I am curious, what has to be done? Just asking for your honest opinion on the matter? How do you see it.
OK now i admittedly dont have all the answers, probably dont have many answers at all, but as to what has to be done... I am not entirely sure, but it has to be something to the tune of a large overhaul of the way things are done; probably not actual legal movements but rather something more in the hands of the people, legislatures, and government officials of all types, a sort of cooperation that tends to create more harmonious outcomes and less waste on a number of levels. Soooo much time is wasted in the government due to the inability of the people there to ever look past silly differences and get things done.
NOW... I realize that this is highly idealistic and the fact that i just wrote it scares me a little bit, but i do believe that what the US needs is a large overhaul of the system. Change in peoples attitudes and a change in the way so called public servants operate. So i guess i hope i can answer the question best by saying that as a country we need to stop screwing around and get moving before we fall to pieces and lose any cohesivness. The division in the US is striking, always has been and sadly most likely always will be (see Civil War, which if you think was about slavery then you probably should find something else to read because you probably dont have the education to comprehend this).
I know im rambling and still being vague but like i said i dont really have answers just trying to incite new thought and the potential for new ideas. Sorry if i failed to answer
No i understand the system is broken to a large degree and the population kept divided by politics,divisive policys and a two party system. divide and conquer keeps us from asigning blame to the real culprits, like 30 year incumbents who sell out to special interest year in and year out.
I would like to see a new party one that does only what is best for the American people, screw the rest of the world i am willing to live a lower standard of living to be free of the responibilty of carrying there weight on my shoulders.However like it or not what happens in other nations affects us or can affect us.What would happen if Canada were invaded should we sit back and say ok as long as you don't attack us.That is nieve thinking.
And i understand about the civil war part what did Lincoln say? a house divided shall not stand.
That is the problem our politicians represent special interest who are of totaly different opinions of what Goverment should be and should do. How do you rectify one group of people who say no one but the Govement/Federal/State/Local should have guns and another segment that says everyone has the right to them?
Or a group that says it is the Goverments responsibilty to provide for it's education,medical,housing,food,etc, and another that says just leave me the hell alone.
You will never reach total agreement in a free society thus division, an impasse.
I can understand the fustration with the President's policies, mismanagement of the war, but what are the other options?
Ignore it and hope extremists stop killing Americans? I am counting over 10,000 American dead from the 70's to 9-11 alone. Seems like ignoring the dead of the 70's 80's and 90's did not work.
Talking to them maybe a policy of appeasment? less likely to work with fanatics if history is any guide
Or maybe we could just end it with an all out military assault and go world war with the horrors that would entail.
I actually understand the terrible math of this war, and it goes like this.
Ok you want to blow up and kill Americans destroy our economy our way of life? well we will just invade your country's now you have Americans in your back yard to kill and these are not helpless civilians but military personel. If you want to live in peace and security fine quit killing Americans keep killing us and it meens invasion and war.
Iraq was merely an easy target weakened by years of embargos and military detente.Astride the lifeblood of the worlds economy,oil. And places our military on the borders of states that have a larger hand of supporting extremists.To send a message, don't push it this could be you, an easy win without having to fight a real war against more determined foes.
Bush may be a fool, however he does have one redeeming quality,in my eyes,he will waste half the planet so me my family and nation survives if he has to. what more can i want out of a President.
Someone who will do nothing when Americans die? If that is the case we should just accept a Theocracy/Marxist Revolution or Dictatorship and get it over with. At least we won't die for our ideas of freedom and equality of all men at that point.
He walks a fineline of protecting us without destroying the world.
I am not saying he is not corrupt, all politicians are corrupt in my eyes, im just saying it cannot be an easy
thing being the President.
A final thought, if life as we know it continues until the election we will be rid of him. And be saddled with the next fool. In some Nations they are saddled with the same fools there entire lives. At least we have the freedom if not the wisdom to choose them.
BushMonkey: Well stated is about all i have to say. Your points are very valid and mostly cogent. Although i do disagree with the point about saving americans lives in the long run by continuing war in Iraq and if McCain is elected most of the world. Fighting for our freedom? I think not, more accuratley muddling in a mire of permanent war and strife (See the Crusades... Christians almost always lose in the Middle East). A more appropriate strategy would be to leave, not suddenly but with some degree of grace and honor that would befit a country such as the US (or at least should). Upon doing so an ultimatum could be released stating simply that if americans are killed or threatened in any way, there will be no limit to the amount of retribution that we as a country will lay down, sanctions and humanitarian bullshit be damned. The US has the greatest capability in the world to wage war and if we were to lay down a truely devastating type way with no holds bared and minimal use of actual human force the US could royally fuck up pretty much anybody.
OkeeDokee... So now i have said it, the plan of a madman, which i realize is nigh unto unacheivable or really even something that should be considered. But some of it should ring true in what it is at the core. An idea. All great things come from ideas, fresh new PROACTIVE ideas are the best. Something our country and government are sorely lacking in. We desperatly need to get some new ideas, as we are currently so mired in the swamp that we have in fact created.
Thanks as always for listening to me rant and rave about my wacky ideas.
I think some people may not realise this. The US presdient is the most powerful person in the world. Everything he does is watched and commeneted on. Everytime he makes a choice a group might like but for every group that likes him there are groups that hate him. There is almost no clear cut answer for anything they do.
Hold on Snow Leopard, imma let you finish, but Windows had one of the best operating systems of all time.
If the Powerball lottery was like Lotro, nobody would win for 2 years, and then everyone in Nebraska would win on the same day. And then Nebraska would get nerfed.-pinkwood lotro fourms
AMD 4800 2.4ghz-3GB RAM 533mhz-EVGA 9500GT 512mb-320gb HD
BushMonkey: Well stated is about all i have to say. Your points are very valid and mostly cogent. Although i do disagree with the point about saving americans lives in the long run by continuing war in Iraq and if McCain is elected most of the world. Fighting for our freedom? I think not, more accuratley muddling in a mire of permanent war and strife (See the Crusades... Christians almost always lose in the Middle East). A more appropriate strategy would be to leave, not suddenly but with some degree of grace and honor that would befit a country such as the US (or at least should). Upon doing so an ultimatum could be released stating simply that if americans are killed or threatened in any way, there will be no limit to the amount of retribution that we as a country will lay down, sanctions and humanitarian bullshit be damned. The US has the greatest capability in the world to wage war and if we were to lay down a truely devastating type way with no holds bared and minimal use of actual human force the US could royally fuck up pretty much anybody. OkeeDokee... So now i have said it, the plan of a madman, which i realize is nigh unto unacheivable or really even something that should be considered. But some of it should ring true in what it is at the core. An idea. All great things come from ideas, fresh new PROACTIVE ideas are the best. Something our country and government are sorely lacking in. We desperatly need to get some new ideas, as we are currently so mired in the swamp that we have in fact created. Thanks as always for listening to me rant and rave about my wacky ideas.
I do not have a problem with a withdrawl from Iraq at this point, it is just to costly in blood money and blunting our military strength. And it appears most of the Extremist have moved onto greener pastures.
I could see an security agreement with them and continued cooperation on the strategic level, but as for the battlefeild/ tactical level, they should be forced to stand on there own. They never will as long as we remain. With the amount of oil they control they most certainly could afford a police/military force capable of there own security needs.
Hehe Ideas are the greatest things in the world and they usually begin with one person , more power to you on them.
Congress (all of them) has been lingering on a single digit approval rating for some few months now. This is for several reasons, most specifically because they haven't gotten shit accomplished. The democrats (specifically) in congress receive disapproval because they haven't drafted and sent legislation up and forced the hand of Bush. We all know that the republicans aren't going to allow any serious changes in current policy, but the democrats could have passed bills by narrow margin and forced a veto or Bush's now infamous 'signing statements'. They chose not to do such a thing and for that they should be scorned. Taking the easy way out and giving up is no solution. We are all counting down the days until W boot scoots back to Texas. However, it is not acceptable for congress to throw their hands in the air during the interim.
If congress really wanted to lift their approval rating they would move forward with impeachment proceedings. I won't be satisfied until these criminals, that have hijacked our nation, have been brought to justice.
You really think that that's why congress' approval rating is so low?
open your eyes man, it's not because they haven't stuck it to Bush enough...it's because they got put into office in the last election based on a platform of "change" Change from the stuff that the repubs were bringing to the table that had people all emotional (mostly due to Iraq) and they haven't done anything that they said they would...And that's not to say that some of that low approval rating isn't beacuse they haven't stuck it to Bush enough, but you don't get a single digit approval rating just because you aren't being mean enough to the president.
if this is the type of Change that Obama is going to bring, then it's going to be a long damn four years...I look forward to HIS single digit approval ratings.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Alright now in response to the statement that being the president isnt the easiet job in the world: Duh... But is it not unreasonable to expect that the man that we elect to office would have the fortitude of personality and strength of character to uphold the honor and the integrity that go with the position? I say no. That is in fact why we elect some people and not others, not so much on where they stand (while yes this is important), but more on will they be able to carry out the plethora of duties that accompany the office. I think saying take it easy on him he has the hardest job in the world is more of a scapegoat than anything else for excusing lack of leadership ability. Yes. He has probably the most dificult job ever, but. No. It is not right to say that because of this we should cut him slack.
Bushmonkey: Well done and thank you for the comment about ideas. Without them we would still all be chromagy types grunting and deciding who gets who as a mate through who is the biggest and highest in the social hierarchy... Or was that highschool, i forget.
Bushmonkey. i had no idea you had more than one paragraph in you. well versed opinion- one which i share most of.
Why thank you my freind, i usually try to keep it short and sweet, no one likes a wall of text, That post was something that had built up over a while, i just get tired of everyone constantly ripping on the President when there are other incumbent heels in power who have been there for 40 years, there is enough blame to go around without laying it all at the Presidents feet.
As always your brother in arms /salute bluberryhaze.
Alright now in response to the statement that being the president isnt the easiet job in the world: Duh... But is it not unreasonable to expect that the man that we elect to office would have the fortitude of personality and strength of character to uphold the honor and the integrity that go with the position? I say no.
Problem with this is When the Republicans and Democrats offer up Tweddle Dee, and Tweedle Dumb... WTHeck are we Suposed to do??? Kerry was and Still is Just as big of a Tard as Bush, Gore has shown that he is a Joke and to fight Clinton the best we could do was Dole?? Now its McCain Vs Obama... As far as People theres No Comparason, Obama is Well spoken and Stupid, McCain is Senile and Dull... Yeah were fudged.
If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude; greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. Samuel Adams
Alright now in response to the statement that being the president isnt the easiet job in the world: Duh... But is it not unreasonable to expect that the man that we elect to office would have the fortitude of personality and strength of character to uphold the honor and the integrity that go with the position? I say no.
Problem with this is When the Republicans and Democrats offer up Tweddle Dee, and Tweedle Dumb... WTHeck are we Suposed to do??? Kerry was and Still is Just as big of a Tard as Bush, Gore has shown that he is a Joke and to fight Clinton the best we could do was Dole?? Now its McCain Vs Obama... As far as People theres No Comparason, Obama is Well spoken and Stupid, McCain is Senile and Dull... Yeah were fudged.
Look at my sig, vote, and change our country!
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Meh, if you want to see this nation crumble, just get it over with by voting for obama already, and people will still claim he's the best thing to happen to the U.S., "Much battar thayn bushc, he cain't maike a signal sentance!"
To the OP. I assume from the responses on this thread that you understand that MMORPG.com is heavily conservative. Do not even bother posting your opinion. If it is leaning left by a mere .01 degree you will get mocked and thrown down. I personally am amused by them because they will be eating their words come November.
I personally am amused by them because they will be eating their words come November.
I remember when they said that in '00 and '04. Ah well, you can dream!
If you want a democrat to win, make sure you get a moderate democrat and not someone all the way on the left that makes Ted Kennedy look like Ronald Reagon. Democrates sealed their fate when they did not elect Clinton as Democratic Nominee.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Ive always considered the office of president, to be the mouthpiece of , cheif buisness interest, and, the end result which they have chosen, as the path of the people/economy/etc. Occasionally Presidents have been in unique situations that allowed them to be iconized, when the real powers have had to help average shmucks/ see govt. help under Roosevelt pre WWII, depression releif....etc.'
In the end , what we see, has been the result of latest efficiency trends, nothing more.
last day or so been a news stry bout a crime, and the man who saw it...89 yrs old homeless man.
stry is about the crime, but no one has said.....89 yr old homeless man wtf? So now we dont need to answere questions about how we got here. To this point. With our Presidents in tow. Its not a train wreck.
You really think that that's why congress' approval rating is so low?
open your eyes man, it's not because they haven't stuck it to Bush enough...it's because they got put into office in the last election based on a platform of "change" Change from the stuff that the repubs were bringing to the table that had people all emotional (mostly due to Iraq) and they haven't done anything that they said they would...And that's not to say that some of that low approval rating isn't beacuse they haven't stuck it to Bush enough, but you don't get a single digit approval rating just because you aren't being mean enough to the president.
if this is the type of Change that Obama is going to bring, then it's going to be a long damn four years...I look forward to HIS single digit approval ratings.
Moving on an impeachment would make the democrats and independents happy. So yes, it would help the approval rating. As it stands now, even democrats poll against Congress -something republicans would never do if they controlled the body.
If the democrats offered legislation it would at least be a sign of their efforts. Knowing a bill will get vetoed doesn't mean you get to neglect your responsibilities. So yes, passing bills by narrow margin, only to get the veto that Bush promises, would help the approval rating.
I don't give a shit if it's a waste of time or not. I pay Congress to write the fucking bills. Let Bush worry about what to do with it once it gets there. If they had done this, we'd be blaming Bush for the veto, instead of blaming Congress for sitting on their thumbs.
The democrats in Congress will have a much easier time working with Obama. Even the republicans will have an easier time working with Obama than the democrats have with Bush. Bush works against democrats, making their time spent at work -time wasted (on my dime).
Am I happy with Congress? Hell no. Am I ready to vote them out? No. They will get off their asses once Obama takes the oath or they will be replaced by someone who will. Until then, I will continue to express my disdain toward the concessions they have made for this buffoon we call president.
there are other incumbent heels in power who have been there for 40 years
All this re-districting needs to be stopped. It's getting damn near impossible to vote anyone out of office (republicans and democrats). Have you seen what some of these districts look like now? Politicians have literally carved up the geography to divide between republicans and democrats.
Wow not gonna lie when i started this thread i pretty much expected it to be dismissed by most all or just trashed down, but there has actually been some fairly well informed debate save for the occasional person just ranting and raving. Thanks to all who have been posting, and i must say i am truely impressed.
there are other incumbent heels in power who have been there for 40 years
All this re-districting needs to be stopped. It's getting damn near impossible to vote anyone out of office (republicans and democrats). Have you seen what some of these districts look like now? Politicians have literally carved up the geography to divide between republicans and democrats.
The democrats in Congress will have a much easier time working with Obama. Even the republicans will have an easier time working with Obama than the democrats have with Bush. Bush works against democrats, making their time spent at work -time wasted (on my dime).
Thsi is the part that Scares the Shit outa me. The Republicans were the party of No spending, and we had the most Liberal Congres when it came to the Budget EVER(and Im Conservitave).
You think giveing the Liberals Power in the White house and Congress will be good??? the Defficete will Double over night. Clinton had a Republican Congress this is why we had the Good Years of Clinton... Nothing was done. think about it Congress with its Purse powers and no check in the white house... Were Boned
If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude; greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. Samuel Adams
OK now i admittedly dont have all the answers, probably dont have many answers at all, but as to what has to be done... I am not entirely sure, but it has to be something to the tune of a large overhaul of the way things are done; probably not actual legal movements but rather something more in the hands of the people, legislatures, and government officials of all types, a sort of cooperation that tends to create more harmonious outcomes and less waste on a number of levels. Soooo much time is wasted in the government due to the inability of the people there to ever look past silly differences and get things done.
NOW... I realize that this is highly idealistic and the fact that i just wrote it scares me a little bit, but i do believe that what the US needs is a large overhaul of the system. Change in peoples attitudes and a change in the way so called public servants operate. So i guess i hope i can answer the question best by saying that as a country we need to stop screwing around and get moving before we fall to pieces and lose any cohesivness. The division in the US is striking, always has been and sadly most likely always will be (see Civil War, which if you think was about slavery then you probably should find something else to read because you probably dont have the education to comprehend this).
I know im rambling and still being vague but like i said i dont really have answers just trying to incite new thought and the potential for new ideas. Sorry if i failed to answer
No i understand the system is broken to a large degree and the population kept divided by politics,divisive policys and a two party system. divide and conquer keeps us from asigning blame to the real culprits, like 30 year incumbents who sell out to special interest year in and year out.
I would like to see a new party one that does only what is best for the American people, screw the rest of the world i am willing to live a lower standard of living to be free of the responibilty of carrying there weight on my shoulders.However like it or not what happens in other nations affects us or can affect us.What would happen if Canada were invaded should we sit back and say ok as long as you don't attack us.That is nieve thinking.
And i understand about the civil war part what did Lincoln say? a house divided shall not stand.
That is the problem our politicians represent special interest who are of totaly different opinions of what Goverment should be and should do. How do you rectify one group of people who say no one but the Govement/Federal/State/Local should have guns and another segment that says everyone has the right to them?
Or a group that says it is the Goverments responsibilty to provide for it's education,medical,housing,food,etc, and another that says just leave me the hell alone.
You will never reach total agreement in a free society thus division, an impasse.
I can understand the fustration with the President's policies, mismanagement of the war, but what are the other options?
Ignore it and hope extremists stop killing Americans? I am counting over 10,000 American dead from the 70's to 9-11 alone. Seems like ignoring the dead of the 70's 80's and 90's did not work.
Talking to them maybe a policy of appeasment? less likely to work with fanatics if history is any guide
Or maybe we could just end it with an all out military assault and go world war with the horrors that would entail.
I actually understand the terrible math of this war, and it goes like this.
Ok you want to blow up and kill Americans destroy our economy our way of life? well we will just invade your country's now you have Americans in your back yard to kill and these are not helpless civilians but military personel. If you want to live in peace and security fine quit killing Americans keep killing us and it meens invasion and war.
Iraq was merely an easy target weakened by years of embargos and military detente.Astride the lifeblood of the worlds economy,oil. And places our military on the borders of states that have a larger hand of supporting extremists.To send a message, don't push it this could be you, an easy win without having to fight a real war against more determined foes.
Bush may be a fool, however he does have one redeeming quality,in my eyes,he will waste half the planet so me my family and nation survives if he has to. what more can i want out of a President.
Someone who will do nothing when Americans die? If that is the case we should just accept a Theocracy/Marxist Revolution or Dictatorship and get it over with. At least we won't die for our ideas of freedom and equality of all men at that point.
He walks a fineline of protecting us without destroying the world.
I am not saying he is not corrupt, all politicians are corrupt in my eyes, im just saying it cannot be an easy
thing being the President.
A final thought, if life as we know it continues until the election we will be rid of him. And be saddled with the next fool. In some Nations they are saddled with the same fools there entire lives. At least we have the freedom if not the wisdom to choose them.
BushMonkey: Well stated is about all i have to say. Your points are very valid and mostly cogent. Although i do disagree with the point about saving americans lives in the long run by continuing war in Iraq and if McCain is elected most of the world. Fighting for our freedom? I think not, more accuratley muddling in a mire of permanent war and strife (See the Crusades... Christians almost always lose in the Middle East). A more appropriate strategy would be to leave, not suddenly but with some degree of grace and honor that would befit a country such as the US (or at least should). Upon doing so an ultimatum could be released stating simply that if americans are killed or threatened in any way, there will be no limit to the amount of retribution that we as a country will lay down, sanctions and humanitarian bullshit be damned. The US has the greatest capability in the world to wage war and if we were to lay down a truely devastating type way with no holds bared and minimal use of actual human force the US could royally fuck up pretty much anybody.
OkeeDokee... So now i have said it, the plan of a madman, which i realize is nigh unto unacheivable or really even something that should be considered. But some of it should ring true in what it is at the core. An idea. All great things come from ideas, fresh new PROACTIVE ideas are the best. Something our country and government are sorely lacking in. We desperatly need to get some new ideas, as we are currently so mired in the swamp that we have in fact created.
Thanks as always for listening to me rant and rave about my wacky ideas.
im just saying it cannot be an easy
thing being the President.
I think some people may not realise this. The US presdient is the most powerful person in the world. Everything he does is watched and commeneted on. Everytime he makes a choice a group might like but for every group that likes him there are groups that hate him. There is almost no clear cut answer for anything they do.
Hold on Snow Leopard, imma let you finish, but Windows had one of the best operating systems of all time.
If the Powerball lottery was like Lotro, nobody would win for 2 years, and then everyone in Nebraska would win on the same day.
And then Nebraska would get nerfed.-pinkwood lotro fourms
AMD 4800 2.4ghz-3GB RAM 533mhz-EVGA 9500GT 512mb-320gb HD
I do not have a problem with a withdrawl from Iraq at this point, it is just to costly in blood money and blunting our military strength. And it appears most of the Extremist have moved onto greener pastures.
I could see an security agreement with them and continued cooperation on the strategic level, but as for the battlefeild/ tactical level, they should be forced to stand on there own. They never will as long as we remain. With the amount of oil they control they most certainly could afford a police/military force capable of there own security needs.
Hehe Ideas are the greatest things in the world and they usually begin with one person , more power to you on them.
You really think that that's why congress' approval rating is so low?
open your eyes man, it's not because they haven't stuck it to Bush enough...it's because they got put into office in the last election based on a platform of "change" Change from the stuff that the repubs were bringing to the table that had people all emotional (mostly due to Iraq) and they haven't done anything that they said they would...And that's not to say that some of that low approval rating isn't beacuse they haven't stuck it to Bush enough, but you don't get a single digit approval rating just because you aren't being mean enough to the president.
if this is the type of Change that Obama is going to bring, then it's going to be a long damn four years...I look forward to HIS single digit approval ratings.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Bushmonkey. i had no idea you had more than one paragraph in you.
well versed opinion- one which i share most of.
-I will subtlety invade your psyche-
Alright now in response to the statement that being the president isnt the easiet job in the world: Duh... But is it not unreasonable to expect that the man that we elect to office would have the fortitude of personality and strength of character to uphold the honor and the integrity that go with the position? I say no. That is in fact why we elect some people and not others, not so much on where they stand (while yes this is important), but more on will they be able to carry out the plethora of duties that accompany the office. I think saying take it easy on him he has the hardest job in the world is more of a scapegoat than anything else for excusing lack of leadership ability. Yes. He has probably the most dificult job ever, but. No. It is not right to say that because of this we should cut him slack.
Bushmonkey: Well done and thank you for the comment about ideas. Without them we would still all be chromagy types grunting and deciding who gets who as a mate through who is the biggest and highest in the social hierarchy... Or was that highschool, i forget.
Why thank you my freind, i usually try to keep it short and sweet, no one likes a wall of text, That post was something that had built up over a while, i just get tired of everyone constantly ripping on the President when there are other incumbent heels in power who have been there for 40 years, there is enough blame to go around without laying it all at the Presidents feet.
As always your brother in arms /salute bluberryhaze.
Problem with this is When the Republicans and Democrats offer up Tweddle Dee, and Tweedle Dumb... WTHeck are we Suposed to do??? Kerry was and Still is Just as big of a Tard as Bush, Gore has shown that he is a Joke and to fight Clinton the best we could do was Dole?? Now its McCain Vs Obama... As far as People theres No Comparason, Obama is Well spoken and Stupid, McCain is Senile and Dull... Yeah were fudged.
If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude; greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
Samuel Adams
Problem with this is When the Republicans and Democrats offer up Tweddle Dee, and Tweedle Dumb... WTHeck are we Suposed to do??? Kerry was and Still is Just as big of a Tard as Bush, Gore has shown that he is a Joke and to fight Clinton the best we could do was Dole?? Now its McCain Vs Obama... As far as People theres No Comparason, Obama is Well spoken and Stupid, McCain is Senile and Dull... Yeah were fudged.
Look at my sig, vote, and change our country!
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Meh, if you want to see this nation crumble, just get it over with by voting for obama already, and people will still claim he's the best thing to happen to the U.S., "Much battar thayn bushc, he cain't maike a signal sentance!"
To the OP. I assume from the responses on this thread that you understand that MMORPG.com is heavily conservative. Do not even bother posting your opinion. If it is leaning left by a mere .01 degree you will get mocked and thrown down. I personally am amused by them because they will be eating their words come November.
I remember when they said that in '00 and '04. Ah well, you can dream!
If you want a democrat to win, make sure you get a moderate democrat and not someone all the way on the left that makes Ted Kennedy look like Ronald Reagon. Democrates sealed their fate when they did not elect Clinton as Democratic Nominee.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Ive always considered the office of president, to be the mouthpiece of , cheif buisness interest, and, the end result which they have chosen, as the path of the people/economy/etc. Occasionally Presidents have been in unique situations that allowed them to be iconized, when the real powers have had to help average shmucks/ see govt. help under Roosevelt pre WWII, depression releif....etc.'
In the end , what we see, has been the result of latest efficiency trends, nothing more.
last day or so been a news stry bout a crime, and the man who saw it...89 yrs old homeless man.
stry is about the crime, but no one has said.....89 yr old homeless man wtf? So now we dont need to answere questions about how we got here. To this point. With our Presidents in tow. Its not a train wreck.
But it is a train ride.
Moving on an impeachment would make the democrats and independents happy. So yes, it would help the approval rating. As it stands now, even democrats poll against Congress -something republicans would never do if they controlled the body.
If the democrats offered legislation it would at least be a sign of their efforts. Knowing a bill will get vetoed doesn't mean you get to neglect your responsibilities. So yes, passing bills by narrow margin, only to get the veto that Bush promises, would help the approval rating.
I don't give a shit if it's a waste of time or not. I pay Congress to write the fucking bills. Let Bush worry about what to do with it once it gets there. If they had done this, we'd be blaming Bush for the veto, instead of blaming Congress for sitting on their thumbs.
The democrats in Congress will have a much easier time working with Obama. Even the republicans will have an easier time working with Obama than the democrats have with Bush. Bush works against democrats, making their time spent at work -time wasted (on my dime).
Am I happy with Congress? Hell no. Am I ready to vote them out? No. They will get off their asses once Obama takes the oath or they will be replaced by someone who will. Until then, I will continue to express my disdain toward the concessions they have made for this buffoon we call president.
All this re-districting needs to be stopped. It's getting damn near impossible to vote anyone out of office (republicans and democrats). Have you seen what some of these districts look like now? Politicians have literally carved up the geography to divide between republicans and democrats.
Wow not gonna lie when i started this thread i pretty much expected it to be dismissed by most all or just trashed down, but there has actually been some fairly well informed debate save for the occasional person just ranting and raving. Thanks to all who have been posting, and i must say i am truely impressed.
All this re-districting needs to be stopped. It's getting damn near impossible to vote anyone out of office (republicans and democrats). Have you seen what some of these districts look like now? Politicians have literally carved up the geography to divide between republicans and democrats.
There own little fiefdoms?
Thsi is the part that Scares the Shit outa me. The Republicans were the party of No spending, and we had the most Liberal Congres when it came to the Budget EVER(and Im Conservitave).
You think giveing the Liberals Power in the White house and Congress will be good??? the Defficete will Double over night. Clinton had a Republican Congress this is why we had the Good Years of Clinton... Nothing was done. think about it Congress with its Purse powers and no check in the white house... Were Boned
If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude; greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
Samuel Adams