Everyone else was posting advice, so I thought I'd do the same.
There are many ways to make a living in Eve, mining is not the only way, maybe not even the best way, but it is a way.
My goals when I started was to get good at making money some way, so that I could replace my ships lost in combat. Making money then combat. I hope you can see the necessity of being able to cover your losses.
The point of this is a basic outline for how to become a good enough miner to get the cash you need to do better things.
Why be a miner?
Everything is made from minerals, as a result there is allot of market demand.
You loved asteroids and you always wished there was a 3D version to play.
Your masochistic.
People hate to mine, so if you mine you can make allot of money at it.
There are so many skills in Eve it would take years to get them all to level 5, and you already have a couple points in mining, so why not?
All of these are very good reason to become a miner, as many of others. There is no right way or best way to make money, this is just "a way".
Getting started:
If you still reading this I must have sold you on this whole mining thing idea. So lets get started. When making a character you'll want to pick blood lines that give good Memory and Intelligence. You'll need to be smart to be a good miner (on more than one level)
Will Power and Perception are for combat and piloting skills.
Memory and Intelligence are used for mining, production, and all shorts of other skills.
Charisma is used for social skills, not allot of use until Shiva, then it will be used as primary for market skills
If you have a character fear not, you can help out low attributes with training.
For training you'll want something that gives boosts to Electronics. You'll need high Electronics to run as many mining lasers as possible. The more miners, the more ore pulled in, the more money you make in the same amount of time.
Electronics and Engineering are about the two most useful skills in Eve.
If you already made a character fear not, you can skill get your Electronics skill up. it'll take you about 2. You'll want to mix it in near the beginning of this list.
I made a rough outline for skills to start with, to get you a good start at mining.
You start with mining 1. (and hopefully electronics 4)
Mining 2 (5% more yield each level)
Frigate 2
Buy something other than the newbe ship, something that can run two miner 1's. It will cost about 50K, you looking for good CPU and cargo space in a frigate. 2 turret points. You'll also want to swap out your basic miners for miner 1's as you can. Your goal is to run 2 miner 2's.
Navigation 1 (5% faster ship each level)
Navigation 2
Mining 3
Navigation 3
Mechanic 1 (so you can install cargo expanders, fill all your low slots with them ASAP)
Mine Drone Operation 1 and 2. (and 2 basic mining drones)
This is a excellent start, and probably your first week in the game. Now that you can make a little money you'll want to invest in some learning skills.
Instant Recall 1 (+1 memory per level)
Analytical mind 1 (+1 Intelligence per level)
Learning 1 (2% quicker train time on all skills)
Instant Recall 2
Analytical mind 2
Learning 2
Afterburner 1 (AB's use core to boost speed)
Mining 4
Instant recall 3
analytical mind 3
learning 3
Navigation 3
Frigate 3
It's important to boost your attributes before learning in this order since the skill uses that attribute and it's main, it'll decrease the to train learning.
Hopefully you start to release your not making very good money in 1.0-.9 space, and your ready to move somewhere a little further out.
I recommend a .5. Omber sells well (isogen), you'll be amazed how much more money you will make.
You'll hopefully be able to get a ship that can 2 miner 2's.
After this you may wish:
Industrial ship 1
Refine 1-5 (5% less waste during refine)
Afterburner to 4
MicroWarp Drive (you'll love this baby and wonder how you got by without it)
Use 3 ships if you need to:
1 frigate to mine, 1 to fight the rats when they spawn, and a industrial 1 to haul. You may also wish to work on some weapon skills.
When your cargo hold is full, jettison it into space. Cargo cans are made of spandex and expand once in a vacuum. This bug made feature is great for miners. Just dump ore into your can, until you have a Industrial ship worth. Then swap ships and pick it up. If rats spawn and you need to run, fear not, they won't harm your can.
Once you could run 4 drones, you mostly can use combat drones to kill the rats.
This will make a pretty start for your first month in the game.
Keep working on industrial and refining skills until you can afford a cruiser. Mix in weapon skills and other interesting skills as you see fit.
Most importantly use common sense, this is just a outline. If you find yourself doing something allot, try to get skills to make that better.
Also have a skill in training, you can interupt one skill for another without losing anything. So if a skill is going to finish at a time when you can't change it, swap it early, then put it back later.
I hope you find this useful, if you have any questions please post below.
"We're a game that's focused on grouping and on solo play, you know, more group oriented, more solo play..."
John Blakely Senior lead for EQ2. Link
Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.
mining in groups is more fun and more profitable , a few people mine, a few people haul (as needed) and maybe even someone to watch the rats. depending on the security rating of the system more or less security may be needed. usualy combat drones from the mining ships can handle the rats in the 0.5-1.0 systems so sec is not needed, but if someone wants to run a frig / cruiser for support then that is useful, as no one loses drones that way, and secoundly they can pick up the loot drops from the dead pirates. working as a group is better as its more efficient, and you can chat while you work, which illiminates some of the bordom. also mining veldspar can be a bit of waste of time, unless you really need tritanium quick, usualy you can just get it from the other ores and loot refining.
also a tip is to making bookmarks before you start mining, this way you wont need to travel at all.
warp to belt, position yourself at one end of the belt so that you can reach the 10km to the end, thus getting the most from 1 spot. drop the bm 15km away from the spot you want, on the vector from the station, then warp to station. set up a bookmark 15km from the station on the far side of the vector from the belt. Warp back to the belt bm, and see if its right. Once its good and the station bm is good then warp to the belt bm and start mining. now when you or your m8s have to haul, they will arrive right on top of the can, with no need to fly anywhere. this is especialy helpful when solo mining.
Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond the blood that flows
Buried beneath the stream of time is where your power grows
I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand
Before the power that you bestow
In my unworthy hand
Another great thing which helps mining to go well:
www.eve-radio.com.. eve radio, the Eve radio station. It's better than 90% of the internet radio stations out there.
Looking forward (cautiously) to: Age of Conan, Dark Solstice, Armada Online.
Will soon try: Guild Wars
Overall: Amazed and bewhildered at the current sad state of the artform of gaming.