why do you think this game is much more expensive than wow monthly fee? or any other p2p mmo. monthly is around 13$ but it only has around 300 playing timew limit per month... seriosly what makes this game so special? 1. IP is unknown 2. all UI interface is same like wow 3. nothing new in combat. its the same as wow+cabal skill graphics+perfect world aerial combat 4. graphic is nice=comparable to AOC So, tell me, why would i play this game over wow.war. or AOC and one more all of ncsoft game is not great..lineage 2? it suck
Only just read the first page to this retarded thread.
Before you or anyone else freaks out over something like this you need to get your facts straight. Aion will NOT be released in western markets at the same time as the Korean market. Any pricing for Korea will be only for Korea because many countries in Asia actually have VERY strict laws that govern use of the internet.
Western markets don't have these laws and NCsoft is a global company, so trust me when I say that they fully understand what they're doing. It would make ZERO business sense to instill a limitation like that.
To put this in perspective you need to understand why they have such restrictions for the Korean market. Korea is -the- hot spot for the MMO industry believe it or not. Koreans LOVE MMO's I mean -LOVE- MMO's. Ten hours a day to the Asian market is pretty much average, whereas ten hours a day to western markets is definitely hardcore.
I would say something like, 'Well if you're Korean that sucks for you.', but if you were Korean then this wouldn't be shocking to you at all.
why do you think this game is much more expensive than wow monthly fee? or any other p2p mmo. monthly is around 13$ but it only has around 300 playing timew limit per month... seriosly what makes this game so special? 1. IP is unknown 2. all UI interface is same like wow 3. nothing new in combat. its the same as wow+cabal skill graphics+perfect world aerial combat 4. graphic is nice=comparable to AOC So, tell me, why would i play this game over wow.war. or AOC and one more all of ncsoft game is not great..lineage 2? it suck
Only just read the first page to this retarded thread.
Before you or anyone else freaks out over something like this you need to get your facts straight. Aion will NOT be released in western markets at the same time as the Korean market. ect...
That seems like a pretty cool payment plan, if you count the time spent eating, sleeping, or passing out. That's about as many hours as a human could play during a month. They are probably trying to avoid a couple things.
1) Players dying from playing their game. Seriously, 10 hours a day every day is more then enough.
The real EYE opener here is how many would still pay $14.95 for only a few hours a day.
lol whoa didnt think about that, having retricted hours for less $ is probably better since most of us play less than 10 hours of video games a day, unless ur obsessed...
why do you think this game is much more expensive than wow monthly fee? or any other p2p mmo. monthly is around 13$ but it only has around 300 playing timew limit per month... seriosly what makes this game so special? 1. IP is unknown 2. all UI interface is same like wow 3. nothing new in combat. its the same as wow+cabal skill graphics+perfect world aerial combat 4. graphic is nice=comparable to AOC So, tell me, why would i play this game over wow.war. or AOC and one more all of ncsoft game is not great..lineage 2? it suck
Only just read the first page to this retarded thread.
Before you or anyone else freaks out over something like this you need to get your facts straight. Aion will NOT be released in western markets at the same time as the Korean market. ect...
The irony just killed me..
RIP Cynthe.
Have to stop responding, but can't!!!
Haha irony doesn't even touch the tip of this iceberg. . .after floating on the internet for a few years how can one not have lost all hope in humankind?
It's a Jeep thing. . . _______ |___| \_______/ = |||||| = |X| \*........*/ |X| |X|_________|X| You wouldn't understand
Actually, its not a Korean law, China is the only one having restrictions, but in Korea, with all the internet cafes etc, payment per hour and hours packages are accepted.
Lets say you pay 13 euros for all 300 Hours since you say they are not enough i assume u play all.That means that for every hour u play u pay 0,0433333333 euros.
Indeed that is the most expensive 1 hour of fun you can have.Considering you can go out and drink 1 coffee for 1 hour which is 5 euros.You can go at a movie for 2 hours and pay 8 euros that means 4 euros per hour without anything to drink.That means its around 100 times less expensive than other forms of having fun :P.
I guess I never played any MMO more than 300 hours per month, but the idea entirely and totally pisses me off, that someone counts my hours like a Big Daddy. I dont like the attitude at all.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I guess I never played any MMO more than 300 hours per month, but the idea entirely and totally pisses me off, that someone counts my hours like a Big Daddy. I dont like the attitude at all.
Hour count is not a concept used outside asia but personally I don't mind seeing it implemented, it's nearly impossible for genuine players(hardcore or not) to easily reach this limitation and the biggest impact it would have are on bot users...its virtually all pro and no con at all, even if the people who state they feel oppressed or any other reason, in truth they won't ever truly be bothered with this concept...seriously does anyone prefer a formless "freedom" and rather walk hand in hand with gil sellers and botters?
I guess I never played any MMO more than 300 hours per month, but the idea entirely and totally pisses me off, that someone counts my hours like a Big Daddy. I dont like the attitude at all.
Do you live in Korea?
I have a Korean brother-in-law, does that count? lol No, seriously, why does that matter??
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Because that type of subscription is enabled in Korea by law, as it's very unlikely it will be implemented elsewhere...that type of subscription isn't new, just not used outside asia I believe
I'm sympathetic to both sides of this argument, but I have to agree that the issue here is mostly cultural. Indeed, 300 hours a month is a lot. That said, it flies in the face of the American (and probably to some extent Western European) sense of entitlement and economic efficiency. Pay for time? That's a concept out of the stone-ages. Hell, in America, if you charge us for time, we'll sue you just like we did AOL when they tried to pull that (yes, I realize the actual dispute was something else; just making a poetic point). Frankly it's a wonder to me we haven't already gotten cell phone companies on unlimited monthly plans. Realistically, the whole thing probably just reflects the way Americans view entertainment. First with radio and then with television, and then with the internet service providers, as a culture we've been conditioned to expect cheap, subsidized entertainment, and for someone to suggest we should pay a flat fee and then have a cap on use seems like both a slap in the face and a step backwards--no matter how reasonable the deal actually is.
We're a nation of consumers. Three-hundred hours isn't enough. Sure, it's ten hours a day--but what if I get laid off and want to put in eleven hours a day? All the competitors will let me, so as an American I can't help but be completely dumb-founded that the market wouldn't miraculously compel you to do likewise. Why, if I couldn't get my daily excess, what kind of American would I be?!
Yes, the plan certainly contemplates a Korean audience, and I think it would be short-sighted not to anticipate that NCsoft doesn't want the kind of feedback this thread is generating to carry over to their NA/EU subscription numbers. So yes, we'll probably get a competitive NA/EU plan when the game goes live here. But this discussion is fascinating nonetheless.
I 'm critical of NCsoft here for a number of reasons, but none of them come down to unfairness. I think in reality these plans are a way of holding onto subscriber behaviors where the old means of getting those behaviors are no longer acceptable. If you put a cap on time and someone really wants to exceed the cap, what does that person do? Well of course, he gets a second account, and possibly a third if he wants to leave a shop open 24/7 or--let's face it--as in some cases, needs to have the game running so the next person to take his seat can rotate in, for gold-farming or any other purpose (although, admittedly, power-leveling this way is pretty well kaput).
Traditionally, games looked to other avenues to get these superfluous accounts. Having two-box style bots (a la non-classic DAOC, not the automated characters per L2 bots; also EVE still encourages two-boxing in some scenarios, such as for hauling ore) was one way to do it; alternatively, companies could charge by the character (a la FFXI). Increasingly, though, all the things that encouraged people to spend more than the requisite Western flat fee have become taboo. You can't really have bots anymore--of any variety--and whether we like it or not, the money from gold-seller accounts is more valuable than player morale all the way up to the point that players are quitting in greater numbers than gold-sellers are paying for accounts. That's just simple arithmetic.
So NCsoft is taking a somewhat ingenious route, and I'm curious if it works in Korea like I imagine they want it to. The gold-sellers all have multiple accounts. Extra revenue for NCsoft, and they still get to take the stance of being anti-RMT (just look at the talk in this thread--this is a move aimed against gold-farming... right?). Moreover, NCsoft looks like it cares about the welfare of its subscribers. It wants them to not become overly engrossed in the game. Nevermind the fact that it's cheaper to run servers that don't support cities full of characters that are logged on running shops while their players sleep.
I say all that to say, in short: Don't get all bent out of shape over this thing, and be glad you live in a society where it's perfectly acceptable to be a complete and total asshat over something as ridiculous as not being able to sit on your fat ass at your computer for more than ten hours a day playing video games if you want.
300 hours gameplay not actual time nublet i lulz at whata nub you are lawl and you say lineage 2 suck as you only mentioned game where lvling is about as easy as childrens games i can se why you think it sucks as you are simply a bad player and bad at thinking normaly and if you actualy play 10 hours everyday you wouldint be able to live as you wouldint be able to work or go to school etc WTS common sense 10 dollah epic fail
the only thing failing on an epic level here is your paragraph
Sorry, time limit is a time limit, somtimes i go to bed without turning my client off, if i am paying a monthly fee, why the fuck would i accept an additional time limit on top of that. Seriously, some of you people rationlaize the stupidest things.
"Its 10 hours a day.." "Only botters need more then 10 hours a day"
Seriously all of those arguements are stupid, There shouldnt be an additional time limit, what is with these new MMOs offering nothing and trying to get more for it.
This is outright stupid.
First if you go to bed without turning it off, for no activity, you should expect the game client to kick you after some time. You are wasting their bandwidth as everybody running nearby have to load you alt into their game memory. If you are botting then... oh well they should ban you. Period.
Second, what is the point of staying online if you are already sleeping, Refer to paragraph above.
Third, why should there be no additional time limit. The seller has all the rights to set the terms on how to sell it. In Korean, the gov't is placing very heavy social responsibility on game makers. This is part of the social culture for large corporates to demonstrate social responsibility. Who are you to dictate the terms of business of a corporate you do not own commanding share?
If you do not like it go away. No one is forcing you to subscribe. Maybe next time you should complain about McDonalds not giving you a free Porsche for buying their burgers.
Only just read the first page to this retarded thread.
Before you or anyone else freaks out over something like this you need to get your facts straight. Aion will NOT be released in western markets at the same time as the Korean market. Any pricing for Korea will be only for Korea because many countries in Asia actually have VERY strict laws that govern use of the internet.
Western markets don't have these laws and NCsoft is a global company, so trust me when I say that they fully understand what they're doing. It would make ZERO business sense to instill a limitation like that.
To put this in perspective you need to understand why they have such restrictions for the Korean market. Korea is -the- hot spot for the MMO industry believe it or not. Koreans LOVE MMO's I mean -LOVE- MMO's. Ten hours a day to the Asian market is pretty much average, whereas ten hours a day to western markets is definitely hardcore.
I would say something like, 'Well if you're Korean that sucks for you.', but if you were Korean then this wouldn't be shocking to you at all.
Only just read the first page to this retarded thread.
Before you or anyone else freaks out over something like this you need to get your facts straight. Aion will NOT be released in western markets at the same time as the Korean market. ect...
The irony just killed me..
RIP Cynthe.
Have to stop responding, but can't!!!
That seems like a pretty cool payment plan, if you count the time spent eating, sleeping, or passing out. That's about as many hours as a human could play during a month. They are probably trying to avoid a couple things.
1) Players dying from playing their game. Seriously, 10 hours a day every day is more then enough.
3)Gold farmers.
It's a good idea.
JEzus christ i cudnt even get thru the first 3 pages of comments cause of all these douchebags.
1 ) This is the korean subscription -> happens for every mmo almost there -> EU/US wont have it.
2) actually complaining about 10 hours a day? .. i dont even need to comment this one.
3 ) ... ssht -_-
The real EYE opener here is how many would still pay $14.95 for only a few hours a day.
lol whoa didnt think about that, having retricted hours for less $ is probably better since most of us play less than 10 hours of video games a day, unless ur obsessed...
Only just read the first page to this retarded thread.
Before you or anyone else freaks out over something like this you need to get your facts straight. Aion will NOT be released in western markets at the same time as the Korean market. ect...
The irony just killed me..
RIP Cynthe.
Have to stop responding, but can't!!!
Haha irony doesn't even touch the tip of this iceberg. . .after floating on the internet for a few years how can one not have lost all hope in humankind?
= |||||| =
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
its a korean law
Currently playing:Nothing
Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
Past games:
Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
Xpiher's GW2
GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
Warhammer - Xpiher
Actually, its not a Korean law, China is the only one having restrictions, but in Korea, with all the internet cafes etc, payment per hour and hours packages are accepted.
Lets say you pay 13 euros for all 300 Hours since you say they are not enough i assume u play all.That means that for every hour u play u pay 0,0433333333 euros.
Indeed that is the most expensive 1 hour of fun you can have.Considering you can go out and drink 1 coffee for 1 hour which is 5 euros.You can go at a movie for 2 hours and pay 8 euros that means 4 euros per hour without anything to drink.That means its around 100 times less expensive than other forms of having fun :P.
I guess I never played any MMO more than 300 hours per month, but the idea entirely and totally pisses me off, that someone counts my hours like a Big Daddy. I dont like the attitude at all.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Do you live in Korea?
It's just NCSoft policy against bots;) So you can't bot 24/7
But serious:
I'm really sad that it won't be invented in Eu, I play like 160h/month usually, so it would let me save more money ^^
Hour count is not a concept used outside asia but personally I don't mind seeing it implemented, it's nearly impossible for genuine players(hardcore or not) to easily reach this limitation and the biggest impact it would have are on bot users...its virtually all pro and no con at all, even if the people who state they feel oppressed or any other reason, in truth they won't ever truly be bothered with this concept...seriously does anyone prefer a formless "freedom" and rather walk hand in hand with gil sellers and botters?
Do you live in Korea?
I have a Korean brother-in-law, does that count? lol No, seriously, why does that matter??
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Because that type of subscription is enabled in Korea by law, as it's very unlikely it will be implemented elsewhere...that type of subscription isn't new, just not used outside asia I believe
It would hurt the bot farmers the most, if there were to be a time limit.
10 hours a day?! are you seriously complaining?
OP has 16 posts and already the forum mostly hates him.
Games i'm playing right now...
"In short, I thought NGE was a very bad idea" - Raph Koster talking about NGE on his blog at raphkoster.com
No Shit! My ass can't stand sitting in front of a PC for 5 hours, let alone 10.. Wow.
I'm sympathetic to both sides of this argument, but I have to agree that the issue here is mostly cultural. Indeed, 300 hours a month is a lot. That said, it flies in the face of the American (and probably to some extent Western European) sense of entitlement and economic efficiency. Pay for time? That's a concept out of the stone-ages. Hell, in America, if you charge us for time, we'll sue you just like we did AOL when they tried to pull that (yes, I realize the actual dispute was something else; just making a poetic point). Frankly it's a wonder to me we haven't already gotten cell phone companies on unlimited monthly plans. Realistically, the whole thing probably just reflects the way Americans view entertainment. First with radio and then with television, and then with the internet service providers, as a culture we've been conditioned to expect cheap, subsidized entertainment, and for someone to suggest we should pay a flat fee and then have a cap on use seems like both a slap in the face and a step backwards--no matter how reasonable the deal actually is.
We're a nation of consumers. Three-hundred hours isn't enough. Sure, it's ten hours a day--but what if I get laid off and want to put in eleven hours a day? All the competitors will let me, so as an American I can't help but be completely dumb-founded that the market wouldn't miraculously compel you to do likewise. Why, if I couldn't get my daily excess, what kind of American would I be?!
Yes, the plan certainly contemplates a Korean audience, and I think it would be short-sighted not to anticipate that NCsoft doesn't want the kind of feedback this thread is generating to carry over to their NA/EU subscription numbers. So yes, we'll probably get a competitive NA/EU plan when the game goes live here. But this discussion is fascinating nonetheless.
I 'm critical of NCsoft here for a number of reasons, but none of them come down to unfairness. I think in reality these plans are a way of holding onto subscriber behaviors where the old means of getting those behaviors are no longer acceptable. If you put a cap on time and someone really wants to exceed the cap, what does that person do? Well of course, he gets a second account, and possibly a third if he wants to leave a shop open 24/7 or--let's face it--as in some cases, needs to have the game running so the next person to take his seat can rotate in, for gold-farming or any other purpose (although, admittedly, power-leveling this way is pretty well kaput).
Traditionally, games looked to other avenues to get these superfluous accounts. Having two-box style bots (a la non-classic DAOC, not the automated characters per L2 bots; also EVE still encourages two-boxing in some scenarios, such as for hauling ore) was one way to do it; alternatively, companies could charge by the character (a la FFXI). Increasingly, though, all the things that encouraged people to spend more than the requisite Western flat fee have become taboo. You can't really have bots anymore--of any variety--and whether we like it or not, the money from gold-seller accounts is more valuable than player morale all the way up to the point that players are quitting in greater numbers than gold-sellers are paying for accounts. That's just simple arithmetic.
So NCsoft is taking a somewhat ingenious route, and I'm curious if it works in Korea like I imagine they want it to. The gold-sellers all have multiple accounts. Extra revenue for NCsoft, and they still get to take the stance of being anti-RMT (just look at the talk in this thread--this is a move aimed against gold-farming... right?). Moreover, NCsoft looks like it cares about the welfare of its subscribers. It wants them to not become overly engrossed in the game. Nevermind the fact that it's cheaper to run servers that don't support cities full of characters that are logged on running shops while their players sleep.
I say all that to say, in short: Don't get all bent out of shape over this thing, and be glad you live in a society where it's perfectly acceptable to be a complete and total asshat over something as ridiculous as not being able to sit on your fat ass at your computer for more than ten hours a day playing video games if you want.
Peace and safety.
the only thing failing on an epic level here is your paragraph
This is outright stupid.
First if you go to bed without turning it off, for no activity, you should expect the game client to kick you after some time. You are wasting their bandwidth as everybody running nearby have to load you alt into their game memory. If you are botting then... oh well they should ban you. Period.
Second, what is the point of staying online if you are already sleeping, Refer to paragraph above.
Third, why should there be no additional time limit. The seller has all the rights to set the terms on how to sell it. In Korean, the gov't is placing very heavy social responsibility on game makers. This is part of the social culture for large corporates to demonstrate social responsibility. Who are you to dictate the terms of business of a corporate you do not own commanding share?
If you do not like it go away. No one is forcing you to subscribe. Maybe next time you should complain about McDonalds not giving you a free Porsche for buying their burgers.