I think they were dishonest. I was looking forward to this game so much. They spend to much time on eye candy, and putting overkill on detail. They should have been making the game fun. Or finishing content. Whatever, I'll find another game, its not the end of the world.
I do not see what the big deal is about sieges as very few people would participate in them and there would be no keeps to siege or defend yet (unless your server is full of powerlevelers who will leave the game anyway because they are always bored.) My server is no where ready for the end-game.
I will say it again.....give me an ad for the game and tell me what was promised by the box or listed on the box that isn't in-game.
Why else would PvP guilds buy AoC? This was THE concept that really excited my guild.
Siege warfare is/was a big deal for me and my guild. Not only is Siege Warfare part of 4 displays on the box, but it is/was the primary reason why most of us bought the game. Most of my guild, including myself, have canceled our accounts pending implementation.
Aye, but see, its not a big thing for them so it shouldn't be for you either. Thats the fanboy line of reasoning
There are 3 types of people in the world. 1.) Those who make things happen 2.) Those who watch things happen 3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
Some of you do need to seriously relax and take a deep breath. Talk of fraud , class action lawsuits and the such is honestly a crock. You sound as if the Funcom developers hid in dark rooms, deep in the mountain complex , reading from the Necronomicon , all the while bowing before Dr. Evil.
The thing that many of you seem to not understand is that, first, MMO's are an ongoing experience. Things happen in the development cycle. Things change and sometimes a company has to do what it has to do. They had to launch, probably for a similar reason that Vanguard had to launch...they needed income. However, unlike Sigil/SOE with vanguard, Funcom has continued to update and work on the game constantly almost nonstop since release. Look at the size of the patch last week! 2 patches that is with a lot of fixes (and that isn't counting the numerous server-side fixes here and there).
Oh wait, I am sorry - go ahead and bitch about the server's being down for patches. I guess we should sue them for that too. Some people are never happy.
is the game that bad? Not really. Is it great? No. It is a solid game though and its fun to play.
Do I care if sieges are in right now? Not at all. You have to have a Tier 3 (?) city and be high level. If you are level 80 by now and bored, then NO game will keep you happy.
Do I care that there are bugs or broken systems? Nope...you can thank WOW and other games for that. WOW launched with many things broken and game breaking bugs and wait.....many million still played and continued to signup knowing the game had issues. That is basically giving all company's the go-ahead to launch broken games because people will play them and pay for them in any state as long as they are fun. Does it make it right? Not at all...but it does make it the way it is.
I think the only really broken thing (that was promised) is the DX10 graphics. However given Vista and all of the issues with that, who knows how it would be anyway.
I am sorry you fee lied too and want to place the blame on Funcom but its time to get over it. The game is in the same condition that many are when they launch. The problem is that the game gets overhyped and then when it launches, the community expects perfection. No game will live up to many of your expectations. I don't care if LOTRO was close to perfection at launch - it still is boring as hell. I will say it again - MMO's are incomplete and are a work in progress. if you want a perfect game at launch, I would recommend staying with non-mmo games.
To say Funcom was knowingly dishonest is going a bit far. To think the committed fraud or should be served with a class action lawsuit is going way overboard. READ THE EULA and TOS! It says everything. You think because your computer can't run it, you are going to get your money back? Good luck with that and have fun proving its their game and not your computer. I am way below minimum and run it just fine (AMD Athlon 64, 2.4 ghz single core, 2 gigs RAM, Geforce 9600GT, Windows XP) and I run it on HIGH without shadows and AA turned down to 7.
The sad truth here is many of you just want someone to blame for some reason. You are angry that you tried Age of Conan and it isn't the game you expected; you thought your computer couldn't run it; you wanted the next big thing to take you away from WOW; your guild left you behind and went to play Age of Conan; you feel better having someone to blame. Whatever it is, I think its time to admit that, the game isn't perfect, Funcom marketed the game well, but Funcom wasn't knowingly dishonest to the point that they deliberately lied to the public to the point you could seek damages. If you feel so strongly about it, then feel free to try the litigation route - and be prepared to be laughed out of court.
Fixed and agree mostly with what you said, sorry couldn't help myself
I do not see what the big deal is about sieges as very few people would participate in them and there would be no keeps to siege or defend yet (unless your server is full of powerlevelers who will leave the game anyway because they are always bored.) My server is no where ready for the end-game.
I will say it again.....give me an ad for the game and tell me what was promised by the box or listed on the box that isn't in-game.
Why else would PvP guilds buy AoC? This was THE concept that really excited my guild.
Siege warfare is/was a big deal for me and my guild. Not only is Siege Warfare part of 4 displays on the box, but it is/was the primary reason why most of us bought the game. Most of my guild, including myself, have canceled our accounts pending implementation.
And further whenever questioned about PvP one of the various devs or other funcom community people dangled this feature out there like a carrot.
The problem is not that one feature is not present the problem is that feature was used 100's of times in various posts to justify or of encourage dozens of things.
And then its not in and the reason is apparently because its got a game breaking bug. So let me get this straight it was so important that they never bothered to have a tester actually try it once?
Its the definition of BS car salesmen chicanery.
The is your problem with this entire thing, Templarga. This is not about a list of 3-4 or things. Its about how those things were used. And how often and for how long.
This is years worth of communication. Not 3 features and a deceptive debacle of an early release offer.
Every single time fears of PvP versus PvE balance were raise, what was used to counter that? PvP levels. Well man what a frigging great design. Those levels are clearly causing some great balancing right now.
Oh oops right they didn't have time to properly add everything. I guess when that happens Devs just put in the important stuff they have been relying on for the past couple years. You know the core systems. Like PvP levels. Oh hold they axed those. What conclusion am I supposed to draw?
Their actions show that it wasn't an important feature. Their words say it was not only important but key to addressing even fanboys concerns. Actions speak louder than words. They are liars. I was cutting them slack. Now I can't, I am simply left with no other choice except to bury my head in the sand.
Even if it was only this one feature. Except that there are 3 other features and a dodgy early access all to back the same phenonmenon up.
If they came out and said "Hey we ran out of money and sadly because of that some our planned features we want to use for balancing, most importantly PvP levels, will not be in the release. We hope to have this put in within the next 2 months. Until then unfortunately the game will not fully meet our hoped for dynamics when it comes to balance. Rest assured we will be adding this and we believe it will be a positive effect that will address the concerns of PvPers as we have stated in the past.. We believe the PvP in AoC is currently enjoyable and fun, but we also believe that certain concerns with the endgame of PvP such as PvE imtemization and PvP as a sole pastime are key aspects of the vision of how AoC should play. Therefore this feature is one of our top priorities and has always been intended to serve that purpose."
That would be fine. But they don't do this, they piss on my foot and tell me its raining and tell me the game is "evolving". There isn't really a lot of difference in substance between the "evolution" thing and the statement I made up above. But there is a lot of difference in character and forthrightness.
Some people would say you should never do a mea culpa like that for marketiung purposes. But Funcom left themselves with no choice. The devs hyped too much stuff too often and used these features to justify too much. Unfortunately they took the marketing advice which simply makes you look like a liar.
Its not the crime, its the coverup. That is the corner they painted themselves into with out realizing it. Either that or they just think everyone is stupid.
I think they were dishonest. I was looking forward to this game so much. They spend to much time on eye candy, and putting overkill on detail. They should have been making the game fun. Or finishing content. Whatever, I'll find another game, its not the end of the world.
The people who do the eye candy aren't the people who do content. It's not a case of having the wrong prioriies they just they didn't do the content before releasing.
Indeed, I am a CG artist. I create teh art of games, but not the content. That's code, which is not up to me. If you have a pretty game with crappy content, things don't work, etc, thats the code monkeys. If it looks bad, then thats on people like me (or the art director, if he's making it look crappy on purpose). Leave the Eye-candy guys alone, then did their job pretty well on AoC. however, things don't work like they were advertised, and thats on the other side.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone www.spankybus.com -3d Artist & Compositor -Writer -Professional Amature
Beta leaks covered all this, it goes to show you can believe them. And how come I don't see Avery around too much anymore ?
probably playing AoC... like a lot of people, all I have to say is I enjoy this game and it has been along time since I have enjoyed a game this much. It has been about 1 1/2 year since I have been into a game since I was a WoW player.
To the people who are interested, don't listen to peoples BS on here, if you are interested pick it up you are either going to like it or not.
Beta leaks covered all this, it goes to show you can believe them. And how come I don't see Avery around too much anymore ?
probably playing AoC... like a lot of people, all I have to say is I enjoy this game and it has been along time since I have enjoyed a game this much. It has been about 1 1/2 year since I have been into a game since I was a WoW player.
To the people who are interested, don't listen to peoples BS on here, if you are interested pick it up you are either going to like it or not.
But we have people, multiple people, in this thread who have said they enjoy the game and still voted yes.
Even I, the OP, say the game is perfectly fine and has a decent release (all things considered). Yet at this moment we have almost 200 votes and its at 3/4 saying they are dishonest. That is an overhwleming majority and there are certainly a number of fanboys in these forums currently.
I even made sure to diffrerentiate between dishonest and spin and asked people specifically not to vote yes if they thought it was merely the normal spin.
Not claiming this is a scientific or reliable poll, its not. But when you consider what happened with Vangaurd and now what is happening with AoC I think it is important to explore this.
Especailly since AoC really has a much better release than VG. Both technically and play wise, at least up to level 20. Whether people like AoC or not VG had a really bad release and it was in a very bad state. Its much better now, but even the VG Devs admit it. And the VG devs really probably did a great job with the steaming pile of crap of a situation Sigil gave them.
This sort of stuff is an epidemic in the MMORPG industry in my opinion. People like Gaute and BMQ doing this kind of crap. I dunno I kind of think they are the ones responsible for all this hate. They use the fanboys, that is what creates the hateboys. Fanboys are fools, they are easy tools to take advantage of. But fanaticism has always been a very dangerous tool that burns itself as much as it burns everything else. And the less crazy people are just left with ashes. They need to stop doing this crap.
voted yes too but i seriously love the game.. best mmorpg release after several years of crappy mmorpg's... give it a year and AoC will be the king of the market ... Funcom at least knows their shit and have alot of expierence with mmorpg's... unlike SOE and other half assed mmorpg companies..
voted yes too but i seriously love the game.. best mmorpg release after several years of crappy mmorpg's... give it a year and AoC will be the king of the market ... Funcom at least knows their shit and have alot of expierence with mmorpg's... unlike SOE and other half assed mmorpg companies..
I voted yes and seriously dislike this game. The problem here is you give it a year it will be far from king of the market. Too many better games(IMO) coming out. FC knowing their shit is funny considering you said yes. Alot of experience i m not sure about that as well. Honestly i haven t played a game in a long time that feels so stagnant and unimmersive. To say don t listen to this BS isn t fair, sure some people may be saying things a little harsh but they re saying what has been known for along time. Now even some of the rabid fanbois are admitting it. I for one am glad i tried it to see for myself, but i wouldn t suggest this game to anyone, ever.
voted yes too but i seriously love the game.. best mmorpg release after several years of crappy mmorpg's... give it a year and AoC will be the king of the market ... Funcom at least knows their shit and have alot of expierence with mmorpg's... unlike SOE and other half assed mmorpg companies..
You never played the perpetual train wreck that was AO, have you?
There are 3 types of people in the world. 1.) Those who make things happen 2.) Those who watch things happen 3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
I think they were dishonest. I was looking forward to this game so much. They spend to much time on eye candy, and putting overkill on detail. They should have been making the game fun. Or finishing content. Whatever, I'll find another game, its not the end of the world.
Watch Led Zeppelin, Darkfall Tribute
Watch Johnny Cash, Darkfall Tribute
Why else would PvP guilds buy AoC? This was THE concept that really excited my guild.
Siege warfare is/was a big deal for me and my guild. Not only is Siege Warfare part of 4 displays on the box, but it is/was the primary reason why most of us bought the game. Most of my guild, including myself, have canceled our accounts pending implementation.
Aye, but see, its not a big thing for them so it shouldn't be for you either. Thats the fanboy line of reasoning
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
The game is very playable and the goods outweigh the bads for me.
I voted no because they are working on these issues. A lie would mean they are never going to be implemented.
Yea they could have used another month or 2 before release. Have some patience. If you don't think it's playable, don't sub until you think it is.
Most of you are crying "The sky is falling" when it's just a light rain.
Give it time to see if it clears up.
Fixed and agree mostly with what you said, sorry couldn't help myself
Why else would PvP guilds buy AoC? This was THE concept that really excited my guild.
Siege warfare is/was a big deal for me and my guild. Not only is Siege Warfare part of 4 displays on the box, but it is/was the primary reason why most of us bought the game. Most of my guild, including myself, have canceled our accounts pending implementation.
And further whenever questioned about PvP one of the various devs or other funcom community people dangled this feature out there like a carrot.
The problem is not that one feature is not present the problem is that feature was used 100's of times in various posts to justify or of encourage dozens of things.
And then its not in and the reason is apparently because its got a game breaking bug. So let me get this straight it was so important that they never bothered to have a tester actually try it once?
Its the definition of BS car salesmen chicanery.
The is your problem with this entire thing, Templarga. This is not about a list of 3-4 or things. Its about how those things were used. And how often and for how long.
This is years worth of communication. Not 3 features and a deceptive debacle of an early release offer.
Every single time fears of PvP versus PvE balance were raise, what was used to counter that? PvP levels. Well man what a frigging great design. Those levels are clearly causing some great balancing right now.
Oh oops right they didn't have time to properly add everything. I guess when that happens Devs just put in the important stuff they have been relying on for the past couple years. You know the core systems. Like PvP levels. Oh hold they axed those. What conclusion am I supposed to draw?
Their actions show that it wasn't an important feature. Their words say it was not only important but key to addressing even fanboys concerns. Actions speak louder than words. They are liars. I was cutting them slack. Now I can't, I am simply left with no other choice except to bury my head in the sand.
Even if it was only this one feature. Except that there are 3 other features and a dodgy early access all to back the same phenonmenon up.
If they came out and said "Hey we ran out of money and sadly because of that some our planned features we want to use for balancing, most importantly PvP levels, will not be in the release. We hope to have this put in within the next 2 months. Until then unfortunately the game will not fully meet our hoped for dynamics when it comes to balance. Rest assured we will be adding this and we believe it will be a positive effect that will address the concerns of PvPers as we have stated in the past.. We believe the PvP in AoC is currently enjoyable and fun, but we also believe that certain concerns with the endgame of PvP such as PvE imtemization and PvP as a sole pastime are key aspects of the vision of how AoC should play. Therefore this feature is one of our top priorities and has always been intended to serve that purpose."
That would be fine. But they don't do this, they piss on my foot and tell me its raining and tell me the game is "evolving". There isn't really a lot of difference in substance between the "evolution" thing and the statement I made up above. But there is a lot of difference in character and forthrightness.
Some people would say you should never do a mea culpa like that for marketiung purposes. But Funcom left themselves with no choice. The devs hyped too much stuff too often and used these features to justify too much. Unfortunately they took the marketing advice which simply makes you look like a liar.
Its not the crime, its the coverup. That is the corner they painted themselves into with out realizing it. Either that or they just think everyone is stupid.
The people who do the eye candy aren't the people who do content. It's not a case of having the wrong prioriies they just they didn't do the content before releasing.
Indeed, I am a CG artist. I create teh art of games, but not the content. That's code, which is not up to me. If you have a pretty game with crappy content, things don't work, etc, thats the code monkeys. If it looks bad, then thats on people like me (or the art director, if he's making it look crappy on purpose). Leave the Eye-candy guys alone, then did their job pretty well on AoC. however, things don't work like they were advertised, and thats on the other side.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
Beta leaks covered all this, it goes to show you can believe them. And how come I don't see Avery around too much anymore ?
probably playing AoC... like a lot of people, all I have to say is I enjoy this game and it has been along time since I have enjoyed a game this much. It has been about 1 1/2 year since I have been into a game since I was a WoW player.
To the people who are interested, don't listen to peoples BS on here, if you are interested pick it up you are either going to like it or not.
probably playing AoC... like a lot of people, all I have to say is I enjoy this game and it has been along time since I have enjoyed a game this much. It has been about 1 1/2 year since I have been into a game since I was a WoW player.
To the people who are interested, don't listen to peoples BS on here, if you are interested pick it up you are either going to like it or not.
But we have people, multiple people, in this thread who have said they enjoy the game and still voted yes.
Even I, the OP, say the game is perfectly fine and has a decent release (all things considered). Yet at this moment we have almost 200 votes and its at 3/4 saying they are dishonest. That is an overhwleming majority and there are certainly a number of fanboys in these forums currently.
I even made sure to diffrerentiate between dishonest and spin and asked people specifically not to vote yes if they thought it was merely the normal spin.
Not claiming this is a scientific or reliable poll, its not. But when you consider what happened with Vangaurd and now what is happening with AoC I think it is important to explore this.
Especailly since AoC really has a much better release than VG. Both technically and play wise, at least up to level 20. Whether people like AoC or not VG had a really bad release and it was in a very bad state. Its much better now, but even the VG Devs admit it. And the VG devs really probably did a great job with the steaming pile of crap of a situation Sigil gave them.
This sort of stuff is an epidemic in the MMORPG industry in my opinion. People like Gaute and BMQ doing this kind of crap. I dunno I kind of think they are the ones responsible for all this hate. They use the fanboys, that is what creates the hateboys. Fanboys are fools, they are easy tools to take advantage of. But fanaticism has always been a very dangerous tool that burns itself as much as it burns everything else. And the less crazy people are just left with ashes. They need to stop doing this crap.
voted yes too but i seriously love the game.. best mmorpg release after several years of crappy mmorpg's... give it a year and AoC will be the king of the market ... Funcom at least knows their shit and have alot of expierence with mmorpg's... unlike SOE and other half assed mmorpg companies..
I voted yes and seriously dislike this game. The problem here is you give it a year it will be far from king of the market. Too many better games(IMO) coming out. FC knowing their shit is funny considering you said yes. Alot of experience i m not sure about that as well. Honestly i haven t played a game in a long time that feels so stagnant and unimmersive. To say don t listen to this BS isn t fair, sure some people may be saying things a little harsh but they re saying what has been known for along time. Now even some of the rabid fanbois are admitting it. I for one am glad i tried it to see for myself, but i wouldn t suggest this game to anyone, ever.
You never played the perpetual train wreck that was AO, have you?
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"