I guess when you are a fan it is always nice to dream but then you eventually wake up and smell the coffee. Not a WOW fan by any means but predciting this is almost as vague as predicting when Armageddon is coming too. People should be more concerned wether the game is going to be good or not when released.
carebears pls, pls stay in wow (its your game, and you love the game, so why change?! you have tons and pretty instances in wow, and if you want pvp, you can go halas, or afk in the bgs, or the best, get a nice combo and play ez mode in arenas. After you can spam foruns to say how much skill you are, and the others carebears OR nabs will beleve. See?! you will have the best of pve, and even can show off your "skill ") . You are 10 million, and i am happy with that, more ppl in MMOS, more games...BUT PLS, PLS
let war for pvp players! we just need 500K, or less.
To the OP and what most observers often "forget" Blizzard against Mythic: the Battle took place already 3.5 years ago....? Why would Mythic's RvR succeed now with WAR when they failed 4 years ago? Does the majority of players even want RvR only games? And how can Mythic win a PvP battle against a system which is even established as highly competetive arena play on the web? What's the motivation of a hardcore guild like SK gaming or Aeternus to "conquer" a capital that is being reset every .... week, while they can have eternal fame on the web in downing first time bosses in PVE content? All those questions... and no answers yet.
WOW has simply been missing good pvp content. It was stable but mainly based on PvE. If you think arena is a highly established competive pvp experience you probably didn't play daoc. If you think wow pvp is good with its 4bgs & arena, you are satisifed with a lot less than I am. The main reason for pvp in mmo's is scale. Large scale battles are breathtaking and tons of fun. Small scale is fun too but epic battles are what's missing in wow. That and good purposeful world pvp, pvp balance and solid pvp orientated system.
I do agree with you tho that capital conquer may get a little stale after it happens a few times. I guess it would be up to the devs to determine how to expand from there and if they don't I doubt the game will persist. but if they continually expand the pvp frontiers, it may be a huge success and a model that many will try to copy.
Mythic can win a pvp battle with a system with arenas simply because that is really the only form of competetive pvp play along with 4 laughable bgs in wow. Most of my pvp orientated friends from daoc had quit wow a long time ago because of this and will probably come back for WAR. Wow is trying to add more pvp content now in wotlk but it may be too little too late if war is successful. but who knows lol.
If Warhammer has a good release, and that's still a big IF until we see it, I think it will do very well, and be very successful. By successful, I mean it will make a nice profit for the investors, and have plenty of money for server upkeep, and development of expansions, bug fixes, etc. However, I just dont' think it's designed for broad appeal like WoW. Warhammer is designed around RvR play, and that's always going to be more of a niche than the WoW style level loot raid sort of game, IMO. All that really matters is that WAR is successful, if you like that sort of gameplay. Then it will be another sucessful game, on top of DAoC, that uses the RvR model, and of course other developers will copy it, and we'll get more RvR style games. I like this sort of game, so I think that would be a good thing.
But the problem is those investors.
Even if WAR makes a profit, the investors in all likelyhood will consider it a flop unless it is as successful as WoW is, without understanding why WoW's numbers are the way they are, without understanding the differences in the two games.
The investors want broad appeal, they're not happy with anyhing but a smashing success. This is the nature of contemporary American capitalism. Making a profit is not enough...the money flows to whatever is delivering the highest ROI, without regard to any other factor.
If Warhammer has a good release, and that's still a big IF until we see it, I think it will do very well, and be very successful. By successful, I mean it will make a nice profit for the investors, and have plenty of money for server upkeep, and development of expansions, bug fixes, etc. However, I just dont' think it's designed for broad appeal like WoW. Warhammer is designed around RvR play, and that's always going to be more of a niche than the WoW style level loot raid sort of game, IMO. All that really matters is that WAR is successful, if you like that sort of gameplay. Then it will be another sucessful game, on top of DAoC, that uses the RvR model, and of course other developers will copy it, and we'll get more RvR style games. I like this sort of game, so I think that would be a good thing.
But the problem is those investors.
Even if WAR makes a profit, the investors in all likelyhood will consider it a flop unless it is as successful as WoW is, without understanding why WoW's numbers are the way they are, without understanding the differences in the two games.
The investors want broad appeal, they're not happy with anyhing but a smashing success. This is the nature of contemporary American capitalism. Making a profit is not enough...the money flows to whatever is delivering the highest ROI, without regard to any other factor.
I dunno if that's entirely true. Is burger king a flop because mcdonald's does better than it. Making a ton of money is not a flop vs another product that makes more. Turning a huge profit in any sense will still be a success imo. In your scenario, pepsi is a flop cos of coke, apple is a flop cos of pcs etc etc.
I guess when you are a fan it is always nice to dream but then you eventually wake up and smell the coffee. Not a WOW fan by any means but predciting this is almost as vague as predicting when Armageddon is coming too. People should be more concerned wether the game is going to be good or not when released.
The mass QQ on these forums will be strong when WAR is released.
carebears pls, pls stay in wow (its your game, and you love the game, so why change?! you have tons and pretty instances in wow, and if you want pvp, you can go halas, or afk in the bgs, or the best, get a nice combo and play ez mode in arenas. After you can spam foruns to say how much skill you are, and the others carebears OR nabs will beleve. See?! you will have the best of pve, and even can show off your "skill ") . You are 10 million, and i am happy with that, more ppl in MMOS, more games...BUT PLS, PLS
let war for pvp players! we just need 500K, or less.
WOW has simply been missing good pvp content. It was stable but mainly based on PvE. If you think arena is a highly established competive pvp experience you probably didn't play daoc. If you think wow pvp is good with its 4bgs & arena, you are satisifed with a lot less than I am. The main reason for pvp in mmo's is scale. Large scale battles are breathtaking and tons of fun. Small scale is fun too but epic battles are what's missing in wow. That and good purposeful world pvp, pvp balance and solid pvp orientated system.
I do agree with you tho that capital conquer may get a little stale after it happens a few times. I guess it would be up to the devs to determine how to expand from there and if they don't I doubt the game will persist. but if they continually expand the pvp frontiers, it may be a huge success and a model that many will try to copy.
Mythic can win a pvp battle with a system with arenas simply because that is really the only form of competetive pvp play along with 4 laughable bgs in wow. Most of my pvp orientated friends from daoc had quit wow a long time ago because of this and will probably come back for WAR. Wow is trying to add more pvp content now in wotlk but it may be too little too late if war is successful. but who knows lol.
But the problem is those investors.
Even if WAR makes a profit, the investors in all likelyhood will consider it a flop unless it is as successful as WoW is, without understanding why WoW's numbers are the way they are, without understanding the differences in the two games.
The investors want broad appeal, they're not happy with anyhing but a smashing success. This is the nature of contemporary American capitalism. Making a profit is not enough...the money flows to whatever is delivering the highest ROI, without regard to any other factor.
But the problem is those investors.
Even if WAR makes a profit, the investors in all likelyhood will consider it a flop unless it is as successful as WoW is, without understanding why WoW's numbers are the way they are, without understanding the differences in the two games.
The investors want broad appeal, they're not happy with anyhing but a smashing success. This is the nature of contemporary American capitalism. Making a profit is not enough...the money flows to whatever is delivering the highest ROI, without regard to any other factor.
I dunno if that's entirely true. Is burger king a flop because mcdonald's does better than it. Making a ton of money is not a flop vs another product that makes more. Turning a huge profit in any sense will still be a success imo. In your scenario, pepsi is a flop cos of coke, apple is a flop cos of pcs etc etc.