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Of course you may question my opinion and discus it, but what I am asking pure out of curiosity is what these highlighted red words mean to YOU, so I'm NOT asking what actual true definition is of those words highlighted red, but pure what they mean to YOU.
Solo-player : Someone who isn't in a Guild/Clan, but still involved with the social aspects of a MMORPG
Hardcore : Someone very involved with EVERYTHING within the game, very helpful towards the community, but also very critical towards a game when needed with very constructive feedback.
Grind : Someone that is playing a game like a Job and In my opinion someone that lacks imagination.
RMT : A lazy way for game company to gain more profit from their customers.
Community : The SOUL foundation of a MMORPG.
Sandbox : a gaming environment where any type of player would be able to enjoy themselves, not geared to wards 1 or 2 play styles.
Linear : Main world story and optional if wanted profession stories this excludes leveling meaning from level 1 till cap should NOT be a linear experience.
PvP : Respect Honour Courage Challenge are the most important features for a MMORPP PvP player.
PvE : Adventure/Exploring/challenge are the most important features for a MMORPP PvE player.
So please keep in mind these are not facts but pure personal opinions regardless the true definition of these words or regardless HOW it is used these day's.
Hope YOU will share your opinion on the highlighted red words and what they mean to YOU
Solo-Player: Someone who prefers to play alone most of the time. Not necessarily without a guild, since a lot of solo players are harbringers for resource gathering needed by the guild, or participate in throwing things in guild vaults.
Hardcore: Someone preoccupied with the top one-percentile of "best" items in the game. Whether or not those are achievable by raids or whatever else is a mere means to a defining end.
Grind: Everything done in an MMO is repetition. It starts at level 1 during your first 10 minutes of gameplay. That said, the "grind" is when the veil of great gameplay no longer shrouds the "grind" and things stop being fun. Grind is the absence of fun, and fun is achieved only by gameplay that keeps you from noticing you're killing 10 orcs all over again.
RMT: Necessary when the subscription-based business model fails. Should never be intermingled with a successful subscription-model, but acceptable for games either in their twilight years or didn't get off the finish line well enough.
Community: Only as good as the mechanics. In Dark Age of Camelot; there were alliances for guilds to join, and thus you had the community of a server split between 2-3 different alliances. In WoW (at least when I played, before BC), none of the guilds had any reason to do anything with each other except compete for server firsts, so you had 300 competitng segments on a server.
Sandbox: An absence of gameplay when it comes to MMOs. i.e. a vast wasteland of nothing in Vanguard is considered a sandbox by some.
In other genres, a sandbox is a game that HAS content, but doesn't force you into a strict ORDER or place a TIME LIMIT on the things you have to do. A-la Mass Effect and Grand Theft Auto IV.
So you need dirt, all sorts of buckets and water for a sandbox for it to be fun.
Linear: Anytime you have levels, a game will be linear. Games with horizontal improvement are naturally not linear..i.e. you get better through having more abilities, rather than having more ranks of one ability.
PvP: Consensual always. Forced PvP, and no-PvP always fail.
PvE: Instancing, scripted events, the most golden of nuggets accessible by 1 group of good friends rather than 1 guild of loose friends.
Here are the actual definitions of these terms plus I'll throw some original ones in. Background on me - I've been gaming since the 1970's
Solo-player : A player who plays through an online game like it is a singleplayer game barely interacting with other players or going out of their way to distance themselves from others.
Hardcore : A player that has no life nor any real life responsibilties having 24/7 to dedicate to a game, (doesn't matter if you're a kid or an adult the fact remains). There is no skill involved here just time for them to get ahead of everyone else.
RMT : Has no meaning, i.e. newly created word that only a few use.
Community : All the current subscribers to an online game whether it be in game or in the forums.
Sandbox : A term that has been used by developers mainly and has only been used for a while. It identifies their product to accomadate their game type that they want to appeal to most play styles.
Linear : No freedom, plain and simple, only one way to progress through the game and it is the same for everyone that plays. Every aspect of the game is pre-determined.
PvP : There is different types of PvP in mmorpg's and there is no honor in any mmorpg. Most PvPers are scripting, exploiting, macroing or using some form of hack to gain the advantage over others. Most of the remaining that do not parcipate in that form of play are ganking much lower level players either solo or in groups which again has no honor.
PvE : Player vs. Environment, the player only plays the game fighting against computer controlled enemies no PvP.
Newbie: The first original term used to call another player inexperienced, no skill, new player altogether usually mean't as an insult. ( the next word used was Newb and eventually ghettoized to the word Noob which is the incorrect term that has been adopted by many FTARDS).
Fu!ktard: You know how it is spelled, term created by yours truly, used for years in many forums and now adopted by all. This is the word that I mainly used in rush hour traffic and proceeded to use it in forums.
There are alot of newly created terms in mmorpg's that really are pretty damn stupid and have no meaning yet some people seem to use them like they make sense.
Hardcore : Someone who both plays a LOT and is very focused on being among the best.
Grind : Doing the same thing over and over and over.
RMT : giving rewards for cash instead of gameplay
Community : The makeup of the entire population of players in the gameworld
Sandbox : a game where you truly choose your own path and make your own way, instead of playing in a pre-ordained manner
Linear : Any game experience in which all characters (or at least all characters of x race) have a similar game experience due to progressive directed content.
PvP : A fun but largely repetitive type of gameplay. An important option to offer players, especially at end game.
PvE : Exploration, challenging group content, learning world lore, having classic novel style "adventures"
MMO addict in recovery!
Aion,AoC,TR,WAR,EVE,BP,RIFT,WoW and others... no more!
Solo player -- a player who prefers to play alone rather than in groups. May be in a guild, but prefers not to group most of the time.
Hardcore -- a player who is immersed in the game, the game mechanics, and who plays a lot more than average.
Grind -- repetitive activity. It can be disguised (quests) or straightforward (Lineage II), but it's a feature of all of these games. Even skill-based games like UO had skill grinding, and a sandbox like EVE has ISK grinding and so forth. Life itself is a grind, in terms of being filled with repetitive activities -- so MMOs replicate that.
RMT -- an Asian business model that is spreading to Western games because noone can compete with Blizzard in the subscription MMO space.
Community -- something that is becoming very rare in MMOs, due to the rise of VOIP communications technology, and the mass marketing of these games.
Sandbox -- a game where developers provide the tools for the players to make their own fun. EVE is an example of this. Original SWG was another one, as was the game it was based on, UO. Very disfavoured by developers and publishers in the post-WoW world, and SOE even took the crazy step of de-sandboxing SWG to make it more like WoW (which flopped, in any case).
Linear -- a game where you are led, by quests or otherwise, through content that progresses along a developer-determined path. Almost all level-based games have linear aspects to them, but some are more rigid than others. This is the favoured design form, post-WoW, as developers and publishers look to cash in on WoW's success.
PvP -- enjoyable but impossible to make balanced in an MMO. Popular with developers and publishers because it potentially opens the huge FPS market for MMO companies, and also requires much less development work than PvE content.
PvE -- developer-driven content, mostly repetitive, linear and, increasingly, imitative of WoW.
Solo-player : a contradiction of the purpose of MMOs, but more and more a necessary evil
Hardcore : turning a game into a personal proving ground for people who have no RL
Grind : making a game as dull as working at a rubber band, making easy money with simplistic solutions to keep people playing as long as possible; usually hyped as good stuff by evil propaganda, like faction grind, until people themselves ASK for grind
RMT : a dangerous two-endged blade, it can help those with less time in very demanding games to stand equal ground with professional games (aka: unemployed), but can also create an imbalance
Community : makes or destroyes a MMO
Sandbox : dinosaurs of past MMO age
Linear : endless boredom; without choice, games are uninteresting
PvP : so far as I have seen only promising in theory, the application in real PVP in games always seemed very simplistic and primitive form of entertainment
PvE : the core of any interesting MMO, since humans are too unpredictable
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Solo - player : An Unguilded or guilded player who prefers to or at times likes to enjoy various activities in the game by themselves while still enjoying the social aspect of the game.
Hardcore - Dedicated but too extremely involved with ones self and the need to fufill some goal to be seen as the best despite who he stomps on in order to get there. Could careless about any other aspect of the game other than the ones that get to the highest position. A good team player despite attitude and goals. Is not into the deeper aspects of the game or the journey.
Grind - Any repeatative action whether crafting, killing, money making, questing that is not enjoyable in some fashion.
RMT - A short cut and a cheat for those with wallets and little self pride to dedicate their minimal or even maximum amount of game time to trying to earn it within the bounds of the game. (does not count F2P games that are specifically designed for RMT).
Community - Soul Foundation of the game. If there is no community outside of guilds and a person's friends a game is essentially dead. Can also be a game's bane if the community is heavily elitist, rude, or childish (everyone has bad days of course).
Sandbox - A contentless game world where the players build, live, and breath everything one needs themselves instead of the devs doing it. Often geared to a particular play style and heavily repeative depending on the combat / class / skill system. A perfect setting for Role players looking to create their own stories and adventures without being hindered by in game content.
Linear - When the only path to proceed on is fully designed by the devs, such as many single player games. Player choice changes nothing, affects nothing, and there is NO other path to take like skipping all quests or simply going to another part of the game. A game becomes non linear when the player has any sort of choice or makes any sort of impact on the world even if temporary. No truely linear MMO exists thoughmany have extremely linear aspects.
PvP - Any number of activites where players strive to compete with each other. Most often considered a player killing players type environment. Oft times a hated or feared mechanic due to poor dev implimentation of rules and consequences to keep long time players or extreme PKs from being complete savages and lording over anyone and everyone all the time.
PvE - Any activty whether quest or crafting that is not a competitive or deadly challenge between a set of players. Usually considered any path that is strickly non player killing player type activity.
Solo-player : A player who has no problems playing alone and will more often than not choose that over playing with a group.
Hardcore : A player who puts many hours towards a game and is obsessed with being the best, having every top item, and being able to defeat any and all opponents that are placed against him. They are also valuable members for the in- and out-of-game community and often provide some of the best feedback for the developers.
Grind : That repetitive, boring gameplay that takes you from either a) one level to the next, b) one gear level to the next, or c) one influence level to the next. It usually involves doing the same thing, over and over, until the player's mind is about ready to commit suicide. Has the side effect of gaining a lot of random loot and gold from monster drops.
RMT : Either A) Gold farming companies (typically in Asian countries, though not limited) selling their grinded wares on an internet website/eBay for real money, thus influencing (typically inflating) the economy of the game for which the gold/items are being sold. The game company themselves selling items/gold/buffs/character transfers/other in-game services through use of an item mall or other authorized store front.
Community : The forums and in-game chat channels. It's the interactions between all players both in and out of game that pertain to the game experience.
Sandbox : A game that does not channel its players through pre-determined quest lines to a pre-determined end-game. While it allows the player many forms of progression/play styles, it also has the unpleasant side-effect of making the player feel 'cut loose' and 'drifting' in the world (which tends to be quite large).
Linear : The 'classic' form of MMORPG/SPRPGs, involving pre-set quest lines that all lead to a final end-game. Character progression tends to follow the same line of "beginning to end level".
PvP : A style of gameplay that pits player against player. Regarded by many as requiring more skill. In most MMOs of today, PvP involves 'zerg' tactics which can be likened to mob mentality, often leading to either a) large scale battles, or b) mass overwhelming of a smaller force. Gameplay tends to differ significantly from PvE, leading to skills being useful in one setting and completely useless in another.
PvE : A style of gameplay that pits player vs. the environment and monsters. Most computer controlled mobs tend to the stupid side of things, allowing them to easily be pulled away from their friends, use ineffective tactics, auto-attack without using any skills, or be easily fooled by simplistic player tactics. In most MMOs, PvE tends to be the way to gain the most and best gear available in the game. It is also where the story of a linear style game is revealed and played through.
Solo-player : Someone who chooses to play alone most of the time.
Hardcore: Someone plays a game "to win" (as much as you can "win" in one of these games)
Grind : Gameplay that involves killing the same monsters or doing the same quests for what seems like forever in order to progress. Grind = boring.
RMT : Depends on what kind-- either an alternate revenue model for companies, a way to get some extra perks, or, for "under the counter" RMT, the source of annoying bots and gold spammers.
Community :The second most important part of a game, after the base gameplay. It can be a make or break a game for me.
Sandbox : An open-ended world that provides structures for players to create their own goals and stories... which leaves some people wandering around asking, "where's the game?"
Linear : A game where there's a newbie experience and an end game, and everyone basically following the same path of leveling areas and quests to get from one to the other.
PvP : A chance to band together against other players or face them one on one. Also an opportunity to get randomly ganked while trying to do something else. Guild politics can rage like mad over who killed who for what reason. Fun, when it is done right.
PvE : A chance to play your game with other people without having to worry about being randomly ganked. More of a focus on progress vs. higher and higher level game encounters. In some games, a chance to figure out what sort of stand-on-one-foot-and-quack tactics are needed to beat raid encounters. Guild politics can rage like mad over who did what first and who has the best stuff. Also fun, for the most part.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
Solo-player : A player that PvE's alone. This player usually loves the social aspect of the game (including PvP), but likes to be self sufficient. Since PvE is usually unenchanting, solo-players are acceptable in MMOs.
Hardcore : A person that tries to maximize their standing on some aspect of the game (and has at least some success). This can refer to PvP, collecting gear, etc.
Grind : A mindless, repetitive activity that increases some meta-mechanic, such as a player's level.
RMT : A bad idea.
Community : "Community" is interchangeable with "MMORPG".
Sandbox : Freedom. The best way to supply immersion in virtual worlds.
Linear : Developer-centric gameplay.
PvP : There are many shades of PvP and PvPers. Some are failed counter-strike players and must increase the size of their e-peen. Some look for the challenge, and fight with respect.
PvE : Wandering away from the social hubs. This entails activities such as exploration.
Give a man some fun and you entertain him for a day. Teach a man to make fun and you entertain him for a lifetime.
Solo-player : Anyone engaged in an activity on their own within the game, solo players may or may not be group players as well.
Hardcore : Someone who plays to win, most likely spends a considerable amount of their playtime engaged in the most challenging aspects of the game. It does not necessarily mean they play more or less than anyone else. Games which are more complex or harder to master than is typical I would class as being hardcore games.
Grind : Anything that in involves repetition of a particular game mechanic to the point where is not enjoyable.
RMT : A particularly nasty form of legal scamming where a company produces something that has no value and no production cost and then sells it to fools. Grey market rmt I would define as the same as the aforementioned except that the items have production cost, ie time, and are sold by people not associated with the developers / publishers.
Community : The population of the game that you are applying this word to.
Sandbox : A game in which there are either no developer predefined goals or where it is not necessary to complete or participate in these goals in order to enjoy all aspects of the game.
Linear : A game where the goals and methods of advancement are predefined by the developer.
PvP : Any activity that involves conflict between 2 or more players. I would include activities such as scamming (not accounts), fighting, cheating and lying in order to gain an advantage as being pvp as long as they are within the game mechanics.
PvE : Any activity that is either solo or cooperative and does not involve conflict with other players.
This one made me laugh.
Solo-player: Person that prefers to play alone for various personal reasons. Maybe or may not be in a guild.
Hardcore: The game comes before real life. Everything revolves around the game.
Grind: Completing the same action or group of actions over and over again, like mob grinding or quest grinding.
RMT: Don't have time to play, don't worry you can buy yourself to greatness.
Community: What has been destroyed by loot centric games.
Sandbox: Online world vs our current online rpg.
Linear: Online rpg.
PvP: Player vs Player. The act of pvp depends on the players involved.
PvE: Player vs Environment.
Solo-player : Someone, probably a casual player who doesnt enjoy grouping up, or joining a clan, i think thats cause they are anti-social, or just never met the right group of friends/clan...I mean I absolutely hate making a public group with random people, but I still never play alone...I have my clan and friends, or else I wouldnt be playing.
Hardcore : Someone who has a serious approach to the game, can be in different aspects, and generally puts more effort into a game than your average player (doesn't have to do solely with how much they play.
Grind : Grind is broken up into 2 is more of a farm, something that takes a long time and a lot of effort to accomplish, doesn't matter how simple or complex it is. The other would be the gameplay mechanic...for example if to level up in a game, its as simple as finding a mob and smacking it to death, then repeat, that style of play is a grind.
RMT : Buying in game items with real money...some companies have a short sighted view that this (and bots) will get them more money, but in the long run it hurts them, because it lowers gameplay quality and people will stop playing (look at L2).
Community : The people who make up the game, fill the chats and the forums, set the trends and common things to example of 2 different communities would be in WoW, you kill some lvl 40 on your level 40, he comes back with his 80 to kill you, cause he lacks complain about it and you get "QQ". Or on Lineage 2, a high level player is spotted killing lowbies, the community knows about it, posts it on the forums, that person/clan now has a reputation of someone who does that cause they lack skill to do it fairly...even months or years later that could come back to bite them if they are looking for a clan or something.
Sandbox : a game with no loading zones, freedom to go and do whatever you want without restrictions.
Linear : Games that are very narrow on what you're able to do to further progress your char. A non-linear game would be something like Earth and Beyond, where you can level up, progress, gain gear and money in different ways (exploring, trading, combat)...Linear would be the opposite, like in WoW once you are at the cap you're pretty much limited to farming BG/Arena, or farming heroics/raids...if you dont like those, you may aswell find another game, or keep rerolling.
PvP : Competition between other games, this has a few meanings for me...The one I prefer would be a game based off of PvP, not a PvE or some other game with PvP added as a feature...PvP should be integral to the game, if you want to raid, you should have to compete against other players who do, if you want something in the game, you need to compete for it, only the strong survive, and the best are on top.
PvE : Player vs everything that isnt another player, usually very simple in games, but doesn't have to above I prefer games where its integrated with PvP..You want to do a quest here, well so does the enemy, you're gonna have to fight over it...and the better player progresses.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
I'm not going to say what these should be, but rather what I think they are already.
Solo-player: Someone who may or may not be in a guild, but chooses to play alone because grouping is more effort for them than it is worth.
Hardcore: Someone who dedicates themselves to the game and looks for the most efficient method to progress, often at the expense of fun.
Grind: A repetitive action that must be executed repeatedly in order to achieve a desired result.
RMT: No idea, unfamiliar with this term.
Community: The smaller half of a MMORPG player base that actually speaks.
Sandbox: A MMORPG with an open-ended mentality and numerous progression options.
Linear: A rigid, step-by-step storyline.
PvP: Player vs player combat, may or may not have any effect on any other aspect of the game.
PvE: Combat against monsters within the game world including but not limited to dungeons and bosses.
I always found the word Hardcore as used by computer gamers to be funny.
"I have more time than you and therefore more time to learn every detail of the game and hone my reflexes with keyboards and mouses to beat you in button smashing...Therefore I am hardcore"
The only skill they have is smashing buttons better than the other guy...and somehow that makes them HARDCORE!
Hardcore is gauging out your own eyes and swallowing them whole...not smashing buttons real good.
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Someone who doesn't have time to find a group. This is typically the guy that can get in 30 mins to an hour of gaming. Or someone who just hates grouping in general.
Focused on rising to the "top". This person wants to experience all the content the game has, and at least claim to have defeated the final "boss" of said game/expansion
Grind is when you are doing something for a lengthy period of time for some goal. IE PvP grind for several days/weeks to get certain gear in WoW. Grinding isn't just for monster killing anymore..
Another model used by companies to pay for the cost of upkeep of their servers. It has both advantages/disadvantages to the subscription based model. It's biggest downfall is the "stigma" effect it has on American gamers.
The Community is dead.
MMORPGs hold peoples hands too much these days for a true sandbox.
Ganking, zerging, griefing, and smack talking are the most important features for a MMORPG PvP player, though yes it should be like you said. 90% of the time it isnt though.Not my answer, but a perfect one.
PvE : Adventure/Exploring/challenge are the most important features for a MMORPP PvE player.
PvE has no adventure/exploring in the sense of feeling like you've uncovered secrets deep within some dungeon or some other locale.
If you're not using feint, you're not doing enough damage.
Author of and writer for
This is my take on,"SOLO-PLAYER" and I'm adding a new term into the list as well,"GROUPER!"
A) Someone who has not joined a group yet.*
Someone who doesn't have time to group.*
C) Someone who might join a group latter or when they need to or even when asked to.*
D) Someone who doesn't want to join a group at all, for what ever reason they choose.*
E) Someone who just enjoys playing the game by themself.
A) Someone who has joined a group.*
Someone who dose have time to group.*
C) Someone who always try's to join a group, even when it's not needed, will always ask to join.*
E) Someone who just enjoys playing the game with other players.*
D) Someone who doesn't like playing solo.*
*May or may not be a part of a Guild.
1. Solo Player People who have destroyed the whole idea of a multiplayer game
2. Hardcore Some one with no life who has turned gaming into a job.
3. Grind Does not exist if you enjoy the game .
4. RMT A lazy way for Devs to make money from lazy people.
5. Community What MMO's used to have that no longer exists (see solo player)
6. Sandbox A game allows you to do what you wish.
7. Linear What most MMO's have become.
8. PVP A method by which some players make life miserable for others.
9. PVE Fighting NPC's to level
1- Solo-Player: Someone who is either a casual player and doesn't get to group much or someone who never cared for the MMO part of the game.
2- Hardcore: The contrary of casual. The kind of people who has/takes the time to dedicate to MMOs and likes to compete with others, either being having the most gear, knowing the most bout the game or just pwning the most in PvP.
3- Grind: An annoying,repetitive, yet effective way by the devs to keep the players playing a game long enough to get a good chunk of money from the subs.
4- RMT: An even more annoying way to suck money out of players. Potential to suck more cash, but usually abhorred by most MMO players.
5- Community: What differentiate a RPG from a MMORPG.
6- Sandbox: Type of game who just gives the basic tools of character creation and development to the players, giving these the freedom to do what they want in-game.
7- Linear: A way for devs to give players an idea of how to progress deeper into the game (instead of letting them figure it out) and at the same time an excuse to reduce the amount of content they need to put in a game.
8- PvP: One of the reasons of why MMOs became so famous: having other people to compete against.
9- PvE: The other reasons of why MMOs became so famous: having other people to play alongside them.
Solo Player - Someone who would rather play the game by themselves.
Hardcore - Someone who plays too much and takes the game way too seriously. Unfortunately, developers usually cater to these people the most. Because it's "hard work" (I guess) to sit at your computer all day and play a game. So, to make them feel better about themselves, devs make certain aspects of the game only realistically available to them. This can come in several forms - loot drops that only the most hardcore players will ever have a (not even realistic) chance of looting, unrealistic raid content length times that no normal person would ever realistically be able to enjoy (or beat for that matter), insanely rediculous criteria for trophies that may or may not add advantages to gameplay but usually do, otherwise what would the point be, unlocking an Alpha Class.... like Jedi... Ironically, the first few who unlocked their Jedi, actually did less work than those who came after them - go figure.
Grind - The part of the game that takes up too much of your time to enjoy. It's not the fact that the game isn't fun... it's the fact that doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... makes it not fun.
RMT - A con artist's legal business plan.
Community - A group of people who share like minded qualities or social behaviors.
Sandbox - Something that will never be mainstream again, because the majority of players no longer Role Play. Thus, the need to build tools for them to use for RP value are no longer necessary. Plus, to be completely honest - the idea that Sandbox has only been used in this manner is somewhat rediculous. Someone mentioned earlier that Simgle Player Sandbox titles are successful because they give you lots to do, but don't force you to do any of it at any time - MMO's should do exactly this. A Sandbox SHOULD mean that it caters to a lot of different playstyles and has a lot of different outlets to enjoy the game. A Sandbox should be what ever MMO SHOULD strive to be - but the developers limit themselves because they put too much attention on one or two aspects of the game.
Linear - Every player has the same experience in the game, but is usually broken up between faction alliance. Also, if you were to repeat one activity, it would be exactly the same as before. There is only one way to do any activity. There is only one outcome to the activity (if you don't include the outcome of your failure.)
PvP - A waste of time, unless there is something worth fighting over - like land or something everyone needs in the game. Sadly, this is never the case. However, I am willing to take that statement back, if the gameplay alone, warranted the need to have meaningless PvP, simply because it's so fun. I'm a firm beleiver that if your game is so much fun, that people want other ways to play it, then you should allow them to play it in any manner they want - such as meaningless arena PvP if you have to. But, to be honest... until MMO's manage to actually put a whole lot more "action" into the gameplay and get off this whack-a-mole Skill Hotbar crap... PvP is a waste of time unless there is somethign worth fighting over. By the way... a grind would never suck if your gameplay was fun. Just food for thought.
PvE - What you do to level up. The most important part of the game - so it better be good.