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Like so many of you I wanted desperately to like this game. It was touted by Funcom as the greatest pvp game since (insert game here). However, after my "free month" runs out I am afraid I am going to put it on a shelf for awhile.
The game pre lvl 20 is good, But once you get past the initial eye candy amazement to higher levels too much is broken. Most of the stuff promised is not in game yet. The game is playable but full of bugs.
Here is a list of whats wrong:
PvP is mostly broken especially on PvE servers. Keeps dont work/cant be built, etc, etc, etc. The PvP servers are just gank fests with no risk/reward/penalty system in place.
Crafting is totally broken, gems bugged, gathering bugged, quests bugged.
Classes are not balanced and the nerf bat is swinging wildly. Many classes have broken skills still.
The UI is the worst I have ever seen. It looks like an amateur created it at the last minute.
Itemization is a joke. Most people look identical and wear brown paper bags.
Stats are broken for both characters and armor. They dont do anything. A lvl 80 piece of armor is only marginally better than a lvl 20.
Graphics are buggy. So many clipping issues with armor and stuff its very sloppy looking.
Dungeons are bugged.
Many quests are bugged.
The last 3 patches has also really, really nerfed the FPS of the game. At release I was getting 50-60 fps in the open field zones and now I am down to about 20-30. Also, they have serious latency and lag issues with lag spikes up to 5 minutes! I dont know how many times I sat there and watched my toon die in combat to a mob 4 levels below me because my lag meter was in the red.
Travel is a joke. Running is very slow and horses barely run faster than humans prompting most people travel by suicide to get across maps because there is no other option.
Customer Service is a joke and for the most part non-existent. Petitions take days to resolve and get deleted. There is hardly any GM support.
Gold Spammers are becoming rampant already. I have petitioned names and nothing is done. I still get tells and emails from people I reported a week ago.
Content is lacking the higher up you get. Quests thin out after level 50 and you are forced to grind to level up. (I am quitting at lvl 52).
There are also so many display bugs. Inventory items "dissapear" .Items dont show up on the trader, Items dont have mouse over stats, half the time you dont know what your item is.etc, etc, etc.
In addition to all this, Funcom is for the most part non-responsive to any issues on their forums. And in the last week or so the moderators have come down hard, deleting any negative posts or moving them to obscure places on the site where nobody will read them.
These are the major things I can think of right now. I am sure I missed some too.
This game definitely has potential, but currently whats in game is a far cry from what was promised and half of what is in game is broken in some way.
Plain and simple, this game was released way too early. It clearly needed another 4-6 months development time.
I have played many an mmo, tried most of them out there and I can honestly say that the only other game I have played that was this broken after release was Anarchy Online. Surprise! Another Funcom game. (Thankfully I skipped Vanguard).
Pretty much Funcom has flat out lied about the state of the game. I think they will eventually turn it around like they did with Anarchy Online and AOC will become a really good game. Unfortunately that will probably take them about 6-12 months to accomplish and by then there will be several other new games released such as Aion, WarHammer and Spellborn.
And I refuse to pay a monthly sub for a game with most of its features missing or broken while they work on getting in what was promised at release.
I have decided to shelf the game and try back in a few months. (or maybe not).
So there you have it.
Amazing CGI toons: &
Amen to that! Putting it on shelf to.
Hmmmm.... They have never offered a
Your credibility tanks after that statement. Nice try tho.
Hmmmm.... They have never offered a
Your credibility tanks after that statement. Nice try tho.
I think what he is referring to is the 30 days free time. Get a grip.
I am trying to decide whether to uninstall from my hard drive myself. I probably won't because there is plenty of room on the hard drive at teh moment. I will probably let it stay just in case I get real bored or for when FC starts sending "please come back we have fixed it" emails. I have a feeling their subs are dropping like a skydiver w/o a parachute for the next couple of weeks.
I miss DAoC
last post.
The free trial= those free 30 days you get when buying the DvD.
Oops I meant free month, its a typo. Edited now thanks for pointing it out.
Amazing CGI toons: &
Pretty much summed up why I quit aswell.
Don't forget that Female avatar combat speed, combo speed and as a result DPS are severely gimped atm. By as much as 40%. Other inequities have been discovered, including base stats and health being inferior for females.
Female toons were a very late addition to Beta. It seems some things are very screwed up on some very fundamental levels as a result. The late inclusion is also a likely explanation for the lack of variety in armor. If there really is a plethora of additional armor models, (as a dev claimed recently), the creation of female versions, including proper morphs to allow fit to the player tweaked body types, could take years now that the game is in a post-retail development environment.
They did a good job making the game as presentable as possible at launch, but it really did need another year in development to get everything truly in place.
This is my pet peeve for the industry. All the MAN YEARS of talented people spent on developing very promising titles, only to completely destroy the potential by rushing the project to retail six to twelve months too early. Sometimes it's a decision necessitated by development simply running out of money. However, with Funcom being a publicly traded company, it's been shown that they had plenty of financial assets to fund the needed additional months before launching.
Imagine if all that wasted effort could be pooled together on a project that launched ready, stable and full of content.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
Aye, thats one I missed...
Amazing CGI toons: &
Now now - Dont forget that the game only needed the final polish when it got delaid last time....
/sarcasm off
MMO industry is now perfect for conmen. AOC and the promotion videos of Warhammer telling us this and that and then deliviering something diffrent - if anything at all. That is the future of MMOs. Simply cause the MMO gamers find it perfectly ok.
I love this bug. Its the only way to punish the retarded ,naked ganker-missies. It hurts the female rogues most and female rangers really got the shaft. You can say about Funcom what you want, they are not stupid. Those bugs are there for a purpose.
I agree, it is disturbing. Playing a female ranger combined with the crafting situation leaves only the option to go into freeze mode for a while.
Can't agree more. After reading that ,someone who never heard of AOC would probably think that this is a game in beta, no way in hell this could be a released game.
You know it takes all kind of peoples to make this world. It always amaze me that if someone post that he like to eat poop, 99% of them will reply that he is a sick individual, but there will always be a 1% to say that they like poop also.
aoc=fail..move on...
I see warhammer pulling the rest of the aoc fanbois..and loads of wow players that need something new..
If war doesnt screw things like funcom did they will win milions of subs...
Lineage 2, one of the very rare pvp gems out there, is not a gankfest.
The good/real pvp games aren't gankfests. These games also don't need to have separate pve and pvp servers. It makes for a better, free, open world. Unfortunately for the casual player, these are also most of the time hardcore games. It's only in the games where pvp was only added as "another" cheap feature (90% of the games) that pvp is crap, like EQ2, Vnaguard, AoC currently, etc... which are some of the poorest pvp designs (actualy there is no design to talk about in those games, lol).
Now it seems that Funcom have taken many ideas from L2 when designing the new pvp improvements that will be coming soon. If what they say is true AoC could very well become one of the top 3 or 4 pvp mmorpgs.
Games that don't have gold (any currency) spammers.
Star Wars Galaxies
World War II Online
Dark Age of Camelot
City of Heroes (didn't recieve any tells last time I subscribed)
- Someone who plays more often could fill you in.
City of Villains (same as above)
If anyone else would like to add other games to the list feel free to do so, these are only from my experiences.
It's always sad to read of these games that obviously have potential, but the potential is unfullfilled because the publisher is unwilling to postpone gratification and pushes the game out the door too soon.
Well, everything is done for short term profit nowadays, and as long as consumers reward this behavior, nothing will change.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
This is what I call a typical Fanboi post. The typical people that bash every person on the official forums who have sinsere issues with the game and have fair and honest critic to the game.
It's these same people that eventually kill their own game and will be left with only themselves on a empty server left with some other fanbois.
Ganking in AoC is far far worse then any other MMO. So worse even that they had to EASY fix the change instance system in wich they TOTALLY screwed over the PVE people!
They had to boost the Call of Auzera spell, because people were senselessly Spawn camped and had no way of getting out!
And don't start me on the User Interface. As it is a TRUE joke. One of the worst of it's kind!
You are clearly not in a guild nor a guildleader, as the whole Guild Interface is ONE BIG LAUGH on itself.
The only thing working in the Guild Interface is promoting and demoting people and write an MOTD.
Changing RANK names, Changing RANK permissions, Changing Guild bank permissions don't work! More then a month later STILL not fixed!!
Hell you don't even have an Officers chat, nor Player notes for that matter.
The whole grouping Interface and system itself is also horribly broken! Summon to Instance still doesn't work, more then a month after release STILL not fixed!!
Customer Service IS a joke!! More then a month later petitions are STILL getting deleted for no reason! People are still NOT helped whatsoever! They don't even have phone support to help people with account problems and login issues!
Hell Email Support isn't working either, as Emails are NEVER been answered!!
And gold spammers are here for years already! Funcom SHOULD HAVE anticipated this and SHOULD HAVE HAD a system in place in the first place!
You are just a plain idiot bashing people who have concrete critism with unfounded trollish answers!
I wonder if you even play Age of Conan at all or just here bashing and trolling people for fun!
Er, so what you're saying here is AoC is just as crappy as everything else out there, except for itemization which is even worse? I really wanted AoC to be great because I loved Anarchy Online but it looks like Funcom's taken everything in AO that didn't work and just added everything that doesn't work in every other game and called it Age of Conan.
Rotten customer service is to be expected, this is funcom after all (although the current AO game director has really turned things around for that game) but they've had years of experience dealing with all the problems people are complaining about and I can't understand why most of these issues showed up in AoC in the first place.
They've overhauled the AO UI, how could AoC's UI not be stellar? They overhauled PvP in AO, how could they screw it up in AoC? They've been dealing with farmers and spammers for years, they have lag down to a science.
It's beginning to look like the beta test of AoC was just like the beta of Lost Eden: pointless. There was (maybe still is) so much potential here but it looks like instead of building on their strengths they created this game in a vacuum without relying on their experience.
the poster hit the money on the mark on this one... our guild has quite a few members and on the teamspeak server we have I hear alot on this and am experiencing alot of this as well..
add this to list
guild bank is broken as most members cant get items out
gems can be placed but i dont see stats as to what they are doin if anything..
ranking system is broke and our leader actually got kicked from guild as he exited one day which really jacked things up..
there is also an animation with my dual wielding macer.. as he hits a fatal proc he takes sooo long to finish the job that im takin extera damage from other mobs grrrrrrr...
there is this bug that randomly happens when i change stances where my toon is standing funky..
the charge is not properly working.. they eitehr over shoot the mob or for some odd reason go like 100 yards past the mark adding more mobs into the frey..
almost have to stand on some buttons for combos to be set off..
there is an "Error that occurs to the client after a few into game" thata totally stalls the game and sometimes gets me killed..
I am not sure what to do at this point as I have brought sooo many friends together from other games and ive spent money upgrading my pc to play this game... I keep hoping they will add patchs but as they have added patchs they have added more problems........
there are few dungeons to explore, no true challenge other than fighting.. i remember the day when you had to use your head to figure out quests.. now we dont even have to listen to an npc just click on thru it and go to X kill mob quest done... what the heck is that???? cant we pull a lever or 2 or figure out a puzzle?? this isnt questing its hand held spoon fed crap....
I feel like heading back to EQ or perhaps Asherons call.. feel my pain!!!!!!!
you cant be hurt during fatalities bro. i prefer long fatalities because it gives more time to regen health and stamina.
I hate to agree, since I do love this game, but it really is not worth playing for at least three months from now. I too will not pay them the first sub fee. I know I say this in alot of threads, but its just such a good deal that I cant stop hoping former EQ1 and EQ2 players see it if they havnt already, the Living Legacy Celebration, which gives you all expansions for free and reactivated your account till August 1st, giving more than enough incentive to enjoy it.
you cant be hurt during fatalities bro. i prefer long fatalities because it gives more time to regen health and stamina.
you are wrong on this one.. as I can see my health go down as im waiting to throw someone down and smash them.. ive experienced it.. and made sure before i posted this... so dont tell me you cannot