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Seems like World of Warcraft won't be the only one with air travel for characters.
These were released today. Good thing to know travel will be easier. I just hope its open to everyone when traveling to different areas. I have a feeling it will be though since teleporting doesn't seem to be in but players get housing from the start. This really is a different Evequest .
You need to edit the topic to "Everquest 2 has Turkey riding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", cos whichever way you look at it, that ain't a griffon.
I hope there's a level like 20, you have to get to before you can ride one...also, I hope it's a nice quest involved to get your own...or to rent one...or however they do it.
It would be cool if it was your own and could pull it out anywhere. If that was the case I hope they make it a difficult quest with a huge sense of accomplishment and attachment to your griffon.
I just don't want them to be got the money, o.k., here's your griffon...
LOL! I was thinking it looked like a (large) parakeet.
Hopefully they'll adjust that one.
Forget the bird, the water looks PHENOMENAL!
im pretty sure that blizzard isnt the only official on how a griffon should look, neither is sony, but just because it doesnt resemble the warcraft gryphon definately does not mean that you can discount it as one
My observation has nothing to do with World of Warcraft.
A gryphon/griffon/griffin has the head of an eagle and while I'm no ornithologist, this thing doesn't have the head of an eagle.
Staff, please note that this is nothing more than an observation and in no way criticism of EQ2, as I'm aware this is expressly forbidden.
I will be pretty impressed if the mounts allowed in EQ2 are not so much "Point A to Point B" only a la DAoC, but something with greater use, as in being able to own one, etc. It'd be cool to ride one (something) all over the place
I'm not too picky what it is as long as it resembles some kind of creature and .. well the flying carpet idea to me is a little silly. Not bad silly, just, who the heck came up with that one?
To me it looks more like the head of a parrot or cockatiel, but if you want it to be a Griffon, I guess it's a Griffon.
Kind of like making a minotaur with a sheeps head and then saying "well at least it has a head"
...Role Player since before D&D had their first hardcover books. (Simple and Advanced Editions rules!)
...has a very hard time keeping the same avatar.
...became disenchanted with SWG after a long long haul, but still dedicated to MMORPG's.
LOL! I was thinking it looked like a (large) parakeet.
Hopefully they'll adjust that one.
Hey!!! You're DOES look like a parakeet!! ROFL!
*cough cough* this game has *cough* defenetly won the graphic contest and air riding contest...
what about gameplay??!?!
here is what a griffon should look like
there's just looks like a giant eagle, and they are race specific also, so only certain races will be able to ride them.
ummmmm.......Guys....I hate to crush the fantasy but Gryphons aren't real!!!
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
Griffin Grif"fin, Griffon Grif"fon, n. [OE. griffin, griffon, griffoun, F. griffon, fr. L. gryphus, equiv to gryps, Gr. ; -- so called because of the hooked beak, and akin to grypo`s curved, hook-nosed.] 1. (Myth.) A fabulous monster, half lion and half eagle. It is often represented in Grecian and Roman works of art.