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I am not very religious myself and think of myself as a spirituality does play a part in my life. I believe in reincarnation, however, I do not get it. We're born, we live, we die. Why? What purpose does it serve? We know our life is fleeting here on earth. We know that all we do here and now will eventually become star dust once again as it once was long ago. Are we doomed to live and die on this rock we call earth until the sun burns it to a cinder...and everything we as humans have done will burn with it? Sometimes...I get tired of all this BS. Gawd and I am normally very positive but for some reason tonight I am kinda feeling the creeping shadow of time and I wonder - WTF am I doing here. Sorta like this. If I died today...or tomorrow, let's say(OMG she is going emo on your arses) who the frak would really care and why would it matter? To be honest I know some family members would be hurt and some friends, but they'll get over it, life would go on and the sun will rise and go down as it has for millions of years. I sometimes feel like my life is meaningless.
So...tell me oh wise sages of this forum.
Why are we here?
To love one another.
Pure coincidence. Nothing else.
The Official God FAQ
I don't know why we're here, but I can tell you that I know why I am here. Even if we know the answer or not, religion or not, I'm pretty thankful to have and experience this life and the reason for me being here is to live my dreams. I hope that made sense.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
The first law of thermodynamics. It's as simple as that. Or, 42.
The first law of thermodynamics. It's as simple as that. Or, 42.
You are the founder of this law, you old ass man.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Life is not special.
It's a system working within a system. We are 'living' because we arbitrarily define things as life. We are little more than a functioning system made up of a massive number of smaller functioning systems, who also possess their own smaller functioning systems, etc. We are built up in complexity in packages. Body, cells, molecules, elements, atoms, atomic particles, quarks.. possibly more. Chemical, electrical, and otherwise physical systems blindly conspiring through function to form a complex machine.
We are here because the universe allows it, and little more. Our purpose is to procreate and die, if you can even call that a purpose.
The only 'meaning' in life is what you make of it, because we certainly haven't got one otherwise.
People seeking a meaning in life as defined by any other than themselves at this day and age are a bit foolish. Our origins are quite clear. We are the product of ordered chaos.
I have decided for myself that my 'purpose' is to live happily and comfortably, and to see that others do as well if it's within my means. Self and family have priority, of course. You can't save the world with one man, and I often find I don't particularly like most other people anyways, but that's life.
Edit: I wouldn't say we're here by pure coincidence. More, that we exist simply because of the vastness of the universe. In an infinite system, any probability of an occurance is essentially 1 or 0.
It may have been coincidence that we happened to spring up where we are, but not that we sprang up at all.
I understand the meaning behind the statement, though, and the meaning is valid.
I can agree with that. Personally I love at least 20 girls per day, sometimes 30 if the weather is good:P (good thing Greece has usually nice weather):P
A friend is not him who provides support during your failures.A friend is the one that cheers you during your successes.
Hmm well some people are here to serve as a warning to others.
Hehe all jokes aside, I can say we are here because we are part of nature like everything living in this world. That's our purpose imo, to be in synch with the rest of the life around us. To live is a purpose by itself, we just develop habbits along the way to make the journey more.....instersting.
A friend is not him who provides support during your failures.A friend is the one that cheers you during your successes.
In our days were nihilism and materialism is on the rise, I often wonder how people can live without a spiritual purpose? To me, as a spiritually seeking person, it would be worse than death to believe in nothing but the pure matters at hand. That death of hope, of dreams, of longing for something greater sounds like the worst fate to me, no matter how abundant it is.
In the end, your purpose is to a part your choice and your making. It does not drop out of the sky. Essentially, I believe it is to constantly better ourselves, and through us, better the world. In this life and in the lives coming.
I dont want to go too far in a forum as this, but I believe there are old souls and young souls. The young are still curious about everything, they have so many things to be and see ahead and you feel it when you meet such. You sound more like one of the older souls. We have been everything and seen everything in the many lives and millenia. There is this "tiredness" of the soul we feel, and I am familiar with it. I think it is, because our circle here is complete and soon the old souls will leave and move on - or home, as you may chose to believe. We have learnt and taught and done all there is to do, learn and teach. Hence the feeling of "its enough", which kinda echoes through your post. Those who are young souls cant understand, and often it feels weird to think leaving the world into their hands. Take it as a sign that you did your job well, that you can be at peace with yourself; there is nothing more to do in this world but enjoy the final round before going home.
Like all, you are eternal, and no falling to dust of universes can touch you. It is only the restless nature of the human mind which makes it difficult - for now.
At least, thats what I believe and have my comfort in. ^^
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
If you have to ask the question, keep looking... right?
oh wait, nm... Religion is flawed, it's on the other thread.
One of life's many unsolved mysteries yet this question is shadowed by others.
I personally don't believe this question is valid and that Sabiancym is 100% right, it is pure coincidence and i'm sure any other life forms on other planets far away are coincidence.
If we were here for a purpose we'd know about it!
Come out soon Aion
We are here to rape and pillage. Once that is all finished with and the world dries up, we'll fly off in our spaceship in search of a new world. Or was that the Lost in Space movie? I can't remember, either way I'm going to go clearcut some land and then burn it just to be sure.
Originally posted by javac
well i'm 35 and have a PhD in science, and then 10 years experience in bioinformatics... you?
the simple answer is we are here to live our lives.
The lives we live are what is important. You say that the people who are around you are insignificant, that they are meaningless. That their love and the feelings of your absence would have no meaning. I couldn't disagree more. The life we live today, this hour, this moment are purpose enough for me.
You use the unknowable enormity of the universe to belittle the gift of life you have today, instead you could see it as the wonderful opportunity to always be able to explore but never find the limits.
Fishermage and Elikal already have very great answers.
I think it's okay to question oneself and what's around us. That's what makes us human.
I think ultimately to find out we have to die. (Sorry to steal a line from the movie Fallen)
This material world is just so narrow that I think when we fully move on naturally to the spiritual that is when reasoning can be increased.
In the meantime though helping one another helps keep the loneliness and/or helplessness at bay.
Know that you are not alone in questions and suffering.
AC2 Player RIP Final Death Jan 31st 2017
Refugee of Auberean
Refugee of Dereth
There is always also a very good chance, that human lives, hopes and souls are just illusions we sustain so we can keep our sanity from eroding, so we won't realise that the universe is uncaring, unforgiving and mocks these things we hold dear by reminding us how ephemeral we are.
A friend is not him who provides support during your failures.A friend is the one that cheers you during your successes.
God's an asshole and we're his toys.
What if I told you insane was working fifty hours a week in some office for fifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?
A funny and true quote from a movie.. guess which one!
Why? There is no reason... we just are. Well, I guess you can say we are here to drive the species forward...
I don't really get why people need a meaning for their existence or some sort of plan or higher scheme. Isn't our existence enough? Then again I understand why people ponder the meaning or our actions, but our existence? Btw, that doesn't quite include the pure biological reasons because I clearly and fully understand why research is done in that area.
That question never made sense to me: Why does an existence have to have a purpose? I suppose if you believe in some kind of deity, or an afterlife that it would be quite natural...
My point is that the same question can be applied to a particle, an atom, or even nothingness: Trying to fit things into a purpose makes no sense, unless you absolutely insist on there being a creator.
So I suppose that my concise answer is: No.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
You dwell on to many deep, thoughtful problems Teala.
You still haven't left Minneapolis mentally.
Rather than move out west, you needed a change of scenery to Jamaica.
You know, "Don't happy".
Ja Ja Binks should be your role model.
If I must suffer...then all of you should too! So seriously think about this question. Next time you see a bird, a tree, a spider...ask yourself in all honesty...what is all this for and why you...why are you here? If some devine awesomeness brought you into this thing we call the universe(think about the size of this frakking universe - you're not even measurable really when you think about how big the universe is compared to you) and made you come into being on this world we call earth - ask yourself - why?
If no devine being of awesomeness had his hand in it and we just "are" it makes you wonder if anything we do in the here and now really frakking matters and that makes no sense either.
Gawd I hate mondays.
Oh my god...that is it!~ Genius...pure genius. Moving to Minneapolis frakked my mind up so bad...all the herb in the world will never remove the memories of that place - ever! I think I need a therapist.
Gave up on Pirates of the Burning Sea?
I beg to differ.
*stomps off to find a tape measure*