A game is only late untill it''s released, but it''s bad forever.
Playing EQ to the highend is like getting hit in the head over and over. When the hitting stops you start to miss the dizzy feeling. The lack of this "dizzy feeling" will ruin you to other MMORPG''s"
"EQ was once a great game. I wont deny it, but so was Asteroids. And just like Pong, EQ is obsolete by newer game standards."
"elimination of any downtime and you don''t have a chance to really talk. The result is no one gives a crap who you are. It''s so incredibly anti-community building." - Brad McQuid (sigil games, maker of EQ)
Make no mistake, MMORPG''s are not games, they are hobbies. If you have a job, you''ll need to give up watching TV in order to play one. You''ll be better off for it.
"We''re a game that''s focused on grouping and on solo play, you know, more group oriented, more solo play..."
John Blakely Senior lead for EQ2. [url=http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/everquest2/preview_6092895.html]Link[/url]