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the combat looks turn based. the characters look like they are standing there and occasionally moving thier sword arb to jab the other player. it makes me cringe too because it reminds me of WoW. the attack speed is so slow. they look like they are just waiting for thier sword attack to recharge.
now I'm gona use aoc as an example here. the game may be halfbaked but the combat looks fluid and realistic. the characters look like they actually trying to kill each other hacking as fast as they can, not fencing like pensioners. notice there is no downtime between attack animations. <- suggested video;11055335;/fileinfo.html
also the flashy effects and sounds are soooo kiddy and asian mmo style, I want to throw up a little in my mouth. I know aoc has some flashy effects also, but come on... please lose the pokemon special effects
the design for this game always sounds terrific and I plan on trying it out, but the style of the game is hidious. I guess its just comes down to personal tastes.
PS: also mentioned it before but : dark elves w/o repeater crossbows != dark elves
edit: put a new WAR vid in. please post your own if you want to try and prove me wrong.
Haveing seen wow and Wars Animations... Yeah they need work... But AOC having good ones... we musta not played the same game then, To me they are as crappy as wars, More Fulid yes but still crappy.
And im with you on the DE and no Repeater Crossbows thing.
If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude; greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
Samuel Adams
The horridly slow combat with global cooldowns between everything is the big turn off for me also , AoC I cannot stand any more because of Funcom's horrid and nonexistant Q/A dept on these patches they have done
Quit playing the closed beta , and going to just wait and play the open beta and head start -
if the head start is fun I'll open one of my CE and add the code and keep playing , if not then no loss in $$ I'll sell it along with the other extras I bought on Ebay
oooo, yeah that was kind of painful to watch. Animation and sound plus the special fx definitely need work and hopefully can be improved upon. But at this stage of the game I doubt it.
Lol, that was the first video of the month in 2006. It s nothing like that now.
I love how trolls bring up ancient videos for their examples....sorry AoC every video I've seen for it new and old look bizarre and rather gay in my opinion. Honestly if I want to point and click for combo's I'll play a console where atleast the control style is more fluid and natural. Then again I dont want to pay 50 bucks for a buggy POS game that has a POS company behind it. Failcom kills good games dead.
Huh, I was almost sure that your post would have read..."My testies had been removed at birth"
Nice, good job using an ancient video. And spell effects were rampant in DAoC - in fact, they were some of the best for a game of its time. The buffs were awesome in particular. So if you don't like it, go watch unrealistic splashes of red pixels splatter your screen. That's so much more realistic.
Wait until launch, or at least NDA lift, to judge the animations/spell effects...the Beta animations are just basics, just like the graphics. Mythic isn't wasting time making it pretty when they need to test core concepts, unlike another game...and we all know how that turned out...
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
You've got to be kidding me! You actually want to compare that old footage to the new MMO's? Just look up the vids for the new beta footage and you'll see a huge difference. Since I'm not allowed to post the links to them just do a search for beta links. Then come back and tell us what you think.
Are you kidding me?
ROFL i died so hard laughing when i loaded that video. The video is TWO freggin years old!!! OMg you're too much.
Not a fan boy but am in beta and quite frnakly the game is getting better by the day and is very good now.
Yea I hope you realize thats old footage and those could quite possible be very low level characters, any mmorpg seems slow at first levels
I watched a ton of WAR videos. yes the one I picked was the one that enthesised my point the most. but link me a newer vid and i'll swap it in the OP. the new ones still look the same, taking turns to slash each other etc.
edit: put a NEW war vid in. I cba to go searching the whole world for a video. post one if you really care. I garentee the combat will still look WoW ish, slow, lame, flashy and incredibly cheesy.
My blog:
Ermm.. can you read? Right after the warhammer logo it says in BIG LETTERS that the footage is from Oct 2006.
ooops. My bad! Should of caught that. Disregard my first post then. And the OP should have known it was an old vid, unless of course he/she is just trolling...
Ah, but theres an NDA in place..
Theyre not hard to find.. and the footage is far far different from the one you posted.
Please tell me you have actually seen beta leaked footage from the last month or so.
Oh I get it now.. your one of those people who is easily pleased by arcade style games that throw as many numbers and graphics as fast as they can as the screen.. so much so your brain gets confused and you think youre having fun and have skill.. or something.
Let me guess.. you're not a fan of strategy games? What about stealth games like Thief or Deus Ex?
Well each to their own, but remember faster isn't necessarily better.
Ok you are no longer allowed to post your views on anything.
The fact that Warhammer Online has so much hype behind it is evidence as to why the stagnation of the MMO genre is allowed to continue. People are willing to play and pay for the exact same thing over and over again.
Well if you don't like how WoW plays from a combat standpoint I doubt WAR will excite you as they use somewhat the same systems. However I'd disagree with your comment that AOC combat looks more realistic. In a real fight it is attack/counterattack and doesn't look fluid and constant at all. It is a lot of feints looking for an opening and not constant attacks.
So I guess FPS Games & RTS Games are all peices of crap too since they all generally play the same with just some new options and occasionally a new feature or two. I guess RPG games are all crap too since essentially they all play the same with occasionally some rule changes.
Games should just die out and we should all go back to reading books since games essentually have shared basic controls between each other and everything else about games like story and the reason for playing don't matter a flying flip since every game's button B makes a player swing .... honestly I think some of you have lost touch with reality.
No game launches with some super unique way to control it. WAR is doing like any other MMO and yes its TURN BASEd because 90 percent of MMOS are turned based because of the amount of Traffic and packets required to do LIVE ACTION is still incredibly limiting as seen by the heavy INSTANCING of "true" live action games like DDO and AOC. So go back to your instanced lil tiny games and stay there we'll enjoy huge massive battles without you.
Yes because we have so many other options that let you do group based goal oriented PvP to level from 1 to max level and an end game built around it as well.
I mean I could see this argument from AOC which is basically WoW with sieges and a console combat system tacked on but WAR is very different than the other games out there.
You do realize your character's attack speed does not necessarily sync up with his attack animation right? If you have a quick hitting melee char, you can get 3-4 attacks in every time your char actually appears to swing. They did this to reduce glitches that would result from actually having one hit animation per attack.
So I guess FPS Games & RTS Games are all peices of crap too since they all generally play the same with just some new options and occasionally a new feature or two. I guess RPG games are all crap too since essentially they all play the same with occasionally some rule changes.
Games should just die out and we should all go back to reading books since games essentually have shared basic controls between each other and everything else about games like story and the reason for playing don't matter a flying flip since every game's button B makes a player swing .... honestly I think some of you have lost touch with reality.
The White Lion video is old? I thought that was a newly released thing?
the official deadhead
They absolutely need to work on the flashy effects and sounds. Somebody said it felt like a pinball machine and it's the best description (yes I have been repeating it). Please make less flashy sounds and visual effects
Couple things to address here.
1. I'd like to see you swing weapons around any faster than they do. I don't think you realize how hard it is to fight someone using medieval weapons and also while wearing armor.
2. Magic is a thing of fantasy, and when man 'made it up' they needed something to make it look like something was happening. Therefore, sounds and visual effects. Without 'em, there's no magic. If you don't like it, you probably shouldn't be in the RPG genre.