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I am wondering if you guys think these landscapes are good enough for a MMO? I am not talking about UI and avatar I am talking about just the terrain and skyboxes
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
hey, I'm taking it you made this? if so what engine and tools did you use?
PM me if you can
Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity
PM sent!
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
could you also PM me the engine and tools you used?
PC Specs:
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 2.6GH
DDR2 Ram: 2G
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT 512MB
Here are some screenshots of my new skybox I made this morning. Got it finished loaded it into the game and saw the textures don't line up so you can see the edges of the skybox. Then I remembered I had forgotten to do one important thing before rendering the 5 images for it. So all that time has been wasted. took 15 minutes to render each image. Oh well its only my 2nd skybox that I have made. and the first one I was following step by step along with a tutorial.
Some new images
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
Please comment on my newest 4 images that I added!
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
Good enough for me, but I'm not a stickler about graphics.
That actually is quite good, well done.
That is a little above average for F2P MMORPGs. Normally I wouldn't say they would be good enough for a P2P high budget MMO, but in all honesty these days, that would probably slip right on in.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Thanks every one who replyed. I have yet to work on any of the advanced Texture techniques so the graphics should improve the further along in development we get.
For those interested in what technology I am using heres the list:
MMO Engine - Multiverse
Terrain editor - L3DT Standard Edition (Free)
SkyBox Textures - TerraGen (Free edition)
Paint Program - PhotoShop
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
Trying out my new Night time SkyBox:
Wild Life:
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
the new screenshots look very impressive especially the wolves, considering you just did this yourself i would just like to say well done. Im not one to refuse a game on graphics because im a big fan of 2D and isometric games but what you have produced here is considerably better than many F2P MMOs and much better than runescape which is one of the biggest F2P games out there
Rise of Heroes will not be F2P. I have not thought about what type of subscription model I will be using but I will say that it won't cost no $15 per month to play either. Running a MMO takes alot of time and money and if I want to do this full time then I am going to need some way of providing for my self and keeping the game running. I could accept donations and offer some kind of in game reward for donating but thats really not a stable source of income. Then again running a MMO really isn't a stable source of income either but I can keep track and know some what how much I am going to make in a month if theres some kind of subscription based system in place. Currently I am thinking of having the monthly price some where between $5 and $10 depending on the final quality of the game. So lets say the server is $500 per month which you can get them for cheaper but at $500 per month and a $5 monthly subscription I would need 100 subscribers to have the game pay for its self. Then any amount over 100 subscribers would be extra that I could put toward funding the countinued development of the game and development of other games.
I am also looking for people who would be interested in helping out with the development of rise of heroes. I am mainly looking for concept artist and a 3d modeler who can work with the concept artist to start creating some of the game assets.
Here are some new screenshots of some more work I have been doing.
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
I like what I see. Keep it up. I hope it all works out for you because I notice improvements as you continue to feed us screen shots.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Looking good, any way to add more hight to the grass?
The trees look good.
You're going to give darkfall some competition.
Here are my first test and attempts at indoor areas. There not good but mainly just for testing lighting and scale
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
good but on the last two photos the water is too bright and azure blure should be more of a dark bluey green colour
Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity
These graphics are as good as Darkfall, so if you make a good game they should be fine.
We have 2 designs for the Main Enemy the Hell's Demons Let us know which you like better!
and here is the gate way to Hell!
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
I like it. Especially the concept on the first hell demon.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
That's very good. Gimme more. I think I want to see some more drawings of the first demon... the lanky one.
Good luck.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Not another drawing but here is the untextured 3d model of the Hell's Demon
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
this is GREAT.
I would rather be playing a game that looked like that than WoW, or 2 moons.
What I love is the clarity of each screen, its very rare ingames nowdays and already makes this game stand out (at least in my mind) leagues above other major publishers of free to play games such as two moonns. And I really mean that this is agreat job. meh considering I already payed $15.00 a month for WoWs "quickand easy" pre 3.0 graphics I would pay for these landscape images.
To be honest I like your desert alot more than the snow/grass mainly since grass looks a little choppy but then again, creating something almost 2d in real life in a game and having it look 3d at diff angles isn't easy, so still nice job on the snow screens also.
Please don't try to get over complicated on npc models, keep it within your own boundries and then you will shine through in your work.
Oh I also love the mountain/distance texture fading, much better on my proccessor and keeps some level of immersion without unimportant details.
Well We are no longer using Multiverse. We will be creating our own server and client using the Jmonkey engine and Project Darkstar. I have done some environment testing and things are looking much better then they did using Multiverse.
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
The clouds look very, very nice. Other than that, I think it looks just fine and would have no problem with playing a game with graphics quite a bit worse than that if I liked the game mechanics, but no one will confuse it with a big budget AAA game where half the point of the game is the fancy graphics. Some of the hills look almost exactly like A Tale in the Desert.
All the graphics in this thread accept the last 4 are done with our old engine Multiverse which we are no longer using so they no longer apply. The last 4 images are with our new engine Jmonkey which has much better graphics!
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
I really like the first of the four last Images if those are your choices of water pick the first one in my opinion it looks a little more real but any of them will be fine hope this game is a great success. But are you doing this on your own? And what kind of game is this going to be open like Darkfall with boats and all that or more basic like wow?
<WoW GM> so why are leaving WoW.
<Me> WoW sucks
<WoW GM> Are leaving for a differant game if so what is it.
<Me>yes I am and its...........................