I just joined today because I in general do not have much to say. there is little to gain from an argument about how bad or how good a game is. Today I wanted to share some information though, because I was really impressed by patch 2.0. I and the rest of the community never expected all OOM errors to be totally eradicated in this patch. FC never even posted that this was the plan. Those grey map/OOM issues have haunted many people since day one. This is the reason why I opened a post today. I wanted to share that, Indeed are things shaping fabolously up in AoC. This is not an add, and to prove it I challenge you or any other guy to log into AoC and have a OOM error... That's how much this thing has been fixed now.... This is information that should be good to know.
However you are right I am a new poster, and I do not know what to say about that... There it is.
Ok understandable... I just joined today because I in general do not have much to say. Today I wanted to do though, because I was really impressed by patch 2.0. I and the rest of the community never expected all OOM errors to be totally eradicated in this patch. FC never even posted that this was the plan. Those grey map/OOM issues has been the biggest problem since day one for many people. This is the reason why I opened a post today. I wanted to share that, Indeed are things shaping fabolously up in AoC. This is not an add and to prove it I challenge you or any other guy to log into AoC and have a OOM error... That's how much this thing has been fixed now.... This is information that should be good to know. However you are right I am new poster, and I do not know what to say about that... There it is.
OK I can understand that, I have browsed quite a few forums in my time too and sometimes never posted until I really wanted to say something because something impressed me (or infuriated me.)
No worries about being a new member, join date doesn't mean a damn thing but some people see it as "Positive thread posted by new member, he's a paid shill."
I stop by this forum every now and then to read up on games about to launch and games launching sometime in future. Most of the time, that is about how familiar I am getting with a game, as I am a bit of an oldie (in the late 30's) and also have a very busy job and a hectic family life. However I am a gamer and have some comments.
My favorite game at the time is Age of Conan. I know that a lot of content was missing when it first launched and that many people used to be plagued with performance issues. Anyway I want to explain why I still rank this game several orders of funfactors above other games in same gaming genre.
Since I don't have the luxury to play many games (even though I certainly can afford to buy a tonn of them) I want something which is special and add something novel to the experience. Now, Age of Conan does this. The game has a fantastic atmosphere with a wide specter of possibilities for role-playing. At the same time it also really offers a though challenge in combat through it's unique combination system. You can stack all kinds of effects on top of your combo in fact and do that while you swap around your guard from left to right, just after you dodged back or to the side (if you ever get to a skill level where you can master such complexity). Now try to use all these combat mechanics at the same time. It is truly impressive to see people that master this in PvP. No more of this running around each other and try to get in a hit (well of course you see this too because this is what falls natural for many people and what people have been used to up to now). I could go on and on probably to an annoying level on this. But what I really stopped by to say in this forum is that it does not seem like many of the posters here really are up to speed on the latest changes in AoC.
I have never seen so many gratitude threads posed in the AoC forums. The last patch was a fantastic improvement to the game in terms of performance, content, sieges, balancing, PvP. To start with what shocked people the most last night ( I only play on patchnight and maybe once a weekend if my wife allows it)
People that for some reason before was plagued with the greymap/OOM errors before every hour now play with not a worry in the world. FPS is up, play is smoother and latency issues totally eradicated... I never had much of issues, but I could feel the frustration of those that had it before. Due to this I hoped for an improvement so that In-game friends of mine could get help... Well, help came big time and just removed every OOM issue there is. This alone is worthy a patch on it's own. If you had performance issues before, do expect them to be gone now.
More stuff, Villa and dungeon tweaks, +13 quests for high level people (In fact I woun’t comment to much on this as I do not have the full overview of everything)
Well sieges have now been fully functional for 1-2 months but, there have still been issues with the gate, the guards being a bit hyperactive and other. All these remaining issues are fixed in a great way.
People open threads where the gem downgrade/modification get praised. The survivability is absolutely much better and the consensus of the AoC community is now that balancing is very good with exception of Bear Shaman. Bear Shaman seem to be a bit too hard nail to break for most classes which basically is against the rock, scissor, paper principle of MMO PvP.
Finally!! People are ecstatic over the new system and I tell you I had personally a lot of fun last night even though the Minigames now has a line.
Everyone has a right to his or her own opinion so I certainly hope I don't come off too negative but I think AOC has much bigger problems than a simple patch could fix even coupled with the fact that Goat resigned. I'd also like to point out the most common statement I've seen made in regards to positive reviews of this game are things like " ( I only play on patchnight and maybe once a weekend if my wife allows it)", which for me translates into as long as you don't expect hours a week worth of entertainment you will like this game, I tend to play alot more than a casual player and I haven't heard much that makes this game any more appealing to me but I certainly do hope you continue to enjoy AOC.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
For some reason the discussion ends up off topic (Godager vs Morrison). The initial post was just an attempt to inform you of a massive change in AoC, which so fare is just very successfull and positive. I was trying to inform the community by this post, that AoC last week and AoC this week is absolutely not the same. Ask any AoC player. Therefore, at least read up on what the fuzz is about before you continue flaming. Get the facts straight. It's just silly to i.e state that AoC do not have a PvP system in place when a very good system now in fact is in place. Same goes for Siege and Content. That just my thought on the topic though... Read the start of this thread, then post (or am I too optimistic here ) EDIT: Just to add a comment to poster above... If you read my post, you would not give your list cause many of your bullet points are exactly what I say have been fixed. Now... If you do not belive me, that's a different thing. Then I would just say so. Let me ask you, have you played the game since Patch 2.0 or have you asked one of your AoC gaming friends what they thought about this patch... Anyway, my job is not to convert you or anything but I think it is imensely annoying that some people can't get the facts straight just because it does not suit the agenda of the cruisade.
Who is on a crusade here? You or me?
You are the one who suddenly appears on this forum the day after a co-founder of Funcom resigns and starts spreading propoganda about all the "change" that has taken place in AoC and how great it is now through a post that is worded EXACTLY like a bad advertisement.
I am just one of the regulars in this forum that has played AoC and many other MMO games since Ultima Online, and is sick and tired of the viral marketing and other unethical measures companies like Funcom use to violate the consumers.
For someone who claims not to have much to say you are sure saying a lot, and most of it is about as pointless as the term "enhanced for DX10" which currently resides on the box of my copy of AoC.
So, again I ask, who has the agenda here? It isn't me.
Ummm... Yeah sure no agenda, thats probably why you have posted your ridiculous "sandbox please " on all Age of Conan threads within the last 30 min... Come on, why are you so upset. Take tinfoilhat off *crumble crumble* and try and understand that there is no conspiracy going on even though a guy drops by a forum... And he makes an account because the information discussed on his favorite game is outdated... pay attention here... Outdated... If you could just say "Ok, I'll check it out, but I really doubt I gonna like AoC anyway" or something else along that line, but no, you have to pull out your hat and go off to neverneverland. Dude... not cool...
Ummm... Yeah sure no agenda, thats probably why you have posted your ridiculous "sandbox please " on all Age of Conan threads within the last 30 min... Come on, why are you so upset. Take tinfoilhat off *crumble crumble* and try and understand that there is no conspiracy going on even though a guy drops by a forum... And he makes an account because the information discussed on his favorite game is outdated... pay attention here... Outdated... If you could just say "Ok, I'll check it out, but I really doubt I gonna like AoC anyway" or something else along that line, but no, you have to pull out your hat and go off to neverneverland. Dude... not cool...
Ah, the true nature comes to light...
First of all, "Sandbox please" is my signature, I don't actually post it, the site automatically does it for me... Thanks for the laugh though.
Secondly, I followed AoC from the time it was announced unitl today. It was the game I was most excited to play. That much I don't need to justify to you but I will. I really had high hopes for this game. I certainly was excited to play online games with "adults" again.
Finally, you aren't the first person fighting your crusade and you won't be the last. But what bothers me most is that someone who hasn't played AoC and is genuinely curious might read your posts and think... Man I need to go sub and spend my money.
Your posts are sugar-coated at best and likely just downright unethical. Advertising, plain and simple.
Yep, my thoughts exactly. You can post why like it and give the info you say is "outdated", then converse normally about your experience. Alas, you don't. You give us epikak and say it's honey, and don't stop trying, making you, as thunderous...an avertiser, or a rabid fanboi. Get on to other stuff already, because by not doing so, you further you own gravedigging endeavors.
Gloves come off in the end after enough nonsense and also my curiosity drives me on here, what will it take to explain you that if my community boils over of threads type " I don't belive it OOM errors are gone and stability is great..." with 50-100 posts each I have all right in the world to share that pice of good news with anyone I want... Sugar coating or not this is the truth now according to many players (Note it says players, not once very dissapointed played that now just lach out on anything east and west with regards to AoC)...
Look, a fight over a forum is not very cool. I'll certainly cut you all the slack in the world cause there were a tonn of players having multiple issues over the first months. It must certainly have been very frustrating when you have been waiting on a game for years. Now having that said.. I think you also should cut me some slack till you have done more research on the sugercoated information I just gave you... My information is very close to an objective truth. FC launched a Kick Ass Patch yesterday and standing ovation for once, to their staff for pulling this together.
AmazingAveryAge of Conan AdvocateMemberUncommonPosts: 7,188
Originally posted by Thunderous
Originally posted by OrionMan
Ummm... Yeah sure no agenda, thats probably why you have posted your ridiculous "sandbox please " on all Age of Conan threads within the last 30 min... Come on, why are you so upset. Take tinfoilhat off *crumble crumble* and try and understand that there is no conspiracy going on even though a guy drops by a forum... And he makes an account because the information discussed on his favorite game is outdated... pay attention here... Outdated... If you could just say "Ok, I'll check it out, but I really doubt I gonna like AoC anyway" or something else along that line, but no, you have to pull out your hat and go off to neverneverland. Dude... not cool...
Ah, the true nature comes to light...
First of all, "Sandbox please" is my signature, I don't actually post it, the site automatically does it for me... Thanks for the laugh though.
Secondly, I followed AoC from the time it was announced unitl today. It was the game I was most excited to play. That much I don't need to justify to you but I will. I really had high hopes for this game. I certainly was excited to play online games with "adults" again.
Finally, you aren't the first person fighting your crusade and you won't be the last. But what bothers me most is that someone who hasn't played AoC and is genuinely curious might read your posts and think... Man I need to go sub and spend my money.
Your posts are sugar-coated at best and likely just downright unethical. Advertising, plain and simple.
The worst thing is Thunderous is that your so wrapped up in your upset you only have that as a basis to act on. Try playing the latest patch for a different perspective.
What bothers me is that you keep saying things that for a new person interested might think is still relevant, so when the OP comes along and posts his thoughts, several threads ( because there is more love for the last patch than hate) as proof to see where he is coming from, everyone that hates the game jumps on him telling him he is a liar because there is a chance what he says goes "Someway" to dispel that the game is in the current state it was at release. And thats something you need to let go of, or move on and let those that pay to play talk about the actual game instead of having threads derailed by those on a quest of vendetta with a bunch of misinformation and not an accurate representation of how the game is now.
Want a buddy key to try it yourself?
There will always be people willing to pay for something they enjoy and not matter how hard you try your opinion is not that subscribers. Thats why haters always move on or change their avatar after a while when they have had their fill.
There is nothing wrong in my opinion with someone wanting to try AoC out. By all means including your own views and mention in some of your posts - people are already aware of AoC and yet there are plenty still wanting to try it - you can't get em all mate.
The guy has asked you nicely have you played the latest patch but you wont answer. For many people its a pretty decent one. Its obvious that upsets you and anyone with a failcom avatar. No need to jump on him for enjoying the game.
Gaute leaving still won't save aoc. It took years to fix ao after Gaute left and aoc and funcom don't have years. They have an expiration date due to the massive debt they have incurred. This also does not change the way funcom does business forums will be moderated to hell. Mind boggling content rules and changes will be patched in to make the fanbois left still playing to quit. The game is so flawed it needs closed and rebuilt from the ground up and that will never happen. Well maybe if $OE gets hungry.
I stop by this forum every now and then to read up on games about to launch and games launching sometime in future. Most of the time, that is about how familiar I am getting with a game, as I am a bit of an oldie (in the late 30's) and also have a very busy job and a hectic family life. However I am a gamer and have some comments.
My favorite game at the time is Age of Conan. I know that a lot of content was missing when it first launched and that many people used to be plagued with performance issues. Anyway I want to explain why I still rank this game several orders of funfactors above other games in same gaming genre.
Since I don't have the luxury to play many games (even though I certainly can afford to buy a tonn of them) I want something which is special and add something novel to the experience. Now, Age of Conan does this. The game has a fantastic atmosphere with a wide specter of possibilities for role-playing. At the same time it also really offers a though challenge in combat through it's unique combination system. You can stack all kinds of effects on top of your combo in fact and do that while you swap around your guard from left to right, just after you dodged back or to the side (if you ever get to a skill level where you can master such complexity). Now try to use all these combat mechanics at the same time. It is truly impressive to see people that master this in PvP. No more of this running around each other and try to get in a hit (well of course you see this too because this is what falls natural for many people and what people have been used to up to now). I could go on and on probably to an annoying level on this. But what I really stopped by to say in this forum is that it does not seem like many of the posters here really are up to speed on the latest changes in AoC.
I have never seen so many gratitude threads posed in the AoC forums. The last patch was a fantastic improvement to the game in terms of performance, content, sieges, balancing, PvP. To start with what shocked people the most last night ( I only play on patchnight and maybe once a weekend if my wife allows it)
People that for some reason before was plagued with the greymap/OOM errors before every hour now play with not a worry in the world. FPS is up, play is smoother and latency issues totally eradicated... I never had much of issues, but I could feel the frustration of those that had it before. Due to this I hoped for an improvement so that In-game friends of mine could get help... Well, help came big time and just removed every OOM issue there is. This alone is worthy a patch on it's own. If you had performance issues before, do expect them to be gone now.
More stuff, Villa and dungeon tweaks, +13 quests for high level people (In fact I woun’t comment to much on this as I do not have the full overview of everything)
Well sieges have now been fully functional for 1-2 months but, there have still been issues with the gate, the guards being a bit hyperactive and other. All these remaining issues are fixed in a great way.
People open threads where the gem downgrade/modification get praised. The survivability is absolutely much better and the consensus of the AoC community is now that balancing is very good with exception of Bear Shaman. Bear Shaman seem to be a bit too hard nail to break for most classes which basically is against the rock, scissor, paper principle of MMO PvP.
Finally!! People are ecstatic over the new system and I tell you I had personally a lot of fun last night even though the Minigames now has a line.
Good luck OrionMan trying to have a normal conversation with these kind of people, I have tried but it seems there is no way to get true to them. They are a rare breed of forum trolls that actualy bash a game they dont even play.. Now how pathetic is that?
Good luck OrionMan trying to have a normal conversation with these kind of people, I have tried but it seems there is no way to get true to them. They are a rare breed of forum trolls that actualy bash a game they dont even play.. Now how pathetic is that?
Did you just say TRUTH? enlighten us wih your truth please? i am sure kinds of you really appreciate posts by users like ILOVEFUNCOM. Because they are so full of amazing intellect and abilities to write honest information about AOC.
If anyone its your fanboy buddies who are trolling on this forum with viral marketing for last few days. please go try patronize someone else.
And here you have one of those Turbo Trollers that actualy dont even bother read the posts as he is to busy to enlighten us with hes amazing posts calling everyone fanboy's if they actualy play the game or somewhat like it..
Now Shastra take a minute and read true my post is there anywhere I use the word Truth?
I have not played AOC and now nothing about the content or lack of in the game. My only comment is that resigning over dissatifcation over a product does not aways mean the product is lacking. The problem can be that the person does not get along well with upper management and thus can not get the needed resources to move the product along. This inturn creates dissatifcation. A new person that gets along with the company can then step in and move the product forward toward the original goal making the product good.
Ummmm 16 years,one of the founders and he WAS upper management
Sorry for bursting inn again but I just have to cause you have misunderstood the whole Gaute Godaker resigning event in the wrongest possible way. You can read on this a lot about this on the AoC forums. Let me sum it up. GG is basically the visionary behind the AoC system. He is the person that in development that has pushed for novelty and the high end technology like DX10 (I am telling you, there are few people still in the gaming industry that can handle the DX10 kernel in a proper manner). GG has all along believed in technology and gone for that in spite of other fractions of FC rather which rather wanted to focus on gameability and perhaps take more of an easy route (which certain other games recently launched in my opinion has done). Well, we all know that AoC, even though the potential was fantastic had a good share of stability problems post launch. Most of these problems was due to GG's ambitious visions and he probably want to take the responsibility for that. At the same time though GG visions is also the reason why this amazing gaming system now is place and in further development. Last thing he did before leaving was to stabilize all gaming code, and finish off DX10 which basically completes Gautes work. Chris Moris which represent the gameability fraction of FC and he will now make sure the game becomes even funner and this is basically the right time for that to happen anyway cause there are few technical boundaries to brake for this game after GG finishing off his work.. Finally (sorry this gets a bit lenghty) GG is by now means giving up FC and the game. Gaute wanted probably more to send a message to the gaming community and the stockholders that FC takes their responses seriously than say he did not belive in the game. After all he has a tonn of FC stock (about 2 % if I recall it right) and he has not sold one single one of those meaning he absolutely is optimistic. Anyway... Read more on the forums about this drama.. Gatta go:) { Mod Edit }
100% sure this is marketing at this point. It scream PR ninny
Good luck OrionMan trying to have a normal conversation with these kind of people, I have tried but it seems there is no way to get true to them. They are a rare breed of forum trolls that actualy bash a game they dont even play.. Now how pathetic is that?
Did you just say TRUTH? enlighten us wih your truth please? i am sure kinds of you really appreciate posts by users like ILOVEFUNCOM. Because they are so full of amazing intellect and abilities to write honest information about AOC.
If anyone its your fanboy buddies who are trolling on this forum with viral marketing for last few days. please go try patronize someone else.
And here you have one of those Turbo Trollers that actualy dont even bother read the posts as he is to busy to enlighten us with hes amazing posts calling everyone fanboy's if they actualy play the game or somewhat like it..
Now Shastra take a minute and read true my post is there anywhere I use the word Truth?
Oh so used the word get true and not TRUTH. Yeah that's totally different hahaha. Seriously step up a little if you are going to be one of those senseless fanboys we have on this forum. As far as actually playing the game. I was in beta and canceled AOC only last week. So i am not here to spread lies and mis-information. My only purpose is to point out obvious lairs who are so desperate for others to love their game.
Anyways you were saying something about getting TRUE with us? i am sorry i didn't realize being true to us has nothing to do with telling the TRUTH. Lol continue please.
So you still havent read my post? lol
I did, looks like you have nothing more to add. So i am putting end to this. But i will be back when you will post any lies about AOC. And please don't assume all people who bash AOC actually never played it.
Seriously are you blind or something?
What lies? I just pointed out that's imposible to have a normal discussion here with all these Trolls and there is no way to get true to them, everything you say here just get twisted around as you desperately are trying to do and miserably failing at it. You actualy helped out to prove my point so kudos for that.
Is the OP spreading lies because he actualy like the game and is seeing alot of improvments? Who the hell are you to judge him? What is he lying about in his original post?
I dont assume that people who dont play the game are Bashing it. I just cant figure out what people who left months age are still doing here crying about a game they dont play anymore.
Gents I am baffled by the maturity in your respons. The motivation for this post was to share some information with people that kind of has a repetetive respons thing going on. I can not see why this rather friendly and inteligent post invoked such degenerate respones. Anyway the information is available now ... I am sure you will have fun on it
Have fun with it playing on a server with a population of 20 ppl
Ok understandable...
I just joined today because I in general do not have much to say. there is little to gain from an argument about how bad or how good a game is. Today I wanted to share some information though, because I was really impressed by patch 2.0. I and the rest of the community never expected all OOM errors to be totally eradicated in this patch. FC never even posted that this was the plan. Those grey map/OOM issues have haunted many people since day one. This is the reason why I opened a post today. I wanted to share that, Indeed are things shaping fabolously up in AoC. This is not an add, and to prove it I challenge you or any other guy to log into AoC and have a OOM error... That's how much this thing has been fixed now.... This is information that should be good to know.
However you are right I am a new poster, and I do not know what to say about that... There it is.
OK I can understand that, I have browsed quite a few forums in my time too and sometimes never posted until I really wanted to say something because something impressed me (or infuriated me.)
No worries about being a new member, join date doesn't mean a damn thing but some people see it as "Positive thread posted by new member, he's a paid shill."
Everyone has a right to his or her own opinion so I certainly hope I don't come off too negative but I think AOC has much bigger problems than a simple patch could fix even coupled with the fact that Goat resigned. I'd also like to point out the most common statement I've seen made in regards to positive reviews of this game are things like " ( I only play on patchnight and maybe once a weekend if my wife allows it)", which for me translates into as long as you don't expect hours a week worth of entertainment you will like this game, I tend to play alot more than a casual player and I haven't heard much that makes this game any more appealing to me but I certainly do hope you continue to enjoy AOC.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Who is on a crusade here? You or me?
You are the one who suddenly appears on this forum the day after a co-founder of Funcom resigns and starts spreading propoganda about all the "change" that has taken place in AoC and how great it is now through a post that is worded EXACTLY like a bad advertisement.
I am just one of the regulars in this forum that has played AoC and many other MMO games since Ultima Online, and is sick and tired of the viral marketing and other unethical measures companies like Funcom use to violate the consumers.
For someone who claims not to have much to say you are sure saying a lot, and most of it is about as pointless as the term "enhanced for DX10" which currently resides on the box of my copy of AoC.
So, again I ask, who has the agenda here? It isn't me.
Tecmo Bowl.
Ummm... Yeah sure no agenda, thats probably why you have posted your ridiculous "sandbox please " on all Age of Conan threads within the last 30 min... Come on, why are you so upset. Take tinfoilhat off *crumble crumble* and try and understand that there is no conspiracy going on even though a guy drops by a forum... And he makes an account because the information discussed on his favorite game is outdated... pay attention here... Outdated... If you could just say "Ok, I'll check it out, but I really doubt I gonna like AoC anyway" or something else along that line, but no, you have to pull out your hat and go off to neverneverland. Dude... not cool...
Ah, the true nature comes to light...
First of all, "Sandbox please" is my signature, I don't actually post it, the site automatically does it for me... Thanks for the laugh though.
Secondly, I followed AoC from the time it was announced unitl today. It was the game I was most excited to play. That much I don't need to justify to you but I will. I really had high hopes for this game. I certainly was excited to play online games with "adults" again.
Finally, you aren't the first person fighting your crusade and you won't be the last. But what bothers me most is that someone who hasn't played AoC and is genuinely curious might read your posts and think... Man I need to go sub and spend my money.
Your posts are sugar-coated at best and likely just downright unethical. Advertising, plain and simple.
Tecmo Bowl.
Yep, my thoughts exactly. You can post why like it and give the info you say is "outdated", then converse normally about your experience. Alas, you don't. You give us epikak and say it's honey, and don't stop trying, making you, as thunderous...an avertiser, or a rabid fanboi. Get on to other stuff already, because by not doing so, you further you own gravedigging endeavors.
True Nature, Marketing Conspiracy, .... hmm paranoia...
Gloves come off in the end after enough nonsense and also my curiosity drives me on here, what will it take to explain you that if my community boils over of threads type " I don't belive it OOM errors are gone and stability is great..." with 50-100 posts each I have all right in the world to share that pice of good news with anyone I want... Sugar coating or not this is the truth now according to many players (Note it says players, not once very dissapointed played that now just lach out on anything east and west with regards to AoC)...
Look, a fight over a forum is not very cool. I'll certainly cut you all the slack in the world cause there were a tonn of players having multiple issues over the first months. It must certainly have been very frustrating when you have been waiting on a game for years. Now having that said.. I think you also should cut me some slack till you have done more research on the sugercoated information I just gave you... My information is very close to an objective truth. FC launched a Kick Ass Patch yesterday and standing ovation for once, to their staff for pulling this together.
Ah, the true nature comes to light...
First of all, "Sandbox please" is my signature, I don't actually post it, the site automatically does it for me... Thanks for the laugh though.
Secondly, I followed AoC from the time it was announced unitl today. It was the game I was most excited to play. That much I don't need to justify to you but I will. I really had high hopes for this game. I certainly was excited to play online games with "adults" again.
Finally, you aren't the first person fighting your crusade and you won't be the last. But what bothers me most is that someone who hasn't played AoC and is genuinely curious might read your posts and think... Man I need to go sub and spend my money.
Your posts are sugar-coated at best and likely just downright unethical. Advertising, plain and simple.
The worst thing is Thunderous is that your so wrapped up in your upset you only have that as a basis to act on. Try playing the latest patch for a different perspective.
What bothers me is that you keep saying things that for a new person interested might think is still relevant, so when the OP comes along and posts his thoughts, several threads ( because there is more love for the last patch than hate) as proof to see where he is coming from, everyone that hates the game jumps on him telling him he is a liar because there is a chance what he says goes "Someway" to dispel that the game is in the current state it was at release. And thats something you need to let go of, or move on and let those that pay to play talk about the actual game instead of having threads derailed by those on a quest of vendetta with a bunch of misinformation and not an accurate representation of how the game is now.
Want a buddy key to try it yourself?
There will always be people willing to pay for something they enjoy and not matter how hard you try your opinion is not that subscribers. Thats why haters always move on or change their avatar after a while when they have had their fill.
There is nothing wrong in my opinion with someone wanting to try AoC out. By all means including your own views and mention in some of your posts - people are already aware of AoC and yet there are plenty still wanting to try it - you can't get em all mate.
The guy has asked you nicely have you played the latest patch but you wont answer. For many people its a pretty decent one. Its obvious that upsets you and anyone with a failcom avatar. No need to jump on him for enjoying the game.
lol. You just can't help yourself, can you?! Well, I'm done with you. GL and hope you reach the masses reverend.
Too little, too late.
Are the funcom haters not done yet (after months of crying).
Still pissed?
We know you dont like the game or company.
Please stop whining on every post and go play with your failcom avatars. pfffffff
Gaute leaving still won't save aoc. It took years to fix ao after Gaute left and aoc and funcom don't have years. They have an expiration date due to the massive debt they have incurred. This also does not change the way funcom does business forums will be moderated to hell. Mind boggling content rules and changes will be patched in to make the fanbois left still playing to quit. The game is so flawed it needs closed and rebuilt from the ground up and that will never happen. Well maybe if $OE gets hungry.
Care to point out exactly what either has been lying about?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Good luck OrionMan trying to have a normal conversation with these kind of people, I have tried but it seems there is no way to get true to them. They are a rare breed of forum trolls that actualy bash a game they dont even play.. Now how pathetic is that?
Did you just say TRUTH? enlighten us wih your truth please? i am sure kinds of you really appreciate posts by users like ILOVEFUNCOM. Because they are so full of amazing intellect and abilities to write honest information about AOC.
If anyone its your fanboy buddies who are trolling on this forum with viral marketing for last few days. please go try patronize someone else.
And here you have one of those Turbo Trollers that actualy dont even bother read the posts as he is to busy to enlighten us with hes amazing posts calling everyone fanboy's if they actualy play the game or somewhat like it..
Now Shastra take a minute and read true my post is there anywhere I use the word Truth?
Ummmm 16 years,one of the founders and he WAS upper management
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100% sure this is marketing at this point. It scream PR ninny
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Did you just say TRUTH? enlighten us wih your truth please? i am sure kinds of you really appreciate posts by users like ILOVEFUNCOM. Because they are so full of amazing intellect and abilities to write honest information about AOC.
If anyone its your fanboy buddies who are trolling on this forum with viral marketing for last few days. please go try patronize someone else.
And here you have one of those Turbo Trollers that actualy dont even bother read the posts as he is to busy to enlighten us with hes amazing posts calling everyone fanboy's if they actualy play the game or somewhat like it..
Now Shastra take a minute and read true my post is there anywhere I use the word Truth?
Oh so used the word get true and not TRUTH. Yeah that's totally different hahaha. Seriously step up a little if you are going to be one of those senseless fanboys we have on this forum. As far as actually playing the game. I was in beta and canceled AOC only last week. So i am not here to spread lies and mis-information. My only purpose is to point out obvious lairs who are so desperate for others to love their game.
Anyways you were saying something about getting TRUE with us? i am sorry i didn't realize being true to us has nothing to do with telling the TRUTH. Lol continue please.
So you still havent read my post? lol
I did, looks like you have nothing more to add. So i am putting end to this. But i will be back when you will post any lies about AOC. And please don't assume all people who bash AOC actually never played it.
Seriously are you blind or something?
What lies? I just pointed out that's imposible to have a normal discussion here with all these Trolls and there is no way to get true to them, everything you say here just get twisted around as you desperately are trying to do and miserably failing at it. You actualy helped out to prove my point so kudos for that.
Is the OP spreading lies because he actualy like the game and is seeing alot of improvments? Who the hell are you to judge him? What is he lying about in his original post?
I dont assume that people who dont play the game are Bashing it. I just cant figure out what people who left months age are still doing here crying about a game they dont play anymore.
Have fun with it playing on a server with a population of 20 ppl