ref All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. - XIV Amendment to the U.S. Constitution For persons born on or after November 14, 1986, a person is a U.S. citizen if all of the following are true:
One of the person's parents was a US citizen when the person in question was born;
The citizen parent lived at least 5 years in the United States before his or her child's birth; and
At least 2 of these 5 years in the United States were after the citizen parent's 14th birthday. In addition, in 2000, Congress passed the Child Citizenship Act (CCA) which allows any child under the age of 18 who is adopted by a U.S. citizen and immigrates to the United States to acquire immediate citizenship. link for a citizen to be 'naturalized' does not mean that they were 'naturally born' (i.e. born in the land.) It means that they went through a process of becoming a citizen, and is not to be confused with the term 'natural born' as used in the requirements for President or VP. Barack Hussein Obama born 4 August 1961 at the Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii (became a state in Aug 1959,) to Barack Obama, Sr., a black Kenyan of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Ann Dunham, a white American from Wichita, Kansas. Separating three years later (1963) then in 1966 Dunham married Lolo Soetoro a black Indonesian, and the family moved to Soetoro's home country of Indonesia in 1967, where Obama attended local schools in Jakarta until he was ten years old (1971.) Divorced again 1980.
Lol, this post has no point. I mean, really, there isn't a point made at all. What did you do billie? Throw up a semi-catching title so you could enlighten members about US citizenship guidelines? Like other people noted, it doesn't even mention anything about the guidlines for Obama. And hopefully, someone out there realizes that a birth certificate is just a piece of paper. There are actual records kept where he was born. And do people actually think that Presidential candidates don't get background checks? Lol, and so what if he was out of the country for four years. I just don't get it..what was the boint of this thread? And then the first person to what true? how is it harmful? AHHHHH! Lol, i'm just gonna go huddle in a corner and cry. Oh, btw. It's not IN THE USA. It's on US soil. Just so you know, there's a difference.
Oh, and I figured maybe someone would think that because there was only 2 yrs between Obama's birth and Hawaii becoming a state. Well ,first, it doesn't say where his mother or his father spent the other 3 yrs. And then second, refer back to the US soil vs literal US.
So this is the only thing they could find against him? Good.
Well, that's not the only thing, during his youth he was .....shall we say, not the man he is today. I have it on good accord that while playing the part of a seeker, during a game of hide and seek. He actually peeked while counting, so as to gain knowledge of the hiders location. Yepppp.............
I personally feel this is just the tip of the iceberg ....... who knows what else will surface in the coming months.
To the ongoing argument with the legal experts ..... Born at Ramstein, Germany (On the AF Base) ....... Mom a Canadian citizen ........ Dad a US citizen ........ your telling me I'm an illegal or did I misunderstand something?
Unfortunately, following that criteria, neither is John McCain, and neither was Barry Goldwater when he ran for President. Also, in Billie's law cite, she states the year as 1986. Obama was born before 1986, there is no indication that the law was made retro-actice.
And the fact the law was made to read on or after the date in 1986 means anyone born before then would not qualify as a naturalized citizen. So I think Mr. Obama may be running into some trouble with this.
Incorrect. Laws take effect on the date they are passed and are retro-active only if specifically stated in the law.
For example, if Texas were to pass a law that states it is illegal to have sex with a minor, and a person has had sex with minors prior to the passage of the law, Child Protective Services could not take legal action against, say a religious cult, for having sex with minors before passage of the law. CPS could only take enforcement action for activities which would have occurred after the change in the law.
Also, the statute is very specific, McCain was not born in a State, and neither his father, nor his mother, would meet the 5 year test because he was deployed to a foreign country.
Barry Goldwater, likewise, was born in the Arizona Territory. Arizona did not become a State until after his birth.
Last time I checked, children born on a U.S. military base were considered to be born on U.S. soil.
As for Obama, the law doesn't need to be retroactive. Before the law, he would not count as a natural born citizen, and after the law he STILL would not count as a natural born citizen. Naturalized, maybe. But naturalized citizens are inelligible for the Presidency.
Any child born to service personal overseas is considered a U.S. Citizen born abroad. It does not need to be on a base.
How do I know? I was born in Frankfurt Germany in 1968 to 2 Americans who were stationed overseas. I am a full citizen. My son was born in Germany in a German hospital. He is a full American with a birth certificate and US passport.
I am currently a US government employee who works for the US Army but enjoy full SOFA protections like any other service member. I also served many years in the US Army. US citizens being born abroad is very commonplace here, thousands a year at least in Germany alone. There are no US Army hospitals out here near us, only German. Soil or territory is irrelevant when the child of a US citizan is born in service of their government they are automatically without question, citizens.
Obama's mother was an American therefore he is automatically an American.
You are correct, which is why I prefaced my reply with the phrase, "following that criteria". I just wanted to point out that using the arguement that Billie cited would make both John McCain and Barry Goldwater ineligible to be President also.
To the ongoing argument with the legal experts ..... Born at Ramstein, Germany (On the AF Base) ....... Mom a Canadian citizen ........ Dad a US citizen ........ your telling me I'm an illegal or did I misunderstand something?
Honestly Hairysun, at this point I'm stymied. After looking into current and former policy regarding this issue, it seems our government can't make up its mind and has muddied the waters all the way around (beaurocracy..... surprise ). Seems the Constitution says one thing, the military says another, and the damn State department has another version of its own altogether. At this point, I think an Iraqi insurgent could claim citizenship and get it if they just picked the right assortment of rules to balance their claims.
Originally posted by Hairysun To the ongoing argument with the legal experts ..... Born at Ramstein, Germany (On the AF Base) ....... Mom a Canadian citizen ........ Dad a US citizen ........ your telling me I'm an illegal or did I misunderstand something? ~Harrysun~
Honestly Hairysun, at this point I'm stymied. After looking into current and former policy regarding this issue, it seems our government can't make up its mind and has muddied the waters all the way around (beaurocracy..... surprise ). Seems the Constitution says one thing, the military says another, and the damn State department has another version of its own altogether. At this point, I think an Iraqi insurgent could claim citizenship and get it if they just picked the right assortment of rules to balance their claims.
Hairysun, my advice to you is to pick a country with little or no income taxes and claim citizenship there.
This thread is pointless. Do any of you seriously think that Obama is not a citizen? He is the Democratic presidential nominee for God's sake. I think that someone somewhere would have checked to see if he was a citizen. If conservatives keep coming up with ridiculous conspiracy theories like this then Obama will win the election by a landslide.
To the ongoing argument with the legal experts ..... Born at Ramstein, Germany (On the AF Base) ....... Mom a Canadian citizen ........ Dad a US citizen ........ your telling me I'm an illegal or did I misunderstand something?
Honestly Hairysun, at this point I'm stymied. After looking into current and former policy regarding this issue, it seems our government can't make up its mind and has muddied the waters all the way around (beaurocracy..... surprise ). Seems the Constitution says one thing, the military says another, and the damn State department has another version of its own altogether. At this point, I think an Iraqi insurgent could claim citizenship and get it if they just picked the right assortment of rules to balance their claims.
Lol .....that is some silly shit. As you stated ......."surprise", our government at it's finest. It's good to see the various levels all on the same page ..... as usual. I hunted for my birth certificate but was unable to find it. Just wanted to take a closer look, I don't think I've ever "Really" looked at it as an adult.
It's funny, after reading this thread and some of your posts it got me thinking. Brought back some childhood memories of a conversation I had with my dad. As I recall he seemed to think that once I turned 18 I was able to become a U.S, Canadian or German citizen. The 18 thing happened decades ago ...... just never really thought about it again. Dunno.....
@olddaddy Bah ........ got a few more years here til my kiddo is an adult ........ in theory. We'll see how that goes first.
So this is the only thing they could find against him? Good.
Well, that's not the only thing, during his youth he was .....shall we say, not the man he is today. I have it on good accord that while playing the part of a seeker, during a game of hide and seek. He actually peeked while counting, so as to gain knowledge of the hiders location. Yepppp.............
I personally feel this is just the tip of the iceberg ....... who knows what else will surface in the coming months.
I have news for you. He is secretly a muslim that eats jewish babies and wipes his mouth with the flag.
If you are not being responded to directly, you are probably on my ignore list.
And you know what else? Obama single-handedly stopped the Lunar Landings on the moon when he was just a boy, since in reality he isn't from this planet at all, but from Krypton. Because of this, the US had to create a movie set in New Mexico to fake the moon landings.
You conspiracy theorists crack me up. I don't know what is more amusing, the stories you create or the knowledge that you actually believe this stuff.
_____________________________ Currently Playing: LOTRO; DDO Played: AC2, AO, Auto Assault, CoX, DAoC, DDO, Earth&Beyond, EQ1, EQ2, EVE, Fallen Earth, Jumpgate, Roma Victor, Second Life, SWG, V:SoH, WoW, World War II Online.
Games I'm watching: Infinity: The Quest for Earth, Force of Arms.
The status of Obama's citizenship is completely irrelevent except for stupid people who can't think of another reason he shouldn't be president.
The Constitution (specifically Article 2; Section 1) explicitly states that a presidential candidate must be born a natural American to be eligible for the presidency. The law of the U.S. Constitution is the highest law of our republic. Nothing trumps it. It trumps everything.
If Obama wasn't born a naturalized American citizen he is not eligible for the presidency. If you don't like that then go pass an amendment.
Yeah I'm not so sure I trust CQ to give me non-biased info. They have ties to ACORN. Not posting links, if you really care search for it.
That image made me lol though.
Would just kill anyone to see a Black Prez!
Lol, this post has no point. I mean, really, there isn't a point made at all. What did you do billie? Throw up a semi-catching title so you could enlighten members about US citizenship guidelines? Like other people noted, it doesn't even mention anything about the guidlines for Obama. And hopefully, someone out there realizes that a birth certificate is just a piece of paper. There are actual records kept where he was born. And do people actually think that Presidential candidates don't get background checks? Lol, and so what if he was out of the country for four years. I just don't get it..what was the boint of this thread? And then the first person to what true? how is it harmful? AHHHHH! Lol, i'm just gonna go huddle in a corner and cry. Oh, btw. It's not IN THE USA. It's on US soil. Just so you know, there's a difference.
Oh, and I figured maybe someone would think that because there was only 2 yrs between Obama's birth and Hawaii becoming a state. Well ,first, it doesn't say where his mother or his father spent the other 3 yrs. And then second, refer back to the US soil vs literal US.
So this is the only thing they could find against him? Good.
Well, that's not the only thing, during his youth he was .....shall we say, not the man he is today. I have it on good accord that while playing the part of a seeker, during a game of hide and seek. He actually peeked while counting, so as to gain knowledge of the hiders location. Yepppp.............
I personally feel this is just the tip of the iceberg ....... who knows what else will surface in the coming months.
@OP Give me a credible source please.
To the ongoing argument with the legal experts ..... Born at Ramstein, Germany (On the AF Base) ....... Mom a Canadian citizen ........ Dad a US citizen ........ your telling me I'm an illegal or did I misunderstand something?
McCain was born at Coco Solo Naval Air Station[3] in the Panama Canal Zone to naval officer John S. McCain, Jr. (1911–1981) and Roberta (Wright) McCain (b. 1912). At that time, the Panama Canal was under American control, and the McCain family was stationed in the Panama Canal Zone.
This makes McCain a natural born U.S citizen.
And the fact the law was made to read on or after the date in 1986 means anyone born before then would not qualify as a naturalized citizen. So I think Mr. Obama may be running into some trouble with this.
Incorrect. Laws take effect on the date they are passed and are retro-active only if specifically stated in the law.
For example, if Texas were to pass a law that states it is illegal to have sex with a minor, and a person has had sex with minors prior to the passage of the law, Child Protective Services could not take legal action against, say a religious cult, for having sex with minors before passage of the law. CPS could only take enforcement action for activities which would have occurred after the change in the law.
Also, the statute is very specific, McCain was not born in a State, and neither his father, nor his mother, would meet the 5 year test because he was deployed to a foreign country.
Barry Goldwater, likewise, was born in the Arizona Territory. Arizona did not become a State until after his birth.
Last time I checked, children born on a U.S. military base were considered to be born on U.S. soil.
As for Obama, the law doesn't need to be retroactive. Before the law, he would not count as a natural born citizen, and after the law he STILL would not count as a natural born citizen. Naturalized, maybe. But naturalized citizens are inelligible for the Presidency.
Any child born to service personal overseas is considered a U.S. Citizen born abroad. It does not need to be on a base.
How do I know? I was born in Frankfurt Germany in 1968 to 2 Americans who were stationed overseas. I am a full citizen. My son was born in Germany in a German hospital. He is a full American with a birth certificate and US passport.
I am currently a US government employee who works for the US Army but enjoy full SOFA protections like any other service member. I also served many years in the US Army. US citizens being born abroad is very commonplace here, thousands a year at least in Germany alone. There are no US Army hospitals out here near us, only German. Soil or territory is irrelevant when the child of a US citizan is born in service of their government they are automatically without question, citizens.
Obama's mother was an American therefore he is automatically an American.
You are correct, which is why I prefaced my reply with the phrase, "following that criteria". I just wanted to point out that using the arguement that Billie cited would make both John McCain and Barry Goldwater ineligible to be President also.
Honestly Hairysun, at this point I'm stymied. After looking into current and former policy regarding this issue, it seems our government can't make up its mind and has muddied the waters all the way around (beaurocracy..... surprise ). Seems the Constitution says one thing, the military says another, and the damn State department has another version of its own altogether. At this point, I think an Iraqi insurgent could claim citizenship and get it if they just picked the right assortment of rules to balance their claims.
Honestly Hairysun, at this point I'm stymied. After looking into current and former policy regarding this issue, it seems our government can't make up its mind and has muddied the waters all the way around (beaurocracy..... surprise ). Seems the Constitution says one thing, the military says another, and the damn State department has another version of its own altogether. At this point, I think an Iraqi insurgent could claim citizenship and get it if they just picked the right assortment of rules to balance their claims.
Hairysun, my advice to you is to pick a country with little or no income taxes and claim citizenship there.
This thread is pointless. Do any of you seriously think that Obama is not a citizen? He is the Democratic presidential nominee for God's sake. I think that someone somewhere would have checked to see if he was a citizen. If conservatives keep coming up with ridiculous conspiracy theories like this then Obama will win the election by a landslide.
Honestly Hairysun, at this point I'm stymied. After looking into current and former policy regarding this issue, it seems our government can't make up its mind and has muddied the waters all the way around (beaurocracy..... surprise ). Seems the Constitution says one thing, the military says another, and the damn State department has another version of its own altogether. At this point, I think an Iraqi insurgent could claim citizenship and get it if they just picked the right assortment of rules to balance their claims.
Lol .....that is some silly shit. As you stated ......."surprise", our government at it's finest. It's good to see the various levels all on the same page ..... as usual. I hunted for my birth certificate but was unable to find it. Just wanted to take a closer look, I don't think I've ever "Really" looked at it as an adult.
It's funny, after reading this thread and some of your posts it got me thinking. Brought back some childhood memories of a conversation I had with my dad. As I recall he seemed to think that once I turned 18 I was able to become a U.S, Canadian or German citizen. The 18 thing happened decades ago ...... just never really thought about it again. Dunno.....
@olddaddy Bah ........ got a few more years here til my kiddo is an adult ........ in theory. We'll see how that goes first.
Well, that's not the only thing, during his youth he was .....shall we say, not the man he is today. I have it on good accord that while playing the part of a seeker, during a game of hide and seek. He actually peeked while counting, so as to gain knowledge of the hiders location. Yepppp.............
I personally feel this is just the tip of the iceberg ....... who knows what else will surface in the coming months.
I have news for you. He is secretly a muslim that eats jewish babies and wipes his mouth with the flag.
If you are not being responded to directly, you are probably on my ignore list.
And you know what else? Obama single-handedly stopped the Lunar Landings on the moon when he was just a boy, since in reality he isn't from this planet at all, but from Krypton. Because of this, the US had to create a movie set in New Mexico to fake the moon landings.
You conspiracy theorists crack me up. I don't know what is more amusing, the stories you create or the knowledge that you actually believe this stuff.
Currently Playing: LOTRO; DDO
Played: AC2, AO, Auto Assault, CoX, DAoC, DDO, Earth&Beyond, EQ1, EQ2, EVE, Fallen Earth, Jumpgate, Roma Victor, Second Life, SWG, V:SoH, WoW, World War II Online.
Games I'm watching: Infinity: The Quest for Earth, Force of Arms.
Find the Truth:
The Constitution (specifically Article 2; Section 1) explicitly states that a presidential candidate must be born a natural American to be eligible for the presidency. The law of the U.S. Constitution is the highest law of our republic. Nothing trumps it. It trumps everything.
If Obama wasn't born a naturalized American citizen he is not eligible for the presidency. If you don't like that then go pass an amendment.