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Hello my name is Arcadiea and i am the GM of the guild Vendetta @
Vendetta is a closed beta started guild. It was formed from a few members who continually ran across one another during the closed beta phase and we decided to start a guild and continue it through beta, and into open release. During the 1st creation of Vendetta we achieved the highest rank of any guild destruction or order. Vendetta is going to be an Order based guild on a PvP server. The guild is going to be slightly different from any guild out there. We plan on being a hardcore style guild that demands quality players, but with an undertone of casualness. What I mean by an undertone of casualness is that even though quality will be the demanding factor to be a guild member, maintaining raid schedules, 40+ hrs a week of game time and things of that nature are not a requirement for the guild.
I believe that there are older, more mature players out there that can be excellent, and quality players that do have RL activities and may not have the ability to actually log in everyday, for hours on end. Does this make them bad players? I do not think that it does.
There are many things I have done previously as a guild leader that sets this guild apart from other guilds and allows for all the members in the guild to be active participants.
1st off, let me discuss our raid scheduling thoughts, that I have done in previous MMO's. By raid I mean any and all guild oriented scheduled events, such as Keep sieges, RvR, PvE, things along those lines. Almost every guild application that says they are hardcore guilds asks the question "Can u make our raid times?", or something along those lines. The problem with having a set schedule with raiding means that if someone cannot make those set times then they cannot be a member of the guild, even if that person is a quality player, mature, and intelligent. To me this is seems to be just plain idiotic.
What I have done in the past and it has worked exceptionally well is having a simplistic and easy to use rotating schedule that allows ALL members of the guild to participate in guild events. For example (this is not our schedule) If the guild were to raid mon and tue, what we would do, is have the 1st week of the month Mon & Tue, 2nd week of the month Wed, & Thur, 3rd week, Fri & Sat, then last week Sun. This allows for the raid schedule to rotate in a very simplistic and easy to follow way that will allow ALL the guild members to be fully participating in guild events.
2nd thing that separates the guild from other guilds is the desire for casual quality players. Players who enjoy purely PvE content, crafters, and others. I believe that to have the best possible guild that we can, that a guild must cover all aspects of game content.
This does not mean the guild plans to be a overly large, or even a large guild, because our standard will be that of quality not quantity.
3rdly, the entire guild, weather hardcore player, or casual MUST abide by a creed. It is expected of all the members to play at the best lvl and behave in the best possible manner. Below is the creed.
Creed, the word derives from the Latin: credo for I believe and credimus for we believe.
I believe, that if I am to be excellent in what I do, and how I act, then we must be excellent in what we do, and how we act. Together we can overcome any odds, face any foe, and be the best at what we do, because we shall play at the best level. Negativity is not an option for us because it moves us further from our goals, separates us from one another and stalls us from our inevitable achievements. Vendetta shall push forward together, because I believe in Vendetta, and if I believe in Vendetta, then we all believe.
Long Live Vendetta
Yet another thing that separates Vendetta from other guilds is by NOT having a rules list, or a list of things that everyone must follow. I was sitting around writing out our rules list one day and it hit me.... Why am i writing the rules list for an entire guild of ppl. I am only just 1 person and there are thoughts feelings and ideas in ALL the guild members that i do not have myself. So instead of making a rules list, we have posted in our forums a "code of Conduct" thread. What that code of conduct is, is actually a thread that ALL the guild members are posting their thoughts on how the guild should be run, what rules the guild should have, and how the members of vendetta should act. Before release hits i will take all the posts of the guild members and formulate them into an official Code of conduct for the guild that the guild members must follow that was created by the guild members.
There are still yet other things that make us different, such as our guild sig design and the things involved with the guild sig. The looting concepts and how we plan on dealing with loot, and more.
The next post is of a Q&A in regards to the guild, if u have any questions comments or concerns plz feel free to PM me, or contact me on our website. Thanks.
What made you decide to start a regiment (guild) for Warhammer: Age of Reckoning? Do you have much experience in leading guilds from other games?
I started my MMO experience with a little free to play game called World of Conquest, (I don't even remember the yr, it was so long ago) where u create a little nation and can have other players join the nation. You go conquest and destroy other nations and capture objectives called Orbs and actually win REAL money that is paid through a paypal account. The game is real time so when u are logged off u'r nation can be attacked. After starting the game for a bit i decided I wanted to run a nation. So naturally (like an idiot hardcore gamer) I stayed up all night several nights to recruit ppl from across the entire globe to join my nation. It seemed logical, u can only have 6 ppl in a nation and I enlisted the best players from around the world. No one had thought of that concept before and in short time our nation became the nation with the most winnings ever in the game. It was the most glorious experience in my gaming history. We actually won over two thousand dollars split evenly between us. (u can buy certain extra abilities with real money is how the game does this) After that started to catch on we discovered an ability to ally nations together and the two nations can share resources while actually only having to harvest less, we again were the 1st to do this and our reign continued. TBH 99% of this was not done by myself, it was through a strong bond of friends and GREAT players that we accomplished this. I wasn't running the nation the players were, I was just another player in it.
After I left that game I joined in with the MMO FFXI, I played FFXI for about 4 yrs where I was the leader of a social LS ( LS stands for linkshell its the name they use for a guild, same thing LS = Guild haha ) Again through outstanding officers and players the LS turned itself into an endgame LS, which is not an easy feat in FFXI, there are dozens of guilds for specific things, there are VERY few true endgame LS's that participate in all aspects of the game. The LS was the best on the server and again was one of the greatest things in game i've ever experienced. They were family to me and I met many of them in RL as well.
After 4 yrs of FFXI I decided it was time to move on and i wished to start something new from the ground floor and went to Vanguard right at release. Regrettably VG flopped and the game was so buggy at release it was nearly impossible to play. I stuck with VG for about 3 months until I couldn't take it any longer. Since then I have been pretty much gameless. I played some WoW, played some Free to play games, revisited some old PS2 games and have been awaiting WAR.
I am currently a beta tester in WAR and am the guild leader of the highest ranked guild in Beta. The guild was started fresh from beta testers, since for the last 7 months i have been gameless, this guild will be a fresh start.
I honestly believe that all the success I have had in gaming, the credit is due directly to the members i have around me. I alone, stand alone, but together we can overcome anything.
/end gaming/guild leadership history haha
How did you end up deciding on which faction your regiment would focus on?
I've always chosen the "good side" no real reason tbh. I don't believe that Desto is more or less mature players, or that they are more or less evil or any of that crap. I just decided Order, plain and simple. Seems like its gonna be the underdog, I like the challenge.
What is your regiment looking forward to most of all in WAR?
The ability to make greatness. The thought of getting in on the ground floor at release of a game where everyone is pretty much on the same playing lvl and then to excel, surpass, and overcome, it's just an awesome feeling.
What kind of play style does your regiment encourage? Are you a pure RvR/PvP regiment, or is there more diversity?
Definitely diversity. To be closed minded leaves oneself open to miss something. Having a guild strictly endgame, hardcore, lvl lvl lvl, PvP and things of that nature, the guild WILL miss things, things that a casual player comes across, small details that can eventually mean the difference between a good guild, and a great guild.
How many members does your regiment currently have, and do they come from established MMO backgrounds?
Around 50 members atm, with an average age close to 30. All the members have previous MMO experience, in a multitude of positions. One good thing about Vendetta is that it is a brand new guild. It is not coming from a previous game with members already and connections to players. We're all just getting to know one another now.
What kind of players are you hoping to attract to your regiment.
Only the best kind of players, as mentioned above about being a guild for casual and endgame users. Some ppl think that if the player is not an endgame raider that they are not a GREAT gamer, this is a untrue statement. I sure a lot of ppl have been in guilds where there were raid teams and ppl who were raiders, and ppl who just weren't. Ppl who liked to craft, and make money, and some ppl who just came to hang out in the game. I believe this to be the best selection of players for a guild, It allows for a much more diverse grp of ppl, and resources for the guild to pull from to help everyone in the guild. A guild of just 1 type of player many times leads to conflicts, negativity and eventually breakdown.
What are you looking for in them?
#1 Dedication. My FFXI guild took a long time to grow, and ppl went through hell and back, deaths like u wouldn't believe, but through positive attitudes, dedication to a dream, and the unbreakable drive to achieve we became the best there ever was, and ever will be. I can't stand quitters and ppl who give up, I will never give up or divert my Vendetta ultimate goal of achieving greatness..
What are the requirements to join your regiment?
Website application, and a vent required interview. Once release comes around and the guild is up and running, then I am sure that we will have a more strict application process. Like I said, it is an everything guild for all players, BUT that doesn't include, idiots, aholes, annoying or negative ppl, and ppl who are a big pile of suck.
Does your regiment have a preferred race/class within it?
No, it is not a race specific guild, any race is fine.
How are you running the regiment ranking system? Will there be opportunities for advancement within it?
DEFINITLY! anyone who even thinks they can run a guild as a monarchy is wrong, lol i'm srry. The leader is actually the person who makes the LEAST amount of decisions for the guild. The guild members and officers decide what direction and what the guild should do. To me it makes absolutely no sense for 1 person to decide for the grp, let the grp decide for the grp.
Does your regiment have a website, or do you have any specific "haunts"?
Does your regiment have a ventrilo or IRC channel?
YES, Vent
If you had one suggestion to send to Mythic what would it be?
Make the game on the lvl of epic proportions, make it so that no game will ever compare to it, and that all games are measured to.
What regiment features would you like to see in WAR?
hmmm, not really sure, just excited to get started, maybe personalization. I'd like it that when i look at someone i can tell what guild they are in. FFXI has a small color'd globe over them, but that color can be used by many, and WoW has a Tabard, but it is difficult to see. I want there to be exclusive and apparent visual verifications of what guild u are in.
What is your guilds stance on the Real Money Trade (RMT) situation in games?
I hope they all rot in hell, it was the downfall of FFXI and one of the reasons I left. RMT's got so bad in FFXI they actually competed with real gamers for endgame bosses claims and battles. They were highly organized and guilded together to make the gaming experience for players in FFXI horrid. I have heard that is not so anymore. In WoW I was amazed at how openly it was talked about, and some ppl would have conversations of where to get the cheapest gold from. I found that repulsive.
What is your guild stance on "ganking" and other forms of "griefing"?
Its' all fun and games in a PvP and ganking is part of it, but lets get real, i'm almost 30 now and seeing someone pee on someone else cause they just killed them, and ppl spitting on others after they killed them is just plain immature. Kill em, beat em down, win the fight sure, but lets get back to business and focused on what we're here to do i say. Less of the /em spits on ?????, and get back to killing more haha.
What makes your regiment unique to all the other ones out there?
Answered above
Anything Further you would like to add?
Are u kidding me? HELL no, this took awhile to do haha.
Its official, Vendetta has moved to the next lvl of gaming. Check out our new site @
This guild is probably the closest to being professional as gaming can be. The guys are all top notch players, and one can almost guarentee Vendetta to be at the head of the class. Honestly, you would only be hurting yourself not to check us out
I had the honor of getting the chance to have an interview with Josh and Jeff on Saturday at the Baltimore's Games Day Workshop Convention. This was the 1st time I had ever gone to a gaming convention, and I have never done an interview before. Hope u all like it
Hi all!
I'm currently a "recruit" with Vendetta, the most organized and professional guild I have ever seen. If your looking for a fun and mature Order guild come check us out at:
I assure you, you won't be disappointed.
Long Live Vendetta!
Vendetta is definitely going to be a force to be reckoned. They are mature, well organized, and have a bunch of great players on their side.
Destro beware
I know I cant wait to jump into battle alongside my fellow Vendetta guildys to put the pain on some destro, that's for sure!
The question is not how far.The question is: Do you posses the constitution? The debt of go as far as is needed? - The Duke (Boondock Saints)
I am glad that I found Vendetta. Great group of devoted, quality, mature gamers. The website is great and Arc is going to do a great job of leading this unified group. It will be my first experience of joining a guild that has a foundation like this, and WAR has not even begun. There are so many great guild concepts that Vendetta is going to take into release. If you are interested in a Order guild that is hardcore, but has a casual undertone....check us out.
Can't Say enough good things about what i have seen from Vendetta. They are organized and headed in the right direction to becoming one of the greats. Their player interviews are unique and are going to help produce a guild full of great players.
Just wanted to give a heads up for anyone looking for a guild beyond the ordinary! I've been gaming since the mid 90s. Since that time not only have I been in many, many guilds, but I've also overseen several. With that as a background, I just wanted to say that Vendetta is a rare experience and Arcadiea is the driving force behind this fantastic guild.
If you are join the Order side of the WAR, seek Vendetta out! You won't be sorry .
White Lion
I am on a trial period with Vendetta right now and im really excited about the direction this guild is going. I enjoy talking with the members in vent and on the forums. They are a solid group of players and im looking forward to getting to know them better
I was just accepted into the guild last night! I just want to thank Arcadiea and the guildees for accepting me. Thanks yall!!
If you dont play to win,then why play at all!
I may end up playing order and if I do I'll look you guys up. you all sound like a bunch of cool guys.
Wenn nichts mehr geht
Werd' ich ein engel sein - Für dich allein
Und dir in jeder dunklen nacht erschein'
Und dann fliegen wir weit weg von hier
Wir werden uns nie mehr verlier'n
Yea my name in the guild is butchsawedoff!! i just didnt change my account cause ive had this one for a long time. But the guild has cool peeps and leadership just check out our website.
I think Vendetta would really suit me :O
However, are you US or EU based ?
us brother
Darn, from the EU, so I don't know if I even can play on your servers
Brother i think you can cause we have peeps in our guild that play beta with us!!!
Vendetta is such a great guild, do yourself a favor and look into it!
but I think I would have to order a US version, and hope it would work hehe
Vendetta is a great guild filled with great people check it out!
No such thing as luck, just believing in it is what makes it real to you and really...thats all you need.
Im on nobodies' side but my own.
To Howler54: You are right just try and find a US version of the game on Ebay or something that way you can play on our US servers on release.
No such thing as luck, just believing in it is what makes it real to you and really...thats all you need.
Im on nobodies' side but my own.
I am glad I ran across these guys. They will be a very well known and feared Order guild.
They are worth checking out.
This guild is the Ultimate Order guild come give Arc and Pumes more endless interviews!
No such thing as luck, just believing in it is what makes it real to you and really...thats all you need.
Im on nobodies' side but my own.
I am a trial member and it's a great crew of people.
Now, since I'm a member of this community, it's easy to write off my testiomal as being a "fanboy" of my own guild.
So, I was talking about this guild to someone who has 100% no intrest in these games, guild and other community aspects that we all enjoy.
And after explaining everything to my girlfriend, she was first confused that these types of groups existed in gaming. I was in guilds before and she just took them as a bunch of wierdos that talk into a mic to play a silly game.
Now, she sees a professional website, people with lives, families, and other real world people. She sees text on the website that is written in English, as opposed to D00dz s|o3@|<. (That's Dude Speak).
She's impressed that there is this collection of people, who are tied together by a common bond of a creed of bringing the best is game play and sportsmanship.
Those that want to be the d00dz l33tis|-| or whatever the kiddies are doing these days, move along. You won't find a home here.
But, if you enjoy a mature atmosphere, while bringing a high level of gameplay, then stop by and fill out an application!