind of age verification software. Its far to easy for kids to get a hold of their parent's credit cards but perhaps if they had to use a social security number or something along those lines we would lose a lot of the immaturity. Although on the other side there are plenty of immature "adults" out there as well.
It's a Jeep thing. . . _______ |___| \_______/ = |||||| = |X| \*........*/ |X| |X|_________|X| You wouldn't understand
Since I've had a Fileplanet sub since earlier this year, I decided to grab a copy of the Age of Conan beta client last week and give the game a try. While it could use some polish, I'm one of those people who hasn't had any hardware issues running it, so I managed to get into the gameplay, which I enjoyed. I like the combat, the lore, the combat rose UI...all in all, I'd normally be picking up a copy of the game in two weeks' time. But I'm not. Why, you ask? The beta testing community is the whiniest, rudest bunch of idiotic Funcom ass-kissing fanboys that I've ever seen, bar none. Someone mentioning that the AoC demonologist reminded him of a combination of an EQ and WoW class prompted a torrent of "fuck WoW, eat shit n00b" "go back to WoW, baby!" "I'm gonna come to your house and kill you!" type comments. Any time any other game came up, or someone said something not totally complementary about AoC, a ton of people ended up insulting them, threatening them, calling them poor scrubs who couldn't afford a decent machine, and so on. While I know that a beta community isn't entirely indicative of what the final game community will be like, these jackasses have put me off buying the game in the short run, at least until I find out a bit more about what the release community is like. Oh yeah, and the official forums? --->
I agree with what a lot of people have already said in this thread (in regards to the fact that there will not be as many of these people in the game after launch) since the beta is given away or was available to fileplanet users. I highly doubt most of the people who go overboard defending the game will not have to deal with people bashing the game (since I highly doubt the bashers will buy it) and also people will be able to see what the real issues are in-game once we see the final client (meaning any residual bugs that slipped through the net). I also think their official forums will be alot better since they will be closed to subscribers only (at least as far as posting goes if I understand correctly) so that aspect of this game should clean up as well. In the end you cannot completely avoid people you might not agree with or like in game, but at least you can ignore them. Otherwise I hope to see you in game in two weeks or at some point!
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
Since I've had a Fileplanet sub since earlier this year, I decided to grab a copy of the Age of Conan beta client last week and give the game a try. While it could use some polish, I'm one of those people who hasn't had any hardware issues running it, so I managed to get into the gameplay, which I enjoyed. I like the combat, the lore, the combat rose UI...all in all, I'd normally be picking up a copy of the game in two weeks' time. But I'm not. Why, you ask? The beta testing community is the whiniest, rudest bunch of idiotic Funcom ass-kissing fanboys that I've ever seen, bar none. Someone mentioning that the AoC demonologist reminded him of a combination of an EQ and WoW class prompted a torrent of "fuck WoW, eat shit n00b" "go back to WoW, baby!" "I'm gonna come to your house and kill you!" type comments. Any time any other game came up, or someone said something not totally complementary about AoC, a ton of people ended up insulting them, threatening them, calling them poor scrubs who couldn't afford a decent machine, and so on. While I know that a beta community isn't entirely indicative of what the final game community will be like, these jackasses have put me off buying the game in the short run, at least until I find out a bit more about what the release community is like. Oh yeah, and the official forums? --->
Well I assure you the closed beta community is nothing like this what so ever. Our global chat is full of questions about the game and then in turn full of answers to those questions from the vets. Most of us are very patient.
Of course there is the stray whiner that screams about lag or the guy that preaches AoC is the rulinest but for the most part the global chat is very adult.
You must realize that about 80% of the fileplanet players are children. So of course you are going to get what you described in the chat.
Age of Conan is not for the weak, that's for sure. There are going to be mean people because it's basically a blood fest. Barbarians are not nice people, even chicks.
Honestly, I'm tired of everyone comparing everything to WoW. Sure, it's a big hit and a great game. But Age of Conan doesn't share much with WoW. So I can understand why some people have short fuses and blow up.
I will say there are quite a few jackasses in the game though. But they are the ones that log in right away, diss the game and say they aren't going to buy it. These are the FP people that came into the game looking to pick things away.
I did the same thing to WoW. I heard all about it then entered the game being a jackass and dissing everything. Throughout time I began to like WoW though. So I know where everyone is coming from.
Bottom line. The game is good. Fun combat and great story line. It's not for everyone, and it's not for the weak.
If you don't like it, then just move on. There are many other games coming out and always will be.
Total time played:9125 Days, 21 Hours, 29 Minutes, 27 Seconds Time played this level: 39 Days, 1 Hour, 24 Minutes, 5 Seconds
OP...I couldn't agree more.I visit the AOC FUNCOM forums rarely now.I just don't want to be exposed to all of that. Frankly I fee sorry for Funcom.This is the crowd FUNCOM is trying to please.What I have decided to do is just tune out the game,news about the game etc etc.I don't know if the game is ready to play or not.Funcom hasen't sold me.That's their problem not mine.As they say there are lots of fish in the sea.For now...I'll keep fishing.
I agree with OP. Rudest most fanboyistic group ever. You can't ask a question, you can give an impression. Information on the game in general is severly lacking and noone will help. I have been doing this stuff forever like the rest of us and have never seen it this bad. And I'm this close to never giving this game a chance because of those asstards. Yes it is that bad. I hate it.
IMO Funcom should step in and realize what is happening, as we can see we aren't alone in this. I also love how they speak for funcom when they say "Good we didn't want you anyways" and that is an answer to you saying you have stutter on your dual core system is there anything I can do to help this? That is the help you get for a question like that. We aren't allowed to speak, period.
An example that is going on right now. Someone asked if there was going to be a ding sound when you level because in beta right now there isn't. He was burried for asking. I didn't know 100% of Conan fanboys were totally against ding'ing. I figured it wouldn't be a huge deal either way. But nope, they hate the idea and the person who posted it. What is funny is I know there will be one in game when all is said and done and then what? Their gonna flip-flop.
I would still like to see some kind of age verification software. Its far to easy for kids to get a hold of their parent's credit cards but perhaps if they had to use a social security number or something along those lines we would lose a lot of the immaturity. Although on the other side there are plenty of immature "adults" out there as well.
Count me in ... except for the s.s. number part... I wanted this game to be mostly free of the "barrens chat" crap and other name calling and bickering. I enjoy the RP aspect of these games. I'm an old school D&D player and this game has been appealing to me from the start. I have pre-ordered and can't wait to play with my GF. Our kids both play WOW and we wanted a game that we could keep to ourselves. The open beta chat has been about 50% crap, but I'm hoping that these people will leave after launch. I've tried to keep away from the community just for the fear of what the OP has stated. Here's to hoping for a mature community......(raises up mug of ale)
If you stopped to think for a minute, you could've seen this coming from a mile's a shame, but thus is the price of "innovation" with a Mature rating I s'pose.
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
I agree with the OP, I have postponed my plans to buy this game and I will wait for: 1. Game to be released and several patches for bug free gaming 2. The ad community of Asshats to rape, pillage, and destroy as much as they can and then move on. 3. And exact system specs to know what to run the game on, not the kinda sorta maybe shoulda coulda woulda run systems, before I upgrade my system.
I'll take another look to AOC in september. Need infos about end game PVP , and i wait for those players moving on , and going to play Aion then war . September. Not before. And this game needs to be patched and improved a LOT !
it's not a problem of BETA i'm afraid. Most of those people preordered the game.
If i play Aoc, i'll be in the 2nd or 3d wave.
Not to mention in 3 months time if that long you will be able to pick a copy of it up for 9 bucks just like Tabula Rose and other games.
Guild Wars was smart to do things the way they did with their preview weekends and AoC's case jsut bears that out. The AoC PvP preview works fine. This fileplanet thing, I refuse to even call these things "Betas" anymore will simply be disgusting and frustrating to many people.
And this has nothing to do with the quality of AoC or any other game. Real open Betas are a thing of the past that are no longer possible. And even from a PR standpoint I think they do more harm than good.
All MMOs should seriously look into following a development model more like Guild Wars. Otherwise they will get dragged down by a sea of asshats.
What started all that crap was the invasion of the WoW kiddies and their immature attitudes. I have played WoW and the community there after several years is still just as immature as it was in the beginning. Those kiddies think that AoC should have been as polished as a 4 year old game (WoW for those that can't follow what I am saying). They are treating an open BETA as the final product when in fact, there is a closed beta going on at the same time on different servers.
If they had kept their immature mouth shut there would be no problem.
Your statement is completely one-sided. What about the people constantly starting threads about how great EVERY other game is than Age of Conan? What about the WoW children coming in and start polls asking for options that are ALREADY in closed beta or the gold client, and have been discussed openly by moderators and devs?
What about the people who obviously come into our "beta" forum and cry and complain that Age of Conan is no where near release quality when, in fact, they are "playing" (not TESTING) a 3month + build than current closed beta or even GOLD release?!
What about the constant WoW arguements in /global in AoC started by WoW Fanbois constantly spouting crap about how overpowered a certain class is because they kept getting killed by them. The same class I dominate in PvP because the game is SKILL based and not ITEM/SPELL based?
You sir have stated nothing but hypocritical information. I ask you please revise it and give a FAIR description of the current beta community. As it stands, most of them are tired of the aformentioned individuals attacking AoC with ignorant and misguided statements that cause hell on the forums to erupt instantly.
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
Agree with the OP: worst community .
I'll take another look to AOC in september. Need infos about end game PVP , and i wait for those players moving on , and going to play Aion then war . September. Not before. And this game needs to be patched and improved a LOT !
it's not a problem of BETA i'm afraid. Most of those people preordered the game.
If i play Aoc, i'll be in the 2nd or 3d wave.
It's beta. There aren't server communities yet. If you want to avoid this then look where the large RP-PVP guilds are joining and go there where there will be a mass of mature people.
Ageo of Conan has two very distinctive problems.
1. The Hype: Yes, the Hype. Now if this is FunCom's fault (partly I'm sure) or the fans (also partly), or even parts of the media, doesn't matter. It all blew things way out of proportion in terms of what to expect of this game. One effect of this is that rabid fanboy's try to elevate the game into something it is not. They are also quick to put out lies regarding all kinds of things.
2. The Haters: AoC has more than average haters. Why? I have no idea. But for a long time now, AoC has been the goal of bashing of an entire community of MMORPG players. Every little detail that looks negative is immediately taken by storm and talked about in such vicious and insulting ways, it's not even funny anymore. Meanwhile, any normally positive things are blatantly crushed beneath the Haters boot with unfounded assumptions and half-truth's.
The Community? The community grew out of these two problems. It's no worse than any other community in average. Ever checked the boards of any MMORPG? You've got idiots left and right, to a degree that depends on the game in question, but you have them everywhere.
As I said, AoC suffers from the Hype and the extra-loud haters out there the most. Because they are what you see on the outside because they yell the loudest. I've seen and read and chatted with more than enough people playing AoC to know that the general community is not any worse than that of any other game.
My guess is the whole drove of Hypers/Haters will eventually go away after a month latest. Try to look into the community again then. I am rather certain you will find a different pictures, because the extremists have moved on to something else...most likely WAR.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
A game with an 18 rating is just going to attract MORE kids, not less
Though there are more problems than just the community, I suspect this is the reason open beta testers can only see up to level 13. I'll say no more....
I hate immature communities, which is the main reason I don't played World of Warcraft anymore. I was intially thinking Age of Conan HAD to have a mature community because of the ESRB rating, but I guess that's not the case.
Oh well, only time will tell. Hopefully the kiddies who had to have their mom buy the game for them will all run away when they find out they can't auto attack for exp and go afk watching Spongebob while they play.
It really depends on what server you are on, for example:
I played WoW for about 2 years and the server I was on was mostly mature, the community was great, yet also very fun and liked to goof around, I found even the teenagers were alright, and I didn't come across very many kiddies. Off course there were a few jackasses and the inevitable elitists but they didn't spoil the game in any way.
Shortly before I stopped playing WoW I tried out another server with a blood elf, the community was inhabited by absolute retards, and I thought 'oh so this is what everyone keeps talking about'. It didn't bother me much, but I hated how matter-of- fact this crowd of people were.
I don't think you should worry too much, in the end you will have a cool bunch of people in your guild/friends to hang around with no matter what the server is like, and I generally find most of the inbreds are in the low levels.
O_o o_O
That's the problem with Open beta, the community in the Open beta is always the worse you will ever see. Most of the time, it's players that's going to test the game and NEVER play it anyway. I got a friend who beta tested it, and he didn't want firstly to buy it. He tried, complain and leave. Most of people just try the game when in beta.
For my part, when I try a beta, I don't read the chat, it's worse then Barrenchat in WoW or any general chat.
You can't judge a game from it's open beta community, since their all the same (experience from Lotro, wow, eq2, swg beta)
Its "The Crowd", the jetset of mmo's. It was that way with vanguard and with LotRo. The best game out there is the game "The Crowd" is not playing.
I was bored like hell the last weeks and since i never played WoW (yeah, really) i though i enter enemy territory and play WoW. I needed to see the source of all evil by myself. The game is gorgious and better then the most stuff out there for a casual. Some in-deep housing and it would be perfect. Since i played there was no retard corssing my path. Not a single Chuck Norris joke and *gasp* open roleplay. The community on this server is better then the most i have ever met. Most probably because "The Crowd" is betaplaying AoC atm or haunting the EQ2 servers till WAR releases
Your talking about a beta here guys. The majority of immature flamers will leave once the game's released as they wont be buying it.
I would still like to see some kind of age verification software. Its far to easy for kids to get a hold of their parent's credit cards but perhaps if they had to use a social security number or something along those lines we would lose a lot of the immaturity. Although on the other side there are plenty of immature "adults" out there as well.
= |||||| =
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
Of course there is the stray whiner that screams about lag or the guy that preaches AoC is the rulinest but for the most part the global chat is very adult.
You must realize that about 80% of the fileplanet players are children. So of course you are going to get what you described in the chat.
I'm a bit mixed on it.
Age of Conan is not for the weak, that's for sure. There are going to be mean people because it's basically a blood fest. Barbarians are not nice people, even chicks.
Honestly, I'm tired of everyone comparing everything to WoW. Sure, it's a big hit and a great game. But Age of Conan doesn't share much with WoW. So I can understand why some people have short fuses and blow up.
I will say there are quite a few jackasses in the game though. But they are the ones that log in right away, diss the game and say they aren't going to buy it. These are the FP people that came into the game looking to pick things away.
I did the same thing to WoW. I heard all about it then entered the game being a jackass and dissing everything. Throughout time I began to like WoW though. So I know where everyone is coming from.
Bottom line. The game is good. Fun combat and great story line. It's not for everyone, and it's not for the weak.
If you don't like it, then just move on. There are many other games coming out and always will be.
Total time played: 9125 Days, 21 Hours, 29 Minutes, 27 Seconds
Time played this level: 39 Days, 1 Hour, 24 Minutes, 5 Seconds
Turn off global chat!!!
The game improves drasticly
Use vent and play with guildies.
OP...I couldn't agree more.I visit the AOC FUNCOM forums rarely now.I just don't want to be exposed to all of that. Frankly I fee sorry for Funcom.This is the crowd FUNCOM is trying to please.What I have decided to do is just tune out the game,news about the game etc etc.I don't know if the game is ready to play or not.Funcom hasen't sold me.That's their problem not mine.As they say there are lots of fish in the sea.For now...I'll keep fishing.
I agree with OP. Rudest most fanboyistic group ever. You can't ask a question, you can give an impression. Information on the game in general is severly lacking and noone will help. I have been doing this stuff forever like the rest of us and have never seen it this bad. And I'm this close to never giving this game a chance because of those asstards. Yes it is that bad. I hate it.
IMO Funcom should step in and realize what is happening, as we can see we aren't alone in this. I also love how they speak for funcom when they say "Good we didn't want you anyways" and that is an answer to you saying you have stutter on your dual core system is there anything I can do to help this? That is the help you get for a question like that. We aren't allowed to speak, period.
An example that is going on right now. Someone asked if there was going to be a ding sound when you level because in beta right now there isn't. He was burried for asking. I didn't know 100% of Conan fanboys were totally against ding'ing. I figured it wouldn't be a huge deal either way. But nope, they hate the idea and the person who posted it. What is funny is I know there will be one in game when all is said and done and then what? Their gonna flip-flop.
Count me in ... except for the s.s. number part... I wanted this game to be mostly free of the "barrens chat" crap and other name calling and bickering. I enjoy the RP aspect of these games. I'm an old school D&D player and this game has been appealing to me from the start. I have pre-ordered and can't wait to play with my GF. Our kids both play WOW and we wanted a game that we could keep to ourselves. The open beta chat has been about 50% crap, but I'm hoping that these people will leave after launch. I've tried to keep away from the community just for the fear of what the OP has stated. Here's to hoping for a mature community......(raises up mug of ale)
If you stopped to think for a minute, you could've seen this coming from a mile's a shame, but thus is the price of "innovation" with a Mature rating I s'pose.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
I'll take another look to AOC in september. Need infos about end game PVP , and i wait for those players moving on , and going to play Aion then war . September. Not before. And this game needs to be patched and improved a LOT !
it's not a problem of BETA i'm afraid. Most of those people preordered the game.
If i play Aoc, i'll be in the 2nd or 3d wave.
Not to mention in 3 months time if that long you will be able to pick a copy of it up for 9 bucks just like Tabula Rose and other games.