I just wanted to point out that if you take the lore of Warcraft into account, the horde and the alliance are bitter enemies. I figure that if an orc saw a human respawning he would get a kick out of killing him over and over again. I think it fits the whole idea of Warcraft very well. I mean... its a war between to factions that hate each other. Maybe the guy was playing the role of a guy that hates your existance. Like you know... a role playing kinda of play.
If you came up against some guy that wanted to decimate not just you but your whole race then I think you should be pissed... and stomp them badly. Hopefully they quit and thats one less soldier against your race.
you know what it means? Your griefer wins. That's right. He wanted to make you mad and piss you off royally. He succeeded.
You either accept it and move on ... sometimes the other guy imposes his will on you ... or you can sulk, post on forums etc ... but with each of these, you strengthen his position of superiority
I read this about playing poker and applies to other games as well. Anybody can play poker. But to experience the real joy and intensity and tension it is got to hurt when you lose.
to follow across Straglthorn Vale, repeatedly kill, and corpse camp one player 30 levels lower than them for the better part of an hour, even to the point of sneaking into Grom Gol base camp and hiding out for the kill, then sprinting or vanishing only to return and wait some more? Does the fact that he's free to gank all the lowbies because every other high level is out leveling to 80 give him pleasure? I remember ganking noobs on my old account... it got boring after like the second one, even when the 70s showed up and put on a decent fight. How does someone enjoy doing this so much that they keep going and going and going? I... I just can't comprehend it...
Your answers are....
College kids and younger (For the most part). Most college guys that play FPS games and yes, even MMO's are butt wipes. And kids? Well...their kids, what more can you say. Most of them are probably the ones that get beat up and stuffed in their lockers everyday, so they take out their anger on people in games where no real reprocussions other than being banned can happen to them.
Their are at least 8 people I work with that play WoW. All 8 of them range in age from 18 - 22. And all of them act like assbags at work, and all of them say they do gank. Coincidence? I think not. And that isn't it. I have been to many malls that have internet cafe's and walked past to see droves of teens in them playing WoW. The vast majority of WoW players I'm guessing are 12 - 24 years old. Douchebaggery age ranges.
Yes, I played WoW. I quit playing WoW however because of what you have mentioned, as well as the chat channels and voice chat making me feel as though I was paying $15 a month for virtual daycare. And I LOVE the ones who say. "It's a PvP server" "Carebears that way ------->." WoW is not PvP. Games such as Ultima Online and EVE Online are PvP, because you can actually LOSE stuff. I'd love to of seen what would happen if half of the WoW community had a mind wipe of gaming the way it is now, and have to play EQ. Half would quit in 2 days because it was actually hard, challenged you, and at times, had you cussing because of a dumb mistake that caused you to de-level, etc. But that's what made it fun, the fact that you had to make decisions because they meant something. Not simply run into a situation because you could respawn at a safe zone and maybe have to pay an insignificant repair bill.
And saying it's skill is another joke. All you need is purple gear to win fights, or the highest tier purple gear against the lowest purple. No skill needed. Flame on, I know you won't disappoint.
I and my friends, well most people on my server, if you had a stupid name, you are gonna get camped cna chased from 1 end to the other. And thier is no griefing in WoW. BLues even said so. You aggreed to getting your butt handed to you over and over by selecting the server. If you cant handle it, leave. <--- Carebear servers that way.
it's not a thing of e-honor; that ceased to exist when all the knuckle-draggers appeared in the mmo-realms. it's a thing of -- how weaksauce coated are you, if you have to fight someone JUST 10 levels under you in order for YOU to win?
if i were a 10+ levels lower than someone, and that someone decided to hunt me, i'd definitely take screenshots and post them and mock the weaksauced-marinated loser until he quit the game in shame, and he probably still wouldn't understand why everyone was berating his inability to fight and win against someone equal (or better yet, HIGHER) level than himself.
but hey, some intarwebz people are just weak. that's why they hunt people 10, 20, 30 levels lower.
of course, it could also be an 8 year old playing on big brother's toon. sounds like the quoted thinks fighting people half its level is cool though. i know it stated something about stupid names; but that wasn't the topic, the topic was repeat ganking someone 30 levels lower than you.
don't get me wrong. 3 higher levels assaulting a low level village could be fun. those villages have buff guards and lowbies can have a lot of fun with it. but again, that's not what we're talking about.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
to follow across Straglthorn Vale, repeatedly kill, and corpse camp one player 30 levels lower than them for the better part of an hour, even to the point of sneaking into Grom Gol base camp and hiding out for the kill, then sprinting or vanishing only to return and wait some more? Does the fact that he's free to gank all the lowbies because every other high level is out leveling to 80 give him pleasure? I remember ganking noobs on my old account... it got boring after like the second one, even when the 70s showed up and put on a decent fight. How does someone enjoy doing this so much that they keep going and going and going? I... I just can't comprehend it...
Your answers are....
College kids and younger (For the most part). Most college guys that play FPS games and yes, even MMO's are butt wipes. And kids? Well...their kids, what more can you say. Most of them are probably the ones that get beat up and stuffed in their lockers everyday, so they take out their anger on people in games where no real reprocussions other than being banned can happen to them.
Their are at least 8 people I work with that play WoW. All 8 of them range in age from 18 - 22. And all of them act like assbags at work, and all of them say they do gank. Coincidence? I think not. And that isn't it. I have been to many malls that have internet cafe's and walked past to see droves of teens in them playing WoW. The vast majority of WoW players I'm guessing are 12 - 24 years old. Douchebaggery age ranges.
Yes, I played WoW. I quit playing WoW however because of what you have mentioned, as well as the chat channels and voice chat making me feel as though I was paying $15 a month for virtual daycare. And I LOVE the ones who say. "It's a PvP server" "Carebears that way ------->." WoW is not PvP. Games such as Ultima Online and EVE Online are PvP, because you can actually LOSE stuff. I'd love to of seen what would happen if half of the WoW community had a mind wipe of gaming the way it is now, and have to play EQ. Half would quit in 2 days because it was actually hard, challenged you, and at times, had you cussing because of a dumb mistake that caused you to de-level, etc. But that's what made it fun, the fact that you had to make decisions because they meant something. Not simply run into a situation because you could respawn at a safe zone and maybe have to pay an insignificant repair bill.
And saying it's skill is another joke. All you need is purple gear to win fights, or the highest tier purple gear against the lowest purple. No skill needed. Flame on, I know you won't disappoint.
it's like you said, if you want pvp, you play a game like eve online. there's not any server you can point to for pvp or carebear in wow. sorry, there's not.
what do i lose on a pvp server that i don't lose on a pve server? can i be looted on a pvp server? do i get like 5x the damage to my gear on a pvp server?
in wow, a pvp server offers you the option of being in a world at war. in theory, that would mean that if you're lvl 50 running missions, you might run across enemies that are level 48-52 who are running missions in the same area and that your group and their group could engage in battle, even if one side didn't want to "duel". in theory, that's how it should work and that's where a pvp server in wow differs from a pve server.
but, as has been stated, those who don't get it... abuse the system in order to compensate for other inadequacies.
yes, i play eve online. so pvp SERVER (singular) that way -------->>>
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
You made it the "worst instance of griefing I've come across yet.." by continuing to spawn and give him the chance to gank you. No one is responsible for that but you. And yes, by posting here you are in fact whining like a baby. PvP is not for you. Go roll PVE. How will it get worse? As an experienced PvP player I will save you the frustration and tell you that this minor incident is nothing compared to how really bad it can get. Some can handle it and some can't. You, sir, fit the later. Save yourself some pain and roll PvE. Maybe someday you will have thick enough skin to handle PvP, [Doubt it!], until then go play on a PvE server where you will not have to worry about such things.
Look here, son, I've been playing WoW on PvP servers since it first rolled out four years ago. I think I know the difference between PvP and blatant griefing, but it's pretty obvious that you don't. In fact it would appear you're not much more than an arrogant adolescent who gets off on trying to make other people look bad. Your logic is skewed, perhaps because you are one of those kids discussed in this thread who got bullied at school or sucks at PvP against equal opponents. But hey, when a bank gets robbed, it really is their fault for unlocking the door during business hours, and when a woman gets raped, well shit, she probably shouldn'ta worn that short skirt out in public. Am I right? Hell no, but that's approximately how ridiculous you're coming across by saying it's my fault for respawning. But that's OK, next time I'll wait half an hour like you suggested instead of the 15 minutes that I did. I'm sure that's all the difference right there.
What's an "experienced PvP player" even mean in your mind? You've racked up XX amount of kills, by grinding battlegrounds 14 hours a day? You've achieved XX arena ranking? You have your guildies come out and curbstomp whoever defeats you in world PvP? Congratulations, that don't earn you respect. Treating others with a little decency and dignity might though, you should try it rather than name-calling. If you can't participate in a discussion without putting on the better-than-you attitude just stay out next time. Seriously. If this thread bothers you so much that you can't reply without coming off like an insolent asshat, the back button on your browser will make you a lot more friends than the "Reply" button on the page (or at least lose you less).
Comparing being ganked in WoW to real-life crime is idiotic. If you think what the ganker did to you was comparable to someone raping or robbing, go seek some counseling.
You rolled PvP, expect to get ganked. We need more gankers in WoW to weed out the whiners and send them back to the PvE servers they came from.
An "experienced PvP player" can mean many things, but they all share one common qaulity: they don't whine when they get ganked. They pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and move on. You repeatedly respawned while someone was camping you. You have no-one to blame but yourself for continuing to give him the opportunity to gank. There are far too many non-pvpers rolling on PvP servers and expecting things to be how they think it should be.
actually, the way it works is that in pvp games (like eve online), we weed out the weaklings and whiners and they go to a 'very low penalty' pvp game, so they can feel da ubers.
the only point which "30 levels lower than you ganking" serves is to slow down someone's level progression. that's not ganking, that's weaksauce griefing. you want to gank and grief, you come to a pvp game, like eve. otherwise, 30 levels lower than you, is just pathetic and shows you can't handle your own.
"imma imma imma guud pvper, i just ganked someone 20 levels lower than i and i can gank people my level too". right, that's why you're ganking people way lower level than you in a no-consequence pvp server in a pve game.
very very non-uber. sorry.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
I just wanted to point out that if you take the lore of Warcraft into account, the horde and the alliance are bitter enemies. I figure that if an orc saw a human respawning he would get a kick out of killing him over and over again. I think it fits the whole idea of Warcraft very well. I mean... its a war between to factions that hate each other. Maybe the guy was playing the role of a guy that hates your existance. Like you know... a role playing kinda of play. If you came up against some guy that wanted to decimate not just you but your whole race then I think you should be pissed... and stomp them badly. Hopefully they quit and thats one less soldier against your race.
In the Warcraft universe, sure, an orc would love to pound in a human's skull everytime they lifted their head up, but this is Warcraft the game, set in that universe. It's two very different things. As I said before, when I would pass someone in one of my areas, even if they were a low level, I would do what any good Night Elf would do upon seeing an orc: kill them on the spot. However, because I'm also X amount of levels above them, with no fear of repercussion, I move on because this is a game. And this is where I have a problem with your last sentence and feel the need to point out the difference between Warcraft Universe and Warcraft Game. "Hopefully they quit and thats one less soldier against your race." In WU, the guy is dead and yes, one less soldier against your race. However, in WG, that's another person just like you playing this game. If you piss that person off, and they quit..? Is that really what you want for the game? For people to LEAVE? Or do you want the servers to maintain a healthy population so that YOU (and them) can continue to play?
Now, I know WoW has 11 million people or whatever, and so one person leaving is just a drop in the bucket..however, the idea that you're going to gank someone until they quit the game out of frustration isn't healthy in the longrun.
------------------------------------------------------------ You can't win - if you strike me down I shall respawn more powerful than you could possibly imagine!
to follow across Straglthorn Vale, repeatedly kill, and corpse camp one player 30 levels lower than them for the better part of an hour, even to the point of sneaking into Grom Gol base camp and hiding out for the kill, then sprinting or vanishing only to return and wait some more? Does the fact that he's free to gank all the lowbies because every other high level is out leveling to 80 give him pleasure? I remember ganking noobs on my old account... it got boring after like the second one, even when the 70s showed up and put on a decent fight. How does someone enjoy doing this so much that they keep going and going and going? I... I just can't comprehend it...
Some hunt for birds in real life.
Some hunt for deer.
In your case, he likes to hunt birds. We'll never understand how retarded it is to hunt something that isn't of your size in the WoW universe. Some guys are just assholes. Most people that kill lowbies over, and over, and over are little kids that think they are amazing.
You would have jumped on another toon or left. You would have taken control of the situation in the only way possible. The OP could have done the same thing. Instead he continually respawned into the same situation, then comes here crying that the PvP system was "abused". It wasn't his fault that someone camped him, but it sure as hell was his fault for continuing to respawn. Why should he have to stop playing "his" game because of a "jerk"? Well first off it is not "his" game. Second, open PvP is part of being on a PvP server. If he can't handle getting ganked, even repeatedly ganked, then PvP is not "his" game. There are PvE servers for him that will allow him the freedom to play "his" game unhindered.
Yes, I said I would have done that. I would have done it because I would have been tired of getting killed over and over. But because I would have done it, and I'm guessing you would have as well, based on how you're going on about this, does not mean that he had to. And you're right it wasn't his fault for being camped, so then how is it his fault for wanting to play? Yes, it gives the camper a reason to keep camping, but the whole point of this thread is to discuss what would MAKE someone do that over and over in the first place.
As for the second paragraph, wow.. I'm actually surprised that you went the route of: "Well, ACTUALLY, it's not HIS game, snort snort." Because seriously, did you actually think I was referring to the game being his, in that he created all of the content himself? If he did, I'm sure he could have just deleted the camper right then and there.
At anyrate, judging by what he's said, he's well aware of PvP and how to go about it, so I'm sure he's had plenty chances to be killed and do the killing, and it would seem that he can handle that just fine. It also would sound as though he doesn't want to play either "unhindered" or on a PvE realm, because he enjoys PvP. Which brings us back once more to the entire point of this topic. He is curious as to what would cause someone to essentially spawn camp someone over and over. Now, I'm going to guess, based on everything you've said thus far, that you probably spawn camp quite regularly, if not enjoy it. So perhaps you're just the kind of person what we'd like to hear from, if you would simply answer that question instead of going on about how he should move to a different server and stop whining.
If you are indeed this kind of person, then please.. what exactly do you enjoy about sitting at the spawn point and killing someone as soon as they drop in? How is that exciting for you? Is it because it makes you feel superior? If so, do you normally feel superior to others, or only when camping? Does it make you feel like you're "owning" everyone? Do you do this because someone did it to you once, and now you feel that you must "return the favor" and that everyone else will have to endure through this crucible as well? Have you or do you fantasize about harming animals? Do you feel as though something about you is inadequate? Do you lash out when people correct/criticize you? Are you going through puberty or possibly have another reason for a hormonal imbalance?
Naturally I don't expect half of those questions to be answered, although I feel that they are probably inter-related. I would also like to point out that those are serious questions that I am honestly curious in; I am in no way trying to mock you by posing those.
------------------------------------------------------------ You can't win - if you strike me down I shall respawn more powerful than you could possibly imagine!
You would have jumped on another toon or left. You would have taken control of the situation in the only way possible. The OP could have done the same thing. Instead he continually respawned into the same situation, then comes here crying that the PvP system was "abused". It wasn't his fault that someone camped him, but it sure as hell was his fault for continuing to respawn. Why should he have to stop playing "his" game because of a "jerk"? Well first off it is not "his" game. Second, open PvP is part of being on a PvP server. If he can't handle getting ganked, even repeatedly ganked, then PvP is not "his" game. There are PvE servers for him that will allow him the freedom to play "his" game unhindered.
Yes, I said I would have done that. I would have done it because I would have been tired of getting killed over and over. But because I would have done it, and I'm guessing you would have as well, based on how you're going on about this, does not mean that he had to. And you're right it wasn't his fault for being camped, so then how is it his fault for wanting to play? Yes, it gives the camper a reason to keep camping, but the whole point of this thread is to discuss what would MAKE someone do that over and over in the first place.
As for the second paragraph, wow.. I'm actually surprised that you went the route of: "Well, ACTUALLY, it's not HIS game, snort snort." Because seriously, did you actually think I was referring to the game being his, in that he created all of the content himself? If he did, I'm sure he could have just deleted the camper right then and there.
At anyrate, judging by what he's said, he's well aware of PvP and how to go about it, so I'm sure he's had plenty chances to be killed and do the killing, and it would seem that he can handle that just fine. It also would sound as though he doesn't want to play either "unhindered" or on a PvE realm, because he enjoys PvP. Which brings us back once more to the entire point of this topic. He is curious as to what would cause someone to essentially spawn camp someone over and over. Now, I'm going to guess, based on everything you've said thus far, that you probably spawn camp quite regularly, if not enjoy it. So perhaps you're just the kind of person what we'd like to hear from, if you would simply answer that question instead of going on about how he should move to a different server and stop whining.
If you are indeed this kind of person, then please.. what exactly do you enjoy about sitting at the spawn point and killing someone as soon as they drop in? How is that exciting for you? Is it because it makes you feel superior? If so, do you normally feel superior to others, or only when camping? Does it make you feel like you're "owning" everyone? Do you do this because someone did it to you once, and now you feel that you must "return the favor" and that everyone else will have to endure through this crucible as well? Have you or do you fantasize about harming animals? Do you feel as though something about you is inadequate? Do you lash out when people correct/criticize you? Are you going through puberty or possibly have another reason for a hormonal imbalance?
Naturally I don't expect half of those questions to be answered, although I feel that they are probably inter-related. I would also like to point out that those are serious questions that I am honestly curious in; I am in no way trying to mock you by posing those.
Well, you covered alot of ground here, so I'll try to answer each paragraph briefly:
P#1: Just because the gankee wants to play doesn't matter. A higher level player decided, for whatever reason, that he was in control. That is his right. If the gankee doesn't like it he can take control of the situation and go somewhere else, or level and get revenge, or call in friends, etc. It all comes down to this: the OP rolled on a PvP server and now has a problem with being killed in open PvP in one of the most notorious zones for being ganked. If the OP didn't want to face such consequences, there are servers for her that have no such consequences.
P#2: You were implying that the OP should be able to play "his" game however she sees fit. If someone decides to engage in world PvP then you're implying they should not have that right. Again, PvE servers are there for just that mindset.
P#3: No, I never spawn camp except in extreme circumstances. In fact, while I will sometimes subscribe to the "if it's red it's dead" line of thought, I have my own loose ruleset that includes such things as that I never gank someone more than once per day, unless the situation warrents it. That being said, I adhere to this loose set of standards not because of some moral or ethical reason, but rather because of a time-versus-payoff reason. My laziness aside, I applaud the ganker in this situation, for not only his undying persistance on not only punishing the enemy, but sending them crying home to mommy. I wish I could be so lucky as to have someone whine on the forums about me ganking them!
P#4: Well, as I stated above, I am far too lazy to sit around camping a greybee all day. I get bored after the first kill and unless I have a really good reason would not kill the greybee again. As for the rest of your questions, they can all be summed up to this: the Horde and Alliance are at war. Anything an individual does, be it Horde or Alliance, to punish his enemy is doing his duty. As Sun-tzu so eloquently put: .."In general, the startegy for employing the military is this: If your strength is ten times theirs, surround them; if five, then attack him; if double, then divide your forces. If you are equal in strength to the enemy you can engage him. If fewer, you can circumvent him. If outmatched, you can avoid him. Thus the small army that acts infexibly will become the captives of a large army".....
In the OP's case, someone followed Sun-tzu, and someone did not and acted inflexibly, becoming a captive of their enemy. Of course I don't base every action in WoW on the writings of Sun-tzu, but war is war. And there are far too few players rolling PvP that are actually willing and eager to actually PvP outside of arenas or BG's. Instead they cower behind their own set of false rules such as one should not attack a weaker opponent. Well, guess what? No battle is ever "even". There is no dishonor in losing to a stronger opponent. Likewise, there is no dishonor in taking advantage to what is given to you. The ganker deserves credit for his actions, for advancing his faction by sending a message of fear to his opponent as well as impeding his oppenents progress.
P#5 Hope I answered at least half, or maybe a few at least.
Well, you covered alot of ground here, so I'll try to answer each paragraph briefly: P#1: Just because the gankee wants to play doesn't matter. A higher level player decided, for whatever reason, that he was in control. That is his right. If the gankee doesn't like it he can take control of the situation and go somewhere else, or level and get revenge, or call in friends, etc. It all comes down to this: the OP rolled on a PvP server and now has a problem with being killed in open PvP in one of the most notorious zones for being ganked. If the OP didn't want to face such consequences, there are servers for her that have no such consequences. P#2: You were implying that the OP should be able to play "his" game however she sees fit. If someone decides to engage in world PvP then you're implying they should not have that right. Again, PvE servers are there for just that mindset. P#3: No, I never spawn camp except in extreme circumstances. In fact, while I will sometimes subscribe to the "if it's red it's dead" line of thought, I have my own loose ruleset that includes such things as that I never gank someone more than once per day, unless the situation warrents it. That being said, I adhere to this loose set of standards not because of some moral or ethical reason, but rather because of a time-versus-payoff reason. My laziness aside, I applaud the ganker in this situation, for not only his undying persistance on not only punishing the enemy, but sending them crying home to mommy. I wish I could be so lucky as to have someone whine on the forums about me ganking them! P#4: Well, as I stated above, I am far too lazy to sit around camping a greybee all day. I get bored after the first kill and unless I have a really good reason would not kill the greybee again. As for the rest of your questions, they can all be summed up to this: the Horde and Alliance are at war. Anything an individual does, be it Horde or Alliance, to punish his enemy is doing his duty. As Sun-tzu so eloquently put: .."In general, the startegy for employing the military is this: If your strength is ten times theirs, surround them; if five, then attack him; if double, then divide your forces. If you are equal in strength to the enemy you can engage him. If fewer, you can circumvent him. If outmatched, you can avoid him. Thus the small army that acts infexibly will become the captives of a large army"..... In the OP's case, someone followed Sun-tzu, and someone did not and acted inflexibly, becoming a captive of their enemy. Of course I don't base every action in WoW on the writings of Sun-tzu, but war is war. And there are far too few players rolling PvP that are actually willing and eager to actually PvP outside of arenas or BG's. Instead they cower behind their own set of false rules such as one should not attack a weaker opponent. Well, guess what? No battle is ever "even". There is no dishonor in losing to a stronger opponent. Likewise, there is no dishonor in taking advantage to what is given to you. The ganker deserves credit for his actions, for advancing his faction by sending a message of fear to his opponent as well as impeding his oppenents progress. P#5 Hope I answered at least half, or maybe a few at least.
May as well follow the same format:
P1: I have to disagree with the "level and get revenge" statement. I've been in this predicament before, and to think that I'm going to remember who it was in the several months it will take me to get close to their level is a bit of a stretch. Unless the OP is a bit unbalanced and they make a "To Kill List"... I have to point out again though, that I don't believe (and the OP has confirmed) that their post wasn't inteneded as a QQ about being ganked, merely wanting to understand that mindset (which is why I asked all those questions before).
P2: I'm assuming this is in response to my paragraph which was in response to yours, which was in response to my original post inwhich I said "..what kind of answer is telling them that THEY were responsible because they actually respawned? Why should he have to stop playing his game because of a jerk? ...(me saying what I would do)... but to say that it's someone's fault because they continued to play their game?" I can kind of see how that could have been misunderstood; I am not talking about anyone not having the right to PvP because it infringes on others. Either way, what I am saying, is that I feel it is wrong to say it was his/her fault for the camping to continue as it did. The camper does have the right to play his game the way he wants to, I agree with that. However, the OP has the right to play his game the way he wants to as well. The OP is not the one interferring with anyone's game though, it is the camper (and yes, that's what happens on a PvP server). My point is that even though by respawning the cycle continues, it is still not his fault for wanting to play.
P3: I think most people have their own rule-set for how they go about PvP, and ours sound quite similar. As I've said before, even if it's a low level person, if they're in my faction's area, then I kill them. And then I hop back on my mount and continue on with my day (unless they want to keep spamming Local Defense, but even then I wait for them to health/mana back up with the chance to leave. That's just me.) HOWEVER, I think what we're all curious about is that the camper is not likely following a "code of conduct" of kill all the enemy relentlessly, so much as just being an ass, and just what is the mindset behind that.
P4&5: I completely agree that war is war, taking advantage of your enemy's weaknesses, etc. However, it's hard to act "flexibly" if you're on foot, and the enemy is on an epic mount, who then waits for you to respawn to kill you again. I feel we're kind of going in circles here, because as you said he could either logout or port elsewhere. And then as I would say, he still has the right to want to play the game. I think it's time we gave that horse, in all it's incarnations, a rest. With that said, I do agree with the latter part of P5, that there is no dishonor in losing to a stronger opponent, but that doesn't mean the person 30 lvls above you isn't acting like an ass.
Now, you say that there's not many people willing to PvP on those servers, and that you applaud the camper's actions for impeding the enemy. In a strategic sense, I completely understand. However, if that section of the game is based around having people to fight.. isn't constantly impeding someone, to the point they quit really the best thing?
Lastly, while you didn't really answer all the questions (which isn't a problem, since you said you're the kind of person who camps anyways, so they thusly wouldn't apply to you), I thank you for atleast trying. Kind of hard I guess if they're not really geared towards your play-style though.
------------------------------------------------------------ You can't win - if you strike me down I shall respawn more powerful than you could possibly imagine!
All this typing just to find out we are basically on the same page. So anti-climatic!
Well obviously you're not completely retarded, since you understood Rocktober well enough... now understand me as I repeat, for what, the fifth or sixth time? that I wasn't "crying to mommy" in any way by posting here and if you read my post as such then you've got serious communication problems.
Yup, yet another hardcore pvper fitting the stereotype.
Just keep chanting that "suck it up or leave" thing you have going there.
Exactly my point. If you can't handle it, leave. There are PvE servers for people who don't like or can't handle world PvP. If you consider that "hate and general nastyness" then you certainly have no business on a PvP server.
Do you love ganking players 30 levels lower then yours? i think you do. I mean sir you are one hardcore playa with awesome skills.
All this typing just to find out we are basically on the same page. So anti-climatic!
Well obviously you're not completely retarded, since you understood Rocktober well enough... now understand me as I repeat, for what, the fifth or sixth time? that I wasn't "crying to mommy" in any way by posting here and if you read my post as such then you've got serious communication problems.
Says the guy that continued to spawn after being repeatedly camped.....
You can try to spin it however you want, but the fact is that you were camped and felt so upset about it that you accused the camper of abusing the PvP system and started a thread about it. I think it is hilarious that your feelings were hurt that badly. You threw salt in your own wounds, bud, and I can only hope the camper gets the satisfaction of seeing this thread.
Yup, yet another hardcore pvper fitting the stereotype.
Just keep chanting that "suck it up or leave" thing you have going there.
Exactly my point. If you can't handle it, leave. There are PvE servers for people who don't like or can't handle world PvP. If you consider that "hate and general nastyness" then you certainly have no business on a PvP server.
Do you love ganking players 30 levels lower then yours? i think you do. I mean sir you are one hardcore playa with awesome skills.
Is that really the issue? What exactly does my playstyle, which I clearly laid out in an earlier post, have to do with the OP getting camped and coming here to whine?
But to answer your question, do I love ganking players 30 levels lower? Not really, unless they deserve it. That doesn't mean I won't kill a much lower adversary. Do I think that makes me somehow a "hardcore playa"? Hardly. But being a "hardcore playa with awesome skills" really has nothing to do with ganking, does it? I know that many carebears such as yourself have this preconceived notion that every single player that ganks is out on some mission to make him or herself feel better about losing somewhere to someone. I'm sure there are some who do and have done that. If it makes you feel better, keep telling yourself that every ganker falls into that catagory, rather than maybe he was simply in the area to help friends, or he decided to RP a bit by cleansing some foes, or whatever. And keep whining, believe me that makes ganking worth it in anyones book!
To the OP, It is sad that that happens to most of us that play on a pvp server. I have even had a friend that left the game for this reason and because we all did not feel the same or wish to transfer to a pve server.
There are many ways to handle this type of annoyance though. I don't always switch toons if I am being griefed. Fortunatley, there are at least 2 different zones for any player of any lvl to quest in. There are also trends to what zones are prone to griefers. A simple solution is to learn what those areas are, STV is that type of zone. Since the first character i leveled, I have not even bothered going to STV unless i was on the higher end of the lvl spectrum and in need of more quest, but you could entirely skip it and not hender your progress. Another alternative if your looking for greifless fun is to run an instance.
If what your really after is enjoying the content of the areas you want to go to though, I agree with other posters that the PVE server is the best for that. There are days that I just want to play and not be bothered so I spend my time on my less played pve server.
As for PvP servers, you have to at least expect such behavior, after all, it is an online game where any jerk can sub up and feel better about themselves. I personnally enjoy these types sometimes because I do like to PvP and will come back with my higher lvl toon to camp them back, (and its true, people like this usually are really sad at even lvl PvP) or sometimes get a really challengening opponent that makes the PvP fun. As for me, I try to always take it in stride and remember its that type of game and try to make it fun.
PS- It sounds like you were talking about a rogue, if it was, what is there to try and comprehend?
All this typing just to find out we are basically on the same page. So anti-climatic!
Well obviously you're not completely retarded, since you understood Rocktober well enough... now understand me as I repeat, for what, the fifth or sixth time? that I wasn't "crying to mommy" in any way by posting here and if you read my post as such then you've got serious communication problems.
Says the guy that continued to spawn after being repeatedly camped.....
You can try to spin it however you want, but the fact is that you were camped and felt so upset about it that you accused the camper of abusing the PvP system and started a thread about it. I think it is hilarious that your feelings were hurt that badly. You threw salt in your own wounds, bud, and I can only hope the camper gets the satisfaction of seeing this thread.
So by your logic, continuing to spawn = crying to mommy? Brilliant. It's become fairly obvious that, even though nowhere in my posts does it say this guy's a jerk or that I'm offended, you've got this idea that you have amazing powers of deduction by reading between the lines and inferring something I never said or even implied. I started the thread because I was bored, not because I was pissed off. It occurs to me that your reaction is some sort of preemptive "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" statement regarding people who do complain about these situations. You woulda been better off not posting at all...
Yup, yet another hardcore pvper fitting the stereotype.
Just keep chanting that "suck it up or leave" thing you have going there.
Exactly my point. If you can't handle it, leave. There are PvE servers for people who don't like or can't handle world PvP. If you consider that "hate and general nastyness" then you certainly have no business on a PvP server.
Do you love ganking players 30 levels lower then yours? i think you do. I mean sir you are one hardcore playa with awesome skills.
Is that really the issue? What exactly does my playstyle, which I clearly laid out in an earlier post, have to do with the OP getting camped and coming here to whine?
But to answer your question, do I love ganking players 30 levels lower? Not really, unless they deserve it. That doesn't mean I won't kill a much lower adversary. Do I think that makes me somehow a "hardcore playa"? Hardly. But being a "hardcore playa with awesome skills" really has nothing to do with ganking, does it? I know that many carebears such as yourself have this preconceived notion that every single player that ganks is out on some mission to make him or herself feel better about losing somewhere to someone. I'm sure there are some who do and have done that. If it makes you feel better, keep telling yourself that every ganker falls into that catagory, rather than maybe he was simply in the area to help friends, or he decided to RP a bit by cleansing some foes, or whatever. And keep whining, believe me that makes ganking worth it in anyones book!
Thats called griefing and the reason why OPVP fails most of the time. When asshats like yourself are running around with sole purpose of making other players gameplay miserable, ofcourse they will turn into carebears. Everyone likes to enjoy game in their own available time. You can give any excuse you like but you can't hide the truth that you love to grief and harass people who are lower lvl than you. You are not the first or last ganker who tries to justify his reasons for griefing other players.
LOL a ganker trying to RP to cleanse some FOE....... nice one.
Aw... Oh well. Then instead of saying it; just do it.
I just wanted to point out that if you take the lore of Warcraft into account, the horde and the alliance are bitter enemies. I figure that if an orc saw a human respawning he would get a kick out of killing him over and over again. I think it fits the whole idea of Warcraft very well. I mean... its a war between to factions that hate each other. Maybe the guy was playing the role of a guy that hates your existance. Like you know... a role playing kinda of play.
If you came up against some guy that wanted to decimate not just you but your whole race then I think you should be pissed... and stomp them badly. Hopefully they quit and thats one less soldier against your race.
Hey OP,
you know what it means? Your griefer wins. That's right. He wanted to make you mad and piss you off royally. He succeeded.
You either accept it and move on ... sometimes the other guy imposes his will on you ... or you can sulk, post on forums etc ... but with each of these, you strengthen his position of superiority
I read this about playing poker and applies to other games as well. Anybody can play poker. But to experience the real joy and intensity and tension it is got to hurt when you lose.
Your answers are....
College kids and younger (For the most part). Most college guys that play FPS games and yes, even MMO's are butt wipes. And kids? Well...their kids, what more can you say. Most of them are probably the ones that get beat up and stuffed in their lockers everyday, so they take out their anger on people in games where no real reprocussions other than being banned can happen to them.
Their are at least 8 people I work with that play WoW. All 8 of them range in age from 18 - 22. And all of them act like assbags at work, and all of them say they do gank. Coincidence? I think not. And that isn't it. I have been to many malls that have internet cafe's and walked past to see droves of teens in them playing WoW. The vast majority of WoW players I'm guessing are 12 - 24 years old. Douchebaggery age ranges.
Yes, I played WoW. I quit playing WoW however because of what you have mentioned, as well as the chat channels and voice chat making me feel as though I was paying $15 a month for virtual daycare. And I LOVE the ones who say. "It's a PvP server" "Carebears that way ------->." WoW is not PvP. Games such as Ultima Online and EVE Online are PvP, because you can actually LOSE stuff. I'd love to of seen what would happen if half of the WoW community had a mind wipe of gaming the way it is now, and have to play EQ. Half would quit in 2 days because it was actually hard, challenged you, and at times, had you cussing because of a dumb mistake that caused you to de-level, etc. But that's what made it fun, the fact that you had to make decisions because they meant something. Not simply run into a situation because you could respawn at a safe zone and maybe have to pay an insignificant repair bill.
And saying it's skill is another joke. All you need is purple gear to win fights, or the highest tier purple gear against the lowest purple. No skill needed. Flame on, I know you won't disappoint.
it's not a thing of e-honor; that ceased to exist when all the knuckle-draggers appeared in the mmo-realms. it's a thing of -- how weaksauce coated are you, if you have to fight someone JUST 10 levels under you in order for YOU to win?
if i were a 10+ levels lower than someone, and that someone decided to hunt me, i'd definitely take screenshots and post them and mock the weaksauced-marinated loser until he quit the game in shame, and he probably still wouldn't understand why everyone was berating his inability to fight and win against someone equal (or better yet, HIGHER) level than himself.
but hey, some intarwebz people are just weak. that's why they hunt people 10, 20, 30 levels lower.
of course, it could also be an 8 year old playing on big brother's toon. sounds like the quoted thinks fighting people half its level is cool though. i know it stated something about stupid names; but that wasn't the topic, the topic was repeat ganking someone 30 levels lower than you.
don't get me wrong. 3 higher levels assaulting a low level village could be fun. those villages have buff guards and lowbies can have a lot of fun with it. but again, that's not what we're talking about.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Your answers are....
College kids and younger (For the most part). Most college guys that play FPS games and yes, even MMO's are butt wipes. And kids? Well...their kids, what more can you say. Most of them are probably the ones that get beat up and stuffed in their lockers everyday, so they take out their anger on people in games where no real reprocussions other than being banned can happen to them.
Their are at least 8 people I work with that play WoW. All 8 of them range in age from 18 - 22. And all of them act like assbags at work, and all of them say they do gank. Coincidence? I think not. And that isn't it. I have been to many malls that have internet cafe's and walked past to see droves of teens in them playing WoW. The vast majority of WoW players I'm guessing are 12 - 24 years old. Douchebaggery age ranges.
Yes, I played WoW. I quit playing WoW however because of what you have mentioned, as well as the chat channels and voice chat making me feel as though I was paying $15 a month for virtual daycare. And I LOVE the ones who say. "It's a PvP server" "Carebears that way ------->." WoW is not PvP. Games such as Ultima Online and EVE Online are PvP, because you can actually LOSE stuff. I'd love to of seen what would happen if half of the WoW community had a mind wipe of gaming the way it is now, and have to play EQ. Half would quit in 2 days because it was actually hard, challenged you, and at times, had you cussing because of a dumb mistake that caused you to de-level, etc. But that's what made it fun, the fact that you had to make decisions because they meant something. Not simply run into a situation because you could respawn at a safe zone and maybe have to pay an insignificant repair bill.
And saying it's skill is another joke. All you need is purple gear to win fights, or the highest tier purple gear against the lowest purple. No skill needed. Flame on, I know you won't disappoint.
it's like you said, if you want pvp, you play a game like eve online. there's not any server you can point to for pvp or carebear in wow. sorry, there's not.
what do i lose on a pvp server that i don't lose on a pve server? can i be looted on a pvp server? do i get like 5x the damage to my gear on a pvp server?
in wow, a pvp server offers you the option of being in a world at war. in theory, that would mean that if you're lvl 50 running missions, you might run across enemies that are level 48-52 who are running missions in the same area and that your group and their group could engage in battle, even if one side didn't want to "duel". in theory, that's how it should work and that's where a pvp server in wow differs from a pve server.
but, as has been stated, those who don't get it... abuse the system in order to compensate for other inadequacies.
yes, i play eve online. so pvp SERVER (singular) that way -------->>>
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Look here, son, I've been playing WoW on PvP servers since it first rolled out four years ago. I think I know the difference between PvP and blatant griefing, but it's pretty obvious that you don't. In fact it would appear you're not much more than an arrogant adolescent who gets off on trying to make other people look bad. Your logic is skewed, perhaps because you are one of those kids discussed in this thread who got bullied at school or sucks at PvP against equal opponents. But hey, when a bank gets robbed, it really is their fault for unlocking the door during business hours, and when a woman gets raped, well shit, she probably shouldn'ta worn that short skirt out in public. Am I right? Hell no, but that's approximately how ridiculous you're coming across by saying it's my fault for respawning. But that's OK, next time I'll wait half an hour like you suggested instead of the 15 minutes that I did. I'm sure that's all the difference right there.
What's an "experienced PvP player" even mean in your mind? You've racked up XX amount of kills, by grinding battlegrounds 14 hours a day? You've achieved XX arena ranking? You have your guildies come out and curbstomp whoever defeats you in world PvP? Congratulations, that don't earn you respect. Treating others with a little decency and dignity might though, you should try it rather than name-calling. If you can't participate in a discussion without putting on the better-than-you attitude just stay out next time. Seriously. If this thread bothers you so much that you can't reply without coming off like an insolent asshat, the back button on your browser will make you a lot more friends than the "Reply" button on the page (or at least lose you less).
Comparing being ganked in WoW to real-life crime is idiotic. If you think what the ganker did to you was comparable to someone raping or robbing, go seek some counseling.
You rolled PvP, expect to get ganked. We need more gankers in WoW to weed out the whiners and send them back to the PvE servers they came from.
An "experienced PvP player" can mean many things, but they all share one common qaulity: they don't whine when they get ganked. They pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and move on. You repeatedly respawned while someone was camping you. You have no-one to blame but yourself for continuing to give him the opportunity to gank. There are far too many non-pvpers rolling on PvP servers and expecting things to be how they think it should be.
actually, the way it works is that in pvp games (like eve online), we weed out the weaklings and whiners and they go to a 'very low penalty' pvp game, so they can feel da ubers.
the only point which "30 levels lower than you ganking" serves is to slow down someone's level progression. that's not ganking, that's weaksauce griefing. you want to gank and grief, you come to a pvp game, like eve. otherwise, 30 levels lower than you, is just pathetic and shows you can't handle your own.
"imma imma imma guud pvper, i just ganked someone 20 levels lower than i and i can gank people my level too". right, that's why you're ganking people way lower level than you in a no-consequence pvp server in a pve game.
very very non-uber. sorry.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
In the Warcraft universe, sure, an orc would love to pound in a human's skull everytime they lifted their head up, but this is Warcraft the game, set in that universe. It's two very different things. As I said before, when I would pass someone in one of my areas, even if they were a low level, I would do what any good Night Elf would do upon seeing an orc: kill them on the spot. However, because I'm also X amount of levels above them, with no fear of repercussion, I move on because this is a game. And this is where I have a problem with your last sentence and feel the need to point out the difference between Warcraft Universe and Warcraft Game. "Hopefully they quit and thats one less soldier against your race." In WU, the guy is dead and yes, one less soldier against your race. However, in WG, that's another person just like you playing this game. If you piss that person off, and they quit..? Is that really what you want for the game? For people to LEAVE? Or do you want the servers to maintain a healthy population so that YOU (and them) can continue to play?
Now, I know WoW has 11 million people or whatever, and so one person leaving is just a drop in the bucket..however, the idea that you're going to gank someone until they quit the game out of frustration isn't healthy in the longrun.
You can't win - if you strike me down I shall respawn more powerful than you could possibly imagine!
Some hunt for birds in real life.
Some hunt for deer.
In your case, he likes to hunt birds. We'll never understand how retarded it is to hunt something that isn't of your size in the WoW universe. Some guys are just assholes. Most people that kill lowbies over, and over, and over are little kids that think they are amazing.
Yes, I said I would have done that. I would have done it because I would have been tired of getting killed over and over. But because I would have done it, and I'm guessing you would have as well, based on how you're going on about this, does not mean that he had to. And you're right it wasn't his fault for being camped, so then how is it his fault for wanting to play? Yes, it gives the camper a reason to keep camping, but the whole point of this thread is to discuss what would MAKE someone do that over and over in the first place.
As for the second paragraph, wow.. I'm actually surprised that you went the route of: "Well, ACTUALLY, it's not HIS game, snort snort." Because seriously, did you actually think I was referring to the game being his, in that he created all of the content himself? If he did, I'm sure he could have just deleted the camper right then and there.
At anyrate, judging by what he's said, he's well aware of PvP and how to go about it, so I'm sure he's had plenty chances to be killed and do the killing, and it would seem that he can handle that just fine. It also would sound as though he doesn't want to play either "unhindered" or on a PvE realm, because he enjoys PvP. Which brings us back once more to the entire point of this topic. He is curious as to what would cause someone to essentially spawn camp someone over and over. Now, I'm going to guess, based on everything you've said thus far, that you probably spawn camp quite regularly, if not enjoy it. So perhaps you're just the kind of person what we'd like to hear from, if you would simply answer that question instead of going on about how he should move to a different server and stop whining.
If you are indeed this kind of person, then please.. what exactly do you enjoy about sitting at the spawn point and killing someone as soon as they drop in? How is that exciting for you? Is it because it makes you feel superior? If so, do you normally feel superior to others, or only when camping? Does it make you feel like you're "owning" everyone? Do you do this because someone did it to you once, and now you feel that you must "return the favor" and that everyone else will have to endure through this crucible as well? Have you or do you fantasize about harming animals? Do you feel as though something about you is inadequate? Do you lash out when people correct/criticize you? Are you going through puberty or possibly have another reason for a hormonal imbalance?
Naturally I don't expect half of those questions to be answered, although I feel that they are probably inter-related. I would also like to point out that those are serious questions that I am honestly curious in; I am in no way trying to mock you by posing those.
You can't win - if you strike me down I shall respawn more powerful than you could possibly imagine!
7 pages of puberty frustration.
Yes, I said I would have done that. I would have done it because I would have been tired of getting killed over and over. But because I would have done it, and I'm guessing you would have as well, based on how you're going on about this, does not mean that he had to. And you're right it wasn't his fault for being camped, so then how is it his fault for wanting to play? Yes, it gives the camper a reason to keep camping, but the whole point of this thread is to discuss what would MAKE someone do that over and over in the first place.
As for the second paragraph, wow.. I'm actually surprised that you went the route of: "Well, ACTUALLY, it's not HIS game, snort snort." Because seriously, did you actually think I was referring to the game being his, in that he created all of the content himself? If he did, I'm sure he could have just deleted the camper right then and there.
At anyrate, judging by what he's said, he's well aware of PvP and how to go about it, so I'm sure he's had plenty chances to be killed and do the killing, and it would seem that he can handle that just fine. It also would sound as though he doesn't want to play either "unhindered" or on a PvE realm, because he enjoys PvP. Which brings us back once more to the entire point of this topic. He is curious as to what would cause someone to essentially spawn camp someone over and over. Now, I'm going to guess, based on everything you've said thus far, that you probably spawn camp quite regularly, if not enjoy it. So perhaps you're just the kind of person what we'd like to hear from, if you would simply answer that question instead of going on about how he should move to a different server and stop whining.
If you are indeed this kind of person, then please.. what exactly do you enjoy about sitting at the spawn point and killing someone as soon as they drop in? How is that exciting for you? Is it because it makes you feel superior? If so, do you normally feel superior to others, or only when camping? Does it make you feel like you're "owning" everyone? Do you do this because someone did it to you once, and now you feel that you must "return the favor" and that everyone else will have to endure through this crucible as well? Have you or do you fantasize about harming animals? Do you feel as though something about you is inadequate? Do you lash out when people correct/criticize you? Are you going through puberty or possibly have another reason for a hormonal imbalance?
Naturally I don't expect half of those questions to be answered, although I feel that they are probably inter-related. I would also like to point out that those are serious questions that I am honestly curious in; I am in no way trying to mock you by posing those.
Well, you covered alot of ground here, so I'll try to answer each paragraph briefly:
P#1: Just because the gankee wants to play doesn't matter. A higher level player decided, for whatever reason, that he was in control. That is his right. If the gankee doesn't like it he can take control of the situation and go somewhere else, or level and get revenge, or call in friends, etc. It all comes down to this: the OP rolled on a PvP server and now has a problem with being killed in open PvP in one of the most notorious zones for being ganked. If the OP didn't want to face such consequences, there are servers for her that have no such consequences.
P#2: You were implying that the OP should be able to play "his" game however she sees fit. If someone decides to engage in world PvP then you're implying they should not have that right. Again, PvE servers are there for just that mindset.
P#3: No, I never spawn camp except in extreme circumstances. In fact, while I will sometimes subscribe to the "if it's red it's dead" line of thought, I have my own loose ruleset that includes such things as that I never gank someone more than once per day, unless the situation warrents it. That being said, I adhere to this loose set of standards not because of some moral or ethical reason, but rather because of a time-versus-payoff reason. My laziness aside, I applaud the ganker in this situation, for not only his undying persistance on not only punishing the enemy, but sending them crying home to mommy. I wish I could be so lucky as to have someone whine on the forums about me ganking them!
P#4: Well, as I stated above, I am far too lazy to sit around camping a greybee all day. I get bored after the first kill and unless I have a really good reason would not kill the greybee again. As for the rest of your questions, they can all be summed up to this: the Horde and Alliance are at war. Anything an individual does, be it Horde or Alliance, to punish his enemy is doing his duty. As Sun-tzu so eloquently put: .."In general, the startegy for employing the military is this: If your strength is ten times theirs, surround them; if five, then attack him; if double, then divide your forces. If you are equal in strength to the enemy you can engage him. If fewer, you can circumvent him. If outmatched, you can avoid him. Thus the small army that acts infexibly will become the captives of a large army".....
In the OP's case, someone followed Sun-tzu, and someone did not and acted inflexibly, becoming a captive of their enemy. Of course I don't base every action in WoW on the writings of Sun-tzu, but war is war. And there are far too few players rolling PvP that are actually willing and eager to actually PvP outside of arenas or BG's. Instead they cower behind their own set of false rules such as one should not attack a weaker opponent. Well, guess what? No battle is ever "even". There is no dishonor in losing to a stronger opponent. Likewise, there is no dishonor in taking advantage to what is given to you. The ganker deserves credit for his actions, for advancing his faction by sending a message of fear to his opponent as well as impeding his oppenents progress.
P#5 Hope I answered at least half, or maybe a few at least.
May as well follow the same format:
P1: I have to disagree with the "level and get revenge" statement. I've been in this predicament before, and to think that I'm going to remember who it was in the several months it will take me to get close to their level is a bit of a stretch. Unless the OP is a bit unbalanced and they make a "To Kill List"... I have to point out again though, that I don't believe (and the OP has confirmed) that their post wasn't inteneded as a QQ about being ganked, merely wanting to understand that mindset (which is why I asked all those questions before).
P2: I'm assuming this is in response to my paragraph which was in response to yours, which was in response to my original post inwhich I said "..what kind of answer is telling them that THEY were responsible because they actually respawned? Why should he have to stop playing his game because of a jerk? ...(me saying what I would do)... but to say that it's someone's fault because they continued to play their game?" I can kind of see how that could have been misunderstood; I am not talking about anyone not having the right to PvP because it infringes on others. Either way, what I am saying, is that I feel it is wrong to say it was his/her fault for the camping to continue as it did. The camper does have the right to play his game the way he wants to, I agree with that. However, the OP has the right to play his game the way he wants to as well. The OP is not the one interferring with anyone's game though, it is the camper (and yes, that's what happens on a PvP server). My point is that even though by respawning the cycle continues, it is still not his fault for wanting to play.
P3: I think most people have their own rule-set for how they go about PvP, and ours sound quite similar. As I've said before, even if it's a low level person, if they're in my faction's area, then I kill them. And then I hop back on my mount and continue on with my day (unless they want to keep spamming Local Defense, but even then I wait for them to health/mana back up with the chance to leave. That's just me.) HOWEVER, I think what we're all curious about is that the camper is not likely following a "code of conduct" of kill all the enemy relentlessly, so much as just being an ass, and just what is the mindset behind that.
P4&5: I completely agree that war is war, taking advantage of your enemy's weaknesses, etc. However, it's hard to act "flexibly" if you're on foot, and the enemy is on an epic mount, who then waits for you to respawn to kill you again. I feel we're kind of going in circles here, because as you said he could either logout or port elsewhere. And then as I would say, he still has the right to want to play the game. I think it's time we gave that horse, in all it's incarnations, a rest. With that said, I do agree with the latter part of P5, that there is no dishonor in losing to a stronger opponent, but that doesn't mean the person 30 lvls above you isn't acting like an ass.
Now, you say that there's not many people willing to PvP on those servers, and that you applaud the camper's actions for impeding the enemy. In a strategic sense, I completely understand. However, if that section of the game is based around having people to fight.. isn't constantly impeding someone, to the point they quit really the best thing?
Lastly, while you didn't really answer all the questions (which isn't a problem, since you said you're the kind of person who camps anyways, so they thusly wouldn't apply to you), I thank you for atleast trying. Kind of hard I guess if they're not really geared towards your play-style though.
You can't win - if you strike me down I shall respawn more powerful than you could possibly imagine!
All this typing just to find out we are basically on the same page. So anti-climatic!
Well obviously you're not completely retarded, since you understood Rocktober well enough... now understand me as I repeat, for what, the fifth or sixth time? that I wasn't "crying to mommy" in any way by posting here and if you read my post as such then you've got serious communication problems.
He killed you because he can. Thats how he chose to spend his time in the game that day.
Edited: because i can
Lol, too true:)
Yup, yet another hardcore pvper fitting the stereotype.
Just keep chanting that "suck it up or leave" thing you have going there.
Exactly my point. If you can't handle it, leave. There are PvE servers for people who don't like or can't handle world PvP. If you consider that "hate and general nastyness" then you certainly have no business on a PvP server.
Do you love ganking players 30 levels lower then yours? i think you do. I mean sir you are one hardcore playa with awesome skills.
Well obviously you're not completely retarded, since you understood Rocktober well enough... now understand me as I repeat, for what, the fifth or sixth time? that I wasn't "crying to mommy" in any way by posting here and if you read my post as such then you've got serious communication problems.
Says the guy that continued to spawn after being repeatedly camped.....
You can try to spin it however you want, but the fact is that you were camped and felt so upset about it that you accused the camper of abusing the PvP system and started a thread about it. I think it is hilarious that your feelings were hurt that badly. You threw salt in your own wounds, bud, and I can only hope the camper gets the satisfaction of seeing this thread.
Yup, yet another hardcore pvper fitting the stereotype.
Just keep chanting that "suck it up or leave" thing you have going there.
Exactly my point. If you can't handle it, leave. There are PvE servers for people who don't like or can't handle world PvP. If you consider that "hate and general nastyness" then you certainly have no business on a PvP server.
Do you love ganking players 30 levels lower then yours? i think you do. I mean sir you are one hardcore playa with awesome skills.
Is that really the issue? What exactly does my playstyle, which I clearly laid out in an earlier post, have to do with the OP getting camped and coming here to whine?
But to answer your question, do I love ganking players 30 levels lower? Not really, unless they deserve it. That doesn't mean I won't kill a much lower adversary. Do I think that makes me somehow a "hardcore playa"? Hardly. But being a "hardcore playa with awesome skills" really has nothing to do with ganking, does it? I know that many carebears such as yourself have this preconceived notion that every single player that ganks is out on some mission to make him or herself feel better about losing somewhere to someone. I'm sure there are some who do and have done that. If it makes you feel better, keep telling yourself that every ganker falls into that catagory, rather than maybe he was simply in the area to help friends, or he decided to RP a bit by cleansing some foes, or whatever. And keep whining, believe me that makes ganking worth it in anyones book!
To the OP, It is sad that that happens to most of us that play on a pvp server. I have even had a friend that left the game for this reason and because we all did not feel the same or wish to transfer to a pve server.
There are many ways to handle this type of annoyance though. I don't always switch toons if I am being griefed. Fortunatley, there are at least 2 different zones for any player of any lvl to quest in. There are also trends to what zones are prone to griefers. A simple solution is to learn what those areas are, STV is that type of zone. Since the first character i leveled, I have not even bothered going to STV unless i was on the higher end of the lvl spectrum and in need of more quest, but you could entirely skip it and not hender your progress. Another alternative if your looking for greifless fun is to run an instance.
If what your really after is enjoying the content of the areas you want to go to though, I agree with other posters that the PVE server is the best for that. There are days that I just want to play and not be bothered so I spend my time on my less played pve server.
As for PvP servers, you have to at least expect such behavior, after all, it is an online game where any jerk can sub up and feel better about themselves. I personnally enjoy these types sometimes because I do like to PvP and will come back with my higher lvl toon to camp them back, (and its true, people like this usually are really sad at even lvl PvP) or sometimes get a really challengening opponent that makes the PvP fun. As for me, I try to always take it in stride and remember its that type of game and try to make it fun.
PS- It sounds like you were talking about a rogue, if it was, what is there to try and comprehend?
Well obviously you're not completely retarded, since you understood Rocktober well enough... now understand me as I repeat, for what, the fifth or sixth time? that I wasn't "crying to mommy" in any way by posting here and if you read my post as such then you've got serious communication problems.
Says the guy that continued to spawn after being repeatedly camped.....
You can try to spin it however you want, but the fact is that you were camped and felt so upset about it that you accused the camper of abusing the PvP system and started a thread about it. I think it is hilarious that your feelings were hurt that badly. You threw salt in your own wounds, bud, and I can only hope the camper gets the satisfaction of seeing this thread.
So by your logic, continuing to spawn = crying to mommy? Brilliant. It's become fairly obvious that, even though nowhere in my posts does it say this guy's a jerk or that I'm offended, you've got this idea that you have amazing powers of deduction by reading between the lines and inferring something I never said or even implied. I started the thread because I was bored, not because I was pissed off. It occurs to me that your reaction is some sort of preemptive "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" statement regarding people who do complain about these situations. You woulda been better off not posting at all...
Yup, yet another hardcore pvper fitting the stereotype.
Just keep chanting that "suck it up or leave" thing you have going there.
Exactly my point. If you can't handle it, leave. There are PvE servers for people who don't like or can't handle world PvP. If you consider that "hate and general nastyness" then you certainly have no business on a PvP server.
Do you love ganking players 30 levels lower then yours? i think you do. I mean sir you are one hardcore playa with awesome skills.
Is that really the issue? What exactly does my playstyle, which I clearly laid out in an earlier post, have to do with the OP getting camped and coming here to whine?
But to answer your question, do I love ganking players 30 levels lower? Not really, unless they deserve it. That doesn't mean I won't kill a much lower adversary. Do I think that makes me somehow a "hardcore playa"? Hardly. But being a "hardcore playa with awesome skills" really has nothing to do with ganking, does it? I know that many carebears such as yourself have this preconceived notion that every single player that ganks is out on some mission to make him or herself feel better about losing somewhere to someone. I'm sure there are some who do and have done that. If it makes you feel better, keep telling yourself that every ganker falls into that catagory, rather than maybe he was simply in the area to help friends, or he decided to RP a bit by cleansing some foes, or whatever. And keep whining, believe me that makes ganking worth it in anyones book!
Thats called griefing and the reason why OPVP fails most of the time. When asshats like yourself are running around with sole purpose of making other players gameplay miserable, ofcourse they will turn into carebears. Everyone likes to enjoy game in their own available time. You can give any excuse you like but you can't hide the truth that you love to grief and harass people who are lower lvl than you. You are not the first or last ganker who tries to justify his reasons for griefing other players.
LOL a ganker trying to RP to cleanse some FOE....... nice one.