Still not able to log in at 9:34 AM, getting error code 1103, whatever that is. I am sure those codes dont mean a heck! Come on, they make these codes up, I tell ya!
What a piece of crap. To be honest I dont feel like having to deal with this amateurism at all. Thoughts of canceling my preorder are running through my mind .
I dont want yesterday to happen again to anyone, but the only advice i can give you is ....well..... keep trying dude
It is open beta and not release. I've seen worse then this anyhow. Shit happens but once u get in, you will forget all.
Now only problem atm is there is only one server active [FR] Athel Loren
Take the Magic: The Gathering ''What Color Are You?'' Quiz.
so auth is back up later morning ?? thats no good i got college
5 level 80's on WoW -_- boooooring !!
Still not able to log in at 9:34 AM, getting error code 1103, whatever that is. I am sure those codes dont mean a heck! Come on, they make these codes up, I tell ya!
Error code 11x03 is back again. So we are back to the state we were in 24 hours ago.
I dont think the account system will work until the day GOA give up on Flash.
"You are the hero our legends have foretold will save our tribe, therefore please go kill 10 pigs."
One day we will remember sunday 7th of august 08 and remember Goa's huge failure and still laugh at them
Just managed to register. I wonder when my email arrives. And what then.
Like 5 hours from now you will get the mail!
What a piece of crap. To be honest I dont feel like having to deal with this amateurism at all. Thoughts of canceling my preorder are running through my mind .
Do it do it now don't let Goa take your money!
how can you register when teh service is "momentarily" unavailable ?
Don't shoot the will ruin you monitor
ffs igot into my product key page then auth server whent down agan !! cant they put it up and leave it up ?!?!?!?!
5 level 80's on WoW -_- boooooring !!
That was actually the quickest 5 hours of my life. ;p Now, if only I could log in to the site...
Wouldn't surprise me if they didn't get it up today either /sigh
Almost sure it wont ... the problems they had yesterday will still be here today.
And if they need more servers to handle the load it takes time to install and prep em.
Maybe one day we will look back at this and laugh at Goa's huge failure.
I can't wait too see how this will work out when they go live!
Got the Email finally
But still cannot enter the product key
Have any of you guys were able to enter teh product key.
This is a fr*gging joke.
I work as a tester and there's no way we would release even a beta versions in this crappy state.
Not rly, Momentarily unavailable..
"request failed. Please check your internet connection and retry in a few minutes. (code 303)"
I love it how they now are trying to blame me :P
Stuffy yesterdays problem is all you and your internet connections fault ! Because Goa say so.
go in for a few seconds where i could enter the key and then it crashed
DOH! Guess I'm up for a lynching then.. Oh well bring on the tar and feathers :P
Logged in.
Now getting:
The "MYWar" Service is momentarily unavaiable.
Now I'm no longer logged in.