I agree with you 100 % they should have known that when they ran out of quests and content in the 40's that there wasnt going to be much at do at 80. Man powerlevelers sure are dumb
Yeah, it sure is a terrible thing when people expect a game they buy to be done. I mean I know when I bought GTA4 I was like I sure hope it stops after the first island and makes me wait 3 months before they open the second, and another 2 or 3 for the 3rd. If someone loves leveling that is what they are going to do, and what makes it dumb for someone to expect that a company puts something in at the end that is challenging to accomplish?
I believe the last word of your post fits you rather well.
Yep, it sure is over my head. I mean how can I expect a company to deliver what they promise when they promise it. Yeah I don't need content past the first week of play that is fine. Sure I will play this shell of a game. Yeah let me just continue paying for this skeleton of a game.
Hold the companies accountable when they screw crap up. Why do people blame the power levelers and not the company who obviously didn't care enough to put in content at the end levels?
A former super-fan comes crashing down and finds the game...less than savory. His response is very well thought out and quite reasonable. He makes wonderful points supporting his position, and all of which are very understandable. Naturally, the super-fans which still hold to their side flame him wildly...always ignoring the very GLARING issues he presents in an effort to render their game through rose-colored glasses.
I gotta say, some of you are pretty dense. Yeah, I hate AoC...though my own personal reasons are evidently far removed from the many other issues presented around here. Thing is, even though I hate MANY things...I can typically accept the things they do right quite easily. I expect the same from the fans of each thing in regard to what they do wrong. Funcom has quite the growing list of "wrongs". Its very important to shout about them because they will not devote proper time and, thus, money to fix them otherwise. Everything in a business is about priority. If, for instance, a monthly pay service can afford to leave something broken for several months before working on it they will...in an effort to accrue more upfront money before investing again. Its just standard business practice.
My point is this: The relationship between customer and serviceman is always on shaken ground. At any given moment the Serviceman is going to attend his priority above yours unless YOU make your priorities a financial concern for him. AKA: Stop sitting back at waiting. Cancel, or at least threaten to, and force them to realize that some things can't be put off. Otherwise...they WILL be. Nothing personal...its just the most financially intelligent way to do things.
Yep, it sure is over my head. I mean how can I expect a company to deliver what they promise when they promise it. Yeah I don't need content past the first week of play that is fine. Sure I will play this shell of a game. Yeah let me just continue paying for this skeleton of a game.
Hold the companies accountable when they screw crap up. Why do people blame the power levelers and not the company who obviously didn't care enough to put in content at the end levels?
I gotta say it, I'm sorry I really liked this game in beta, and I liked it for a while after release, but now it's just boring. The combat system requires attention, which at the beginning was fun, but now it's just tedious. I reached level 45 in four days, three of them being the early access days, then it was like BAM! Brick wall. Time to grind. I ground mobs solo, because there's very little point in grouping, and so very few people want to group. I finally hit 50 today! I did the next part of the, actually pretty decent, Destiny Quest line, which earned me less than a quarter level of xp and now I am looking at my xp bar and thinking.... Dear God! I don't want to even bother trying to grind my way through another 10 levels, let alone 30. Maybe I am just getting too old to enjoy games that require this much dedication.
Perhaps your burnt out, sure sound like you've been playing alot in a short time? Do you really have to reach level 80 in the first 2 weeks its out? Now i'm not saying you don't have issue obviously your a hardcore gamer set on reach lvl 80 as fast as possible, but sometime chilling on the power level brings things back into focus.
Originally posted by Bladin 1. They have no clue how to itemize a game. +casting concentration, and +off hand chance on quest items, amazing. 1-50 and no cloth armor for HoXs, but assassins sure didn't get left out =P. +perception on items. Seriously is that a real item stat? cloaks with +0.00% immunity? it's not even like they are obscure cloaks. True, some items were with 0.0% WTF with that. I guess they will fix it in incoming patches, and those items are lower levels (read till lvl 50) so you will swap them soon.
2. Content. Was the game even tested past level 30? unless you find grinding mobs in overcamped areas to be fun. The quests simply aren't enough. They -had- potential, but a real issue is that quests don't reward exp for the individual steps at times. And i think they assume your supposed to earn more exp during the quests then you actually do. Terrible respawn timer on quest npcs is just the tip of the iceberg.
Dont agree with that. Im ranger lvl 73 now, quest levels are up to 53 without any problem. From level 53 - 59 (58) there is lack of quests so youll get 1/3 XP by quests and rest by grinding. On lvl 60-67 its easyer because there are two zones for that level range so you can quest 2/3 of level and rest is 30 min grind in group. From lvl 68+ you can go to final zone where you can get 50% of level by quests and rest is a bit longer grind or you can find yourself nice AOE grinding group.
Add on the terrible itemization, and tons of worthless items.
Then lets look at crafting, ignoring the broken gems. A level 50 green weapon is stronger then a level 50 BLUE CRAFTED weapon. Why?
3. Customer service. Worse than in any game i've ever seen. The only company i've ever heard of that actually deletes petitions on a massive scale instead of actually helping players, not ignoring because the servers lagging, or crashing, but rather having their characters crippled because of it.
Im really not suprised they are slower at start. GMs respond time is 6 days (IF), but i have some understanding because people do ask same questions over and over when asking in guild would be sometimes much better solution to offload stupid-questions to GM. (WTF there is no lost child in find lost child quest!!! i heared that at least 50 times)
Go onto the doomsayer server, theres a guy spamming in ooc because no gm will answer his petitions for 5 days. I've had my petition deleted because of a item which crashes me. Terrible support.
4. Tons of bugs. I'm sorry but i'm at my limit for bugs. using a 2h axe on my hox it oftentimes starts floating away from my body as if my hands are 2-3 feet longer then they are. I've had body parts go missing when i change from a robe to a shorter robe at times. Cotton doesn't harvest, some broken quests. These are fine. Small issues.
Bugs, yes. Alot of them. None that makes game unplayable or that will make me shut it down, well except crashing when entering Field of dead, they fixed that.
But then you get issues with gems crashing you if you socket them and then gms refusing to assist you.
Didnt test this out
Tons of terrain which you cant just "run across" but rather have to jump on because you get stuck.
And i found few spots where you can fall trough wall/floor Quest npcs which are insanely long respawn times, or areas which are overpopulated with mobs and respawn too quickly.
Quick respawn times are true, on some areas its insane, but i heared how its done for easyer grinding and to stop players from whining abotu lack of quest mobs they need to kill. Tons of broken feats, and other abilities.
5. PvP casters sprinting easier and getting less penalized. The fact that you cant combo while moving and unless two melee are duking it out or your fighting someone you cc'd your not gonna get combos off.
The fact that you can't combo while moving. The fact its so easy to move and escape when getting attacked. Ye, sometimes i wish i could shoot while i run but this is not WoW...and in my opinion this isnt big issue. How fast and far away you can run off depends on how much endurance points you have. I invested alot because as ranged class ambush is not best situation i can deal with.
Seriously did anyone ever play ranged classes in beta? it seems to me like the system was designed around people just standing there and taking it... or melee classes who just stand there and combo each other till one dies... it simply doesn't happen that way. And it should have been known to funcom ages ago that it doesn't.
Its too much to expect all classes to be balanced all the time from level 1 to 80. As ranger on lvl 70+ i have 3 ways of stoping mob/player from moving and that is more than enough for me to gain some distance and finish someone off, or get killed if im not skilled enough.
But once the "omg amazingly fun awesome combat and fatality system" wore off. I'm really left asking... what is there in the game worth doing? I really don't know yet... I struggle to find any quests to do. I struggle to find -any- items to get(seriously who thought scaling due to level and basically not at all from gear was a good idea, i feel like i i could have simply killed the same mob and never looted a single item and id be just as good as someone who quested, crafted, and instanced, and i don't feel it should be that way.
Personaly i dont have anything against that. Look where item-based games get? I dont wana play WoW any more because after T1231 you will have T1232 and all over again. Give me a break. Best thing is that on lvl 60 i still had some items from lvl 20 and i could still perform without any problem.
sigh i was really loving this game, i just was at my breaking point, and then i ran face first into this customer service fiasco. If i wait in queue for a gm to assist for 4-5 hours, then the gm doesn't respond, i don't recieve a msg saying why, or anything of the sort. while recieving updates that im going to be helped, and that i'm getting closer to being helped. When actually i'm not.
Exit....that way >>>
I really hear alot of whiners in my own guild, and thanx to my smart officers they got kicked because .. IF you like it, play. IF you dont, dont play.
Half of this is not true, other half will be fixed in first month.
Everyone who say that there is no levels pass lvl 30 LIE. I leveled via quests till lvl 50-53, when i got to that level i had to grind a bit more as i explained earlyer. If you didnt hit lvl 50 via quests you did something wrong. There is more than enough quests and one of problems i saw is that players delete gray (lower lvl) quests what is mistake. They still give XP and usualy its start of chain quest that end up with quest abowe player lvl.
--------------------> Would you like some cheese with that whine?
I could easily list other areas of the game that need fixing or tweaking but on a whole it doesn't bother me. The game came out 1ish weeks ago and they are as we speak installing another patch. I came across some bugs yesterday e.g. cant skin or pick cotton, but I just do something else while it gets sorted out.
As far as customer support goes I think it is on an individual basis. Yesterday a guildie had a GM fix their problem after 10 minutes. However if I petition now I don't expect support as I can see them getting hit with 10k a day at least. Its not possible and lets face it, if you send an email to any utility company you aren't going to hear back in days either.
What I am trying to get at is the game on the whole has launched amazingly well and 90% of the time for me it feels like a polished game. Every single MMO goes through the same process and I judge them at 3 months and 6 months. So far AoC is well ahead on performance and gameplay in its short life and I doubt 400k gamers are going to cancel their subs and run of screaming because they can't pick cotton or they find items that are currently unbalanced. (Find useless items? Sell them!!)
Jumping to get over a raised piece of land or item? Yes you get stuck when you hit a chair or a raised step but last time I checked I couldn't walk through those in RL either. Seriously if you quit because of the issues you raised then I would recommend not playing any MMO until its been out for 6 months because it will never be any different.
Of course WAR will come out 100% polished, gleaming like a new born baby with no problems....yea what a bunch of BS. (Still going to buy it though! )
All the PVP'ers that were hoping for a new home are dropping AOC like a hot potato.
And now that the PVE / Raid enthusiasts are seeing how poor the content is (where there is content), they're hitting the cancel button faster than OJ in a white bronco going down the thruway.
Seems to me some of the complaints are people who blitzed to 80 and then started whining that they are bored. I find it odd people are complaining about instancing. AoC is not anywhere near instance heavy as Guild Wars. Tortage had instances for the Night quests, but I haven't encountered that many once I left Tortage. I think AoC is about on par with EQ2 for the amount of instances. I think it's a good balance, but maybe some people want more/less of it?
!) There should be content at level 80.
2) Nobody plays EQ2 or Guild Wars.
Er Guild Wars had sold over 5 million boxes. Pretty sure it destroys most MMORPGs in that department other than WoW or Lineage1/2.
Why are there fairly widely varying reports of amount of content? A number of people say they run out of quests, but WHEN they run out varies alot some say 38ish others say mid-forties others say early 50's.
Then some people, who seem a little fanboyish but have a decent map picture, say there is no real problem at all.
So is there a quest content amount problem, are people stupid or did Funcom somehow make the content misleading to find? Are people assuming all quests are easy to find? Is it like either really obscure or really easy and everyone assumes there is less than there is? Are people not being directed to quests well?
Why are there fairly widely varying reports of amount of content? A number of people say they run out of quests, but WHEN they run out varies alot some say 38ish others say mid-forties others say early 50's.
Then some people, who seem a little fanboyish but have a decent map picture, say there is no real problem at all.
So is there a quest content amount problem, are people stupid or did Funcom somehow make the content misleading to find? Are people assuming all quests are easy to find? Is it like either really obscure or really easy and everyone assumes there is less than there is? Are people not being directed to quests well?
This is my genuine experience. I did nearly every quest in tortage, I didn't leave the zone til 22. there was one quest I didn't do cause it was just killing a bunch of crocs that were grey to me and the quest reward wasn't good.
I did the quests in old tarantia, made my way over to wild lands of zelata, started doing all the quests there I could. Ran pretty much out (or were red/orange), then ventured over to khemi. did the quests there, went to khopshef province, did all the quests I could there. And I went back and forth between stygia and aquilonia and did almost every quest line in both zones that weren't bugged.
I did one full run of sanctum of burning souls. I think I grinded a tad and I hit level 40 and went off to field of the dead. Did as many quests as I could then went to noble district. did as many quests as i could. when I was high enough level, did the cistern quests with a group.
All that got me to level 50, got my destiny quest and headed to eiphologian mountains. I was able to do the first parts by myself then I had mainly orange/red quests. a friend helped me out with those. I did a run of the main system (horrible place).
Right now I'm level 55, almost 56 and have almost no solo quests yet. Just wanted, a couple red in eiphlogian mountains, and epic group quests that are still red to me, mainly in the main system and the catacombs.
Basically my options are doing a dungeon I hate or grinding mobs. I'm sure a couple more quests will open up when I hit 56, but they'll be red and I only have a couple quests now that may turn orange when I'm 56.
The problem is there's one 50-60 zone. It's not enough.
This is my genuine experience. I did nearly every quest in tortage, I didn't leave the zone til 22. there was one quest I didn't do cause it was just killing a bunch of crocs that were grey to me and the quest reward wasn't good. I did the quests in old tarantia, made my way over to wild lands of zelata, started doing all the quests there I could. Ran pretty much out (or were red/orange), then ventured over to khemi. did the quests there, went to khopshef province, did all the quests I could there. And I went back and forth between stygia and aquilonia and did almost every quest line in both zones that weren't bugged. I did one full run of sanctum of burning souls. I think I grinded a tad and I hit level 40 and went off to field of the dead. Did as many quests as I could then went to noble district. did as many quests as i could. when I was high enough level, did the cistern quests with a group.
All that got me to level 50, got my destiny quest and headed to eiphologian mountains. I was able to do the first parts by myself then I had mainly orange/red quests. a friend helped me out with those. I did a run of the main system (horrible place).
Right now I'm level 55, almost 56 and have almost no solo quests yet. Just wanted, a couple red in eiphlogian mountains, and epic group quests that are still red to me, mainly in the main system and the catacombs.
Basically my options are doing a dungeon I hate or grinding mobs. I'm sure a couple more quests will open up when I hit 56, but they'll be red and I only have a couple quests now that may turn orange when I'm 56. The problem is there's one 50-60 zone. It's not enough.
This is my number one concern I have about the game, the lack of content. It looks like from the many posts that you can complete most of the content on one character, where's the replayability. I love playing alts, but it appears it's going to be boring doing the same content. Lets hope Funcom will follow Turbines example and release regular free content.
The game like any MMO could do with more time but its definitely good enough at launch. Like any MMO it will need more content but I have played up to level 34 so far and I have not come across a mission void so far. In fact I feel there are too many to choose from. I started a new character today and the storyline is pretty much different for a priest vs ranger. Plus I know there are leveling areas I have not touched yet.
High end content is always the issue with new launches. Vanguard, Tabula Rasa, PotBS, EVE...pretty much all of them.
However this time I am not too worried since our guild is building a keep and I will have siege warfare to keep me amused.
i feel your pain. i cancelled before the end of my first 2 weeks, though more because i thought the gameplay was crap than bugs per se.
AoC was released 6 months too early IMO.
I have a feeling, now it's just a feeling mind you, that most mmo development houses do not use closed beta correctly, or players in closed beta are not playing the game correctly. AOC is clearly one of those games.
There is no possible way that issues that I, and may others, had in beta and in release, were tested. It's just not possible. I COULDN'T SEE THE SPINNING NVIDIA GRAPHIC (beta and release without tweaking my install). Are you kiidding me. You'd think they could at least get that right. Nope, cant even play the intro video. I can play video all day on youtube, not freaking hard.
There is no way this is making it to the 360. It just never will. It's a failure, flat out. And it's not an MMO either. It's just a waste of time money and disk space. I really blame them for it's failure, because after all if you don't listen to your testers and you aren't testing on "minimum spec" machines, you're not doing your jobs.
I seriously doubt they have a single machine at funcom with the minimum spec on the box. NOT ONE. And that will be it's downfall.
So raise the minimum or reccomended specs or test. Next time it won't be 5 years in the making of a spectacular failure. You know how Vanguard failed, well this is #2 on that list. Vanguard failed because it listened to the most "Elite" MMO gamers out there, and shot it's mouth off. This thing just Isnt. It isnt Massive. It isnt technically good. It isnt load-screen free. It's terible, you guys at funcom should be ashamed.
And to add insult to injury, your forums stink. Nobody can get help. You post some B.S. response to mmorpg.com about technical issues, and then (today) you're managing editor shoots his mouth off on the mmorpg.com front page in an open question format. I mean, how fucking stupid are you.
When you play a good mmo, you can feel it. This is not a good MMO.
All i see is someone new to this genre who thinks it's needed to make yet another post about the same old same old, simply look at < insert any MMORPG here> and we see the same type of posts over and over again, people just don't seem to learn and yes i seem not to learn to say this what i just said at <insert any MMORPG here>
Man i really wish i could flame you, i can't even say "idiot" without getting banned so i won't call you that.
But man, i've played mmorpgs, probably more then you have.
The difference?
I don't let devs bend me over and accept their failures as being "its okay! It'll be better." Guess what? The plague went away, but that didn't make that suck any less.
Ok, the one thing I cannot stand is some ignorant gamer using the "But man, I've played mmorpgs, probably more then you have" line. Are you KIDDING ME? people out there need to stop making these stupid and rediculous assumptions. So you think because you put in 10 hour days you have more experiance then everyone else LOL? I have played more then 24 hours straight on Old eq, and I GURANTEE YOU there are people that have done it longer.
" I have played more then 24 hours straight on Old eq, and I GURANTEE YOU there are people that have done it longer. "
Right there. That is what we call street cred, and hardcore. I salute you sir.
You think 10 mannning Arthas is hardcore? Or that AOC is pretty = Good. You don't know squat. And it's pitiful. You are pulling all gaming down with you and I can't even call myself a gamer around you people. Causals. GTFO of my games.
" I have played more then 24 hours straight on Old eq, and I GURANTEE YOU there are people that have done it longer. "
Right there. That is what we call street cred, and hardcore. I salute you sir. You think 10 mannning Arthas is hardcore? Or that AOC is pretty = Good. You don't know squat. And it's pitiful. You are pulling all gaming down with you and I can't even call myself a gamer around you people. Causals. GTFO of my games.
I apologize on the behalf of everyone who is not a god damn nerd and have fulfilling lives.
" I have played more then 24 hours straight on Old eq, and I GURANTEE YOU there are people that have done it longer. "
Right there. That is what we call street cred, and hardcore. I salute you sir. You think 10 mannning Arthas is hardcore? Or that AOC is pretty = Good. You don't know squat. And it's pitiful. You are pulling all gaming down with you and I can't even call myself a gamer around you people. Causals. GTFO of my games.
I apologize on the behalf of everyone who is not a god damn nerd and have fulfilling lives.
You -
Hate to tell ya, but you're a nerd. Mr. on an mmorpg site reading about mmorpg's with an account and a login.......
" I have played more then 24 hours straight on Old eq, and I GURANTEE YOU there are people that have done it longer. "
Right there. That is what we call street cred, and hardcore. I salute you sir. You think 10 mannning Arthas is hardcore? Or that AOC is pretty = Good. You don't know squat. And it's pitiful. You are pulling all gaming down with you and I can't even call myself a gamer around you people. Causals. GTFO of my games.
I apologize on the behalf of everyone who is not a god damn nerd and have fulfilling lives.
You -
Hate to tell ya, but you're a nerd. Mr. on an mmorpg site reading about mmorpg's with an account and a login.......
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Wow are you slow or what? You have an account too. The difference is I'm not trying to have a competition among the other forum members about the last time I saw the light of day.
Simply luck that they managed to have servers be as stable as they are, and the combat to be so fun in pve.
1. They have no clue how to itemize a game. +casting concentration, and +off hand chance on quest items, amazing. 1-50 and no cloth armor for HoXs, but assassins sure didn't get left out =P. +perception on items. Seriously is that a real item stat? cloaks with +0.00% immunity? it's not even like they are obscure cloaks.
2. Content. Was the game even tested past level 30? unless you find grinding mobs in overcamped areas to be fun. The quests simply aren't enough. They -had- potential, but a real issue is that quests don't reward exp for the individual steps at times. And i think they assume your supposed to earn more exp during the quests then you actually do. Terrible respawn timer on quest npcs is just the tip of the iceberg.
Add on the terrible itemization, and tons of worthless items.
Then lets look at crafting, ignoring the broken gems. A level 50 green weapon is stronger then a level 50 BLUE CRAFTED weapon. Why?
3. Customer service. Worse than in any game i've ever seen. The only company i've ever heard of that actually deletes petitions on a massive scale instead of actually helping players, not ignoring because the servers lagging, or crashing, but rather having their characters crippled because of it.
Go onto the doomsayer server, theres a guy spamming in ooc because no gm will answer his petitions for 5 days. I've had my petition deleted because of a item which crashes me. Terrible support.
4. Tons of bugs. I'm sorry but i'm at my limit for bugs. using a 2h axe on my hox it oftentimes starts floating away from my body as if my hands are 2-3 feet longer then they are. I've had body parts go missing when i change from a robe to a shorter robe at times. Cotton doesn't harvest, some broken quests. These are fine. Small issues.
But then you get issues with gems crashing you if you socket them and then gms refusing to assist you.
Tons of terrain which you cant just "run across" but rather have to jump on because you get stuck. Quest npcs which are insanely long respawn times, or areas which are overpopulated with mobs and respawn too quickly. Tons of broken feats, and other abilities.
5. PvP casters sprinting easier and getting less penalized. The fact that you cant combo while moving and unless two melee are duking it out or your fighting someone you cc'd your not gonna get combos off.
The fact that you can't combo while moving. The fact its so easy to move and escape when getting attacked.
Seriously did anyone ever play ranged classes in beta? it seems to me like the system was designed around people just standing there and taking it... or melee classes who just stand there and combo each other till one dies... it simply doesn't happen that way. And it should have been known to funcom ages ago that it doesn't.
But once the "omg amazingly fun awesome combat and fatality system" wore off. I'm really left asking... what is there in the game worth doing? I really don't know yet... I struggle to find any quests to do. I struggle to find -any- items to get(seriously who thought scaling due to level and basically not at all from gear was a good idea, i feel like i i could have simply killed the same mob and never looted a single item and id be just as good as someone who quested, crafted, and instanced, and i don't feel it should be that way.
sigh i was really loving this game, i just was at my breaking point, and then i ran face first into this customer service fiasco. If i wait in queue for a gm to assist for 4-5 hours, then the gm doesn't respond, i don't recieve a msg saying why, or anything of the sort. while recieving updates that im going to be helped, and that i'm getting closer to being helped. When actually i'm not.
I see your intrested in WAR now, thats interesting,
You know what you are? the average bored mmo player, nothing will fit your needs, so for you i say either go back to the first thing that ever got your rocks off or give up.
" I have played more then 24 hours straight on Old eq, and I GURANTEE YOU there are people that have done it longer. "
Right there. That is what we call street cred, and hardcore. I salute you sir. You think 10 mannning Arthas is hardcore? Or that AOC is pretty = Good. You don't know squat. And it's pitiful. You are pulling all gaming down with you and I can't even call myself a gamer around you people. Causals. GTFO of my games.
I apologize on the behalf of everyone who is not a god damn nerd and have fulfilling lives.
You -
Hate to tell ya, but you're a nerd. Mr. on an mmorpg site reading about mmorpg's with an account and a login.......
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Wow are you slow or what? You have an account too. The difference is I'm not trying to have a competition among the other forum members about the last time I saw the light of day.
" I have played more then 24 hours straight on Old eq, and I GURANTEE YOU there are people that have done it longer. "
Right there. That is what we call street cred, and hardcore. I salute you sir. You think 10 mannning Arthas is hardcore? Or that AOC is pretty = Good. You don't know squat. And it's pitiful. You are pulling all gaming down with you and I can't even call myself a gamer around you people. Causals. GTFO of my games.
I apologize on the behalf of everyone who is not a god damn nerd and have fulfilling lives.
You -
Hate to tell ya, but you're a nerd. Mr. on an mmorpg site reading about mmorpg's with an account and a login.......
LOGOUT BUTTON ----------^
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Wow are you slow or what? You have an account too. The difference is I'm not trying to have a competition among the other forum members about the last time I saw the light of day.
You -
I'm going outside now for pizza.
That's great, don't forget the SPF 80 and try not to wear a shirt showing off how hardcore of a gamer you are. Maybe you'll end up meeting someone.
" I have played more then 24 hours straight on Old eq, and I GURANTEE YOU there are people that have done it longer. "
Right there. That is what we call street cred, and hardcore. I salute you sir. You think 10 mannning Arthas is hardcore? Or that AOC is pretty = Good. You don't know squat. And it's pitiful. You are pulling all gaming down with you and I can't even call myself a gamer around you people. Causals. GTFO of my games.
Well see, I used to be a Hardcore gamer. Got married and you know how that goes lol but I still play my mmo's as much as I can. However Jzu does have a point, alot of the casual gamers are starting to slowly bring down the great MMO concept we once had with the old ones like Ultima and EQ. I am not saying Casuals need to leave, but there is a big difference between a vet mmo player and a bunch of newbies comming in thinking they know everything about MMO's. You can quote me on this, ALL MMO"S are fun, it just depends who is playing them and the amount of effort it takes. You guys think raiding SQ 40 is hard? or perhaps Illidan? Go back to the games that if you died you lost a level, or experiance and had to use the previous levels spells. Or when 1 pull could aggro your entire group because some idiot didnt know what he was doing and it wiped everyone. I say this, new comers need to learn a little more before flaming the mmo genre or the companies in general. and the veterans need to give them some space and not judge them specifically on WoW all the time. They have alot of learning to do xD
Bladin you talk to much. AOC sucks we get it. I knew that before and it didn't cost me 50 bucks to find out.
I believe the last word of your post fits you rather well.
forget it, its above your head
Hold the companies accountable when they screw crap up. Why do people blame the power levelers and not the company who obviously didn't care enough to put in content at the end levels?
A former super-fan comes crashing down and finds the game...less than savory. His response is very well thought out and quite reasonable. He makes wonderful points supporting his position, and all of which are very understandable. Naturally, the super-fans which still hold to their side flame him wildly...always ignoring the very GLARING issues he presents in an effort to render their game through rose-colored glasses.
I gotta say, some of you are pretty dense. Yeah, I hate AoC...though my own personal reasons are evidently far removed from the many other issues presented around here. Thing is, even though I hate MANY things...I can typically accept the things they do right quite easily. I expect the same from the fans of each thing in regard to what they do wrong. Funcom has quite the growing list of "wrongs". Its very important to shout about them because they will not devote proper time and, thus, money to fix them otherwise. Everything in a business is about priority. If, for instance, a monthly pay service can afford to leave something broken for several months before working on it they will...in an effort to accrue more upfront money before investing again. Its just standard business practice.
My point is this: The relationship between customer and serviceman is always on shaken ground. At any given moment the Serviceman is going to attend his priority above yours unless YOU make your priorities a financial concern for him. AKA: Stop sitting back at waiting. Cancel, or at least threaten to, and force them to realize that some things can't be put off. Otherwise...they WILL be. Nothing personal...its just the most financially intelligent way to do things.
Hold the companies accountable when they screw crap up. Why do people blame the power levelers and not the company who obviously didn't care enough to put in content at the end levels?
Bob for crist sakes am on your side buddy lol
Perhaps your burnt out, sure sound like you've been playing alot in a short time? Do you really have to reach level 80 in the first 2 weeks its out? Now i'm not saying you don't have issue obviously your a hardcore gamer set on reach lvl 80 as fast as possible, but sometime chilling on the power level brings things back into focus.
Exit....that way >>>
I really hear alot of whiners in my own guild, and thanx to my smart officers they got kicked because .. IF you like it, play. IF you dont, dont play.
Half of this is not true, other half will be fixed in first month.
Everyone who say that there is no levels pass lvl 30 LIE. I leveled via quests till lvl 50-53, when i got to that level i had to grind a bit more as i explained earlyer. If you didnt hit lvl 50 via quests you did something wrong. There is more than enough quests and one of problems i saw is that players delete gray (lower lvl) quests what is mistake. They still give XP and usualy its start of chain quest that end up with quest abowe player lvl.
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
I could easily list other areas of the game that need fixing or tweaking but on a whole it doesn't bother me. The game came out 1ish weeks ago and they are as we speak installing another patch. I came across some bugs yesterday e.g. cant skin or pick cotton, but I just do something else while it gets sorted out.
As far as customer support goes I think it is on an individual basis. Yesterday a guildie had a GM fix their problem after 10 minutes. However if I petition now I don't expect support as I can see them getting hit with 10k a day at least. Its not possible and lets face it, if you send an email to any utility company you aren't going to hear back in days either.
What I am trying to get at is the game on the whole has launched amazingly well and 90% of the time for me it feels like a polished game. Every single MMO goes through the same process and I judge them at 3 months and 6 months. So far AoC is well ahead on performance and gameplay in its short life and I doubt 400k gamers are going to cancel their subs and run of screaming because they can't pick cotton or they find items that are currently unbalanced. (Find useless items? Sell them!!)
Jumping to get over a raised piece of land or item? Yes you get stuck when you hit a chair or a raised step but last time I checked I couldn't walk through those in RL either. Seriously if you quit because of the issues you raised then I would recommend not playing any MMO until its been out for 6 months because it will never be any different.
Of course WAR will come out 100% polished, gleaming like a new born baby with no problems....yea what a bunch of BS. (Still going to buy it though! )
All the PVP'ers that were hoping for a new home are dropping AOC like a hot potato.
And now that the PVE / Raid enthusiasts are seeing how poor the content is (where there is content), they're hitting the cancel button faster than OJ in a white bronco going down the thruway.
!) There should be content at level 80.
2) Nobody plays EQ2 or Guild Wars.
Er Guild Wars had sold over 5 million boxes. Pretty sure it destroys most MMORPGs in that department other than WoW or Lineage1/2.
Why are there fairly widely varying reports of amount of content? A number of people say they run out of quests, but WHEN they run out varies alot some say 38ish others say mid-forties others say early 50's.
Then some people, who seem a little fanboyish but have a decent map picture, say there is no real problem at all.
So is there a quest content amount problem, are people stupid or did Funcom somehow make the content misleading to find? Are people assuming all quests are easy to find? Is it like either really obscure or really easy and everyone assumes there is less than there is? Are people not being directed to quests well?
This is my genuine experience. I did nearly every quest in tortage, I didn't leave the zone til 22. there was one quest I didn't do cause it was just killing a bunch of crocs that were grey to me and the quest reward wasn't good.
I did the quests in old tarantia, made my way over to wild lands of zelata, started doing all the quests there I could. Ran pretty much out (or were red/orange), then ventured over to khemi. did the quests there, went to khopshef province, did all the quests I could there. And I went back and forth between stygia and aquilonia and did almost every quest line in both zones that weren't bugged.
I did one full run of sanctum of burning souls. I think I grinded a tad and I hit level 40 and went off to field of the dead. Did as many quests as I could then went to noble district. did as many quests as i could. when I was high enough level, did the cistern quests with a group.
All that got me to level 50, got my destiny quest and headed to eiphologian mountains. I was able to do the first parts by myself then I had mainly orange/red quests. a friend helped me out with those. I did a run of the main system (horrible place).
Right now I'm level 55, almost 56 and have almost no solo quests yet. Just wanted, a couple red in eiphlogian mountains, and epic group quests that are still red to me, mainly in the main system and the catacombs.
Basically my options are doing a dungeon I hate or grinding mobs. I'm sure a couple more quests will open up when I hit 56, but they'll be red and I only have a couple quests now that may turn orange when I'm 56.
The problem is there's one 50-60 zone. It's not enough.
This is my number one concern I have about the game, the lack of content. It looks like from the many posts that you can complete most of the content on one character, where's the replayability. I love playing alts, but it appears it's going to be boring doing the same content. Lets hope Funcom will follow Turbines example and release regular free content.
i feel your pain. i cancelled before the end of my first 2 weeks, though more because i thought the gameplay was crap than bugs per se.
AoC was released 6 months too early IMO.
The game like any MMO could do with more time but its definitely good enough at launch. Like any MMO it will need more content but I have played up to level 34 so far and I have not come across a mission void so far. In fact I feel there are too many to choose from. I started a new character today and the storyline is pretty much different for a priest vs ranger. Plus I know there are leveling areas I have not touched yet.
High end content is always the issue with new launches. Vanguard, Tabula Rasa, PotBS, EVE...pretty much all of them.
However this time I am not too worried since our guild is building a keep and I will have siege warfare to keep me amused.
I have a feeling, now it's just a feeling mind you, that most mmo development houses do not use closed beta correctly, or players in closed beta are not playing the game correctly. AOC is clearly one of those games.
There is no possible way that issues that I, and may others, had in beta and in release, were tested. It's just not possible. I COULDN'T SEE THE SPINNING NVIDIA GRAPHIC (beta and release without tweaking my install). Are you kiidding me. You'd think they could at least get that right. Nope, cant even play the intro video. I can play video all day on youtube, not freaking hard.
There is no way this is making it to the 360. It just never will. It's a failure, flat out. And it's not an MMO either. It's just a waste of time money and disk space. I really blame them for it's failure, because after all if you don't listen to your testers and you aren't testing on "minimum spec" machines, you're not doing your jobs.
I seriously doubt they have a single machine at funcom with the minimum spec on the box. NOT ONE. And that will be it's downfall.
So raise the minimum or reccomended specs or test. Next time it won't be 5 years in the making of a spectacular failure. You know how Vanguard failed, well this is #2 on that list. Vanguard failed because it listened to the most "Elite" MMO gamers out there, and shot it's mouth off. This thing just Isnt. It isnt Massive. It isnt technically good. It isnt load-screen free. It's terible, you guys at funcom should be ashamed.
And to add insult to injury, your forums stink. Nobody can get help. You post some B.S. response to mmorpg.com about technical issues, and then (today) you're managing editor shoots his mouth off on the mmorpg.com front page in an open question format. I mean, how fucking stupid are you.
When you play a good mmo, you can feel it. This is not a good MMO.
Man i really wish i could flame you, i can't even say "idiot" without getting banned so i won't call you that.
But man, i've played mmorpgs, probably more then you have.
The difference?
I don't let devs bend me over and accept their failures as being "its okay! It'll be better." Guess what? The plague went away, but that didn't make that suck any less.
Ok, the one thing I cannot stand is some ignorant gamer using the "But man, I've played mmorpgs, probably more then you have" line. Are you KIDDING ME? people out there need to stop making these stupid and rediculous assumptions. So you think because you put in 10 hour days you have more experiance then everyone else LOL? I have played more then 24 hours straight on Old eq, and I GURANTEE YOU there are people that have done it longer.
" I have played more then 24 hours straight on Old eq, and I GURANTEE YOU there are people that have done it longer. "
Right there. That is what we call street cred, and hardcore. I salute you sir.
You think 10 mannning Arthas is hardcore? Or that AOC is pretty = Good. You don't know squat. And it's pitiful. You are pulling all gaming down with you and I can't even call myself a gamer around you people. Causals. GTFO of my games.
I apologize on the behalf of everyone who is not a god damn nerd and have fulfilling lives.
You -
I apologize on the behalf of everyone who is not a god damn nerd and have fulfilling lives.
You -
Hate to tell ya, but you're a nerd. Mr. on an mmorpg site reading about mmorpg's with an account and a login.......
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I apologize on the behalf of everyone who is not a god damn nerd and have fulfilling lives.
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Hate to tell ya, but you're a nerd. Mr. on an mmorpg site reading about mmorpg's with an account and a login.......
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Wow are you slow or what? You have an account too. The difference is I'm not trying to have a competition among the other forum members about the last time I saw the light of day.
You -
I see your intrested in WAR now, thats interesting,
You know what you are? the average bored mmo player, nothing will fit your needs, so for you i say either go back to the first thing that ever got your rocks off or give up.
I apologize on the behalf of everyone who is not a god damn nerd and have fulfilling lives.
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Hate to tell ya, but you're a nerd. Mr. on an mmorpg site reading about mmorpg's with an account and a login.......
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Wow are you slow or what? You have an account too. The difference is I'm not trying to have a competition among the other forum members about the last time I saw the light of day.
You -
I'm going outside now for pizza.
I apologize on the behalf of everyone who is not a god damn nerd and have fulfilling lives.
You -
Hate to tell ya, but you're a nerd. Mr. on an mmorpg site reading about mmorpg's with an account and a login.......
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Wow are you slow or what? You have an account too. The difference is I'm not trying to have a competition among the other forum members about the last time I saw the light of day.
You -
I'm going outside now for pizza.
That's great, don't forget the SPF 80 and try not to wear a shirt showing off how hardcore of a gamer you are. Maybe you'll end up meeting someone.
Well see, I used to be a Hardcore gamer. Got married and you know how that goes lol but I still play my mmo's as much as I can. However Jzu does have a point, alot of the casual gamers are starting to slowly bring down the great MMO concept we once had with the old ones like Ultima and EQ. I am not saying Casuals need to leave, but there is a big difference between a vet mmo player and a bunch of newbies comming in thinking they know everything about MMO's. You can quote me on this, ALL MMO"S are fun, it just depends who is playing them and the amount of effort it takes. You guys think raiding SQ 40 is hard? or perhaps Illidan? Go back to the games that if you died you lost a level, or experiance and had to use the previous levels spells. Or when 1 pull could aggro your entire group because some idiot didnt know what he was doing and it wiped everyone. I say this, new comers need to learn a little more before flaming the mmo genre or the companies in general. and the veterans need to give them some space and not judge them specifically on WoW all the time. They have alot of learning to do xD