I can't stand this whole mentality that MMORPG's should force grouping. People seem to be under the narrow-minded mnisconception that solo'ing is a synonym for being antisocial. This could not be further from the truth.
I like solo content for the sole reason that I can undertake things at my own pace. That is not to say I do not like socialising with other players at all. People that suggest playing Oblivion are completely missing the point. Oblivion is a world populated by AI-controlled NPC's, not real people. Sometimes it's just about being in a 'living' world, regardless of whether you wish to group or not.
I can't stand this whole mentality that MMORPG's should force grouping. People seem to be under the narrow-minded mnisconception that solo'ing is a synonym for being antisocial. This could not be further from the truth. I like solo content for the sole reason that I can undertake things at my own pace. That is not to say I do not like socialising with other players at all. People that suggest playing Oblivion are completely missing the point. Oblivion is a world populated by AI-controlled NPC's, not real people. Sometimes it's just about being in a 'living' world, regardless of whether you wish to group or not.
I think all titles should offer solo content the problem is as it was 5-6 years ago it's gone too far as to margeonalize grouping. I'd bet the majority of soloers would group if finding one was allot quick process.
1) All titles should (these days most do) provide a separate path to soloing minus Epic content.
2) All titles should offer a bonus to encourage but not force grouping
3) Soloers understand up front the elite items in game are obtainable only by grouping.
4) Ever title must offer robust group tools.
I solo allot for time constraints but when fast grouping is an option (CoX) I take it.
Some MMOGs allow you to solo if you know how to manage through the quests and/or spec your character properly for soloing as you level. Research the game you're interested in and see what it offers solo-wise. Check the forums per game for people who have asked about soloing capabilities.
Added Note:
MMOG does NOT mean you have to play with multiple people to classify it as a MMOG. MMOG only means that it is an online virtual world with massive amounts of people capable of engaging in fun. You can exist in this massive multiplayer world but you do not neccessarily have to engage in a group or guild. Look at other games with "multiplayer" features. Deathmatch anyone? You're a "single" player against others. Not in some group or guild. Remember, I am only picking the "multiplayer" part of the name out of this. Encouragement of grouping is recommended but not required. Although, some MMOG developers enforce their own rules of how the game works and thus make it impossible quest solo.
I can't stand this whole mentality that MMORPG's should force grouping. People seem to be under the narrow-minded mnisconception that solo'ing is a synonym for being antisocial. This could not be further from the truth. I like solo content for the sole reason that I can undertake things at my own pace. That is not to say I do not like socialising with other players at all. People that suggest playing Oblivion are completely missing the point. Oblivion is a world populated by AI-controlled NPC's, not real people. Sometimes it's just about being in a 'living' world, regardless of whether you wish to group or not.
I don't think you are antisocial if you dont' want to group.
I do think you are being narrow minded if you don't realize taht making a game solo friendly destroys the grouping game, that some people such as myself happen to like.
Solo'ers always think it's about them. It really isn't. I want "forced grouping" because that's the only way to make the game I enjoy. Has nothing to do with thinking you are antisocial, or wanting to make you group if you don't like that. I just want a game where I'm not penalized for grouping. Nothing to do with you, or whether you socialize or not.
I'd bet the majority of soloers would group if finding one was allot quick process.
I tend to "group" mostly when there's no need to go through a grouping process. As a solo player in City of Heroes, my favourite moments playing with others are in events when players need to cooperate but don't need to group. Giant monsters and Rikti attacks are good examples. You get players from all levels participating in one big attack.
I have no problem helping others if they need something specific where my character may be of service. But since my time is limited, and my MMO playing is "casual", I don't want to go through the process of creating a group, and I don't feel good quitting a group I join in the middle of a mission, so that's one reason that limits my grouping.
I've read that Warhammer Online offers some new ways of grouping, and if I find a trial of that game I might try it for that.
I really like WoW, but it becomes very hard to solo after level 50. Yes, it can be done, and some places are still cool (western plaguelands), but where it becomes a problem is dungeons where everything is elites. And there are dungeons you have to go to if you are doing, say, the warrior series of quests.
City of Heroes and City of Villains is the ONLY MMMORPG that I have played so far that didn't make me feel like a second class citizen to groupers and raiders. You can get all of the best enhancements just like they can, minus the Hami encounter, but that's what the Invention system is for after all. Games like WoW, EQ, EQ2, Vangaurd, UO, EVE, AO, DAoC and so forth all treat groupers and raiders as their special players. Despite raiders being in the minority of their respective player bases, they get all the best gear and content over soloers and small groupers.
If you don't like super hero games, then you can wait a little bit for Star Wars: The Old Republic. They have alluded to the fact that not only is 95% of the game soloable, but that all play styles will be rewarded equally, thank GAWD!
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
I always thought that the ability to choose the difficulty of your missions as well as the rewards in Anarchy Online made for a great solo experience. I hear City of Heroes is going to be doing something similar with the new issue**
I always thought that the ability to choose the difficulty of your missions as well as the rewards in Anarchy Online made for a great solo experience. I hear City of Heroes is going to be doing something similar with the new issue**
**City of X calls their content updates "issues"
Actually the way to go in Anarchy is to solo group missions but you need at least oen other person to join so you can grab a couple of them.......I havent played in a couple years I'm not even sure if anyone plays AO anymore.
I do think you are being narrow minded if you don't realize taht making a game solo friendly destroys the grouping game, that some people such as myself happen to like.
I've seen you say it a few times, but I haven't seen you explain (perhaps I missed it) how being solo friendly destroys grouping. Most of my experience is in City of Heroes, which is solo friendly. I played mostly solo, but I grouped many times, and didn't see any problem with grouping just because the game was solo friendly.
BTW, thinking about this, I don't see why there's any need to provide rewards to people who group. Those who like to group will surely group without the extra rewards, and those who like to solo will probably prefer to continue soloing and not get the extra rewards. Some power soloers might be drawn to the extra rewards, but are these really the people you want to group with?
Welp, I'm going to go ahead and not comment on the merits of soloing in MMO games, as it seems to be a discussion for, y'know, an actual topic that asks for thoughts on it.
These are my favorites coming from a soloist mindset, at least initially. It's going to be tough to say, when so many factors come into play when referring games for other people. You choices of playstyle, setting, gaming interests, are very probably unique. I'll give a personal rating based on SOLOING., and NOT a rating of the game itself. Again, the only person making the choice of any game being their thing is up to them. These are solely my opinions, and your mileage may vary. Hope it helps out, Mindwonder.
-World of Warcraft. Yep, the old standby. Soloing is completely possible to the very end. If you remain a soloist after max levelling, your options begin to wear thin, however. Blizzard has given you basically three choices for any type of content beyond level 80. Raid, PvP, or socialize in Trade chat. Yep. Trade chat, of all channels (on my old server, anyway). Getting to 80 is superb the first time, repetitive and somewhat formulaic depending on alts created. Questing is extremely plentiful throughout, and relatively smooth as an experience. People become jaded to the experience of WoW, and there are, as always, people who will never tlike it, by design or style, but the great news is this, and probably all the games I mention, have a trial and you can freely make the decision yourself which MMO is right for you. There is a reason the subscriber base is so high, though, though, and It isn't because the graphics are 'cutting edge'.
Kiernon's Kustom Solo Rating: 4.5/5
-City of Heroes/ Villains. Exceptional soloing potential. Instances dynamically change based on level and group size, so you can basically do every mission in the game solo (some easier than others, obviously, depending on class choice). Character customization is astounding. A breath of fresh air to the whole fantasy gimmick, where you slip on tights, and use powers to deal some great justice. Combat is relatively fun, and other than Task Forces and a few other game experiences, it's almost solo-friendly throughout. The biggest issue for me is that missions can be somewhat repetitious, due to tileset reuse (oh. look. ANOTHER office building to enter...)or 'hey! x is kidnapped and needs to be blah blah'. Still, much to try out, and will soon offer player-made missions.
Kiernon's Kustom Solo Rating: 4/5
-Lord of the Rings Online. Again, extremely solo friendly, but you will have to forsake some of the best quests and stories if you absolutely refuse to group. However, there are enough quests to 60 if you enjoy it solo, and the community is probably one of the most enjoyable is current MMO games as of now. Crafting is quite fun, if that's something you enjoy, and there's plenty to do if you like to socialize with people and take your MMO to a slower, more casual pace. It's artistically gorgeous, and you'll find numerous quests abound. Excellent lore doesnt hurt, either.
Kiernon's Kustom Solo Rating: 4/5
-Everquest/ EQ II. Both games now offer a MASSIVE variety of solo quests, and other options viable in speanding time not levelling. That said, I have never personally stuck on Sony games (Minus the year preCU and NGE of Star Wars Galaxies), and ultimately have not enjoyed my experiences with them as much as friends have. Still, with trials being about and free, absolutely no reason not to give them a shot and see if they fit your tastes or not.
Kiernon's Kustom Solo Rating: 3.5/5
Final Fantasy XI. Added this because you mentioned specifically in your post you enjoyed Final Fantasy games, and this one mirrors it because... well... *rereads the game's name* This is probably one of the most ANTI-solo friendly games out there, and after a few initial levels of your first job, you are grouping. Period. A quite enjoyable gaming experience for me, but definitely not your cup o' java for soloist time.
Kiernon's Kustom Solo Rating: 1/5
There are SO many games, and with the beauty that is MMO games, they're in a constant state of evolution. Games that have been out fror awhile that were notorious for being Group-focused can easily become a soloists dream due to an update or two. Ohter games like Age of Conan, EVE, Warhammer Online, etc., have definite solo components to them, but again, if any game is structured to be PvE focused with an endgame of raiding, you roll an alt or move on if you demand staying a soloist for the most part. Unless PvP is your deal, then, well... that's a whole other topic :P
Hopefully no matter what games you try, or what adventures you stumble onto in the future, you find fun and enjoyment out of whatever game you decide to call your virtual home. Opinions are fine and wonderful, but it's going to just come down to you trying things out and getting your hands dirty to see if MMO games are the right fit for you.
And, most importantly...
.. NEVER listen to people who give a personal rating system to MMO games. Those guys are just tools.
for mmos that are solo i would recommend 2 games for you
1. guild wars once you leave a town you get your own copy of the world and no one can enter your world unless you specifically invite them into a party that way you can play with a group when you have time the only problem is the level cap is level 20 but there are several expansion to play also that add more content and some exclusive content to that expansion such as heroes (npcs who are ai controlled and level with you and yuou can outfit them with gear).
2 i would recommend eve online not only can you play solo in eve online sometimes its better to but it will be a difficult game to get used to and sometimes you might need to ask for help if theirs something u dont understand i personally like eve online because you dont have to constantly play to get better at it as the skills train in real world time once you select it and choose to train it. also the community is very mature you wont find little wow nublets here most of them give up before the tutorial is over.
to be honest from your post eve online sounds literally dead on what you want their is plenty of missions and in eve their is no such thing as levelling up only training your skills and that occurs even when your not playing
i highly recommend this game to any one who enjoys complex mmos without incessive grind and immature players
I can't stand this whole mentality that MMORPG's should force grouping. People seem to be under the narrow-minded mnisconception that solo'ing is a synonym for being antisocial. This could not be further from the truth.
I like solo content for the sole reason that I can undertake things at my own pace. That is not to say I do not like socialising with other players at all. People that suggest playing Oblivion are completely missing the point. Oblivion is a world populated by AI-controlled NPC's, not real people. Sometimes it's just about being in a 'living' world, regardless of whether you wish to group or not.
I think all titles should offer solo content the problem is as it was 5-6 years ago it's gone too far as to margeonalize grouping. I'd bet the majority of soloers would group if finding one was allot quick process.
1) All titles should (these days most do) provide a separate path to soloing minus Epic content.
2) All titles should offer a bonus to encourage but not force grouping
3) Soloers understand up front the elite items in game are obtainable only by grouping.
4) Ever title must offer robust group tools.
I solo allot for time constraints but when fast grouping is an option (CoX) I take it.
Dutchess Zarraa Voltayre
Reborn/Zero Sum/Ancient Legacy/Jagged Legion/Feared/Nuke & Pave.
Some MMOGs allow you to solo if you know how to manage through the quests and/or spec your character properly for soloing as you level. Research the game you're interested in and see what it offers solo-wise. Check the forums per game for people who have asked about soloing capabilities.
Added Note:
MMOG does NOT mean you have to play with multiple people to classify it as a MMOG. MMOG only means that it is an online virtual world with massive amounts of people capable of engaging in fun. You can exist in this massive multiplayer world but you do not neccessarily have to engage in a group or guild. Look at other games with "multiplayer" features. Deathmatch anyone? You're a "single" player against others. Not in some group or guild. Remember, I am only picking the "multiplayer" part of the name out of this. Encouragement of grouping is recommended but not required. Although, some MMOG developers enforce their own rules of how the game works and thus make it impossible quest solo.
I don't think you are antisocial if you dont' want to group.
I do think you are being narrow minded if you don't realize taht making a game solo friendly destroys the grouping game, that some people such as myself happen to like.
Solo'ers always think it's about them. It really isn't. I want "forced grouping" because that's the only way to make the game I enjoy. Has nothing to do with thinking you are antisocial, or wanting to make you group if you don't like that. I just want a game where I'm not penalized for grouping. Nothing to do with you, or whether you socialize or not.
Unlike grouping fans, of course, who want everyone to have fun (as long as they don't want to solo).
I tend to "group" mostly when there's no need to go through a grouping process. As a solo player in City of Heroes, my favourite moments playing with others are in events when players need to cooperate but don't need to group. Giant monsters and Rikti attacks are good examples. You get players from all levels participating in one big attack.
I have no problem helping others if they need something specific where my character may be of service. But since my time is limited, and my MMO playing is "casual", I don't want to go through the process of creating a group, and I don't feel good quitting a group I join in the middle of a mission, so that's one reason that limits my grouping.
I've read that Warhammer Online offers some new ways of grouping, and if I find a trial of that game I might try it for that.
I really like WoW, but it becomes very hard to solo after level 50. Yes, it can be done, and some places are still cool (western plaguelands), but where it becomes a problem is dungeons where everything is elites. And there are dungeons you have to go to if you are doing, say, the warrior series of quests.
City of Heroes and City of Villains is the ONLY MMMORPG that I have played so far that didn't make me feel like a second class citizen to groupers and raiders. You can get all of the best enhancements just like they can, minus the Hami encounter, but that's what the Invention system is for after all. Games like WoW, EQ, EQ2, Vangaurd, UO, EVE, AO, DAoC and so forth all treat groupers and raiders as their special players. Despite raiders being in the minority of their respective player bases, they get all the best gear and content over soloers and small groupers.
If you don't like super hero games, then you can wait a little bit for Star Wars: The Old Republic. They have alluded to the fact that not only is 95% of the game soloable, but that all play styles will be rewarded equally, thank GAWD!
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
I always thought that the ability to choose the difficulty of your missions as well as the rewards in Anarchy Online made for a great solo experience. I hear City of Heroes is going to be doing something similar with the new issue**
**City of X calls their content updates "issues"
Actually the way to go in Anarchy is to solo group missions but you need at least oen other person to join so you can grab a couple of them.......I havent played in a couple years I'm not even sure if anyone plays AO anymore.
I've seen you say it a few times, but I haven't seen you explain (perhaps I missed it) how being solo friendly destroys grouping. Most of my experience is in City of Heroes, which is solo friendly. I played mostly solo, but I grouped many times, and didn't see any problem with grouping just because the game was solo friendly.
BTW, thinking about this, I don't see why there's any need to provide rewards to people who group. Those who like to group will surely group without the extra rewards, and those who like to solo will probably prefer to continue soloing and not get the extra rewards. Some power soloers might be drawn to the extra rewards, but are these really the people you want to group with?
Oh my.
Welp, I'm going to go ahead and not comment on the merits of soloing in MMO games, as it seems to be a discussion for, y'know, an actual topic that asks for thoughts on it.
These are my favorites coming from a soloist mindset, at least initially. It's going to be tough to say, when so many factors come into play when referring games for other people. You choices of playstyle, setting, gaming interests, are very probably unique. I'll give a personal rating based on SOLOING., and NOT a rating of the game itself. Again, the only person making the choice of any game being their thing is up to them. These are solely my opinions, and your mileage may vary. Hope it helps out, Mindwonder.
-World of Warcraft. Yep, the old standby. Soloing is completely possible to the very end. If you remain a soloist after max levelling, your options begin to wear thin, however. Blizzard has given you basically three choices for any type of content beyond level 80. Raid, PvP, or socialize in Trade chat. Yep. Trade chat, of all channels (on my old server, anyway). Getting to 80 is superb the first time, repetitive and somewhat formulaic depending on alts created. Questing is extremely plentiful throughout, and relatively smooth as an experience. People become jaded to the experience of WoW, and there are, as always, people who will never tlike it, by design or style, but the great news is this, and probably all the games I mention, have a trial and you can freely make the decision yourself which MMO is right for you. There is a reason the subscriber base is so high, though, though, and It isn't because the graphics are 'cutting edge'.
Kiernon's Kustom Solo Rating: 4.5/5
-City of Heroes/ Villains. Exceptional soloing potential. Instances dynamically change based on level and group size, so you can basically do every mission in the game solo (some easier than others, obviously, depending on class choice). Character customization is astounding. A breath of fresh air to the whole fantasy gimmick, where you slip on tights, and use powers to deal some great justice. Combat is relatively fun, and other than Task Forces and a few other game experiences, it's almost solo-friendly throughout. The biggest issue for me is that missions can be somewhat repetitious, due to tileset reuse (oh. look. ANOTHER office building to enter...)or 'hey! x is kidnapped and needs to be blah blah'. Still, much to try out, and will soon offer player-made missions.
Kiernon's Kustom Solo Rating: 4/5
-Lord of the Rings Online. Again, extremely solo friendly, but you will have to forsake some of the best quests and stories if you absolutely refuse to group. However, there are enough quests to 60 if you enjoy it solo, and the community is probably one of the most enjoyable is current MMO games as of now. Crafting is quite fun, if that's something you enjoy, and there's plenty to do if you like to socialize with people and take your MMO to a slower, more casual pace. It's artistically gorgeous, and you'll find numerous quests abound. Excellent lore doesnt hurt, either.
Kiernon's Kustom Solo Rating: 4/5
-Everquest/ EQ II. Both games now offer a MASSIVE variety of solo quests, and other options viable in speanding time not levelling. That said, I have never personally stuck on Sony games (Minus the year preCU and NGE of Star Wars Galaxies), and ultimately have not enjoyed my experiences with them as much as friends have. Still, with trials being about and free, absolutely no reason not to give them a shot and see if they fit your tastes or not.
Kiernon's Kustom Solo Rating: 3.5/5
Final Fantasy XI. Added this because you mentioned specifically in your post you enjoyed Final Fantasy games, and this one mirrors it because... well... *rereads the game's name* This is probably one of the most ANTI-solo friendly games out there, and after a few initial levels of your first job, you are grouping. Period. A quite enjoyable gaming experience for me, but definitely not your cup o' java for soloist time.
Kiernon's Kustom Solo Rating: 1/5
There are SO many games, and with the beauty that is MMO games, they're in a constant state of evolution. Games that have been out fror awhile that were notorious for being Group-focused can easily become a soloists dream due to an update or two. Ohter games like Age of Conan, EVE, Warhammer Online, etc., have definite solo components to them, but again, if any game is structured to be PvE focused with an endgame of raiding, you roll an alt or move on if you demand staying a soloist for the most part. Unless PvP is your deal, then, well... that's a whole other topic :P
Hopefully no matter what games you try, or what adventures you stumble onto in the future, you find fun and enjoyment out of whatever game you decide to call your virtual home. Opinions are fine and wonderful, but it's going to just come down to you trying things out and getting your hands dirty to see if MMO games are the right fit for you.
And, most importantly...
.. NEVER listen to people who give a personal rating system to MMO games. Those guys are just tools.
Hurt people hurt people.
for mmos that are solo i would recommend 2 games for you
1. guild wars once you leave a town you get your own copy of the world and no one can enter your world unless you specifically invite them into a party that way you can play with a group when you have time the only problem is the level cap is level 20 but there are several expansion to play also that add more content and some exclusive content to that expansion such as heroes (npcs who are ai controlled and level with you and yuou can outfit them with gear).
2 i would recommend eve online not only can you play solo in eve online sometimes its better to but it will be a difficult game to get used to and sometimes you might need to ask for help if theirs something u dont understand i personally like eve online because you dont have to constantly play to get better at it as the skills train in real world time once you select it and choose to train it. also the community is very mature you wont find little wow nublets here most of them give up before the tutorial is over.
to be honest from your post eve online sounds literally dead on what you want their is plenty of missions and in eve their is no such thing as levelling up only training your skills and that occurs even when your not playing
i highly recommend this game to any one who enjoys complex mmos without incessive grind and immature players
Guild Wars by far. You can hire NPC henchmen or customizable NPC heroes.
By the way - I don't care if people think it isn't a "real" MMO. Don't waste your breath telling me as I'm not interested.
I prefer mmorpgs that are geared more towards partying but Last Chaos is a good mmorpg that focuses a bit more on soloing.