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I'm enjoying WAR, make no mistake. But it is like pulling teeth to get people to do a PQ or group up. No one is interested. It's ridiculous, especially considering how PvP-centered the game is. Coordination is key in scenarios and RvR...
the official deadhead
Do the chat channels work? I am the ONLY person I have even seen talk in the region channels..EVER. Ive ran several PQs and scenarios and spoke to the group and never got a response. It is either a very antosocial group of people or the chat channels no worky.
You can always search for open parties in the area you're in. Press the little button below your character portrait. It'll tell you what the party is currently doing. PvE, PQ, or RvR. Just press "join" and you're in. It should also tell you which PQ they are doing when you mouse over the party before you join.
Wasn't that obvious? I laughed when fanboys claimed before release this game will enforce a strong community. In fact, WAR is individualistic competitive game with a little interaction between players.
I have to agree here. I am loving this game so far, but the lack of any sort of communication is pretty absurd. I have not seen more than maybe a dozen people speak in a chat channel EVER (outside of a scenario). This is not just on my server. Since launch I have played characters to level 10 on 3 servers, both sides and no one talks. Even in the scenarios and other rvr, there is little to no interaction, no one listens to anyone who has suggested strategies.
It seems like the only way to speak to anyone is to join a guild, because no one wants to talk to anyone who is not in their guild.
Other than that, I love this game!
The problems are:
1. Wonky chat interface at best. The main chat channel is spammy and you can't filter out most of the spam --> people do not even see tells and chat requests from people for the most part, just gets lost in the fast scrolling spam.
2. No general chat. The chat zones are tiny subzones of the maps -- like an expanded "say" area. There is no general zone chat. There is no RvR zone chat.
3. No need to chat. Group joining is automated and requires no communication. RvR scenarios are automated and require no communication. Public quests don't even require a group. Map indicates the locations of all quest objectives. Nothing in the game really requires you to ask anyone to join a group, to complete a quest, for the location of anything, or anything else. If people don't need to chat, they won't. Gamers are like that.
4. Heavily guild oriented. The game is very, very oriented towards guilds. Most of the initial playerbase are people who belong to large pre-existing guilds. These people talk on vent and sometimes in their guildchat, but ignore the chat interface generally most of the time.
The problem with the communication is each zone has several different chat locations. Basically if you move from, say, empire chapter to empire chapter 2 you've moved into a new mini zone and you can't chat in the open with people in the area where ch. 1 is. Its sometimes frustrating because I'm used to some chat going on in a zone but I guess if you don't want the equivelant of barrens chat then its a good feature. I like being able to chat to everyone in a zone but thats me.
As for grouping, this game has one of the better grouping features I've seen. All you need to do is click the icon under your portrait to join an open group. Its much easier than spamming LFG.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
100% behind this point.
No global order/ dest chat channel is absurd... This is how people from all levels meet and get to know each other even when they arnt grouped. This is where the vets help the newbs. This is where a sense of whole and shared purpose is fostered. This is where reps are made and destroyed. If people dont want it they can turn it off. To just not have it is stupid and socially damaging.
Don't even get me started on no integrated VC etc...
It is like Mythic have made every effort to destroy the community and the soul of this game, like they don't want it to last past the 2 year mark, let alone almost 10 like EQ. Every decision they have made seems to be aimed at that goal. It's bewildering.
I am hoping that once the race for 40 is over and the game isnt all shiny and zerg anymore people will settle down, the fashion kids will jump onto the next hot thing, people will get to know each other and some form of community will grow.
Right now there just isnt one, and thats a terrible thing for a MMORPG.
People destroyed EQ2 when it came out for being a souless theme park, but tbh WAR is that x100 right now. EQ2 has grown a soul over the years and now has a great mature community, hopefully WAR will do the same.
Global chat channel plz.
I think the big problem with the community is that many of them have got a selfish mentality and haven't figured otu that teamwork = success in ways their solo craptastic attitudes never will. Give them time.
Always change your signature.
In the beginning I thought the same.. but now people are grouping up for rvr and pqs are full. Im in a guild now and we do stuff together so its enjoyable for me. Now they must fix the imbalance.
Maybe chat will be in altdorf because we cant dont go to other tiers than the ones we are in.. so it would be strange to see messages ending up there.
I've noticed a lack of chat but funny enough I found a real easy fix.
Wait for it ...
Start typing!
Works a treat. As soon as I start typing in groups or PQ's others join in. What a novel idea! Starting a conversation! Whatever will they think of next?
Ive grouped more in WAR than in EQ2. As soon as a group forms it fills without you noticing.
Everyones in groups chating or in Scenarios. I see a few lines go by in /1 But its usualy a question then a answer instead of the chatter in most games.
In games I use general chat when not in a group or guild so I could chat or find a group; or the occasoinal question (which if you ask a few times someone will see it).
And Ive never done a PQ solo. Sure I could grind it for some renown but the good stuff is in the box.
Some of those PQs get a litle crazy. Skeletons poping up everywhere, some crazy lady atacking you then summons skeletons and vanishes. All the whle trying to kill these altars that set you on fire.
is easy there is no real need to talk
when is needed to talk ppl will talk
BestSigEver :P
wow, too many dunder heads here to quote so.........
Use the best ever bit of game design to date..... the open group feature. You open and see which groups are about doing what you want to do! If they aint listed, either the people you can see infront of you are all solo, or they have a closed group!!!
I have found this game to be the most social game I have ever played, you literally turn up and join in. Passing through? Join in and help with the last 2 stages of a PQ, people will thank you, esp if you are an order tank!
When people claim this is anti social, i'm sure they mean.... Why can't I see endless drivel on /trade like,
"wts item X pst, no idiots pls"
"wtb ____ pst"
"chuck norris"
"i r teh winzor"
"your mom likes poop"
"your mom likes my poop"
Oh god how good it is to have none of this so far.
We are in a different era of gaming. Especially mmorpg's.
IMO WAR is most enjoyed by players that are in a Guild that uses Teamspeak or Ventrillo, the days of typing in chat and having a nice conversation is becoming like the dinosaur.
WAR is a fast pace type mmo as well, there is always something going on around you and the game keeps you busy from chatting.
If you got friends from other mmo's or games, this is always a plus.
In WAR, the game is pretty much structered around RvR / PvP and not so much PvE, but the elements are there for standard Zone Chatting.
WAR pretty much got rid of the "LFG" spam and the community is still fairly new. People are indulging in the game for now and its fairly easy to get around and know your area.
While I haven't yet seen any chat in the general channel, I kind of think that no one knows how to use it. The chat interface is indeed wonky.
Perhaps it's my server being an rp server, where players are often more eager for communication, but I haven't had any trouble grouping for public quests. I just send group invites to anyone I see doing the quest. Right now, pre level 15 content, I get a group of 4 or 5 gradually as we do the first two phases of a public quest, and then we all just sweep around the map doing any public quests we find. Eveyrone, everyone gets really nice gear from the quests, and we all love the influence we gain for the zone.
I think some people are just used to the way other mmorpgs work. Grouping is the way to go for public quests. What would absolutely thrash one player is much easier for 3 or 4. Healers do tend to be pretty important for that last phase, though, considering you usually fight some big hero.
Meh, I don't know. I can't understand why people wouldn't group up all the time for public quests, they're by far one of the most fun parts of this game.
I've noticed the chat channel is dead 99% of the time. Its somewhat disheartening because I like to see a busy chat channel. Many of my tells go unanswered even after I see the player stop in mid run to read what I sent....and then keep running.
I wish I could agree with you, but sadly this isn't the case. I group up a lot and I always chat in those groups, but on average I am completely ignored. Some groups are a blast, great fun and a wonderfull break from the usual silent groups that break up the moment a quest is done without anyone ever saying a word. Too bad the good groups so far have been with unguilded persons so finding a guild hasn't worked out yet for me.
I love this game, it feels like it could be the game I've been looking for, but....let me put it this way:
This game rocks, is freaking awesome, just too bad it has the social skills of a hermit...
I find myself grouped most of the time in this game. More than any other game at least.
And people aren't talking because they are doing. also Public Quests go in waves. Usually done about twice and then there is a lull and then again. Sometime 3 times.
Also I find that people in pvp are fulfilling their roles (or trying to ) and there is a general sense of group mob mentality.
Lastly I'm glad for more guild chat and less bs chat.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
public chat ruins the immersion.
Hurray! no more chuck norris jokes and attention sick people!
I agree, this game has no communication whatsoever. I've tried to make convo in regional chat but to no prevail.. Don't get me wrong I've joined PQs and found a few chatters, but as far as scenarios go, that is mute no matter if we're kicking ass or losing badly. The only real chatters is the gold-spammers. Hell, I've even tried to reply back to them and make converstion.
They really need to fix this because this game is starting to feel very lonely. Yeah, there are queues, and there seem to be people running around but man, no one talks.
I've joined groups in PQ, RVR, PVE. I've tried initiating the talk, but it's sad, it's very antisocial. No one seems to talk. And it seems like you're pulling teeth to get people to respond.
I don't buy the whole "well, they're busy doing other things like PQ's. RVR, etc..WAR is just very time consuming." I call BS to this. The chat is implemented horribly and so it sets a standard from the beginning to discourage chat. Hell, people were rushing to max level in AoC, EQ2, TR, etc etc and there was still chat.
Devs need to do something about this and fast,
I always thought long range communication between characters was a huge leap backwards from UO where you actually had to hang out in the same location for your characters to talk.
If there are people out there interested in the same things, you'll see them in game doing what you are doing. Join a vent server with them or trade AIM names. Messaging eachother every 5 minutes to link to youtube videos and update the guild on what you are soloing while they are trying to form a group is for WoW players and retards.
PM me when an MMO as good as UO was comes out.
The great thing about this game is that the whole LFG thing had been made redundant, because the moment you join in a PQ or scenario, you are automatically grouped with the other people doing it. I'm sure a lot of people playing this game and indeed those posting here have failed to grasp this concept. It is very familiar to those of us who have been playing FPS online games for years though.
As for chat, I'm in a guild and we are chatting to each other the whole time but I rarely find the need to chat to other party members when doing a PQ or scenario. The design of the game just makes it so easy to get involved that there really is no need.
The greatest thing of all, is that I have not seen a single gold selling spam in the chat channel yet. Grats to Mythic for designing a game from the ground up that makes it virtually impossible for gold sellers to work efficiently.
/leave general
Let people who want to talk have it.