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Ok, I just dont' think it's wise to force anyone on order side to play a short character, if they want to be a Tank. ONe of the fun things about playing a Tank, is being a Huge bruiser type of character, the typical tank.
In City of Heroes I had a tank that was as big as the character slider would go. In EQ2 I had a Troll that defected to the other side, and he was quite tall. In DAoC, it was a Firbolg, which is bigger than Humans.
And now I have to be a short dwarf if I want to be a Tanki? Come on, thaty's just not right! I hate playing short characters. Nothing agaisnt Dwarfs, I just like to be tall in the game.
The High Elf 'Swordmaster' is also a tank, so you don't have to resort to just dwarves.
Swordmaster is a great tank - I play one in beta with sword and board and I really enjoy it.
Isn't the Warrior Priest basically a tank as well?
Swordmasters are tall. Stop whining kid.
Ok, if they are just as good as an Iron Breaker, I'm all set. They look kinda gay, so great, I have to choose between kinda gay, and short.
Well, I hate being short, so I guess I'll take kinda gay.
Ok, if they are just as good as an Iron Breaker, I'm all set. They look kinda gay, so great, I have to choose between kinda gay, and short.
Well, I hate being short, so I guess I'll take kinda gay.
Ok, if they are just as good as an Iron Breaker, I'm all set. They look kinda gay, so great, I have to choose between kinda gay, and short.
Well, I hate being short, so I guess I'll take kinda gay.
Well if you're not comfortable with your height or sexuality maybe play a female Swordmaster.
Or just join the chosen and black orcs in the communal bathtub
It is certainly a valid concern, the biggest problem with the cuts before beta was that they cut what probably would have been the most powerful and best looking order Tank.
I don't think I"m being overly picky. It seems like a no brainer that if you want to play a tank, you might want to play one that is big and tall, and masculine, not short or effeminate.
All Order characters look awesome. Trusth me.
Ok, if they are just as good as an Iron Breaker, I'm all set. They look kinda gay, so great, I have to choose between kinda gay, and short.
Well, I hate being short, so I guess I'll take kinda gay.
Well if you're not comfortable with your height or sexuality maybe play a female Swordmaster.
Or just join the chosen and black orcs in the communal bathtub
Well, the communal bathtub doesn't sound like something I want to try.
But at least the Black Orcs are big, and they don't look like girls. Maybe I'll play Chaos instead.
QFT if only they kept the KoTBS... order would at least have some pride in a pretty big cool looking tank. on the other hand dwarfs are pretty freaking cool looking
I understand you problem and i agree with you that the elfs are gay. But if you're looking for a big musculine tank you won't fiind them on the order side, KoTBS (empire tank) was awesome and i would play one if they will come back. But they're not musciline, just awesome.
The DoK and the Warrior Priest are like off tanks, so I dont' feel like those races have to have tanks really. The rest of the set's have them so I think it works out great. Only the melee priests which are like tanks don't have tanks in their race.
Sorry i have to say this to all those that reckon elves are gay, sure the guys look EFFEMINATE, but lets face it all ORCS and GOBBO's are male, where do you think their preferences lie?
@ Silverthorn
"Greenskin Reproduction
Though they appear universally masculine, Greenkins are genderless creatures. It has never been confirmed by Games Workshop how Greenskins produce, however early in the history of Warhammer, Citadel Miniatures, the modelling arm of Games Workshop, produced a line of female Orcs. This has since been discontinued and Games Workshop have not mentioned the female Orcs since. However in Warhammer's sister (science fiction) universe Warhammer 40,000, the "Orks" (a futuristic version of the Greenskins), reproduce in the following way:
An Ork can multiply one of two ways, the first is by the spores their body produces hitting a critical state which their blood can no longer support any more, a hormonal process then drives him to the nearest wilderness "lookin fer sumthin". There they enter a vegetative state for a few minutes (which they do not remember) and the spores are released. In a few hours the spores grow into a plant-like womb underground that nourishes the bodies of the various Orkish species. This is the entire basis of the Orkish ecosystem producing first Squigz, Grotz, Goblins and finally the Orks themselves. This means the Orks, wherever they go, will have an abundance of food, slaves and other resources, a moving ecosystem that supports them as they go on their Waaaghs! The second method of reproduction is death, if an Ork dies the spores are released en-mass beginning the life cycle anew, thus for the Ork race to prosper, the Orks must fight, and die."
Warrior Priests and DOK's are fine "tanks". With their own self healing and another healer healing them they are great! We found there self heals made up for the lack of armor that a "tank" class has.
Ok, if they are just as good as an Iron Breaker, I'm all set. They look kinda gay, so great, I have to choose between kinda gay, and short.
Well, I hate being short, so I guess I'll take kinda gay.
I positively loathe stereotypes...
It doesn't matter if you ARE gay, it only matters if you LOOK gay.
Ok, if they are just as good as an Iron Breaker, I'm all set. They look kinda gay, so great, I have to choose between kinda gay, and short.
Well, I hate being short, so I guess I'll take kinda gay.
I positively loathe stereotypes...
Yep, and people say society has come a long ways. . .
= |||||| =
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
Ok, if they are just as good as an Iron Breaker, I'm all set. They look kinda gay, so great, I have to choose between kinda gay, and short.
Well, I hate being short, so I guess I'll take kinda gay.
Well if you're not comfortable with your height or sexuality maybe play a female Swordmaster.
Or just join the chosen and black orcs in the communal bathtub
I LOL'ed at that last part. Come on, i have been asking alot of questions about tanks because i also want to roll one. Most beta players agree the ironbreaker is the best defensive tank in game, on ether side. You will get used to being short, you cant really have that bad of a superiority complex IRL can you?
And saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade that, with it, thou mayest blow thine enemies to tiny thy mercy."
Ok, if they are just as good as an Iron Breaker, I'm all set. They look kinda gay, so great, I have to choose between kinda gay, and short.
Well, I hate being short, so I guess I'll take kinda gay.
Well if you're not comfortable with your height or sexuality maybe play a female Swordmaster.
Or just join the chosen and black orcs in the communal bathtub
I LOL'ed at that last part. Come on, i have been asking alot of questions about tanks because i also want to roll one. Most beta players agree the ironbreaker is the best defensive tank in game, on ether side. You will get used to being short, you cant really have that bad of a superiority complex IRL can you?
I'm average height in RL. No complexes. But I get claustrophobic from the viewpoint of short characters in MMORPGs.
Imagine standing on a hillside looking around, vs. standing on a city street between tall buildings trying to look around.
Besides, everyone knows character customization is important in MMO's. That's why they always include the small characters, because some players like them. I like the big characters, especially if they are plahying a tank. Think "Hulk" or The Thing from Fantastic Four, that sort of tank. They aren't little.
Tall is the way to go if you're tanking in a Line of Sight based game. Healers on the other hand i'd say go short
huh, Ive played toons of every stature and the camera angle always seems the same to me just the little guy on the screen looks smaller. : )
But i get what you are saying about customization, to each his own
And saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade that, with it, thou mayest blow thine enemies to tiny thy mercy."
This is my biggest problem with the exclusion of the four classes. Each race should have one of each of the main character archetypes. As it stands, there are glaring holes. Humans and Dark Elves have no Tanks, Greens and Dwarves no Melee DPS. You shouldn't have to "import" from other races in the early stages of the game. It feels unfinished and that's a shame. The game has so much going for it, but it's failing in the area of first impressions. I'm hoping that they find an acceptable way to remedy this soon after release, but it doesn't stop them from losing some points for the omissions.
You shouldn't have to "get used to it". If they want consistent subscribers, Mythic needs to fix this - pronto! It's not like they haven't had time to at least get the classes right.
"Soloists and those who prefer small groups should never have to feel like they''re the ones getting the proverbial table scraps, as it were." - Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer, Everquest II
"People love groups. Its a fallacy that people want to play solo all the time." - Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, Rift