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Is it really as heavily instanced from level 1 to 20.. and I heard something about you get a personal instance at night?
This is supposed to be a next gen MMO but its relying on lots of instancing?
I thought MMO's were trying to get away from lots of load screens.
It is instanced , As for heavily instanced...well, I suppose that depends on how you define 'Heavily"
however, it is also instanced by need, due to the graphics, the system requirements, and the number of anticipated people playing this game, it was a must.
I wrote a little about this in my AoC Review HERE
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
I don't know if youv'e ever played EQ2 but its about as instanced as that game until lvl 20. If thats too much for then don't buy it.
I'll be comparing it to wow instancing... yes yes I know everyone hates wow.. but its really my only other mmo experience that I enjoyed.. maybe other than eve.
I mean DO I have to enter an instance every 50 feet or enter and instance to enter a town... or is it a large area then an instance ajoining the other LARGE area to that LARGE area. Or is it walk 5 paces then enter instance... Guild wars would be a prime example of medium to heavy instancing. And Pirates of the Burning Sea would be ridiculously heavy to heavy instancing. If you played either of them. Then EQ would be low instancing. Then wow would be I can count the instancing on two hands.
To the OP... yes, it's instanced. Heavily up to 20, and then you start getting out into the real world where things aren't instanced so much, but you need to go through loading screens in between zones, where as in WoW you would just see a stark change in scenery and that'd be the end of it.
The loading isn't an issue for me at all. Majority of the time its under 5 seconds and for zoning into towns, it would be 10 seconds. It's worth the sacrifice considering how beautiful the game is
i could careless about the graphics. I want a game that works and has new innovations in pvp.. If there are chances to get ganked between loading screens then it has the same issue as potbs with its invisible walls in the oceans.
Unfortunately there ain't anything better out there so I will give it a shot but i don't understand y they couldn't sacrifice some graphics for a seamless enviroment imo.
Man this is really killing my Buzz, Is this Instanced like EQ2 or are we talking like DDO & Phantasy Star?
Cause If it's like DDO or Phantasy Star...I just wasted a bunch of money...I can;t stand games like that. They have no right to even be called MMO's!!!
Instanced like EQ2. When you leave the city to a fighting zone you get like a 5 second loading screen. Its a great game and although i do like seamless worlds, the game looks amazing. It dosnt bother me at all
I don't understand this thought process, lord of the rings online looks better than conan and has next to 0 loading screens, the only loading screens are zoning into dungeons, caves and teleporting, other than that you walk from one end of the world to the other.
Especially after seeeing how Vanguard turned out with it's Zero Instancing!
I'll get it on tuesday.. and see for myself.. but if the instances break the immersion ill probably look for another game..
I don't understand this thought process, lord of the rings online looks better than conan and has next to 0 loading screens, the only loading screens are zoning into dungeons, caves and teleporting, other than that you walk from one end of the world to the other.
Eh...They just hid it better. I mean everything was Instanced,,,even the Tavern!
I like games with Central area's that can't be skipped...
Ogrimar in WOW
Khal In Vanguard
StartPorts in SWG
They did this for a simple and obvious reason.
Target Market...
Who will this game most likely appeal too ? If you saw my post running this week, I had a poll asking about the average age of gamers playing in Conan. 35% were age 13-17, another 38% were aged 18-23 = 73% of the population is pretty young.
And what feature tends to appeal the most to the younger gamers. That answer of course is GRAPHICS.
Funcom sacrificed gameplay to make it appeal to the younger crowd they are targeting. Makes sense considering theyre planning on porting this game to console.
Factor in the blood and boobs and its clear who Funcom wants to appeal too.
Sometimes I feel like an unwanted dog at the animal shelter. Its bad enough that no developer will make sandbox open-play skill-based MMOs anymore, but now they want to turn the genre into small multiplayer box zones
I've leveled up to lvl 11 and I don't think the loading screens are annoying at all.
To me they are pretty much the same as WoW when it comes to annoying factor. There might be more of them, but not that it matters that much.
I have the game on a 10k rpm hardisc which I think really helps, plus i run on low graphic settings to get as much FPS rate and smoothness as possible.
With that, the instancing don't bother me at all, in Tortage it's mainly for the inn, where you can switch between day/night.
If you have friends that are in a different instance but same area as you, you can switch by selecting an overview of instances in a menu.
I've been playing for two days now and while there is a lot to like in AoC the loading screens are just killing me. Maybe it gets better after you get out of Tortage but I find it really annoying when I'm trying to play.
I don't understand this thought process, lord of the rings online looks better than conan and has next to 0 loading screens, the only loading screens are zoning into dungeons, caves and teleporting, other than that you walk from one end of the world to the other.
Eh...They just hid it better. I mean everything was Instanced,,,even the Tavern!
Not true. LOTR isnt nearly as bad as Conan and it doesnt mirror entire zones.
When you enter Bree in LOTR, everyone thats online is there to be seen and interacted with. When you enter a zone like Bree in Age of Conan you wont see everyone all the time. Its called mirrored instancing, they did this crap in EQ2 as well.
I believe the cap per zone is 100, so if there are 400 people in a zone, they'll each be divided up into 4 hidden mirrored zones of that same area. Each group will only see the 100 others that theyre instanced with. Its hidden so you will never know when you've entered a seperate mirrored zone.
also, you'll notice some posts with no issues with the mirrored instancing. These players are probably also console gamers who love their multiplayer games.
This is NOT an MMO, its an MO.
Wrong, mirrored instancing doesn't not make it an MMO.
So, I'd put AoC in the medium category.
Aoc played and felt a lot like guildwars but without the stability and smooth network code and with a monthly fee.
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
Lemme guess.......not past lvl 20?
I don't understand this thought process, lord of the rings online looks better than conan and has next to 0 loading screens, the only loading screens are zoning into dungeons, caves and teleporting, other than that you walk from one end of the world to the other.
LMAO! I hope your being sarcastic here, cuz this is hilarious!
If this game didnt have zones it would be 100x worse than vanguard *shutters*
Unfortunately Funcom is trying to "push the technology envelope" and "make AoC next Gen" so graphics is the top priority for them.