Curiosity has got the better of me and I just went and ordered a copy of AoC. I figure I am mid 30's, working in a professional job and if I can't afford to waste my money now then when can I? However today I suddenly felt sick at the thought of all the unimaginative twats out there who are going to call themselves Conan. Of course the biggest twat of them all will get in first and grab the holy grail of names then we are going to be left with Conan1, Conan2, Conan23, Conanlove, Conanhung, Conanballs, Conanman, ConanR2D2, Conanrules....List is endless! I so hope they have a ban on anyone calling themselves Conan or even part of otherwise I may find myself on the RPG server and that is just too embarassing when my wife watches me gaming. I may end up like this. "Hail fellow traveller! Where ye be going on this fine morrow?" "Bah! I be slicing your head from your shoulders you overgrown monkey!"
Personally, I don't think 'Conanballs' is getting enough love!
at the very least they should be harsher on names for the rp-pvp server...
I am just so disappointed that more than one name is not supported. I had my heart set on Cohen the Librarian. I might cancel.