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I mean, look on the Darkfall forums.
Community is everything in an MMO, and people complain about the Runescape and WoW communities being immature, from mere guilds like Goon Squad killing their own faction members, or at least aiding in killing them.
As far as I can tell, almost all the people waiting on Darkfall are Goon Squad wannabes, a bunch of vicious, idiotic bastards, arguing over scraps of information, and beating down newbies at every chance. I mean, they argue on when they CREATED THEIR ACCOUNTS.
Do you really want to play a game where there will be no way to leave the starting zones because a bunch of idiots who want to be Dreadlords are sitting outside? I don't. Especially if it's them and their fifty man army, getting ready to teabag anyone who comes into their grasp.
Really, look at the forums, the idea of a pre-Renaissance UO is nice, but it will never come to be, simply due to the huge amount of shitheads that've started coming into MMOs with the rest of the unwashed masses.
Your thread title is a bit over the top. To answer your main concern though, the world is supposed to be huge, so if you can escape from the town you have a reasonable chance, but that is an assumption only.
If the game exist and is complete and fun to play yeah, you have a point in the matter. Community in darkfall can make it the best game "eva" or the worst game "eva". Thats suposing the game is finished, working nicely and fun.
Although a bit extreme, I would agree with your overall observation of the DF community. They are some of the most hateful people I have ever come across in a gaming community. I realise they have to have a thick skin because of the flaming, but its their whole militant, elitist attitude I can't stand. Especially for a game that hasn't even released. I'm going to give DF a try, but if the forum community is a true reflection of what it's going to be like in game ... well then they can all fester together and leave the other games free from their kind.
Pre-launch community isn't the same as the community will be 6 months after release, we can only guess how the true DF community will be.
Dooming a game because some trolls like it before launch is not right. I am myself rather sceptical about the game but it is very possible that all the fanbois who troll other forums and are rude will tire after a few weeks and leave, just as many of them did with WAR and AoC (check their history).
Besides you will not notice the nice guys looking forward to the game, one moron shines out more than 20 nice people.
Yer i agree.
Lets face it there are alot of idiots in life, i just hope theirs not gonner be to many playing DF.
I don't no about you guy's but i'm thinking the best way to get enjoyment will be to join a Clan, i think soloing will be hard going.
It's hard to say what the DF community will be like. I think many of the fanboiis trolling all the other forums, and replying to every post with that game sucks, DF will rule, over and over, can't really afford to play a P2P game, or get permission from their parents for a P2P game.
Yep... As I've said for a while... The DF community is looking more and more like Shadowbane 2.0.
I think people (not all, but many in my experience) tend to undervalue - or at least underestimate - the effect a game's community has on its overall popularity.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Normally I would agree here. But as there is no marketing. No box distribution. Nothing like WoW, LOTRO, EverQuest 2, WAR and AoC did....
...then what you see on the DF forums right now is pretty much 1 on 1 reflection of what you going to see in the game.
With other MMO releases the servers were flooded due to huge box sales and marketing. So these asshats were outnumbered from Day 1 and could be dealed with.
But as DF is wanting to start small, these asshats will be in the majority and full control.
Good luck with that!
Yes it is, they set the tone for now, and ever.
Developers create the pre-release community tone, pre-release community sets the tone for the launch community.
It’s a one way street.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
No. Past experience shows that 6 months after release the Pre-Launch community will have driven away anyone who joins at launch, with both their in game and out of game behaviour. "Go back to WoW, Noob / Carebear!"
They will have done that in the first 1-3 months.
Then in the next 3 months (post release 4-6 months) they will have got bored and / or turned on each other and the Devs.
6 months after realease only a handfull of dedicated real fans (not Fanbois) will be left as gardians over a 'niche game'
Nothing says irony like spelling ideot wrong.
Yes, a lot of the people on the forums are like this. Not everyone playing the game will be like this... but the best part:
I'm in.
TBH I have stopped listening to all the people moaing and whinning about this game as I have 2 RL friends in beta atm and while they have comfirmed there are a few issues with the chat and a few other parts of the game they are having a blast and that's good enough for me.
While it is not the perfect product and will change much before retail as it has been doing daily due to the large ammount of patching that is going on and the fact that many of the testers agree that Tasos is not the best person to be premoting this game due to his lack of communications as his skills are in other areas, I am now quite looking forward to seeing this based on my friends feed-back.
I have played MMO's with these guys for years and if they reakon they are playing it on release then that's good enough for me, so weather or not there are many forum idiots dissing this game then so be it but as long as my friends are planning on joining this world it seems we will be there together.
The thing is we are all adult enough to make our own decisions as to weather we will invest in this game or not, only time will tell if it's a success or not, in three months time once it's had it's baptism of fire it will either continue or die simple as that.
This too.
And for those who think I am changing my mind - re-read both posts - they actually agree with each other.
MMORPG communities are created per-launch and community behaviour pre-launch sets the tone for in game behaviour.
Nothing says irony like spelling ideot wrong.
What this game need it a young status like we had in UO, so you can't be attacked for your first 50 hours in-game.
Obviously the OP is more concerned about his forum trolling than he is about the game.
Other than players killing you, what else are they going to do in game? Post things you don't like?
yeah, the community will kill and loot you and that's obviously your biggest problem because you really don't need to deal with them in forum posts to play the game. Luckily, there are alot of choices out there for you where you won't have to worry about being abused by some other player's pixels.
No. Past experience shows that 6 months after release the Pre-Launch community will have driven away anyone who joins at launch, with both their in game and out of game behaviour. "Go back to WoW, Noob / Carebear!"
They will have done that in the first 1-3 months.
Then in the next 3 months (post release 4-6 months) they will have got bored and / or turned on each other and the Devs.
6 months after realease only a handfull of dedicated real fans (not Fanbois) will be left as gardians over a 'niche game'
The game looks like it will have same PVP mechanics as UO and a world 10 times larger then UO, I suspect players will do what they did in UO, walk around with cheap armor or no armor. But since the world is larger then there will probably be less gankers per square mile and that means it would be easier to escape.
Once in UO I was chased by one ganker with his army of 30 pets, "Follow A Follow B Follow C.........." I just ran away and escaped. Can't do that with Everquest/WOW clones. Can't do that in Eve Online.
you would be surprised how much the gameplay mechanics change how people act
If you think the DF community is any worse than the elitest garbage you get from an uber pve guild in WoW or a WAR guild etc....well you are just fishing for reasons to bash DF.
It is online gaming....the DF community is no worse or better than any other game...and you also cant judge what the community will be based on the VERY low % of the community who is on pre release forums, nevermind the ones who post regularily.
Darkfall Releases on: February 25th, 2009
Darkfall Recap of everything that has happened the last 3 months:
"The monsters are tough. I was looking for a challenge, but these things are just too damn smart." -DF Beta Tester
"If people were dismissing it, then they wouldn't be talking about it. The well-meaning gamers root for efforts that try to raise the bar. So who's left? It's so easy being a skeptic." -Tasos
You've not been playing MMOs for long, have you?
Thread loses on the basis that no MMORPG ever has had a perfect release with all promised features. And none will likely launch like that during our lifetime.
You didn't read further than the title, did you?'
Sounds like someones butthurt.
How eloquent and witty you are.
It will be a succes for hardcore rest will leave prolly becouse its to hard.
We only will have local chat so trash talk is to minumum most hardcore will communicate through vent and disable chat so np there.
Dont think most will have problem with been camped near starter towns, but you will understand when you have played it.
All ex themepark will have alot of problems yes but it was never a game for these kind of players anyway so np there:)
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
I love the Forumfall community. Our OT isn't filled with shit like: "wats yur fave anime" or "wat was your first crush xDDD."
Its nice to have a community that has the balls to hotly debate and troll each other without getting butthurt over it. Its just that recently, with all the newcomers posting questions like: "we needs pets in DF' get instantly smashed by long term users. And then the OP will proceed to whine about it in further threads about how "elitist" everyone is. Like elitism is a problem.
Darkfall isn't sunday school, the community fits the realistic PvP environment the game will represent almost perfectly. Man up.
This is fanboy-ism, you're not looking at this objectively, but instead applying an emotional stance to a game that has not yet even been released. Rationalise it. I'm not complaining about it being "hardcore", I'm complaining about the huge amount of arseholes playing the game, the kind of people who will just gank "for the lulz", and then after being killed by that's persons friends, call in all their friends to gank some other lowbies and complain on the forums about it.
I love the Forumfall community. Our OT isn't filled with shit like: "wats yur fave anime" or "wat was your first crush xDDD."
Its nice to have a community that has the balls to hotly debate and troll each other without getting butthurt over it. Its just that recently, with all the newcomers posting questions like: "we needs pets in DF' get instantly smashed by long term users. And then the OP will proceed to whine about it in further threads about how "elitist" everyone is. Like elitism is a problem.
Darkfall isn't sunday school, the community fits the realistic PvP environment the game will represent almost perfectly. Man up.
Bloody hell, your post has so much crap in it.
First off, elitism IS a problem, especially if they try to crush newbies, and force them out of wanting to play the game, especially whilst still on the forums. It just means you're slowly killing the game yourselves, instead of even allowing Aventure to do it. It's not the newcomer's fault if Aventurine lied about what features would be in the game UP TO A WEEK BEFORE RELEASE, and then the newcomer finds out, decides "well, that isn't right" and then complains about it.
It does not have a realistic environment (which is what you ultimately get, if you have a "realistic PvP environment"). Just look at it, there're no player run shops, commodity prices, anything like that! If you want realistic environment ideas, just look at the two blog posts of mine, which are more focused on making a living, breathing world, for players to live in, than to allow them to go smack someone down and then teabag them, whilst /lol'ing.
The "community" is immature, unable to retain new members and filled with trolls who get trolled by trolls. When the game is released, you will quickly see many of these people leave, as even THEY realise how horrible the "community" is. They will also be the first to be crying about it on the forums, and you know why? Because forums bullshit does not equate to in game reality.
im a nice guy actully