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AoC players what are your thoughts on AoC. Is AoC a game I should try getting into? WAR is about to die in my opinion, and i need to find a new game. I saw Jefs review, looks pretty good. My rig is strong so I will kill this game hands down. Whats your most populated server?
EDIT: Ah ok you corrected your post. Ignore this.
Aoc's exodus was far larger than anything you are seeing in WAR. Out of the frying pan into the smoldering wreak of what once was a raging inferno.
The most popular server is probably tyranny, gets about 700 people now primetime, there is probably only 4 or 5 of the 25ish servers that get over 500 people primetime now and some servers struggling to get 100.
That's complete BS. I have been frustrated to death about this. WAR servers are complete ghosttowns now... 1.5 Fockings months after launch. Everybody agrees on that. Most servers are low/low and low/medium and the damn Xfire numbers are red like a murder scene. It's -25% pr week!!!
Numbers just went bellow 28000 (from 56000 4 weeks back), number of players are rocketing down below 8000. I play WAR now and have to reroll already, so I know what these trends mean. I think no game can show to such a disasterous trend. Back on topic, can any of you give me a word on how AoC is doing and also possibly a server with good population.
Both AoC and WAR are losing subscriptions at an alarming rate. Right now AoC is losing less because of the fact that most of the players, over 90%, have already left .
I hope WAR can survive the wow expansion because I like Mythic. They are good guys. Didn't like the game but I like the way they do things.
That's complete BS. I have been frustrated to death about this. WAR servers are complete ghosttowns now... 1.5 Fockings months after launch. Everybody agrees on that. Most servers are low/low and low/medium and the damn Xfire numbers are red like a murder scene. It's -25% pr week!!!
Numbers just went bellow 28000 (from 56000 4 weeks back), number of players are rocketing down below 8000. I play WAR now and have to reroll already, so I know what these trends mean. I think no game can show to such a disasterous trend. Back on topic, can any of you give me a word on how AoC is doing and also possibly a server with good population.
War has lost alot of population and they also started with too many servers, they need to get onto server merges quickly.
I've got no idea how you can say I'm talking BS when you havn't played AoC, I played both, I'm unhappy with WAR pops too but AoC is at least an order of magnitude worse. The ammount of zones war has makes it worse as people are spread out, AoC has no people and a tiny world. You can get into 10 vs 10 scenarios in WAR at any level within a few mins almost 24 hours a day. If you see 20 people in a few hours of playing AOC you have been hugely lucky.
Try and join an AoC minigame offpeak and you'll wait for many hours. If you think you will see more people moving from war to aoc you are going to get a massive massive shock, WoW is probably going to be the place to be people wise over the next month or 2.
If youw ant to play AOC, around now is the best time to try it out. its had a ton of fixes and changes that have made the sailing much smoother. i dont knock alot of people in here for not wanting to give it a second try, sometiems when things leave with a bad taste in your mouth, u really dont want to try again. But i think you being a new player, would find AOC fun, if you like the combat system that is. The Dev team is pushing for server merges before the end of the year, so keep that in mind when you pick yoru server.
*I would try as soon as Path 3 drops. patch 3 has over 7 pages of patch notes for bug fixes and changes. So you dont get caught up in all that mix up while trying to learn to play, i would wait, it will be out in a week.
I'm loving every minute of my AoC time!
I honestly don't think there's much that can be said against the game at this time. Unless the whole concept, theme, etc just dont appeal then you should have a great time.
I believe Patch 3 is due later this week, which will bring all sorts of additional content as well as the completion of the PVP experience and consequences package. You can find plenty of info about what's coming up if you check out the forums here and elsewhere.
Some servers are certainly quiet, but luckily my characters are running on Aquilonia (RP PVP), and there are players everywhere.
I would suppose that the reduction in numbers at WAR, would be a lot like the reduction that usually comes after the initial rush of players to a new game have tried things out. No new game can expect to capture (say) 50% of the market any more, with so many enjoyable and worthwhile games out there to play.
I've personally been on the brink of splashing out on WAR a couple of times just to try it out, as I have friends who really enjoy playing (despite apparently dreadful rubber band lag issues - perhaps they've fixed those now?), but then I think elf....dwarf....goblin, again and I just cant bring myself to do it.
So yes, I'd recommend Aquilonia or Fury (PVP) for EU players. I have tried Wildsoul but found it was a bit quiet at low levels. Not sure what it's like there now.
Funny....I'm having no problem finding fights in WAR and I'm not always on the winning side. Glad to see you leaving thou. Don't need your kind (whine, whine) around.
My opinion of your opinion:
Who? Me? What did I do?
As far as AoC, haven't played it so of course I refuse to make unfair or untrue comments.
If you want to try it out. Cimmeria is a very good server, a lot of people stayed there even after the mass exodus as funcom first made that server as RP-PVP, so a lot of rpers stayed there but they occasionally do come out of the taverns and pvp for a while, all in all its a good server so you should try it out.
Welcome back!
(you know that I know)
Hows AoC doing?
Patch 3.0 is about to hit Live servers in 1 to 2 days. This patch will complete the PvP system
High activity servers(US)?
PVP: Cimmeria, Deathwisper, Tyrrany PVE: Wiccana, Set, Thog
The servers in WAR are social clubs compared to the wastelands you will find in AOC.
Some people are like slinkies, they dont really have a purpose, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
Welcome back!
(you know that I know)
It's so transparent that I don't think there's anyone who doesn't know.
However, let's answer the OP anyway. If you call WAR dead, then I guess you could call AoC a 100 year old decomposed corpse. Funcom just doesn't patch fast enough and their new game director is spinning and making promises just as much as the previous guy.
AoC has horrible activity with around 300-400 people primetime on the so-called "booming" servers (here comes the fanboi cry to prove my numbers, how about you prove yours sometimes as well?).
All in all the game deserves around 5/10.
I'm trying to figure out what the OP is talking about
Both games are losing about 15% of their player base every week. Warhammer is currently about 5x's as big as AOC.
In actuality, I'm surprised AOC is still dropping as much as it is. The game client has stablilized and I would have thought the players who lasted this long would stick around.
Warhammer definitely has major problems though.. you have to remember, that because it is an RvR game.. player combat is only half of what it would be on a FFA game like AOC.
On a side note.. Blizzard came out with a press release today stating they reached the 11M mark.
AoC and WAR both lost most of their subs to WoW. WoW owns hard, its the game to play simple as that.
Ive seen WoW servers get so full now that you have to que for 30-45 minutes to get into the server at peak. Thats about 10000-15000 ppl playing on each of those servers. The new WoW patch are very fun. Looking forward to Wrath of the Lich King
Tomorrow would be a great time to start as theyre releasing patch 3.0 which is addressing most of the remaining issues with the game and adding some content. If you want a very highly populated server check out Cimmeria.
I'll try Conan again when they put out some free trials.
They are removing instanced worlds and making the territories large and non linear? Really - Ill have to check that one out!
Some people are like slinkies, they dont really have a purpose, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
Sadly, only good PvP/RvR att is dying (died) due to Mythic neglecting it(where are the Origins).I cannot settle for WoW clone with half baked DAoC taste.
Only other game that has possible 3 faction system(as in DAoC) is AoC.That is if they manage to figure out how to use it.
You should try Bluesteel if you want PvP. We have had good population for a while now.
Come on guys. Be honest with these people here.
The population on the AoC servers is terrible. To sit up here and post BS about good player numbers is mind numbing.
People come to these forums to try and get a feel for a game before they pop thier $50. Don't let these guys suffer like you are. I understand you want people to come and play but at least let them know what they are getting into.
I would recommend they go to the official forums and go through them before even plopping 50 cents down. Seems like the general forums and tech problems forums are about the only ones that get more than a post or two a day now. It isn't exactly a fountain of optimism over there.
I miss DAoC
Sadly, only good PvP/RvR att is dying (died) due to Mythic neglecting it(where are the Origins).I cannot settle for WoW clone with half baked DAoC taste.
Only other game that has possible 3 faction system(as in DAoC) is AoC.That is if they manage to figure out how to use it.
Hmmm can you expand on that a bit. What has AoC exactly?
Another thing, some big patch is coming in tomorrow apparently. I'll wait till we get some feedback on population after that patch. If critics are good and population kind of improving I might considder.
glad to see there fixing most of the issues in this game but untill they make it so you can dumb the graphics down enough to play on average comps they will never get more subscribers.
If you are tired of War, try out something better than AoC.
There are more than two games in the world, and AoC has so much wrong with it right now that no reasonable person would recommend it to another...
Try EVE, EQ2, Vanguard, LOTRO, DDO...
Heck I would recommend the Free2Play Asian grinders before recommending AoC, and I hate the Asian grinders....
Of course with the amount of marketers that AoC has on this site, it is almost like asking Funcom if you should pay them to play the game, but the choice is yours to make.