This game has had delay after delay for the last fewyears.. everytime with some lame exucse.. and every excuse being something they knew dam,n well was going to happen. They KNEW what the interest in their game was.. to not have the servers ready for the load is just asinine and piss poor planning..
They said they wouldnt miss a release date once they set it.. they have.. multiple time.. the beta in Dec (no specific date but a specific month) the actual public release on the 22nd and not some half assed limited test.
The WORST and most insulting part is that they knew this well befor today and let the players play some bullshit watiing game without saying a word.. going weeks before posting anything significant.
The ONLY thing darkfall has going for it right now is that they have no real competitor for a hardcore sandbox PvP MMO... because if they did.. some of us would rather eat shit than buy a product from thhose dishonest, incompetent tools.
We have waited patiently for years.. and to get our hopes up for a decent beta test in Dec and a real release in Jan only to be pushed back yet again.. un fucking acceptable.
All it would have taken was a post a few weeks ago saying you all were behind.. and LET US KNOW that you were falling behind while it was happening.. but no. Manning up and growing a pair was an impossible task for you.
oh and there is NO excuse for this publisher bulllshit.. after all these years you wait till the last minute to line up a publisher? WTF? are you devs that amatuerish?
anyone who refuses to play this game simply because it was delayed, and nothing more is retarded.
Anyone who thinks the only reason for not playing is it being delayed is retarded.
Lol,aint that the truth.
It seems for every fanboi that converts another joins the darkside.
If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"
ROFL! I Knew this was coming. Only question is, will the game get delayed again a week before DF is due to come out next month? I vote YES IT WILL!!!
Face it, this game is still at least a year from being ready for release. One server!?! Come on!! There's barely any updates on classes, combat system, abilities, crafting, Lore, etc etc etc etc.. Whoever believes this game will be released on Feb 25th is dreaming.. DF will keep getting pushed back until the devs are satisfied at releasing a 35-40% completed product. Right now, It's probably not even 25% complete..
Good luck though.
Rallithon Oakthornn (Retired Heirophant of the 60th season)
So umm what rock did all the DF fanboys go crawl under, because i recall around august-november, these forums were crawling with cultist fanboys, now it seems all thats here is the skeptics, aka "trolls". Maybe they have awoken from their trance that they were in and now even they see something amiss here, and have tucked their tail an ran. Feels good to know that I was on the winning team.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore) Now Playing: N/A Worst MMO: FFXIV Favorite MMO: FFXI Manging Editor Jon Wood looks at today's announcement that Darkfall has delayed its launch until February 25th, adding his own commentary to the news.
The developers at Aventurine have announced that they are pushing back the release date of the hotly anticipated MMORPG Darkfall. The new date, according to the announcement, will come on February 25th, 2009. The reasons for the delay are many and varied and are laid out in the release, but include: partners not being ready (billing, distribution, etc.), A fall behind in beta testing, updates based on tester feedback, and more. The full announcement can be found within this article. In lieu of a launch, on the 22nd of January, Aventurine will be offering a limited free sample of the game to what they describe as “thousands of players”, with a promise to accommodate as many players as possible. It is interesting that the announcement comes up short of calling the event an Open Beta, although it does say that the company will use the time in order to have players “help us stress test our servers and test the final features of the game”.
I would like to comment on Jon Wood: "The first, and perhaps most important thing to note is the promise of an announcement regarding pre-order information. This stood out to me immediately upon reading it as to my recollection, Darkfall had promised that there would be no pre-orders for their game. This seemed to be done as a response to critics who called the game’s validity into question."
And I would like to refer to Tasos: "The pre-orders are necessary so that we can have some measure of the demand."
Jon Wood. I have not studied economics very much, but I can totally understand Aventurine's move on this one. Yes, they might have promised not to make any pre-orders. But, Aventurine is clearly in a difficult situation as they only have two choices. They can commercially launch their game and receive such a great response to sales that they might have to close down any new players wanting to buy the game. Or allow it and risk instability, servers crashing and lag. Or they can do the only reasonable thing and give the players who want the game the most a chance to get it. There are fans who have followed this game for many years. It is unfair for them to miss out on the launch. Therefore, I applaud Aventurine for making it possible for the individual fan to somehow secure himself a position at launch. And I don't think pre-orders are a bad thing. Plans change and I believe they have taken the best approach. I am also eager to get early access to the game. It is a smart thing to do because it allows those testers who really want to help an ability to do it. I have been upset every day since they started closed hardware testing. I felt I was an important part of the DF fan community, but I was never given a chance to help. Now I can have it if I pay a meaningless amount of dollars. I am perfectly fine with this. Therefore, I don't feel you should criticize Tasos and Aventurine's decision.
Order of the White Border aside... you seriously think that a man and a company who has a horrid time promising dates, details, and presentation of their product--- is worthy of gaining the sympathy of a playerbase that runs on faith?
Ever run a business? You can't make false promises like that. The very reaction of skepticism and anti-DF sentiment is the very thing that can topple corporations with too much damage to their public representation. Either you deliver on your promises, or you fold.
You can argue, that developers make false promises all the time, like what happened with a lot of MMOs who didn't deliver everything they hoped to achieve on launch. But as you can imagine, it still damaged their business even with good intentions. Or put their own game on a pedestal, which they can't return from.
Does Tasos deserve the assload of criticism? Hell yes. He's horrible as a Public Representative, if nothing else about his company and its game.
You base your whole case on the fact that Aventurine has decided not to release back in 2003, in 2005 and then spoke a lot about being ready for beta testing, but still to this date have not released. And now they are pushing it back one month.
I don't think you have a right to criticize those decisions. I admire Aventurine's strength. The game they were ready to release in 2003 was not the game they knew they could make if they kept at it. So they restructured and tried again in Greece with more money and more support. Then they announced the clan beta in 2005. But, they never initiated. I don't know why. But, does it really matter? I think not. I think Aventurine have made the best decisions for this game. And when Tasos gives a presentation of Darkfall in a Greek cafe and talks about MMORPGs being the most complicated software programming. He is correct. Modern day MMORPG players have demands that exceed what most MMORPGs can handle. A small team of developers have to do a hell of a job in order to land their dream successfully so they can keep working on it and make it a reality.
The truth is that the community needs these kinds of projects. They are hard as hell to make. So many of them fail. We've been at the point where theme park is the only thing anyone dares to do. I think Aventurine is a great company and they have made great decisions. They have only announced one date too. They broke no promise. They announced the release date this january. But, the truth is that noone really knew what the release involved. How it would take place and so on. It turns out that the release has become a release of the client and overall access to mass testing for all players. The beginning of a launch. Something which is supposed to come in stages. The one month delay before everyone can start REALLY playing is nothing. And I am inspired by Tasos' public relations. He seems like a developer worth respecting because he is determined, assertive and strong. I know he's doing the right things with Kjetil and the other guys.
And I can't wait to help do everything in my power to give feedback to this development company. They deserve my help more than anybody else out there. Because of the things I've said and because they are doing something noone else has had the discipline too.
I have recently noticed some hostility from a user named Laurann. He is supposedly a game developer too with numerous titles in his backpack. He seems to be a very angry person and criticizes Aventurine a lot. He believes it's a scam. And there are many of you who think this.
But, I will trust in Aventurine and I admire their effort. They are a company who would work through the holidays. They have said many times they work overtime on a regular basis and that they hold very few vacations. Hell. It's the kind of dedication I need to know a developer will do for me as a gamer. A dev team that does everything in their power. Including carefully choosing a publisher that wont force them to do what is not good for the game. I also want developers who take hard decisions because they know what is best. Sometimes us gamers dont know anything, but pretend to know it all.
So I respect Aventurine. And I think some of you are scared or jealous of the strength and discipline they have shown.
This game isn't real. It's some crazy social experiment to see how long people will wait for a game. Either that, or it is some elaborate prank by Andy Kaufman.
LOLOLOL, Andy Kauffman is my hero!!
He's dead Jim.
Originally posted by Rekindle
anyone who refuses to play this game simply because it was delayed, and nothing more is retarded.
Anyone who believes this means the game is simply delayed is likewise.
That being said, it is a perfectly legitimate criticism. Pre-orders helping to gauge interest in an MMO is not new, in fact, it is a common business practice. Aventurine stated that they would not hold pre-orders for the game, thus either flying in the face of a commonly known practice, or being ignorant of it. In either case, pointing out the inconsistency is completely valid.
I'm pleased to see that you're behind the pre-orders. That's entirely your perogative and is entirely your opinion. The point in the article wasn't to tell people "this is bad" in fact, if you read the section, you'll see that I speak to this:
"Having looked more closely at what was said, it is difficult to deny that something in the company's policies have changed with players who pre-oder getting priority for entrance into the sample and / or launch. that said, the announcement states that preorders are necessary to gauge demand. it is true that many companies use this technique, however, earlier promises made seem to contradict this decision."
Thanks for the reply.
Yes. You are actually right. It is legitimate. I do believe the things you've mentioned in the article are relevant. So they deserve to be voiced in an article. And I must say that I have enjoyed reading articles here on MMORPG.COM about Darkfall. It's always nice to hear news about the game.
Perhaps I was slightly wrong and what I really meant was that I hope others will see this news in a brighter light. I am quite active in the community of Darkfall and I don't remember being part of something this expansive. There are really all sorts of people following this game. I'm definitely convinced that the negative comments in this section only represent a smaller part of all those who follow Darkfall. It's just that most are preparing for the game. Chatting with friends and having fun in forumfall, where some troll - but not with a negative attitude.
He is Romanian and thats where he's staying, he's not with Aventurine or Audiovisual (the publisher). They are in Greece, Mourning was Developed in Romania, totally different places with different people
god you people are so impossibly gullible, like little children
I might aswell state that Osama Bin Laden is the fiancial advisor and you people would copy/paste this all over the forums... really has one of the most amazing (not in a good way) communities
I think this is the perfect solution to the fight between fanboys and trolls, as in the end both were right! The trolls were indeed correct about the game not making the supposed launch date, and the fanboys were right in that it will be released.
I would like to comment on Jon Wood: "The first, and perhaps most important thing to note is the promise of an announcement regarding pre-order information. This stood out to me immediately upon reading it as to my recollection, Darkfall had promised that there would be no pre-orders for their game. This seemed to be done as a response to critics who called the game’s validity into question."
And I would like to refer to Tasos: "The pre-orders are necessary so that we can have some measure of the demand."
Jon Wood. I have not studied economics very much, but I can totally understand Aventurine's move on this one. Yes, they might have promised not to make any pre-orders. But, Aventurine is clearly in a difficult situation as they only have two choices. They can commercially launch their game and receive such a great response to sales that they might have to close down any new players wanting to buy the game. Or allow it and risk instability, servers crashing and lag. Or they can do the only reasonable thing and give the players who want the game the most a chance to get it. There are fans who have followed this game for many years. It is unfair for them to miss out on the launch. Therefore, I applaud Aventurine for making it possible for the individual fan to somehow secure himself a position at launch. And I don't think pre-orders are a bad thing. Plans change and I believe they have taken the best approach. I am also eager to get early access to the game. It is a smart thing to do because it allows those testers who really want to help an ability to do it. I have been upset every day since they started closed hardware testing. I felt I was an important part of the DF fan community, but I was never given a chance to help. Now I can have it if I pay a meaningless amount of dollars. I am perfectly fine with this. Therefore, I don't feel you should criticize Tasos and Aventurine's decision.
Order of the White Border aside... you seriously think that a man and a company who has a horrid time promising dates, details, and presentation of their product--- is worthy of gaining the sympathy of a playerbase that runs on faith?
Ever run a business? You can't make false promises like that. The very reaction of skepticism and anti-DF sentiment is the very thing that can topple corporations with too much damage to their public representation. Either you deliver on your promises, or you fold.
You can argue, that developers make false promises all the time, like what happened with a lot of MMOs who didn't deliver everything they hoped to achieve on launch. But as you can imagine, it still damaged their business even with good intentions. Or put their own game on a pedestal, which they can't return from.
Does Tasos deserve the assload of criticism? Hell yes. He's horrible as a Public Representative, if nothing else about his company and its game.
You base your whole case on the fact that Aventurine has decided not to release back in 2003, in 2005 and then spoke a lot about being ready for beta testing, but still to this date have not released. And now they are pushing it back one month.
I don't think you have a right to criticize those decisions. I admire Aventurine's strength. The game they were ready to release in 2003 was not the game they knew they could make if they kept at it. So they restructured and tried again in Greece with more money and more support. Then they announced the clan beta in 2005. But, they never initiated. I don't know why. But, does it really matter? I think not. I think Aventurine have made the best decisions for this game. And when Tasos gives a presentation of Darkfall in a Greek cafe and talks about MMORPGs being the most complicated software programming. He is correct. Modern day MMORPG players have demands that exceed what most MMORPGs can handle. A small team of developers have to do a hell of a job in order to land their dream successfully so they can keep working on it and make it a reality.
The truth is that the community needs these kinds of projects. They are hard as hell to make. So many of them fail. We've been at the point where theme park is the only thing anyone dares to do. I think Aventurine is a great company and they have made great decisions. They have only announced one date too. They broke no promise. They announced the release date this january. But, the truth is that noone really knew what the release involved. How it would take place and so on. It turns out that the release has become a release of the client and overall access to mass testing for all players. The beginning of a launch. Something which is supposed to come in stages. The one month delay before everyone can start REALLY playing is nothing. And I am inspired by Tasos' public relations. He seems like a developer worth respecting because he is determined, assertive and strong. I know he's doing the right things with Kjetil and the other guys.
And I can't wait to help do everything in my power to give feedback to this development company. They deserve my help more than anybody else out there. Because of the things I've said and because they are doing something noone else has had the discipline too.
I have recently noticed some hostility from a user named Laurann. He is supposedly a game developer too with numerous titles in his backpack. He seems to be a very angry person and criticizes Aventurine a lot. He believes it's a scam. And there are many of you who think this.
But, I will trust in Aventurine and I admire their effort. They are a company who would work through the holidays. They have said many times they work overtime on a regular basis and that they hold very few vacations. Hell. It's the kind of dedication I need to know a developer will do for me as a gamer. A dev team that does everything in their power. Including carefully choosing a publisher that wont force them to do what is not good for the game. I also want developers who take hard decisions because they know what is best. Sometimes us gamers dont know anything, but pretend to know it all.
So I respect Aventurine. And I think some of you are scared or jealous of the strength and discipline they have shown.
I really don't want to be called a "he" anymore Maybe you should tell them the reasons for the hostility, or link some quotes. I'm SO sick of smaller, competent, fresh, legitimate developers getting burned out of publishing deals, and the fans which help inspire potential developers in the genre getting continuously fucked over because of thieves, bald faced lying wannabe devs, and the idiocy from rabid fanbois that help these gangrenous fucks push their false agendas.
He is Romanian and thats where he's staying, he's not with Aventurine or Audiovisual (the publisher). They are in Greece, Mourning was Developed in Romania, totally different places with different people
god you people are so impossibly gullible, like little children
I might aswell state that Osama Bin Laden is the fiancial advisor and you people would copy/paste this all over the forums... really has one of the most amazing (not in a good way) communities
So you have him under lock and key so you know where he is and isn't? Otherwise, stow it.
What a load of utter crap.
This game has had delay after delay for the last fewyears.. everytime with some lame exucse.. and every excuse being something they knew dam,n well was going to happen. They KNEW what the interest in their game was.. to not have the servers ready for the load is just asinine and piss poor planning..
They said they wouldnt miss a release date once they set it.. they have.. multiple time.. the beta in Dec (no specific date but a specific month) the actual public release on the 22nd and not some half assed limited test.
The WORST and most insulting part is that they knew this well befor today and let the players play some bullshit watiing game without saying a word.. going weeks before posting anything significant.
The ONLY thing darkfall has going for it right now is that they have no real competitor for a hardcore sandbox PvP MMO... because if they did.. some of us would rather eat shit than buy a product from thhose dishonest, incompetent tools.
We have waited patiently for years.. and to get our hopes up for a decent beta test in Dec and a real release in Jan only to be pushed back yet again.. un fucking acceptable.
All it would have taken was a post a few weeks ago saying you all were behind.. and LET US KNOW that you were falling behind while it was happening.. but no. Manning up and growing a pair was an impossible task for you.
oh and there is NO excuse for this publisher bulllshit.. after all these years you wait till the last minute to line up a publisher? WTF? are you devs that amatuerish?
Better is the enemy of good
Anyone who thinks the only reason for not playing is it being delayed is retarded.
Lol,aint that the truth.
It seems for every fanboi that converts another joins the darkside.
If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"
ROFL! I Knew this was coming. Only question is, will the game get delayed again a week before DF is due to come out next month? I vote YES IT WILL!!!
Face it, this game is still at least a year from being ready for release. One server!?! Come on!! There's barely any updates on classes, combat system, abilities, crafting, Lore, etc etc etc etc.. Whoever believes this game will be released on Feb 25th is dreaming.. DF will keep getting pushed back until the devs are satisfied at releasing a 35-40% completed product. Right now, It's probably not even 25% complete..
Good luck though.
Rallithon Oakthornn
(Retired Heirophant of the 60th season)
So umm what rock did all the DF fanboys go crawl under, because i recall around august-november, these forums were crawling with cultist fanboys, now it seems all thats here is the skeptics, aka "trolls". Maybe they have awoken from their trance that they were in and now even they see something amiss here, and have tucked their tail an ran. Feels good to know that I was on the winning team.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
I'm real sorry but all I can say is ........... lol
Read Darkfall Launch Delayed
Ummm, you really shouldn't post someone's medical condition on the boards : /
Old news. This was all in the white border.
guess those AI bots didn't live up to the hype..................
Order of the White Border aside... you seriously think that a man and a company who has a horrid time promising dates, details, and presentation of their product--- is worthy of gaining the sympathy of a playerbase that runs on faith?
Ever run a business? You can't make false promises like that. The very reaction of skepticism and anti-DF sentiment is the very thing that can topple corporations with too much damage to their public representation. Either you deliver on your promises, or you fold.
You can argue, that developers make false promises all the time, like what happened with a lot of MMOs who didn't deliver everything they hoped to achieve on launch. But as you can imagine, it still damaged their business even with good intentions. Or put their own game on a pedestal, which they can't return from.
Does Tasos deserve the assload of criticism? Hell yes. He's horrible as a Public Representative, if nothing else about his company and its game.
You base your whole case on the fact that Aventurine has decided not to release back in 2003, in 2005 and then spoke a lot about being ready for beta testing, but still to this date have not released. And now they are pushing it back one month.
I don't think you have a right to criticize those decisions. I admire Aventurine's strength. The game they were ready to release in 2003 was not the game they knew they could make if they kept at it. So they restructured and tried again in Greece with more money and more support. Then they announced the clan beta in 2005. But, they never initiated. I don't know why. But, does it really matter? I think not. I think Aventurine have made the best decisions for this game. And when Tasos gives a presentation of Darkfall in a Greek cafe and talks about MMORPGs being the most complicated software programming. He is correct. Modern day MMORPG players have demands that exceed what most MMORPGs can handle. A small team of developers have to do a hell of a job in order to land their dream successfully so they can keep working on it and make it a reality.
The truth is that the community needs these kinds of projects. They are hard as hell to make. So many of them fail. We've been at the point where theme park is the only thing anyone dares to do. I think Aventurine is a great company and they have made great decisions. They have only announced one date too. They broke no promise. They announced the release date this january. But, the truth is that noone really knew what the release involved. How it would take place and so on. It turns out that the release has become a release of the client and overall access to mass testing for all players. The beginning of a launch. Something which is supposed to come in stages. The one month delay before everyone can start REALLY playing is nothing. And I am inspired by Tasos' public relations. He seems like a developer worth respecting because he is determined, assertive and strong. I know he's doing the right things with Kjetil and the other guys.
And I can't wait to help do everything in my power to give feedback to this development company. They deserve my help more than anybody else out there. Because of the things I've said and because they are doing something noone else has had the discipline too.
I have recently noticed some hostility from a user named Laurann. He is supposedly a game developer too with numerous titles in his backpack. He seems to be a very angry person and criticizes Aventurine a lot. He believes it's a scam. And there are many of you who think this.
But, I will trust in Aventurine and I admire their effort. They are a company who would work through the holidays. They have said many times they work overtime on a regular basis and that they hold very few vacations. Hell. It's the kind of dedication I need to know a developer will do for me as a gamer. A dev team that does everything in their power. Including carefully choosing a publisher that wont force them to do what is not good for the game. I also want developers who take hard decisions because they know what is best. Sometimes us gamers dont know anything, but pretend to know it all.
So I respect Aventurine. And I think some of you are scared or jealous of the strength and discipline they have shown.
poor ztyx...first DnL now Darkfall........
sorry man, you just dont have much luck
LOLOLOL, Andy Kauffman is my hero!!
He's dead Jim.
Anyone who believes this means the game is simply delayed is likewise.
No way, he's like Makaveli or Jesus!
Wait, Dan Antonescu!!
He was the lead designer for Realms of Torment ( also known as Mourning, Thrones of Chaos, etc. )!
And he's the guy running the company publishing Darkfall?
LoL, That's where I know that name from...oh the memories of that board....
Zorvan....why do you think i posted this?
lol@ fanbois
all flaming every doubter for months and now all they are saying is "i'm def getting the preorder.
get a grip people
Thanks for your input:
That being said, it is a perfectly legitimate criticism. Pre-orders helping to gauge interest in an MMO is not new, in fact, it is a common business practice. Aventurine stated that they would not hold pre-orders for the game, thus either flying in the face of a commonly known practice, or being ignorant of it. In either case, pointing out the inconsistency is completely valid.
I'm pleased to see that you're behind the pre-orders. That's entirely your perogative and is entirely your opinion. The point in the article wasn't to tell people "this is bad" in fact, if you read the section, you'll see that I speak to this:
"Having looked more closely at what was said, it is difficult to deny that something in the company's policies have changed with players who pre-oder getting priority for entrance into the sample and / or launch. that said, the announcement states that preorders are necessary to gauge demand. it is true that many companies use this technique, however, earlier promises made seem to contradict this decision."
Thanks for the reply.
Yes. You are actually right. It is legitimate. I do believe the things you've mentioned in the article are relevant. So they deserve to be voiced in an article. And I must say that I have enjoyed reading articles here on MMORPG.COM about Darkfall. It's always nice to hear news about the game.
Perhaps I was slightly wrong and what I really meant was that I hope others will see this news in a brighter light. I am quite active in the community of Darkfall and I don't remember being part of something this expansive. There are really all sorts of people following this game. I'm definitely convinced that the negative comments in this section only represent a smaller part of all those who follow Darkfall. It's just that most are preparing for the game. Chatting with friends and having fun in forumfall, where some troll - but not with a negative attitude.
Anyway. Thanks for the article.
Zorvan....why do you think i posted this?
Jon, if this is true, THIS needs to be front page news.
He is Romanian and thats where he's staying, he's not with Aventurine or Audiovisual (the publisher). They are in Greece, Mourning was Developed in Romania, totally different places with different people
god you people are so impossibly gullible, like little children
I might aswell state that Osama Bin Laden is the fiancial advisor and you people would copy/paste this all over the forums... really has one of the most amazing (not in a good way) communities
Worst promotion for a game that does not exist ever. And come a week before Feb. 25th, it will be delayed again.
No he is not.
The publishing is done by another company called Visual Enterprises SA. I think you know this.
I think this is the perfect solution to the fight between fanboys and trolls, as in the end both were right! The trolls were indeed correct about the game not making the supposed launch date, and the fanboys were right in that it will be released.
Order of the White Border aside... you seriously think that a man and a company who has a horrid time promising dates, details, and presentation of their product--- is worthy of gaining the sympathy of a playerbase that runs on faith?
Ever run a business? You can't make false promises like that. The very reaction of skepticism and anti-DF sentiment is the very thing that can topple corporations with too much damage to their public representation. Either you deliver on your promises, or you fold.
You can argue, that developers make false promises all the time, like what happened with a lot of MMOs who didn't deliver everything they hoped to achieve on launch. But as you can imagine, it still damaged their business even with good intentions. Or put their own game on a pedestal, which they can't return from.
Does Tasos deserve the assload of criticism? Hell yes. He's horrible as a Public Representative, if nothing else about his company and its game.
You base your whole case on the fact that Aventurine has decided not to release back in 2003, in 2005 and then spoke a lot about being ready for beta testing, but still to this date have not released. And now they are pushing it back one month.
I don't think you have a right to criticize those decisions. I admire Aventurine's strength. The game they were ready to release in 2003 was not the game they knew they could make if they kept at it. So they restructured and tried again in Greece with more money and more support. Then they announced the clan beta in 2005. But, they never initiated. I don't know why. But, does it really matter? I think not. I think Aventurine have made the best decisions for this game. And when Tasos gives a presentation of Darkfall in a Greek cafe and talks about MMORPGs being the most complicated software programming. He is correct. Modern day MMORPG players have demands that exceed what most MMORPGs can handle. A small team of developers have to do a hell of a job in order to land their dream successfully so they can keep working on it and make it a reality.
The truth is that the community needs these kinds of projects. They are hard as hell to make. So many of them fail. We've been at the point where theme park is the only thing anyone dares to do. I think Aventurine is a great company and they have made great decisions. They have only announced one date too. They broke no promise. They announced the release date this january. But, the truth is that noone really knew what the release involved. How it would take place and so on. It turns out that the release has become a release of the client and overall access to mass testing for all players. The beginning of a launch. Something which is supposed to come in stages. The one month delay before everyone can start REALLY playing is nothing. And I am inspired by Tasos' public relations. He seems like a developer worth respecting because he is determined, assertive and strong. I know he's doing the right things with Kjetil and the other guys.
And I can't wait to help do everything in my power to give feedback to this development company. They deserve my help more than anybody else out there. Because of the things I've said and because they are doing something noone else has had the discipline too.
I have recently noticed some hostility from a user named Laurann. He is supposedly a game developer too with numerous titles in his backpack. He seems to be a very angry person and criticizes Aventurine a lot. He believes it's a scam. And there are many of you who think this.
But, I will trust in Aventurine and I admire their effort. They are a company who would work through the holidays. They have said many times they work overtime on a regular basis and that they hold very few vacations. Hell. It's the kind of dedication I need to know a developer will do for me as a gamer. A dev team that does everything in their power. Including carefully choosing a publisher that wont force them to do what is not good for the game. I also want developers who take hard decisions because they know what is best. Sometimes us gamers dont know anything, but pretend to know it all.
So I respect Aventurine. And I think some of you are scared or jealous of the strength and discipline they have shown.
I really don't want to be called a "he" anymore Maybe you should tell them the reasons for the hostility, or link some quotes. I'm SO sick of smaller, competent, fresh, legitimate developers getting burned out of publishing deals, and the fans which help inspire potential developers in the genre getting continuously fucked over because of thieves, bald faced lying wannabe devs, and the idiocy from rabid fanbois that help these gangrenous fucks push their false agendas.
So you have him under lock and key so you know where he is and isn't? Otherwise, stow it.
No he is not.
The publishing is done by another company called Visual Enterprises SA. I think you know this.
Guess where that BS company is run from? (Same office as Adventurine) Also take a WAG who sits first seat?
Affected, are you not Zorvan?