While I am sure AllTheZios is a scrawny virgin in real life who has only fought in a "pool hall" on YahooGames (much like us all), he is right about everything concerning the game. I play an anti-pk (because I think it's harder to do than to be a PK), but players with giant e-balls are needed to create the kind of atmosphere this game seeks. To bait people into running into your 20man ganksquad is not "griefing" it's strategy and it's fun.
I do agree the beta testers need to exploit every bug and report it, though. This is a given. I think everyone wants that.
Also, the devs have said that the guard towers are going to be made stronger than they currently are. But like I said before, there HAVE to be "griefer" types in order for the game to work. Without them there is no one to "protect" or no "cause" to fight agains.
While I am sure AllTheZios is a scrawny virgin in real life who has only fought in a "pool hall" on YahooGames (much like us all), he is right about everything concerning the game. I play an anti-pk (because I think it's harder to do than to be a PK), but players with giant e-balls are needed to create the kind of atmosphere this game seeks. To bait people into running into your 20man ganksquad is not "griefing" it's strategy and it's fun. I do agree the beta testers need to exploit every bug and report it, though. This is a given. I think everyone wants that. Also, the devs have said that the guard towers are going to be made stronger than they currently are. But like I said before, there HAVE to be "griefer" types in order for the game to work. Without them there is no one to "protect" or no "cause" to fight agains. Should be fun.
Oh, they'll find the bugs, but they won't report it. They'll wait until the game goes live and take advantage of said bugs for as long as possible until fixed, with absolutely no reprocussions... Well, except to the game as a whole!
Honestly, if you're anticipating this game after watching all of these leaks; you're probably just some worthless hack who needs to hide behind a guild in a feeble attempt to feel superior. Where are all of the melee abilities? What strategy other than "AVOID TKs" is there? All we've seen thus far is a broken combat system with fourth rate graphics and sound effects. Hell, why don't all you nut jobs just go play on a UO private server if this archaicly built game is interesting to you?
After UO collapsed did your world fall apart, and you went into this wild, drunken rage of getting your ass kicked in pool halls? Now you want to foucs all this rage on ganking lowbies in Darkfall? Assuming, of course, your not in jail for the 15th time for getting yet another scar on your face.
Well i don't know about you but i find his stories inspirational !!!! I actually write them down and i'm gonna sell them to a hollywood director "Confessions of an internet tough-guy" starring Brad Pit as AllTheZios, maybe even make a sequel to "Fight Club" like "Fight Club 2:Fighting teh Internetz" also starring Brad Pit
He's gonna be rich and famous (so am i of course) and he's definitely gonna get more pussy than he gets today
And i'm not kidding either you just wait and see........
..........THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!! LEONIDAS IS BACK AND THIS TIME IT'S PERSONALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit:For AllTheZios and the lols you gave me in this thread this is for you www.youtube.com/watch
They need to point out things that work and things that need to be worked on. The point of all of this is to have a game that is fun to play. And it may take time in order to reach that goal. But it will only reach that goal if the players are honest and speak there minds. Flaming and QQing solves nothing, just as blindless praise while ignoring the bad parts.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
I was watching a beta leak last night and considering the pluses and minuses of the game and the game play. But something was wrong - and I have just realized what. Beta Testers, stop playing "nice". In the leaks, we see Beta Testers playing the game 'the way it is meant to be played'. In the video I saw, a player visits the Goblin Camp and while he is there some other players show up... they all maintain a respectful distance from one another until the leaker deliberately begins PvP... and he does so knowing he will lose. You guys are a**hole*! You know and we ALL KNOW that is NOT how you will play when the game goes live. How do we know?
Because we have seen this before. In fact we saw it several times last year.
PotBS, AoC and WAR.
Beta Testers 'playing fair' right up until the end of the Beta. Then on day one of the game going live:
Massive population imbalance
Spawn Camping.
In WAR we saw statements from the Developer about how the population imbalance was +/- 3% in Beta IIRC? As a result they thought it would all 'resolve itself'?
In AoC Beta Testers apparently saw very little zerging & ganking?
In PotBS, we saw 'fair and balanced' fights.
In all cases, when the game went live players started exploiting the very same rule sets that had been in Beta. From the first minute. The 'players' knew exactly where and how the game was weak yet the Developers were left dumbfounded because their 'Beta Tests' hadn't really flagged the issues as being gamebreakingly serious? And here we are again. Beta Testers and Fanboi Testers, you are NOT doing anyone any favors by playing 'nice' in Beta. What you are doing is giving Aventurine a false sense of security. Because of you they are missing seeing any problems associated with the way their game works.
If you really want to give this game the best chance of success, for yourselves, for the Developer and for the poor saps who will actually PAY for this game then you owe it to everyone to take the kid gloves off and play this game the way you KNOW you are going to play it when it goes live.
What do I want to see?
Play the 'cool' race(s). So, most players play naked because of the full loot rules?
Well in that case I am guessing the 'animal men' and the Orcs will be the cool races. Population imbalance? Show Aventurine what that means. The Gank, the Zerg. In the video I saw one player attacked two and then ran away...
You all know that in the live game this will be a baiting tactic. He would have led those two to a 20 vs 2 ambush.
Particularly as this is near a new player town. And as soon as they respawned and got outside the range of those Guard towers they would have been hit again... Those Guard Towers... yeah. Can they be overwhelmed? By-passed?
They don't seem to be immediately fatal.
So what happens when 100 people try to rush past them into the newbie town? (which is what will happen live)? And that's just for starters. Other people can no doubt add more.
Aventurine (if you ever read this), how do you know if your Beta Testers are lying to you?
Look in the chat logs for a start.
If you don't see "LOL! PWNED!" at least once then they are NOT playing as they will when the game goes live.
They are 'suckering' you into producing a game with a flawed rule set so that they can exploit it and stroke their e-peen when it goes live.
Great for them.
Bad for you.
Because when they have had their thrills they will move on and leave you with a dead game. Beta testers: get off you a** and show Aventurine how this game will really be played. http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/213344/page/2
"the fanboi group also includes a more sinister group - these people are often leaders within the fanboi group. These people are in fact able to use critical thought processes BUT they have an alterior motive which leads them to the fanboi group which they manipulate to their own ends.
The goal of these people is to direct Developers to change or alter game design to a style which suits the needs and desires of their group. They do this by directing 'popular opinion' (of fanbois) and are active in developer forums in the development / beta phase.
They have by far their greatest success with weak willed or indecisive developers."
Population imbalances have ZERO to do with this game. As far as I know, there is no "Team" action in this game outside of guilds/gank squads. If you play an Orc, you arent forced to war elves. Everyone in the game could play an Orc, and that just means a more crowded newbie area. Hell, I'll probably try to get away from my own newbie area ASAP just to get some breathing room.
As for zerging and so forth, who cares? This game will be about PvP. If you don't like it, don't play the game. Otherwise, I or someone like me will shave off years of your life due to ragecry/stress, and then no one wins.
Personally, if 100 people rush into a newbie town and just obliterate the people inside, I think that's GOOD for the game. Its drawing a line in the sand by saying "This is what you can expect. Get your ass-bandage ready.".
We will adopt the Ultima Online mentality. Riker's Island. You dont look at anyone, you don't talk smack to anyone, and if you have something someone else wants, you had better have friends with you. Its going to be dog eat dog, Chaotic Evil, massive death, whining to the heavens.
...And eventually...
When the bodies of the newbies gets too high...
We'll turn on each other. Then the red wars begin. I just popped. Ugh. I love this.
the first reply to the op and somehow, it seems to reply to some other random thread, because the quoted doesn't seem to have read the op nor gotten the jist of it.
grats! welcome to the game where the people who couldn't be bothered to read in wow will go.
edit: in the year 2109.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
I can see how it might be a problem on some level. Newbie logs in. Beta clique is already waiting with six people to slaughter them. Newbie feels "Oh noes! I quit!". That isn't good. It's funny, but not good for the playerbase. Hopefully there will be enough anti-PKers to counterbalance the inevitable cliques that will form to keep the beta players busy, so that more bodies can come up through the ranks. I doubt it's going to get so bad as to promote safe zones or anything, though. I could be wrong (It wouldnt have been the first time), but I don't see it happening. Some of the Darkfall testers are so fanatical about the game that they would literally stop PKing to massacre their buddies in order to give the newbies a chance. Once the playerbase gets rolling, we'll have the normal "Blue vs Red" thing going on, and things will become stablized. ...
This is basic game design 101. If it can happen it will happen.
You can't pin the success (or survival) of a game on 'hope', doubting it will happen, a reliance on 'some' of the players or the player base in general. Players are a**holes. They will find and exploit any whole in the rules or the game in less than a nanosecond if it is to their advantage. Particularly when they get their e-peens out.
This is one of my favorite Developer Quotes on this subject:
Originally Posted by KFS1
"One of the tough things about becoming a game developer is learning how gamers in a game are like atoms in a box. You don't send a vessel up into space a hole in the side of it and say "it's a really tiny hole in an obscure place, the Oxygen in the ship will never find it, so it shouldn't be a problem".
KFS1 is the Lead Programmer for Cornered Rat Software.
I agree with you for the most part, but you just quoted the biggest joke in the MMO business. KFR is the worst person to use in an example of "This is how it is in the MMO business" I can think of. KFR eats, sleeps, and breathes stupidity.
But yeah. Generally speaking, players will give the game the shaft if it gets them over. Like I said, though. I think enough players will want the game to succeed enough to blitz those dedicated to screwing it over at any cost. Could be wrong though. This game seems to have a curse of some kind, so maybe it'll just crash and burn.
the same people who have tried to destroy every MMO for the past decade will be in this MMO trying to destroy it. even moreso because this MMO is decidedly dated at a quick glance, which will make them think it's even easier to break.
how many mmos get shut down by DOS attacks? this one does.
the people at POTBS thought everyone would play the game "how it's supposed to be played"; just like all the other MMOs over this past decade.. and they've all been wrong. but yeah, people will be different in this one.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Apparently there is a reason why most companies choose to make mainly PvE games...
If they don't do something to limit ganking/griefing, then populations will drop to SB levels...
If Darkfall geared itself to the PvE genre it'd make no money. It's major selling point is that it's not that kind of game. The PvE crowd will not forgive the subpar graphics of Darkfall when they have so many beautiful looking MMOs they can play instead.
And SB sucked. It had crappy point-and-click movement, which everybody hated as well as a giant memory leak problem. It failed for other reasons. I played the beta and could tell right away it wasn't worth buying.
Every single point (even spawn camping) can be hand-waved away with a "Carebear!". Even if there is massive race wars, and even if the situation is imbalanced, so what? The OP specifically compared the situation to AoC and WAR. Two games that are all about faction combat. This game isn't. So the Orcs will have 800 players. So the elves will have 50. That just means the Orcs will turn on each other even more quickly. That just means more guild slaughtering/backstabbing. There is not a single thing that could ruin a game which has open PvP, save for technical issues or unneeded carebear features. I'm not trying to "dumb down" Darkfall here, but this isnt rocket science. It's Darkfall. Balance, population issues, all of these things would matter in a civilized MMORPG. This will be a slaughterfest. As soon as the servers are stable, the lag isnt out of control, and the world is populated, everything will be fine.
Actually while WAR have factions there are no such things in AoC, just your guild. So WAR doesn't worjk in the comparision but in AoC you can also kill anyone. Now AoC have a "Murder system" but it was implemented in november, and the PvP servers there lost many players because "zerging".
That of course still leaves the hardcore PvP players but the question is if you can keep a game running on them? AoC had a lot more people in the PvE servers at the time and they didn't even had full looting (or that might be good for DF, dunno?).
Maybe you can get 200K HC PvP players but we wont see this until the game is actually released. But don't count to get loads of Wow players coming over. I think the comparision with AoC is at least partly right, AoCs quest based grindy leveling do differs and so does the level of graphics but I don't see this game getting bigger than AoC because it focuses on a small group. First it only caters to PvP players, and only to the truly hardcore ones. And you have to compare that with Mortal online who also will have lots of PvE.
Still the future is impossible to tell, but as I see it DF will at best be a niche game.
Why do people even like PvE in MMOs? Their only purpose is to raise your skill and give you items/money. It's the tedious part of any MMO, the part you'd think everyone would look forward to is the multiPLAYER part where you PvP with/against other PLAYERS.
If you want to fight monsters, go play a console game. The AI will be 100x better and there will be a real plot with nice graphics to look at.
MMOs should cater mainly to PvP, PvE should only be an afterthought to PvP. However, the emotional investment that some people make into their "avatar" is so unreal that these people act like losing their life in an MMO equates to real, human death.... thus the carebearing of MMOs. This attitude is why there aren't any MMOs worth a shit out right now... and the ones that do have good ideas (darkfall) have trouble getting funds.
Once a company with a budget realizes this, we'll have the ultimate game. Until then, we'll settle for darkfall.
Why do people even like PvE in MMOs? Their only purpose is to raise your skill and give you items/money. It's the tedious part of any MMO, the part you'd think everyone would look forward to is the multiPLAYER part where you PvP with/against other PLAYERS. If you want to fight monsters, go play a console game. The AI will be 100x better and there will be a real plot with nice graphics to look at. MMOs should cater mainly to PvP, PvE should only be an afterthought to PvP. However, the emotional investment that some people make into their "avatar" is so unreal that these people act like losing their life in an MMO equates to real, human death.... thus the carebearing of MMOs. This attitude is why there aren't any MMOs worth a shit out right now... and the ones that do have good ideas (darkfall) have trouble getting funds. Once a company with a budget realizes this, we'll have the ultimate game. Until then, we'll settle for darkfall.
hehe actually I think its the other way around.. mmoRPGs should be about PvE first.. If I want to do REAL PvP then I play Unreal tournament or some other game where skill actually matters and its not just about zerging or ganking.
If WoW = The Beatles and WAR = Led Zeppelin Then LotrO = Pink Floyd
Why do people even like PvE in MMOs? Their only purpose is to raise your skill and give you items/money. It's the tedious part of any MMO, the part you'd think everyone would look forward to is the multiPLAYER part where you PvP with/against other PLAYERS.
um, no...what you describe is a FPS game, and there are plenty of those available. A MMO game means brigning many people together in a common environment, but not necessarily against each other, unless of course it can somehow be logically explained. PvP should bear some significance in any game, and not become a casual gankfest everyday activity.
Xmm ... I'm playing MMORPG just for PK / PVP , it's only what have metter , thats why I still playing UO , tryed rly huge amount of game , they **** hardly ... I'm waiting for darkfall just as new uo , with new graphics ... In other games u even can't attack other player from ur faction or race , thats **** hard 2 ... So , playing uo and waiting for Darkfall ... I hope it will be good enought ...
In other games u even can't attack other player from ur faction or race , thats **** hard 2 ... So , playing uo and waiting for Darkfall ... I hope it will be good enought ...
I don't like the fact you cannot attack your own race either...but if you implement such a system in a game, you must make sure that the consequences will act as a counterweight to balance the gank mentality found in frustrated teenagers behind a computer screen.
Why do people even like PvE in MMOs? Their only purpose is to raise your skill and give you items/money. It's the tedious part of any MMO, the part you'd think everyone would look forward to is the multiPLAYER part where you PvP with/against other PLAYERS. If you want to fight monsters, go play a console game. The AI will be 100x better and there will be a real plot with nice graphics to look at. MMOs should cater mainly to PvP, PvE should only be an afterthought to PvP. However, the emotional investment that some people make into their "avatar" is so unreal that these people act like losing their life in an MMO equates to real, human death.... thus the carebearing of MMOs. This attitude is why there aren't any MMOs worth a shit out right now... and the ones that do have good ideas (darkfall) have trouble getting funds. Once a company with a budget realizes this, we'll have the ultimate game. Until then, we'll settle for darkfall.
Shooter in a solo world, no thanks. I like a game with a strong pvp and an even stronger pve world.
You will find that a lack of pve content will get very boring. <<<good luck with that.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Population imbalances have ZERO to do with this game. As far as I know, there is no "Team" action in this game outside of guilds/gank squads. If you play an Orc, you arent forced to war elves. Everyone in the game could play an Orc, and that just means a more crowded newbie area. Hell, I'll probably try to get away from my own newbie area ASAP just to get some breathing room.
As for zerging and so forth, who cares? This game will be about PvP. If you don't like it, don't play the game. Otherwise, I or someone like me will shave off years of your life due to ragecry/stress, and then no one wins. Personally, if 100 people rush into a newbie town and just obliterate the people inside, I think that's GOOD for the game. Its drawing a line in the sand by saying "This is what you can expect. Get your ass-bandage ready.".
We will adopt the Ultima Online mentality. Riker's Island. You dont look at anyone, you don't talk smack to anyone, and if you have something someone else wants, you had better have friends with you. Its going to be dog eat dog, Chaotic Evil, massive death, whining to the heavens.
...And eventually...
When the bodies of the newbies gets too high...
We'll turn on each other. Then the red wars begin. I just popped. Ugh. I love this.
Thank you.
Your post is incredibly helpful to MY argument!
This made me laugh though:
"When the bodies of the newbies gets too high...
We'll turn on each other. Then the red wars begin. ..."
The 'funny' thing about '1337 PvPers' is that when they are forced to feed on each other... the game stops being fun. See PotBS.
Yeah, I'll even double post.
You think its a BAD thing to feed on each other? You think that makes the game NOT fun? You're just another carebear. This isnt PotBS. This is Ultima Online Refuge. This is "I'm a sociopath and I hope you die in real life from bone cancer for taking my leather leggings. Now tell me where you live so I can put you down".
This is the bad time.
This is Sparta.
Maybe it stops being fun for you. In that case, let us know when you cancel your sub. I'll crack a beer over it. One less fly on my gore-covered battleground.
More like "This is where I get to pretend I'm big and bad, because in real life I couldn't kick a gnats ass even with its permission.".
Seven scars on my face from my getting my ass kicked in pool halls over the last three years. All of them from three hundred pounders. Sometimes I break someone's head open, sometimes its the other way around. I take my attitude with me wherever I go.
End THAT bit of reality.
and THAT ladies and gentlemen is a pure example of why we as a race should not always be allowed to breed freely... You actually believe this makes you a man right ? a real somebody. Good for you.
If a man can go play pool and end up getting his ass kicked or break someone´s head open, .... well that just kinda says it all doesn´t it.
Let's see here... Internet spew, internet spew, internet spew..
Ah. To the guy who claims that killing newbies isnt PvP - anything is PvP. Player Versus Player means exactly that. It doesn't have to be fair. Personally, I had more fun at Glow or the Brit GY PvPing five man noto squads with my buddies than I ever did killing Bob The Novice Swordsman at the Glow GY skeletons.
However, before Trammel, if you were a PKer, you had a little extra excitement because Bob The Novice Swordsman thought he was hard. Then you had a six man noto squad instead of a five man. That made it that much more exciting. Point being that when they made Trammel, they essentially said "Heres a safe place to get 7x." That wasn't how the game was designed. It was designed with a risk factor involved. If you want to GM at the Lich pits, you risk getting killed by the Mad Bomber. If you want to raise taming on goats around Glow, you risk Ajax or Ben Dover taking you down for no reason other than to amuse yourself. Maybe killer would steal everything you had and house-hide like the griefing thief he was. Maybe Toxic would hit you once with a DPed Kryss and walk away because you arent worth the time. Missy would try to kill you with a dagger just for laughs. Trammel removed that randomness from Ultima, and that helped kill the game.
But yeah, it was tons of fun PvPing people who had more than 20 Magic Resist and didnt die with one combo. Hell, a single Poison spell was a 50/50 chance that the little newb was going to see gray soon.
To the other posts that had little to do with the OP, posted as a result of my mouth - yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. I'm rage, I'm a liar, I'm this, I'm that, blah blah blah. Whatever.
While I am sure AllTheZios is a scrawny virgin in real life who has only fought in a "pool hall" on YahooGames (much like us all), he is right about everything concerning the game. I play an anti-pk (because I think it's harder to do than to be a PK), but players with giant e-balls are needed to create the kind of atmosphere this game seeks. To bait people into running into your 20man ganksquad is not "griefing" it's strategy and it's fun.
I do agree the beta testers need to exploit every bug and report it, though. This is a given. I think everyone wants that.
Also, the devs have said that the guard towers are going to be made stronger than they currently are. But like I said before, there HAVE to be "griefer" types in order for the game to work. Without them there is no one to "protect" or no "cause" to fight agains.
Should be fun.
Oh, they'll find the bugs, but they won't report it. They'll wait until the game goes live and take advantage of said bugs for as long as possible until fixed, with absolutely no reprocussions... Well, except to the game as a whole!
Honestly, if you're anticipating this game after watching all of these leaks; you're probably just some worthless hack who needs to hide behind a guild in a feeble attempt to feel superior. Where are all of the melee abilities? What strategy other than "AVOID TKs" is there? All we've seen thus far is a broken combat system with fourth rate graphics and sound effects. Hell, why don't all you nut jobs just go play on a UO private server if this archaicly built game is interesting to you?
Well i don't know about you but i find his stories inspirational !!!! I actually write them down and i'm gonna sell them to a hollywood director "Confessions of an internet tough-guy" starring Brad Pit as AllTheZios, maybe even make a sequel to "Fight Club" like "Fight Club 2:Fighting teh Internetz" also starring Brad Pit
He's gonna be rich and famous (so am i of course) and he's definitely gonna get more pussy than he gets today
And i'm not kidding either you just wait and see........
..........THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!! LEONIDAS IS BACK AND THIS TIME IT'S PERSONALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit:For AllTheZios and the lols you gave me in this thread this is for you www.youtube.com/watch
Iiii-iiiiiit's.... me!!! *Hooray*
They need to point out things that work and things that need to be worked on. The point of all of this is to have a game that is fun to play. And it may take time in order to reach that goal. But it will only reach that goal if the players are honest and speak there minds. Flaming and QQing solves nothing, just as blindless praise while ignoring the bad parts.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Population imbalances have ZERO to do with this game. As far as I know, there is no "Team" action in this game outside of guilds/gank squads. If you play an Orc, you arent forced to war elves. Everyone in the game could play an Orc, and that just means a more crowded newbie area. Hell, I'll probably try to get away from my own newbie area ASAP just to get some breathing room.
As for zerging and so forth, who cares? This game will be about PvP. If you don't like it, don't play the game. Otherwise, I or someone like me will shave off years of your life due to ragecry/stress, and then no one wins.
Personally, if 100 people rush into a newbie town and just obliterate the people inside, I think that's GOOD for the game. Its drawing a line in the sand by saying "This is what you can expect. Get your ass-bandage ready.".
We will adopt the Ultima Online mentality. Riker's Island. You dont look at anyone, you don't talk smack to anyone, and if you have something someone else wants, you had better have friends with you. Its going to be dog eat dog, Chaotic Evil, massive death, whining to the heavens.
...And eventually...
When the bodies of the newbies gets too high...
We'll turn on each other. Then the red wars begin. I just popped. Ugh. I love this.
the first reply to the op and somehow, it seems to reply to some other random thread, because the quoted doesn't seem to have read the op nor gotten the jist of it.
grats! welcome to the game where the people who couldn't be bothered to read in wow will go.
edit: in the year 2109.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Apparently there is a reason why most companies choose to make mainly PvE games...
If they don't do something to limit ganking/griefing, then populations will drop to SB levels...
This is basic game design 101. If it can happen it will happen.
You can't pin the success (or survival) of a game on 'hope', doubting it will happen, a reliance on 'some' of the players or the player base in general. Players are a**holes. They will find and exploit any whole in the rules or the game in less than a nanosecond if it is to their advantage. Particularly when they get their e-peens out.
This is one of my favorite Developer Quotes on this subject:
Originally Posted by KFS1
"One of the tough things about becoming a game developer is learning how gamers in a game are like atoms in a box. You don't send a vessel up into space a hole in the side of it and say "it's a really tiny hole in an obscure place, the Oxygen in the ship will never find it, so it shouldn't be a problem".
KFS1 is the Lead Programmer for Cornered Rat Software.
I agree with you for the most part, but you just quoted the biggest joke in the MMO business. KFR is the worst person to use in an example of "This is how it is in the MMO business" I can think of. KFR eats, sleeps, and breathes stupidity.
But yeah. Generally speaking, players will give the game the shaft if it gets them over. Like I said, though. I think enough players will want the game to succeed enough to blitz those dedicated to screwing it over at any cost. Could be wrong though. This game seems to have a curse of some kind, so maybe it'll just crash and burn.
the same people who have tried to destroy every MMO for the past decade will be in this MMO trying to destroy it. even moreso because this MMO is decidedly dated at a quick glance, which will make them think it's even easier to break.
how many mmos get shut down by DOS attacks? this one does.
the people at POTBS thought everyone would play the game "how it's supposed to be played"; just like all the other MMOs over this past decade.. and they've all been wrong. but yeah, people will be different in this one.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
If Darkfall geared itself to the PvE genre it'd make no money. It's major selling point is that it's not that kind of game. The PvE crowd will not forgive the subpar graphics of Darkfall when they have so many beautiful looking MMOs they can play instead.
And SB sucked. It had crappy point-and-click movement, which everybody hated as well as a giant memory leak problem. It failed for other reasons. I played the beta and could tell right away it wasn't worth buying.
Since the game is still in NDA agreement I dont understand why people keep posting about it here.
They keep posting here BECAUSE there STILL IS a NDA agreement
Iiii-iiiiiit's.... me!!! *Hooray*
Actually while WAR have factions there are no such things in AoC, just your guild. So WAR doesn't worjk in the comparision but in AoC you can also kill anyone. Now AoC have a "Murder system" but it was implemented in november, and the PvP servers there lost many players because "zerging".
That of course still leaves the hardcore PvP players but the question is if you can keep a game running on them? AoC had a lot more people in the PvE servers at the time and they didn't even had full looting (or that might be good for DF, dunno?).
Maybe you can get 200K HC PvP players but we wont see this until the game is actually released. But don't count to get loads of Wow players coming over. I think the comparision with AoC is at least partly right, AoCs quest based grindy leveling do differs and so does the level of graphics but I don't see this game getting bigger than AoC because it focuses on a small group. First it only caters to PvP players, and only to the truly hardcore ones. And you have to compare that with Mortal online who also will have lots of PvE.
Still the future is impossible to tell, but as I see it DF will at best be a niche game.
Why do people even like PvE in MMOs? Their only purpose is to raise your skill and give you items/money. It's the tedious part of any MMO, the part you'd think everyone would look forward to is the multiPLAYER part where you PvP with/against other PLAYERS.
If you want to fight monsters, go play a console game. The AI will be 100x better and there will be a real plot with nice graphics to look at.
MMOs should cater mainly to PvP, PvE should only be an afterthought to PvP. However, the emotional investment that some people make into their "avatar" is so unreal that these people act like losing their life in an MMO equates to real, human death.... thus the carebearing of MMOs. This attitude is why there aren't any MMOs worth a shit out right now... and the ones that do have good ideas (darkfall) have trouble getting funds.
Once a company with a budget realizes this, we'll have the ultimate game. Until then, we'll settle for darkfall.
hehe actually I think its the other way around.. mmoRPGs should be about PvE first.. If I want to do REAL PvP then I play Unreal tournament or some other game where skill actually matters and its not just about zerging or ganking.
If WoW = The Beatles
and WAR = Led Zeppelin
Then LotrO = Pink Floyd
um, no...what you describe is a FPS game, and there are plenty of those available. A MMO game means brigning many people together in a common environment, but not necessarily against each other, unless of course it can somehow be logically explained. PvP should bear some significance in any game, and not become a casual gankfest everyday activity.
That's where background lore comes into play.
EDIT: poster above was faster
Xmm ... I'm playing MMORPG just for PK / PVP , it's only what have metter , thats why I still playing UO , tryed rly huge amount of game , they **** hardly ... I'm waiting for darkfall just as new uo , with new graphics ... In other games u even can't attack other player from ur faction or race , thats **** hard 2 ... So , playing uo and waiting for Darkfall ... I hope it will be good enought ...
BTW Sry for my english ...
I don't like the fact you cannot attack your own race either...but if you implement such a system in a game, you must make sure that the consequences will act as a counterweight to balance the gank mentality found in frustrated teenagers behind a computer screen.
Shooter in a solo world, no thanks. I like a game with a strong pvp and an even stronger pve world.
You will find that a lack of pve content will get very boring. <<<good luck with that.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Thank you.
Your post is incredibly helpful to MY argument!
This made me laugh though:
"When the bodies of the newbies gets too high...
We'll turn on each other. Then the red wars begin. ..."
The 'funny' thing about '1337 PvPers' is that when they are forced to feed on each other... the game stops being fun. See PotBS.
Yeah, I'll even double post.
You think its a BAD thing to feed on each other? You think that makes the game NOT fun? You're just another carebear. This isnt PotBS. This is Ultima Online Refuge. This is "I'm a sociopath and I hope you die in real life from bone cancer for taking my leather leggings. Now tell me where you live so I can put you down".
This is the bad time.
This is Sparta.
Maybe it stops being fun for you. In that case, let us know when you cancel your sub. I'll crack a beer over it. One less fly on my gore-covered battleground.
More like "This is where I get to pretend I'm big and bad, because in real life I couldn't kick a gnats ass even with its permission.".
Seven scars on my face from my getting my ass kicked in pool halls over the last three years. All of them from three hundred pounders. Sometimes I break someone's head open, sometimes its the other way around. I take my attitude with me wherever I go.
End THAT bit of reality.
and THAT ladies and gentlemen is a pure example of why we as a race should not always be allowed to breed freely... You actually believe this makes you a man right ? a real somebody. Good for you.
If a man can go play pool and end up getting his ass kicked or break someone´s head open, .... well that just kinda says it all doesn´t it.
@ AllTheZios
you should really check that aggression in you with a specialist. Friendly advice. The world does not conspire against you, you shouldn't hate them.
Just woke up. My brain dont think good right now.
Let's see here... Internet spew, internet spew, internet spew..
Ah. To the guy who claims that killing newbies isnt PvP - anything is PvP. Player Versus Player means exactly that. It doesn't have to be fair. Personally, I had more fun at Glow or the Brit GY PvPing five man noto squads with my buddies than I ever did killing Bob The Novice Swordsman at the Glow GY skeletons.
However, before Trammel, if you were a PKer, you had a little extra excitement because Bob The Novice Swordsman thought he was hard. Then you had a six man noto squad instead of a five man. That made it that much more exciting. Point being that when they made Trammel, they essentially said "Heres a safe place to get 7x." That wasn't how the game was designed. It was designed with a risk factor involved. If you want to GM at the Lich pits, you risk getting killed by the Mad Bomber. If you want to raise taming on goats around Glow, you risk Ajax or Ben Dover taking you down for no reason other than to amuse yourself. Maybe killer would steal everything you had and house-hide like the griefing thief he was. Maybe Toxic would hit you once with a DPed Kryss and walk away because you arent worth the time. Missy would try to kill you with a dagger just for laughs. Trammel removed that randomness from Ultima, and that helped kill the game.
But yeah, it was tons of fun PvPing people who had more than 20 Magic Resist and didnt die with one combo. Hell, a single Poison spell was a 50/50 chance that the little newb was going to see gray soon.
To the other posts that had little to do with the OP, posted as a result of my mouth - yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. I'm rage, I'm a liar, I'm this, I'm that, blah blah blah. Whatever.