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I'm picking up my copy tomorrow.
Just wondering, I'm a retired WoW player and due to the difference in Horde/Alliance Win % in BG's I am concerned with which faction to play in WAR. Which faction seems to have a more group oriented and teamwork driven player base? I enjoy playing a support/healing class, but it gets pretty darn frustrating supporting a group of fools who couldn't kill a dead cat.
Is it still too early or has this trend been determined?
Order would seem to be like Alliance in my book.
Neither. Both sides in WoW are 'good' guys.
In WAR, Destruction is Evil incarnate.
They eat babies.
And Pandas.
The do have the Ugly Factor going for them.
So, in that sense, they are the Horde equivilant.
And Order is the Alliance (Dwarves, Elves, & Men).
Destruction forces already ate all the Halflings and Gnomes.
To answer your question :
From what I have seen so far, BOTH sides are loaded with Solo Artists and Asshats. Best bet is to play the side you like and get a good solid Guild. Then you will simply wipe the floor with the Solo Artists and Asshats. I can assure you that one good Tank, backed by a Healer, who is guarded by a mixed class, can kill just about anything on the battlefield. Or any dozen things. You just cannot put down a Tank backed up by a good Healer.
WAR RvR is really going to belong to the Guilds with Vent or TS. Oh sure, you can play 'Solo'. But you really are not. Not in RvR, not in PQ, and not in Scenarios. You are just playing out of touch with the rest of the folks around you.
Get in a Guild.
Horde are considered evil in WoW. Alliance are the good guys.
Destruction = Evil. Order = Good.
Not basing it on who is playing. IMHO, the Horde is filled with stuck up snobs and based on those I know that play on Horde -- it fits.
this is a team game no matter what side you pick if one does not play as a team they will lose, most people that play this game will find that out fast, some classes can kill others like a MeleeDPS can drop a rangedDPS fast and put a good hurt on healers but hit a wall when facing a tank, so if some one thinks there going to own every one with no help are going to hate this game.
this game is made with team pvp in mind not solo pvp at all, there is little need to even use voice chat in this game every one should know there role and good players will just "go with the flow" of the battle and it is the best team that wins not solo players.
and i have played on both sides the game is very ballanced if you ask me take a team of a tank healer meleedps and rangedDps form both side and make them go head to head, the winning side will be the team that the players played there role the best.
this game is more like a sport then a combat game. very even and fair for team players and unfair to solo glory hogs
when i played i noticed the complete opposite. i always got the rude taunts out of order. making tons of annoying emotes when u kill them or they mob you. " X laughs at you," "X farts loudy," etc. destruction was actuallly quite nice and u never saw them doing that. infact the worse i ever saw out of the beta week was when destruction kept saying how bored they were since order always hides behinds guards and cannons. my thoughts were "ahh so all the kids went order ey?"
lore wise horde are actually the good guys, but people consider them to be the bad guys because they "LOOK" the part of the bad guys.
the whole guys in white hats are automaticly good black hats are automaticly bad in old westerns.
Unfortunately too many people are using the WoW model of Alliance/Horde to compare to WAR's Order/Destruction.
Best to think of it in the end-game aspect. Each side's goal is to reach enough in-game effort to be able to bring the opposition's capital city to it's knees, then attack it. If successful (note I said 'if', this won't be a walk in the park here or it would happen daily and Mythic have said already to take a city would be epic in effort) then that opens up new content including Dungeons, a chance to sack the city for loot and the opportunity to try and take down the King.
To do all of this takes effort, from Tier 1 PvE PQ's to open-field RvR combat through Tier 4 attacks on Keeps and everything in between. Teamwork's the key and every server can have different outcomes. Choosing sides should never come down to a WoW comparison as it doesn't correlate.
If at first you don't succeed, pay someone who will.
i've actually had the opposite experience than you, des was trying to taunt lower lvl people in troll country by doing what you described. and by flagging and trying to get me to mistakinly attack them when they run up to mobs i was killing for quests.
I wasn't looking to join the good/bad guys. I was looking for which faction attracted more team oriented players.
I wasn't looking to join the good/bad guys. I was looking for which faction attracted more team oriented players.
Neither side will.
Both sides will have equal shares of all types of players.
Pick the Race and Class YOU want to play.
Get good at it.
I wasn't looking to join the good/bad guys. I was looking for which faction attracted more team oriented players.
Neither side will.
Both sides will have equal shares of all types of players.
Pick the Race and Class YOU want to play.
Get good at it.
Exactly. Each server will be a dynamic. You'll have players that couldn't group well if their lives depended on it on either side, on any given server. You'll find groups that do damned well consistently as well. it's a crap shoot in that respect.
My advice: If you've been with a guild or group of solid players in your past experiences with WoW that are going to give WAR a serious try, feel them out and maybe join up. Alternatively check the myriads of forums out there with guild postings and similarly-minded players and go have fun!
If at first you don't succeed, pay someone who will.
I wasn't looking to join the good/bad guys. I was looking for which faction attracted more team oriented players.
Neither side will.
Both sides will have equal shares of all types of players.
Pick the Race and Class YOU want to play.
Get good at it.
This is very good advice.
If you are looking for the 'underdog', then you'll probably be looking for Order. If you're looking for the one that is on top mostly, then Destruction is your game. If, however, you're just looking to play a fun up on the various classes available and find one that interests you.
Melee/healer/hybrid/caster - pick your fancy and go with it. Don't look for people to tell you what you should play. Give them all a whirl.
Horde do not = Evil. Both sides in WoW are equally evil/good.
In WAR, Destruction is all about anarchy in the world and destroying everything and everyone else. Order is definitely better than that, though when it comes to religious points of view, Empire can be pretty bad themselves.
In any case, Horde and Alliance would definitely be Destruction and Order based on races and such.
When it comes to the mindset of the players, it's too early... I mean, the game just STARTED today, and it's only the headstart, not even the real launch date. OP, you won't be 'picking up' your copy tomorrow either, you have to pre-order and download and play on Tuesday with the rest of the SE's, or wait and pick it up on the 18th or later.
A couple things to note when thinking about where and what to play :
* Play on a Core server. Do NOT play on an Open one
* There are 20 unique and distinct classes in the game. Each is different. The jobs may be the same in some, but how that job is done is not the same.
* Each Race is different. Really, they are. A Dwarf is not an Elf is not a Man.
* Each class is only played by one Race in the game. So, for instance, if you want to be a Bright Wizard (DPS Nuker) you MUST play Empire (Men). There is no other choice. This is true for all Classes; there is no duplication across Races, or sides.
* Each race has its own starting area. And although you can travel to your allied areas once you get to the T1 RvR Camp, you don't need to. But, you WILL be welcome there. The skills you have will not be present in their starting area.
Really, pick the Class and Race you want to play.
If you use any other method in WAR, you will not be happy, or successfull.
Good Hunting
To answer your question :
From what I have seen so far, BOTH sides are loaded with Solo Artists and Asshats. Best bet is to play the side you like and get a good solid Guild. Then you will simply wipe the floor with the Solo Artists and Asshats. I can assure you that one good Tank, backed by a Healer, who is guarded by a mixed class, can kill just about anything on the battlefield. Or any dozen things. You just cannot put down a Tank backed up by a good Healer.
WAR RvR is really going to belong to the Guilds with Vent or TS. Oh sure, you can play 'Solo'. But you really are not. Not in RvR, not in PQ, and not in Scenarios. You are just playing out of touch with the rest of the folks around you.
Get in a Guild.
Playing solo is kind of stupid actually I don't mean being alone in an area but actually being purely soloe. As soon as you enter an RvR area hit your "social" tab and hit join for whatever warband or group is open. You will have no idea what is going on in the zone if you don't.
Coordinated Guild and such will certainly be the big boys and a force to be reckoned with and will be major in keeps
You don't need to be in a guild, but its good. But just running around without ever talking or join a group is, well, silly. Even if you want to be alone you should at least join a WB to know what is going on and at the very least pass intelligence information a long to others.
I think it will take about a month for people to realize this. I have personally seen at least 10 people tell the leader of an open warband to invite player X. I think I did it too, early on.
The thing is most non-guild groups are open, even some guild groups are open. You just hit "join" and help out however you want.
That is all. Its really quite simple. Its too simple almost. Its right in front of people faces and they don't see it.
As to the question of the OP. Yeah Destro has the emo and the bad chatter etc at least in OB. But a few months after realease it will be academic.
This isn't WoW. Once there is a real and consistent RvR population it will turn out completely different. Anyone not being somewhat social will be completely clueless.
That doesn't mean the people who will be social will have great tactics but they won't be completely clueless like WoW.
What used to happen at the beginning of and old Alterac Valley in WoW. A bunch of people saying "invite to raid!" and then 10 people trying to get 30 people to actually use tactics and 20% of the people just leeching honor.
RvR in WAR is kind of that turned around, people come and go into the major open warbands and by joining one you are almost implicitly deciding to actually work with people. It has premise that is fundamentally pointed towards being constructive.
Not that they will work together like a well oiled machine. Far from it. That is what a guild is for. But in order for there to be the huge masses of clueless people who have no idea what the social/tactical aspects even mean would be highly unlikely.
Therefore I think within 3 months this question will be moot. Or it will simply boil down to individual guilds and/or population.
I played Order for days at open beta and only met one annoying person. Swedish, of course.
I played destruction for 10 minutes and someone already started screaming "LEARN 2 HEAL"
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
I'm rolling order.
That should be enough for anyone to want to leave destruction.
If only SW:TOR could be this epic...
It's hard to say this early on. Destruction definitely seems to be the more popular side at the moment, but Order has the classes that some old school gamers feel draw in the kiddies, i.e. the Elven archer & pet class. I believe the Empire and Dwarven armies will help to balance things out though. Still, the dark side always seems to draw the more competetive players, so who knows?
These two things are not really true. I was curious about the mirror classes and how similar their skills are. I compared the Zealot/Runepriest and Shaman/Archmage. The VAST majority of the main skills, the ones obtained level 1-10, are completely identical. There are some skills that are slightly different in terms of the amount of damage or healing that they do. I found the shaman had slightly higher damage skills and the Archmage and slightly higher healing skills. But on the whole a large number of the skills were the same even though sometimes they were obtained at different levels. For the Zealot/Runepriest, I think pretty much all of the skills I was able to remember without writing numbers down were identical.
I will admit this is definitely not the case with all of the classes. But if you want to play either order or destruction and that side has long queues on whatever server you are on, then at least give the mirror class a try because most of them play very similarly. If you are picky about appearance though, then you are just gonna have to suffer with queues or change to a less populated server.
These two things are not really true. I was curious about the mirror classes and how similar their skills are. I compared the Zealot/Runepriest and Shaman/Archmage. The VAST majority of the main skills, the ones obtained level 1-10, are completely identical. There are some skills that are slightly different in terms of the amount of damage or healing that they do. I found the shaman had slightly higher damage skills and the Archmage and slightly higher healing skills. But on the whole a large number of the skills were the same even though sometimes they were obtained at different levels. For the Zealot/Runepriest, I think pretty much all of the skills I was able to remember without writing numbers down were identical.
I will admit this is definitely not the case with all of the classes. But if you want to play either order or destruction and that side has long queues on whatever server you are on, then at least give the mirror class a try because most of them play very similarly. If you are picky about appearance though, then you are just gonna have to suffer with queues or change to a less populated server.
Most mirrors are pretty similar.
Some mirrors are barely mirrors. White Lion and Shadow Warrior have no real mirror although Squig Herder and Maurauder have similarities with Both.
Some classes have no mirroe; Chosen and Ironbreaker
Even the mirrors have important differences. Even non-mirrors share some things withh all things withn the archetype. All tanks have juggernaut and guard. Black Orcs and Swordmaster have the same class mechanic and they both have a tactics that give them exactly the same bonuse to black and parry. However the black orc buffs armor and toughness and swordmaster uses a similar attack to buff parry instead. Swordmasters have blade enchants and black orcs have nothing comparable.
Mirror classes are very similar. That is why they are called mirrors. They have about 50% of skills/tactics that are exactly the same. Then about 30% are similar but slightly different and the last 20% maybe qutie differnt. They have important and significant divergances.
It seems that AM and shaman and zealot/RP are perhaps the most similar of all the mirror classes.
These two things are not really true. I was curious about the mirror classes and how similar their skills are. I compared the Zealot/Runepriest and Shaman/Archmage. The VAST majority of the main skills, the ones obtained level 1-10, are completely identical. There are some skills that are slightly different in terms of the amount of damage or healing that they do. I found the shaman had slightly higher damage skills and the Archmage and slightly higher healing skills. But on the whole a large number of the skills were the same even though sometimes they were obtained at different levels. For the Zealot/Runepriest, I think pretty much all of the skills I was able to remember without writing numbers down were identical.
I will admit this is definitely not the case with all of the classes. But if you want to play either order or destruction and that side has long queues on whatever server you are on, then at least give the mirror class a try because most of them play very similarly. If you are picky about appearance though, then you are just gonna have to suffer with queues or change to a less populated server.
Most mirrors are pretty similar.
Some mirrors are barely mirrors. White Lion and Shadow Warrior have no real mirror although Squig Herder and Maurauder have similarities with Both.
Some classes have no mirroe; Chosen and Ironbreaker
Even the mirrors have important differences. Even non-mirrors share some things withh all things withn the archetype. All tanks have juggernaut and guard. Black Orcs and Swordmaster have the same class mechanic and they both have a tactics that give them exactly the same bonuse to black and parry. However the black orc buffs armor and toughness and swordmaster uses a similar attack to buff parry instead. Swordmasters have blade enchants and black orcs have nothing comparable.
Mirror classes are very similar. That is why they are called mirrors. They have about 50% of skills/tactics that are exactly the same. Then about 30% are similar but slightly different and the last 20% maybe qutie differnt. They have important and significant divergances.
It seems that AM and shaman and zealot/RP are perhaps the most similar of all the mirror classes.
Oh well I guess I just happened to look at the closest mirrors. I also looked briefly at the Engineer/Magus, which were pretty similar as well. I realized some of the mirror classes were more different than others, but I figured after looking at those classes that the others were all probably a similar level of mirroring.
So I guess I am just lucky and the classes I am interested in playing are very similar to their mirrors and I will be able to play on either realm : ).
These two things are not really true. I was curious about the mirror classes and how similar their skills are. I compared the Zealot/Runepriest and Shaman/Archmage. The VAST majority of the main skills, the ones obtained level 1-10, are completely identical. There are some skills that are slightly different in terms of the amount of damage or healing that they do. I found the shaman had slightly higher damage skills and the Archmage and slightly higher healing skills. But on the whole a large number of the skills were the same even though sometimes they were obtained at different levels. For the Zealot/Runepriest, I think pretty much all of the skills I was able to remember without writing numbers down were identical.
I will admit this is definitely not the case with all of the classes. But if you want to play either order or destruction and that side has long queues on whatever server you are on, then at least give the mirror class a try because most of them play very similarly. If you are picky about appearance though, then you are just gonna have to suffer with queues or change to a less populated server.
Most mirrors are pretty similar.
Some mirrors are barely mirrors. White Lion and Shadow Warrior have no real mirror although Squig Herder and Maurauder have similarities with Both.
Some classes have no mirroe; Chosen and Ironbreaker
Even the mirrors have important differences. Even non-mirrors share some things withh all things withn the archetype. All tanks have juggernaut and guard. Black Orcs and Swordmaster have the same class mechanic and they both have a tactics that give them exactly the same bonuse to black and parry. However the black orc buffs armor and toughness and swordmaster uses a similar attack to buff parry instead. Swordmasters have blade enchants and black orcs have nothing comparable.
Mirror classes are very similar. That is why they are called mirrors. They have about 50% of skills/tactics that are exactly the same. Then about 30% are similar but slightly different and the last 20% maybe qutie differnt. They have important and significant divergances.
It seems that AM and shaman and zealot/RP are perhaps the most similar of all the mirror classes.
Oh well I guess I just happened to look at the closest mirrors. I also looked briefly at the Engineer/Magus, which were pretty similar as well. I realized some of the mirror classes were more different than others, but I figured after looking at those classes that the others were all probably a similar level of mirroring.
So I guess I am just lucky and the classes I am interested in playing are very similar to their mirrors and I will be able to play on either realm : ).
Playing a Black orc will feel very simialr to a Swordmaster they are "pretty similar". That does not mean the details of the parts that are not different are not important.
For example the swordmaster and BO not only share the same mechanics but often share the same pattern. For example they both have an attack that give a defensive buff in second "stance".
Both attacks do damage. Both attacks buff defense but they buff different types of defense. Also some sword master attacks do spiritual damage but in other regards may seem very simialr to BO . Therefore a Swordmaster may be better against high armor targets than a BO since spirit damage is based on Spiritual Resistance. Also Swordmaster can debuf spiritual resistance in multiple ways but a BO cannot. This helps the SM do damage but it also helps Arhcmages do damage.
The problem here is that people are extrapolating general trends and 50% similarities to details. This will lead to major mistakes.
BO and Swordmaster do play VERY similar. But if you assume that what works against a BO will works gainst a SM you may be very wrong.
They hide behind their guards in Nordland constantly unless they outnumber you 3:1.
All of the emotes I've seen were from Order also, good thing there's no /sit, because order would be corpse humping left and right, hehe.
Gamer Plus+
<imo> Not all, but most hardcore guilds will probably go with the underdog which = Order
Unless your in my guild, in which we are rolling both.
Most of the hardcore guilds like choosing the underdogs cause you will get more of a challenge. hence why most of the hardcore guilds picked Horde from WoW.
Since destruction is so popular and clearly not the underdog in WAR, more and likely the Empire = the new Horde.
But this is just my opinion..