I will sum on O'Reilly how they said it best about Obama, "He speaks so generally you can fit what you want/desire into what he is saying." No offense but that sounds like a Dark Messiah instead of one of light. That's definitely a road of destruction orchestrated by a human being.
Originally posted by Scalebane
Meh people make mistakes, hard to trust anyone is telling the truth anymore, i think he is finally learning that. Besides the only people i see calling him the "one" or the "savior" of all is the people that hate/dislike him and have their secret fetish for anything Obama...because if you go on and on about him this much you must be following every little thing he does...kinda like a stalker.
Nice try sparky err scaly one. This thread is about practicing what you preach. So before you try to start setting a standard you better well be following it yourself. You won't have credibility and will be ignored otherwise.
I can't stand Obama and frankly turn to another channel myself. Ever since Reverend Wright I knew what was entering the executive branch.
While this man has a point, it's not very sharp. We have all come to know that politics equates the worst people running best of us.
The bigger question is why the media is not blowing this way out of proportion and trying to crucify these people. But of course the answer is that they are democrats. There are different rules for us and them. Different rules for Democrats and Republicans. We are so screwed and it's our own fault. Political correctness, lack of corporal punishment, lack of manners, the gimmie now revolution, it's not my fault, there are so many reason why everything is going downhill.
Ask "How are you doing?" to 10 or more people today and count how many look at you funny, don't answer the question or just mumble something. We are falling apart, the poor know it but can do nothing, and the rich just don't care.
And while your point is sharp and keen, it's just one point to a two faced sword.
The left always scream " RIGHT WING MEDIA".
and the right?
They scream "LEFT WING MEDIA".
The reasons they are not being "Crucified" is simple. It's not that big of a deal. Hell I evade some taxes, so do you I am sure, I am absolutely sure not one of us on these damned boards pays all tax laws or finds a way out of them.
Actually, I don't evade taxes. If I can find a legal way to not pay in, I will. But that is the law of the land and fine with me. Of course it's a big deal when politicians try to cheat. They are the ones creating the laws and directing this country. It's not a big deal? That's like saying it's alright if the AA leader has a few beers before class. If they are willing to cheat why should we trust them? It's not like this was his first time anyways. They caught him doing it 4-5 years ago and he did the same thing again.
I.E. If you live in CA and buy a car in Oregon, you are a tax dodger. Is it wrong? Nope not really, but it's dodging your local taxes .
And really how bad were the tax dodging? Compared to the cluster fuck that was the Bush Administration (Which I still say he did alright for being what he was. Hell technically we are safer, just a WHOLE LOT less free...as if we ever were anyhow).
It's never a question of how bad, it's was it bad. They did wrong end of story. You want to turn it to a shade of gray? I can shoot your dog and explain why it's not that bad. But I bet you'll just be mad that I shoot your dog.
Tax dodging is the basis of the american life. It's our ROOT cause for not being colonies anymore.
It's why we prefer coffee over tea, it's why we do not need endure british foods.
It's why we are american. What the hell do you expect? It's as american as the welfare system that is abused. Go to the county office and ask yourself what your tax dollars are doing, you know after that one lady dumps 50 of her kids off for a physical .
I'm fairly certain that our founding fathers had a problem with increased taxes on the American colonies to provide income for the Brits to fund their squabbles they were having at the time. We didn't consent or have a chance to present our side and so we said no. We were not dodging the taxes. We paid the other taxes that were asked of the colonies for a long time. The founding fathers didn't want to pay a tax on a product that was sponsored by the Brits. They favored the Britain tea and tea from the East india trading company. Surprise surprise, another case of lobbyists screwing the public.
I like tea from China myself over coffee since I bought from the source.
Drudge and the rest of the "right crew" have been on this from the moment it hit the presses.
Radio stations, they help give you choice.
CLEAR CHANNEL is a good example.
I listen to the radio for news. I also use the net. Very rarly do I ever get my news from TV. But it's all biased. TV media for the most part is left wing, while radio is right wing. It's also been shown that left wing radio is a flop every time. Which also makes you wonder...If we listen to people we have to think to know truth but if we see them speak then we don't have to think and just believe what they say.
Anyhow no side controls the media, the media are like bacteria they feed on anything.
Good media that makes money chooses no sides, it's what the people want to hear.
It's the people, WHY do you think they have so many POLLS on Fox/MSNBC/What-the-hell-ever?
It's so they can guage what YOU want to hear.
Ha, polls are worthless. It depends on what question you ask in what manner, what tone did you take when asking the question and all sorts of variables that make any poll worthless.
Some of you people act like this is a Good Vrs Evil type of thing.
It's one thing to be passionate, it's another to be a Zealot.
Which in my opinion is far more dangerous than a anti american suicide bomber rally.
*Obama has manned up three times thus far as well, he is the FIRST political figure I have ever heard/saw say "Sorry I screwed up" I'm not a liberal but I respect a man like that and am glad I voted for someone who can actually say he screwed up, where in the bush admin did you ever see or hear a sorry?
And finally, Obama manned up? He manned up? He wans't a man before? I don't wnat the president of the United States saying I'm sorry. I want the president to spend time and make rational fully educated decisions instead of picking straws and saying sorry when he's wrong.
They knew these people had tax problems, if they didn't their f'ing morons, and went with it anyways. Just trying to push them through hoping no one would notice. But hey, in this day and age if your wrong on any level you can just say your sorry and it will all be better.
You don' t expect more our of your leaders or you just happy that he "manned up"?
And lastly, may I forever be flamed, it is Good vs. Evil. There are people out there trying to screw us and there are people trying to do good. This whole world runs on religion and good vs. evil. People just don't like to think about that stuff since they have to think past themselves.
When a piscating wizard floods every thread I can understand why people leave.
Originally posted by Draenor Ps. Dekron is not looking to become secretary of treasury.
Nope. I'm not corrupt enough for this administration.
All american administrations have been corrupt.
Says the man from Germany.
Sieg Heil, mein Führer!
Don't forget, East vs West my friend. The RAF helped fix majority of our corruption years ago. The problem is USA has become a mega capitalistic society and it seems only those who have money behind them from power mongrels seem to be able to stand a chance at getting into office, which more often than not ends up being idiots. I'm not against Obama, matter of fact I respect the man, he is probably up there in terms with Bill Clinton with actually having a brain and being able to speak and think to himself, unlike many past presidents. But it's not the president alone that makes a change it's his staff, and I agree that so far, it's not looking promising but we shall see what he has to offer.
The media doesn't kidnap people and force them to watch days of the same message until it's emblazened into their minds.
Stop blaming the media for brainwashing others into thinking something simply because you don't agree with that person's point of view and can't think of a better argument. People are smart, they make their own opinions.
JUST little info -many in politics pay little to no tax!--as well as the have what is called the congressional bank!--few years ago it had some reporting on how sitting member of congress,senate and then white house staffer's were able to write checks -even "rubber"checks for large ammounts and they were covered by taxpayer dollars.-with expectation of "pay back" sometime down the road! the news on the questionable and obvious privilage that we as americans r paying for,many without our consent or knowledge was quickly "shut-up". i would b grateful for further info, and a chance to see some sort of accounting on that bank! and to see how much of our tax dollars has "bailed" that bank out!-it is only for member of congress and white house, and not available to everyday american citizens!
The media doesn't kidnap people and force them to watch days of the same message until it's emblazened into their minds.
Stop blaming the media for brainwashing others into thinking something simply because you don't agree with that person's point of view and can't think of a better argument. People are smart, they make their own opinions.
I don't remember anyone here stating everyday common citizens were forced via propaganda.
If you don't see a media that is bankrupt because they won't ask hard questions as a characteristic of a one party ruling board style then that's unfortunate. To me it reeks the beginnings of dictatorship or Communism. I'd hate to see that happen to a Republic with ideas and principles of Democracy in its roots.
JUST little info -many in politics pay little to no tax!--as well as the have what is called the congressional bank!--few years ago it had some reporting on how sitting member of congress,senate and then white house staffer's were able to write checks -even "rubber"checks for large ammounts and they were covered by taxpayer dollars.-with expectation of "pay back" sometime down the road! the news on the questionable and obvious privilage that we as americans r paying for,many without our consent or knowledge was quickly "shut-up". i would b grateful for further info, and a chance to see some sort of accounting on that bank! and to see how much of our tax dollars has "bailed" that bank out!-it is only for member of congress and white house, and not available to everyday american citizens!
I'd like to say I'm surprised but unfortunately I'm not. They have their own subway system with gold trimmed trains, have their own neighborhoods, and don't even go to the same prison as common citizens.
Goverment will never truly work for citizens as long as that goverment is living in a country within a country.
Originally posted by NeokiNaomi Don't forget, East vs West my friend.
You quite missed the point. Generalizations are bad.
What point did I miss?
Stating all US administrations are corrupt is akin to stating all Germans are Nazis.
If your going to generalize it like that (Which by the way, what does Nazi's have to do with the American corruption?) I'll just state that every American is a Tea barrel tossing traitor to the English that steals indian lands. And I like Obama, he seems to be one of the first to actually seem to want to heh... 'change' things around, including the corruption which if you live there, you should be well aware of.
And yes my country has had its moments as well, but don't forget that we had the RAF dissolve all of that corruption about 20 years ago. Anyways, maybe I should have said "Most American administrations have been corrupt" is that better?
I don't really see the big deal really as I'm pretty sure that most politicians with some form of power use it to their advantage to get away from paying taxes and other things. I'm pretty sure most of YOU people in here would do the same if you could.
So the REAL important question is, will the chosen people do a good job or not?
Originally posted by NeokiNaomi And I like Obama, he seems to be one of the first to actually seem to want to heh... 'change' things around, including the corruption which if you live there, you should be well aware of.
Yes, he is fighting corruption, isn't he? I must have missed that one when reviewing his appointments. His administration is already showing to be one of the most corrupt ever in my life time. He promised change, and he delivered. He did not provide details on the change - that it would be one for the worse.
(Which by the way, what does Nazi's have to do with the American corruption?)
I live in the US - you state all of our leaders are corrupted. A very broad generalization.
You live in Germany. I was simply showing a point regarding broad generalizations.
Originally posted by NeokiNaomi And I like Obama, he seems to be one of the first to actually seem to want to heh... 'change' things around, including the corruption which if you live there, you should be well aware of.
Yes, he is fighting corruption, isn't he? I must have missed that one when reviewing his appointments. His administration is already showing to be one of the most corrupt ever in my life time. He promised change, and he delivered. He did not provide details on the change - that it would be one for the worse.
(Which by the way, what does Nazi's have to do with the American corruption?)
I live in the US - you state all of our leaders are corrupted. A very broad generalization.
You live in Germany. I was simply showing a point regarding broad generalizations.
the major problem doesn't seem to be he isn't trying its just the fact that the junior senator doesn't have the experience.
Most important he has the Naivete to believe that people in his own party who speak with good intentions, and seem to have good intentions always do.
Both parties have problems he can't seem to even see the log in his parties eye because he's too busy looking at the one in the republican parties eye
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Originally posted by NeokiNaomi And I like Obama, he seems to be one of the first to actually seem to want to heh... 'change' things around, including the corruption which if you live there, you should be well aware of.
Yes, he is fighting corruption, isn't he? I must have missed that one when reviewing his appointments. His administration is already showing to be one of the most corrupt ever in my life time. He promised change, and he delivered. He did not provide details on the change - that it would be one for the worse.
(Which by the way, what does Nazi's have to do with the American corruption?)
I live in the US - you state all of our leaders are corrupted. A very broad generalization.
You live in Germany. I was simply showing a point regarding broad generalizations.
the major problem doesn't seem to be he isn't trying its just the fact that the junior senator doesn't have the experience.
Most important he has the Naivete to believe that people in his own party who speak with good intentions, and seem to have good intentions always do.
Both parties have problems he can't seem to even see the log in his parties eye because he's too busy looking at the one in the republican parties eye
I've been hoping back and forth between both countries lately, and the amount of European attention Obama has been drawing, which nobody over there seems to know what to think of him, is just astonishing. I like him, He's got a brain, and he uses it well instead of making himself become scripted which is something I respect. We do have to remember the wonderful (cough) former president did not leave a beautiful standpoint for Obama to start in. hell the country is on the verge of a depression and most people are only worried about a few of his faults.
Every person has the right to know of the people they elected, but I think he needs to be left alone from the politicians and they need to get their act straight and get the USA fixed up, before another tragic event screws things up even worse. Which the closing of the terrorist prison is either asking for redemption or for a greater assault against the country.
Originally posted by NeokiNaomi And I like Obama, he seems to be one of the first to actually seem to want to heh... 'change' things around, including the corruption which if you live there, you should be well aware of.
Yes, he is fighting corruption, isn't he? I must have missed that one when reviewing his appointments. His administration is already showing to be one of the most corrupt ever in my life time. He promised change, and he delivered. He did not provide details on the change - that it would be one for the worse.
(Which by the way, what does Nazi's have to do with the American corruption?)
I live in the US - you state all of our leaders are corrupted. A very broad generalization.
You live in Germany. I was simply showing a point regarding broad generalizations.
the major problem doesn't seem to be he isn't trying its just the fact that the junior senator doesn't have the experience.
Most important he has the Naivete to believe that people in his own party who speak with good intentions, and seem to have good intentions always do.
Both parties have problems he can't seem to even see the log in his parties eye because he's too busy looking at the one in the republican parties eye
I've been hoping back and forth between both countries lately, and the amount of European attention Obama has been drawing, which nobody over there seems to know what to think of him, is just astonishing. I like him, He's got a brain, and he uses it well instead of making himself become scripted which is something I respect. We do have to remember the wonderful (cough) former president did not leave a beautiful standpoint for Obama to start in. hell the country is on the verge of a depression and most people are only worried about a few of his faults.
Every person has the right to know of the people they elected, but I think he needs to be left alone from the politicians and they need to get their act straight and get the USA fixed up, before another tragic event screws things up even worse. Which the closing of the terrorist prison is either asking for redemption or for a greater assault against the country.
first off I have never said Obama is a bad guy or that he is corrupt or the scuge of the earth or some drastic stuff like some people say.
But anyone too inexperienced or lazy to do homework on the people is he is putting in some of the highest offices in the country should take a lot more crap for it then he did.
Its like not doing background checks on law enforcement and letting bangers, mobsters, conmen, prostitutes etc become law enforcement.
Now here is a really good point too.
Lets make a brief comparison of What happens when two different countries are in economic hard times.
Lets say Germany and the United States.
In the great depression of the 20's and 30's we Elect FDR, germany ELECTS hitler then AFTER he's elected with slogans like "death to jews" and such he takes over the country acts on it and very predictible becomes a tyrant. FDR starts our welfare programs, starts work on a lot of good public work projects, Allbeit he blemishes himself with the japanese internment camps but however their were reasons that i don't agree with but there are reasons.
Now before someone says "but hitler was a tyrant it isn't our fault"
so yes congratulations it was germany's fault.
So when we are in an economic crysis we take a similar action this time, we set a precedent elect a minority president with liberal policies who happens to be inexperienced. So if we didn't call him out on something as simple and easy as not doing your homework on your appointments to the most powerful offices in the country Would we be responsible citizens???????
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
I will sum on O'Reilly how they said it best about Obama, "He speaks so generally you can fit what you want/desire into what he is saying." No offense but that sounds like a Dark Messiah instead of one of light. That's definitely a road of destruction orchestrated by a human being.
Nice try sparky err scaly one. This thread is about practicing what you preach. So before you try to start setting a standard you better well be following it yourself. You won't have credibility and will be ignored otherwise.
I can't stand Obama and frankly turn to another channel myself. Ever since Reverend Wright I knew what was entering the executive branch.
AC2 Player RIP Final Death Jan 31st 2017
Refugee of Auberean
Refugee of Dereth
While this man has a point, it's not very sharp. We have all come to know that politics equates the worst people running best of us.
The bigger question is why the media is not blowing this way out of proportion and trying to crucify these people. But of course the answer is that they are democrats. There are different rules for us and them. Different rules for Democrats and Republicans. We are so screwed and it's our own fault. Political correctness, lack of corporal punishment, lack of manners, the gimmie now revolution, it's not my fault, there are so many reason why everything is going downhill.
Ask "How are you doing?" to 10 or more people today and count how many look at you funny, don't answer the question or just mumble something. We are falling apart, the poor know it but can do nothing, and the rich just don't care.
And while your point is sharp and keen, it's just one point to a two faced sword.
The left always scream " RIGHT WING MEDIA".
and the right?
They scream "LEFT WING MEDIA".
The reasons they are not being "Crucified" is simple. It's not that big of a deal. Hell I evade some taxes, so do you I am sure, I am absolutely sure not one of us on these damned boards pays all tax laws or finds a way out of them.
Actually, I don't evade taxes. If I can find a legal way to not pay in, I will. But that is the law of the land and fine with me. Of course it's a big deal when politicians try to cheat. They are the ones creating the laws and directing this country. It's not a big deal? That's like saying it's alright if the AA leader has a few beers before class. If they are willing to cheat why should we trust them? It's not like this was his first time anyways. They caught him doing it 4-5 years ago and he did the same thing again.
I.E. If you live in CA and buy a car in Oregon, you are a tax dodger. Is it wrong? Nope not really, but it's dodging your local taxes .
And really how bad were the tax dodging? Compared to the cluster fuck that was the Bush Administration (Which I still say he did alright for being what he was. Hell technically we are safer, just a WHOLE LOT less free...as if we ever were anyhow).
It's never a question of how bad, it's was it bad. They did wrong end of story. You want to turn it to a shade of gray? I can shoot your dog and explain why it's not that bad. But I bet you'll just be mad that I shoot your dog.
Tax dodging is the basis of the american life. It's our ROOT cause for not being colonies anymore.
It's why we prefer coffee over tea, it's why we do not need endure british foods.
It's why we are american. What the hell do you expect? It's as american as the welfare system that is abused. Go to the county office and ask yourself what your tax dollars are doing, you know after that one lady dumps 50 of her kids off for a physical .
I'm fairly certain that our founding fathers had a problem with increased taxes on the American colonies to provide income for the Brits to fund their squabbles they were having at the time. We didn't consent or have a chance to present our side and so we said no. We were not dodging the taxes. We paid the other taxes that were asked of the colonies for a long time. The founding fathers didn't want to pay a tax on a product that was sponsored by the Brits. They favored the Britain tea and tea from the East india trading company. Surprise surprise, another case of lobbyists screwing the public.
I like tea from China myself over coffee since I bought from the source.
Drudge and the rest of the "right crew" have been on this from the moment it hit the presses.
Radio stations, they help give you choice.
CLEAR CHANNEL is a good example.
I listen to the radio for news. I also use the net. Very rarly do I ever get my news from TV. But it's all biased. TV media for the most part is left wing, while radio is right wing. It's also been shown that left wing radio is a flop every time. Which also makes you wonder...If we listen to people we have to think to know truth but if we see them speak then we don't have to think and just believe what they say.
Anyhow no side controls the media, the media are like bacteria they feed on anything.
Good media that makes money chooses no sides, it's what the people want to hear.
It's the people, WHY do you think they have so many POLLS on Fox/MSNBC/What-the-hell-ever?
It's so they can guage what YOU want to hear.
Ha, polls are worthless. It depends on what question you ask in what manner, what tone did you take when asking the question and all sorts of variables that make any poll worthless.
Some of you people act like this is a Good Vrs Evil type of thing.
It's one thing to be passionate, it's another to be a Zealot.
Which in my opinion is far more dangerous than a anti american suicide bomber rally.
*Obama has manned up three times thus far as well, he is the FIRST political figure I have ever heard/saw say "Sorry I screwed up" I'm not a liberal but I respect a man like that and am glad I voted for someone who can actually say he screwed up, where in the bush admin did you ever see or hear a sorry?
And finally, Obama manned up? He manned up? He wans't a man before? I don't wnat the president of the United States saying I'm sorry. I want the president to spend time and make rational fully educated decisions instead of picking straws and saying sorry when he's wrong.
They knew these people had tax problems, if they didn't their f'ing morons, and went with it anyways. Just trying to push them through hoping no one would notice. But hey, in this day and age if your wrong on any level you can just say your sorry and it will all be better.
You don' t expect more our of your leaders or you just happy that he "manned up"?
And lastly, may I forever be flamed, it is Good vs. Evil. There are people out there trying to screw us and there are people trying to do good. This whole world runs on religion and good vs. evil. People just don't like to think about that stuff since they have to think past themselves.
When a piscating wizard floods every thread I can understand why people leave.
Nope. I'm not corrupt enough for this administration.
All american administrations have been corrupt.
Says the man from Germany.
Sieg Heil, mein Führer!
Don't forget, East vs West my friend. The RAF helped fix majority of our corruption years ago. The problem is USA has become a mega capitalistic society and it seems only those who have money behind them from power mongrels seem to be able to stand a chance at getting into office, which more often than not ends up being idiots. I'm not against Obama, matter of fact I respect the man, he is probably up there in terms with Bill Clinton with actually having a brain and being able to speak and think to himself, unlike many past presidents. But it's not the president alone that makes a change it's his staff, and I agree that so far, it's not looking promising but we shall see what he has to offer.
TwitchTV: iNeoki
The media doesn't kidnap people and force them to watch days of the same message until it's emblazened into their minds.
Stop blaming the media for brainwashing others into thinking something simply because you don't agree with that person's point of view and can't think of a better argument. People are smart, they make their own opinions.
The Official God FAQ
You quite missed the point. Generalizations are bad.
You quite missed the point. Generalizations are bad.
What point did I miss? Are you not saying all Germans follow that salutation? Educate me please.
TwitchTV: iNeoki
JUST little info -many in politics pay little to no tax!--as well as the have what is called the congressional bank!--few years ago it had some reporting on how sitting member of congress,senate and then white house staffer's were able to write checks -even "rubber"checks for large ammounts and they were covered by taxpayer dollars.-with expectation of "pay back" sometime down the road! the news on the questionable and obvious privilage that we as americans r paying for,many without our consent or knowledge was quickly "shut-up". i would b grateful for further info, and a chance to see some sort of accounting on that bank! and to see how much of our tax dollars has "bailed" that bank out!-it is only for member of congress and white house, and not available to everyday american citizens!
You quite missed the point. Generalizations are bad.
What point did I miss?
Stating all US administrations are corrupt is akin to stating all Germans are Nazis.
Obama won. Get over it. Most people think he is 'da man'.
You lose.
I don't remember anyone here stating everyday common citizens were forced via propaganda.
If you don't see a media that is bankrupt because they won't ask hard questions as a characteristic of a one party ruling board style then that's unfortunate. To me it reeks the beginnings of dictatorship or Communism. I'd hate to see that happen to a Republic with ideas and principles of Democracy in its roots.
AC2 Player RIP Final Death Jan 31st 2017
Refugee of Auberean
Refugee of Dereth
I'd like to say I'm surprised but unfortunately I'm not. They have their own subway system with gold trimmed trains, have their own neighborhoods, and don't even go to the same prison as common citizens.
Goverment will never truly work for citizens as long as that goverment is living in a country within a country.
AC2 Player RIP Final Death Jan 31st 2017
Refugee of Auberean
Refugee of Dereth
You quite missed the point. Generalizations are bad.
What point did I miss?
Stating all US administrations are corrupt is akin to stating all Germans are Nazis.
If your going to generalize it like that (Which by the way, what does Nazi's have to do with the American corruption?) I'll just state that every American is a Tea barrel tossing traitor to the English that steals indian lands. And I like Obama, he seems to be one of the first to actually seem to want to heh... 'change' things around, including the corruption which if you live there, you should be well aware of.
And yes my country has had its moments as well, but don't forget that we had the RAF dissolve all of that corruption about 20 years ago. Anyways, maybe I should have said "Most American administrations have been corrupt" is that better?
TwitchTV: iNeoki
I don't really see the big deal really as I'm pretty sure that most politicians with some form of power use it to their advantage to get away from paying taxes and other things. I'm pretty sure most of YOU people in here would do the same if you could.
So the REAL important question is, will the chosen people do a good job or not?
Just because some jackass wins does not mean his policies are right.
Obama is an idiot, simple as that.
Yes, he is fighting corruption, isn't he? I must have missed that one when reviewing his appointments. His administration is already showing to be one of the most corrupt ever in my life time. He promised change, and he delivered. He did not provide details on the change - that it would be one for the worse.
(Which by the way, what does Nazi's have to do with the American corruption?)
I live in the US - you state all of our leaders are corrupted. A very broad generalization.
You live in Germany. I was simply showing a point regarding broad generalizations.
Yes, he is fighting corruption, isn't he? I must have missed that one when reviewing his appointments. His administration is already showing to be one of the most corrupt ever in my life time. He promised change, and he delivered. He did not provide details on the change - that it would be one for the worse.
(Which by the way, what does Nazi's have to do with the American corruption?)
I live in the US - you state all of our leaders are corrupted. A very broad generalization.
You live in Germany. I was simply showing a point regarding broad generalizations.
the major problem doesn't seem to be he isn't trying its just the fact that the junior senator doesn't have the experience.
Most important he has the Naivete to believe that people in his own party who speak with good intentions, and seem to have good intentions always do.
Both parties have problems he can't seem to even see the log in his parties eye because he's too busy looking at the one in the republican parties eye
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Yes, he is fighting corruption, isn't he? I must have missed that one when reviewing his appointments. His administration is already showing to be one of the most corrupt ever in my life time. He promised change, and he delivered. He did not provide details on the change - that it would be one for the worse.
(Which by the way, what does Nazi's have to do with the American corruption?)
I live in the US - you state all of our leaders are corrupted. A very broad generalization.
You live in Germany. I was simply showing a point regarding broad generalizations.
the major problem doesn't seem to be he isn't trying its just the fact that the junior senator doesn't have the experience.
Most important he has the Naivete to believe that people in his own party who speak with good intentions, and seem to have good intentions always do.
Both parties have problems he can't seem to even see the log in his parties eye because he's too busy looking at the one in the republican parties eye
I've been hoping back and forth between both countries lately, and the amount of European attention Obama has been drawing, which nobody over there seems to know what to think of him, is just astonishing. I like him, He's got a brain, and he uses it well instead of making himself become scripted which is something I respect. We do have to remember the wonderful (cough) former president did not leave a beautiful standpoint for Obama to start in. hell the country is on the verge of a depression and most people are only worried about a few of his faults.
Every person has the right to know of the people they elected, but I think he needs to be left alone from the politicians and they need to get their act straight and get the USA fixed up, before another tragic event screws things up even worse. Which the closing of the terrorist prison is either asking for redemption or for a greater assault against the country.
TwitchTV: iNeoki
Yes, he is fighting corruption, isn't he? I must have missed that one when reviewing his appointments. His administration is already showing to be one of the most corrupt ever in my life time. He promised change, and he delivered. He did not provide details on the change - that it would be one for the worse.
(Which by the way, what does Nazi's have to do with the American corruption?)
I live in the US - you state all of our leaders are corrupted. A very broad generalization.
You live in Germany. I was simply showing a point regarding broad generalizations.
the major problem doesn't seem to be he isn't trying its just the fact that the junior senator doesn't have the experience.
Most important he has the Naivete to believe that people in his own party who speak with good intentions, and seem to have good intentions always do.
Both parties have problems he can't seem to even see the log in his parties eye because he's too busy looking at the one in the republican parties eye
I've been hoping back and forth between both countries lately, and the amount of European attention Obama has been drawing, which nobody over there seems to know what to think of him, is just astonishing. I like him, He's got a brain, and he uses it well instead of making himself become scripted which is something I respect. We do have to remember the wonderful (cough) former president did not leave a beautiful standpoint for Obama to start in. hell the country is on the verge of a depression and most people are only worried about a few of his faults.
Every person has the right to know of the people they elected, but I think he needs to be left alone from the politicians and they need to get their act straight and get the USA fixed up, before another tragic event screws things up even worse. Which the closing of the terrorist prison is either asking for redemption or for a greater assault against the country.
first off I have never said Obama is a bad guy or that he is corrupt or the scuge of the earth or some drastic stuff like some people say.
But anyone too inexperienced or lazy to do homework on the people is he is putting in some of the highest offices in the country should take a lot more crap for it then he did.
Its like not doing background checks on law enforcement and letting bangers, mobsters, conmen, prostitutes etc become law enforcement.
Now here is a really good point too.
Lets make a brief comparison of What happens when two different countries are in economic hard times.
Lets say Germany and the United States.
In the great depression of the 20's and 30's we Elect FDR, germany ELECTS hitler then AFTER he's elected with slogans like "death to jews" and such he takes over the country acts on it and very predictible becomes a tyrant. FDR starts our welfare programs, starts work on a lot of good public work projects, Allbeit he blemishes himself with the japanese internment camps but however their were reasons that i don't agree with but there are reasons.
Now before someone says "but hitler was a tyrant it isn't our fault"
so yes congratulations it was germany's fault.
So when we are in an economic crysis we take a similar action this time, we set a precedent elect a minority president with liberal policies who happens to be inexperienced. So if we didn't call him out on something as simple and easy as not doing your homework on your appointments to the most powerful offices in the country Would we be responsible citizens???????
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