This is why we need another world war and a draft. Too many of you waste endless amounts of time hating on video games and need to do something constructive with your lives like placing yourselves in front of a bullet. Either play Darkfall or don't play it. Either way, nobody cares. Either you like a game or you don't. As a gamer, you should be spending time playing and supporting the games you enjoy. This is insanity focusing so much hate and anger towards a game you don't like nor want to play. How spoiled are you in your RLs? Mommie must have called you "her prince" one too many times because some of you act like every game produced must be made exactly to your specifications otherwise you'll just endlessly bitch about it. And I mean endlessly because that's what all spoiled kids do when they don't get their way.
I hope you are ready to join him on the front line. Or maybe you gonna run away in fear, what is most likely from folks like you.
Defending a video game is the same "waste of time" as bashing it.
internet tough guys....nothing more than a geek nerd raging at the computer. And i am sure he would think twice when bullets are flying by him on the battlefield as he wets himself saying "Oh god...why did i ask for this!"
It's the day before the supposed launch. Here are at least 10 major issues with the game. 1. There is not even an announcement of the launch on the game site. In fact the website has not been significantly modified in the last few years. Aventurine recieves an F-- for communication skills. So much for marketing, public relations, and advertising. And yet they sold out the preorders, guess announcing it on the website would have been overkill.
2. Their European distributor is gone, and they never had an American one. They will sell over the net, no distributor to tell them what to do like Funcom had to deal with. This point is a good thing.
3. Limited distribution at release even though Tasos said that would be giving people an unfair advantage and they wouldn't do it. So much for Tasos's credibility. The people who does not get in at launch, will be offered another new server. So there is no unfair advantage.
4. Release without being able to try the game as Tasos has said many times would be the case. So much for the game's credibility. It didn't happen, his exact words last interview was release in time for people to be able to make up their minds about the game. Which he meant from the NDA being lifted, no MMO has ever been able to offer everyone a spot in Beta, even open Betas have limits.
5. No trading game mechanic beyond individual trades. No way to advertise except through chats. So much for an economy. This is actually an interesting way to create a better economy. I dont beleive in AHs myself, a UO style NPC vendor placed in guild towns would have been interesting, but at the end of the day its gonna be the same thing, player to player. Most likely guilds will appoint some trade officers that will sell the guild members items through the guild bank to people coming by the guild town.
6. Banks are all universal. Half or more of the people you meet in the wilderness will be naked. So much for full loot. Im sorry if u thought this game would allow u to loot shiny epics, but that notion is stupid. Full loot means that most loot is not worth much, thats how it has to be, and I dont think anyone really thought otherwise. Also universal banking is a neccesity, because the alternative simply doesnt work.
7. No skill differentiation between weapon skills. No offshooting skillsets, no evolving skills. Little differentiation in weapons. No tactical decisions in combat. Melee is a clickfest. So much for skill based. Click-fest as in u click buttons? yes u have to click buttons in this game... just like every other.
8. Monsters are static spawns. They do not form communities, they do not increase in power, they do not migrate. So much for advanced AI. Right... as if u, or anyone, would EVER care about monster migration if Aventurine hadn't announced in in their feature section. 9. Many missing or 'delayed' features, if not most. Weather is out, player housing is out, mahirim running on all 4s is out. Items missing descriptions. So much for more than half the things the developers have promised us over the years. Player housing is in, inside guild towns, and its getting improved after launch. And wheather? who cares. Most features.. that just laughable, 90 % is in.
10. Boring and grindy tradeskill and crafting systems. You can tweak the balance, with parts needed and such, but you cannot tweak fun factor. So much for the carebears that would have made the game a success. At release u will have to search for rare gathering locations around the map. That means u can be attacked while carrying expensive materials, theres ur fun factor.
Strike 10, you're out. Look again sir.
You have an answer for everything, in every post. There's no person on the planet that can have a different opinion or view on a subject other than you?
It's the day before the supposed launch. Here are at least 10 major issues with the game. 1. There is not even an announcement of the launch on the game site. In fact the website has not been significantly modified in the last few years. Aventurine recieves an F-- for communication skills. So much for marketing, public relations, and advertising. And yet they sold out the preorders, guess announcing it on the website would have been overkill. How hard is it to take money that people are throwing at you? How hard is it to act like a semiprofessional group of software developers with a product to promote and sell in a sane fashion? How hard is it to treat the customer with respect?
2. Their European distributor is gone, and they never had an American one. They will sell over the net, no distributor to tell them what to do like Funcom had to deal with. This point is a good thing. No, not having a distributor is an incredibly BAD thing. As evidenced by their horrendous ongoing release that is happning RIGHT NOW. Oh wait, it's over. A couple of thousand people got in? Who knows.
3. Limited distribution at release even though Tasos said that would be giving people an unfair advantage and they wouldn't do it. So much for Tasos's credibility. The people who does not get in at launch, will be offered another new server. So there is no unfair advantage. There is one server at release. When do you think there will be another one if the game fails, because of shoddy marketing and incomprehensible release? Not ever.
4. Release without being able to try the game as Tasos has said many times would be the case. So much for the game's credibility. It didn't happen, his exact words last interview was release in time for people to be able to make up their minds about the game. Which he meant from the NDA being lifted, no MMO has ever been able to offer everyone a spot in Beta, even open Betas have limits. Those were his words in the latest interview. However, if you'd been following the forums for more than a few months, you'd know that this was a repeated and sacred promise on their part. It just really shows their disrespect for their own customer and non-confidence in their product. 5. No trading game mechanic beyond individual trades. No way to advertise except through chats. So much for an economy. This is actually an interesting way to create a better economy. I dont beleive in AHs myself, a UO style NPC vendor placed in guild towns would have been interesting, but at the end of the day its gonna be the same thing, player to player. Most likely guilds will appoint some trade officers that will sell the guild members items through the guild bank to people coming by the guild town.
That would be a laughable assertion, if it wasn't so sad. Are you really, truly serious here? 6. Banks are all universal. Half or more of the people you meet in the wilderness will be naked. So much for full loot. Im sorry if u thought this game would allow u to loot shiny epics, but that notion is stupid. Full loot means that most loot is not worth much, thats how it has to be, and I dont think anyone really thought otherwise. Also universal banking is a neccesity, because the alternative simply doesnt work. Excuse me sir, but I never said anything about epic carebear fantasy loot. I said half the people will be naked. You can loot what from them exactly? Nothing, correct. Because everyone can bank their valuables anywhere they go and then pick them up at their destination, there will never be a need to risk them while travelling. All that lost opportunity for excitement and pvp supported by a game mechanic. Gone. 7. No skill differentiation between weapon skills. No offshooting skillsets, no evolving skills. Little differentiation in weapons. No tactical decisions in combat. Melee is a clickfest. So much for skill based. Click-fest as in u click buttons? yes u have to click buttons in this game... just like every other. All videos have shown that you basically stand there and click your weapon as fast as you can. You cannot dodge a monster's weapon. Blocking is illogical. What part of that combat model sounds enticing to you? It might as wellbe auto-attack. 8. Monsters are static spawns. They do not form communities, they do not increase in power, they do not migrate. So much for advanced AI. Right... as if u, or anyone, would EVER care about monster migration if Aventurine hadn't announced in in their feature section. I cared a lot about the intelligent AI. Advanced AI is one of the hugest things in a game for me, even multiplayer. Maybe especially multiplayer after fighting many, many, many human opponents throughout the years in many, many games. So yes. I fucking care about the AI. 9. Many missing or 'delayed' features, if not most. Weather is out, player housing is out, mahirim running on all 4s is out. Items missing descriptions. So much for more than half the things the developers have promised us over the years. Player housing is in, inside guild towns, and its getting improved after launch. And wheather? who cares. Most features.. that just laughable, 90 % is in. Player housing is NOT in. Weather is integral to a game's IT factor: immersion. These are just two small examples of all the features they have cut over the years, let alone in the last months before release. And yet sadly it is only one symptom of the sick whole that is Darkfall currently.
10. Boring and grindy tradeskill and crafting systems. You can tweak the balance, with parts needed and such, but you cannot tweak fun factor. So much for the carebears that would have made the game a success. At release u will have to search for rare gathering locations around the map. That means u can be attacked while carrying expensive materials, theres ur fun factor. Your solution to solving the entire horrible, boring mechanic behind gathering and crafting is to put rare materials farther away? You should email them this immediately as I don't think they've thought of it. Strike 10, you're out. Look again sir. My eyes are open. And I have perfect vision.
Donno darkstar but in some points you just got melted. Especially in point 6. If players can stash their gear in a bank, walk naked to another location and retrieve their gear. that in a way is a flawed design against the core element of the game. By god that does sound very carebear also XD
Darn atleast in eve you had to travel with your stuff in dangrous areas to then hide it in a station. There was a huge potential you get caught in a blockade and lose EVERYTHING. you cannot go to one station in a crap ship all the way to another and find all your stuff waiting for you.
Even if the rest is non revelant Justins point on number 6 is a huge one. full loot means nothing if the other players can stash their gear and run around anywhere showing their undies and not careing that they die by other players. they can simply run around again until they get to their location. Thats weak , ever for hardcore pvp players , very weak.
Watching Fanbois drop their soap in a prison full of desperate men.
This is why we need another world war and a draft. Too many of you waste endless amounts of time hating on video games and need to do something constructive with your lives like placing yourselves in front of a bullet. Either play Darkfall or don't play it. Either way, nobody cares. Either you like a game or you don't. As a gamer, you should be spending time playing and supporting the games you enjoy. This is insanity focusing so much hate and anger towards a game you don't like nor want to play. How spoiled are you in your RLs? Mommie must have called you "her prince" one too many times because some of you act like every game produced must be made exactly to your specifications otherwise you'll just endlessly bitch about it. And I mean endlessly because that's what all spoiled kids do when they don't get their way.
I hope you are ready to join him on the front line. Or maybe you gonna run away in fear, what is most likely from folks like you.
Defending a video game is the same "waste of time" as bashing it.
internet tough guys....nothing more than a geek nerd raging at the computer. And i am sure he would think twice when bullets are flying by him on the battlefield as he wets himself saying "Oh god...why did i ask for this!"
I don't see him defending the game at all he is just sick {as are alot of us} with all the doomsday cry babys spewing crap about how this game is a epic fail on all levels. Who really cares if it is not the game you want maybe you should create your own game or go find one that is what you want, But I have never seen a game that makes anyone happy there is always something they want changed and when the dev. makes the change then there are 10 other peaple who get pissed off.
So if you don't like DF then fine go find a new game but please just stop all the bitching about a game you don't like.
Assassin's like to do it in the dark and from behind.
It's the day before the supposed launch. Here are at least 10 major issues with the game. 1. There is not even an announcement of the launch on the game site. In fact the website has not been significantly modified in the last few years. Aventurine recieves an F-- for communication skills. So much for marketing, public relations, and advertising. And yet they sold out the preorders, guess announcing it on the website would have been overkill. How hard is it to take money that people are throwing at you? How hard is it to act like a semiprofessional group of software developers with a product to promote and sell in a sane fashion? How hard is it to treat the customer with respect? Do u have a point in here ? If they sold out preorders, and are trying to do a low key launch, since, as they stated they want the game to speak for itself first, then its logicall that they do things like keep announcements to their webforums. U seem to imply that u have personally been hurt by AV, sorry, thats wrong. AV is producing a game, and u have the choice to pay for it, THATS IT. They dont owe us anything, and they arent obliged to treat us in any way. BIGGEST issue with the playerbase as a whole today is exactly this "they owe me" attitude.
2. Their European distributor is gone, and they never had an American one. They will sell over the net, no distributor to tell them what to do like Funcom had to deal with. This point is a good thing. No, not having a distributor is an incredibly BAD thing. As evidenced by their horrendous ongoing release that is happning RIGHT NOW. Oh wait, it's over. A couple of thousand people got in? Who knows. Theyre release is not over, so u have no idea what u are talking about. And having a distributor pretty much ruined AoC, and THATs a company that actually had some funds to begin with. A distributor for an indie development group like AV is going to try to walk all over them. Im sorry but distributors arent very fond of untried innovations in a market.
3. Limited distribution at release even though Tasos said that would be giving people an unfair advantage and they wouldn't do it. So much for Tasos's credibility. The people who does not get in at launch, will be offered another new server. So there is no unfair advantage. There is one server at release. When do you think there will be another one if the game fails, because of shoddy marketing and incomprehensible release? Not ever. LOL. Think about what u just said logically. If the game fails, noone will want to buy it, no need for another server. If the game does not fail, and the first server sells out, the only thing keeping them from starting another server is: How fast do they want to make more money. Leave it to GREED to expedite matters.
4. Release without being able to try the game as Tasos has said many times would be the case. So much for the game's credibility. It didn't happen, his exact words last interview was release in time for people to be able to make up their minds about the game. Which he meant from the NDA being lifted, no MMO has ever been able to offer everyone a spot in Beta, even open Betas have limits. Those were his words in the latest interview. However, if you'd been following the forums for more than a few months, you'd know that this was a repeated and sacred promise on their part. It just really shows their disrespect for their own customer and non-confidence in their product. OR, it shows a dev company with no money. Unless u think they purposfully mistreat people as some kind of a hidden agenda.... How can they have non-confidendce in their product if the MAJORITY of beta testers loved it, there is NO reason for not allowing more ppl to try Darkfall before launch save LACK OF MONEY. Think Occams razor before u think conspiracy.
5. No trading game mechanic beyond individual trades. No way to advertise except through chats. So much for an economy. This is actually an interesting way to create a better economy. I dont beleive in AHs myself, a UO style NPC vendor placed in guild towns would have been interesting, but at the end of the day its gonna be the same thing, player to player. Most likely guilds will appoint some trade officers that will sell the guild members items through the guild bank to people coming by the guild town.
That would be a laughable assertion, if it wasn't so sad. Are you really, truly serious here? So ur against universal banks, BUT u want a universal trading system.... Try to focus, the playerbase will adapt to whatever need they have.
6. Banks are all universal. Half or more of the people you meet in the wilderness will be naked. So much for full loot. Im sorry if u thought this game would allow u to loot shiny epics, but that notion is stupid. Full loot means that most loot is not worth much, thats how it has to be, and I dont think anyone really thought otherwise. Also universal banking is a neccesity, because the alternative simply doesnt work. Excuse me sir, but I never said anything about epic carebear fantasy loot. I said half the people will be naked. You can loot what from them exactly? Nothing, correct. Because everyone can bank their valuables anywhere they go and then pick them up at their destination, there will never be a need to risk them while travelling. All that lost opportunity for excitement and pvp supported by a game mechanic. Gone. Once again, think it through. Heres the reason a local banking system does not work. If u have to move ALL ur stuff from one place to another u create the famous "caravan-minigame". Where u basically stake everything u have, against ppl who have absolutely zero to loose in taking u down and looting all ur stuff. The risk vs reward for the ppl attacking u is FAR to skewerd into the reward side since they have NOTHING to loose and EVERYTHING to gain. This is a bad mechanic. It doesnt benefit ANYONE, and it affects EVERYONE negatively, with the exeption of that one guild on the server that can create the biggest caravan. If u think THAT is a good game mechanic, u have no idea what u are talking about. Or are u afraid there will not be enough pvp in Darkfall ?
7. No skill differentiation between weapon skills. No offshooting skillsets, no evolving skills. Little differentiation in weapons. No tactical decisions in combat. Melee is a clickfest. So much for skill based. Click-fest as in u click buttons? yes u have to click buttons in this game... just like every other. All videos have shown that you basically stand there and click your weapon as fast as you can. You cannot dodge a monster's weapon. Blocking is illogical. What part of that combat model sounds enticing to you? It might as wellbe auto-attack. Pick any MMO u dont know anything about, watch any pvp video of that mmo. Unless the video is very well made cinematographically u will get the same reaction. This is because, lacking experience and knowledge u dont see whats going on. When ppl run u can hit them in the back with arrows or spells, when ppl turn u can use that second to hide, when multiple ppl attack u u can use movement to have them hit each other. Clicking really fast, as u say, is useless since all weapons have set speeds. But heavier weapons are slower so its important to find the rythm of the weapon u have. Blocking does work since it was fixed, and clever use of it can reduce ur attackers damage considerably. And then theres the timing of strikes, combined with knowing their effective distance. These are many factors that enhances the gameplay in pvp and creates a difference between someone good at it and someone who is not. As for PvE, there are some fixes required for high end mobs, but otherwise the AI seems very good.
8. Monsters are static spawns. They do not form communities, they do not increase in power, they do not migrate. So much for advanced AI. Right... as if u, or anyone, would EVER care about monster migration if Aventurine hadn't announced in in their feature section. I cared a lot about the intelligent AI. Advanced AI is one of the hugest things in a game for me, even multiplayer. Maybe especially multiplayer after fighting many, many, many human opponents throughout the years in many, many games. So yes. I fucking care about the AI. But not monster migration. That was just an attempt at sounding off some feature that didnt make it in, even thou u dont care one whit about it. As for the AI, from what ive seen the monster AI is alot better then most MMOs "see-target-run-at-target" ability. 9. Many missing or 'delayed' features, if not most. Weather is out, player housing is out, mahirim running on all 4s is out. Items missing descriptions. So much for more than half the things the developers have promised us over the years. Player housing is in, inside guild towns, and its getting improved after launch. And wheather? who cares. Most features.. that just laughable, 90 % is in. Player housing is NOT in. Weather is integral to a game's IT factor: immersion. These are just two small examples of all the features they have cut over the years, let alone in the last months before release. And yet sadly it is only one symptom of the sick whole that is Darkfall currently. No those are pretty much the only examples, specially since those two features are scheduled for after release. Weather is not and never will be a key feature of any game, unless u are playing world of weathermen. or something. As for player housing, the ability to place a house anywhere on the map is not a good one, UO for all its glory shows an example that should never be repeated in that regard.
10. Boring and grindy tradeskill and crafting systems. You can tweak the balance, with parts needed and such, but you cannot tweak fun factor. So much for the carebears that would have made the game a success. At release u will have to search for rare gathering locations around the map. That means u can be attacked while carrying expensive materials, theres ur fun factor. Your solution to solving the entire horrible, boring mechanic behind gathering and crafting is to put rare materials farther away? You should email them this immediately as I don't think they've thought of it. Eh... yes they are doing this at launch. Look at all the craft menues, notice how we can only make half of the items in there since all the high end stuff points to materials that are not in?
Its not in beta, but it will obviously be in the game. Strike 10, you're out. Look again sir. My eyes are open. And I have perfect vision. But looking the wrong way...
It's the day before the supposed launch. Here are at least 10 major issues with the game. 1. There is not even an announcement of the launch on the game site. In fact the website has not been significantly modified in the last few years. Aventurine recieves an F-- for communication skills. So much for marketing, public relations, and advertising. And yet they sold out the preorders, guess announcing it on the website would have been overkill. How hard is it to take money that people are throwing at you? How hard is it to act like a semiprofessional group of software developers with a product to promote and sell in a sane fashion? How hard is it to treat the customer with respect?
2. Their European distributor is gone, and they never had an American one. They will sell over the net, no distributor to tell them what to do like Funcom had to deal with. This point is a good thing. No, not having a distributor is an incredibly BAD thing. As evidenced by their horrendous ongoing release that is happning RIGHT NOW. Oh wait, it's over. A couple of thousand people got in? Who knows.
3. Limited distribution at release even though Tasos said that would be giving people an unfair advantage and they wouldn't do it. So much for Tasos's credibility. The people who does not get in at launch, will be offered another new server. So there is no unfair advantage. There is one server at release. When do you think there will be another one if the game fails, because of shoddy marketing and incomprehensible release? Not ever.
4. Release without being able to try the game as Tasos has said many times would be the case. So much for the game's credibility. It didn't happen, his exact words last interview was release in time for people to be able to make up their minds about the game. Which he meant from the NDA being lifted, no MMO has ever been able to offer everyone a spot in Beta, even open Betas have limits. Those were his words in the latest interview. However, if you'd been following the forums for more than a few months, you'd know that this was a repeated and sacred promise on their part. It just really shows their disrespect for their own customer and non-confidence in their product. 5. No trading game mechanic beyond individual trades. No way to advertise except through chats. So much for an economy. This is actually an interesting way to create a better economy. I dont beleive in AHs myself, a UO style NPC vendor placed in guild towns would have been interesting, but at the end of the day its gonna be the same thing, player to player. Most likely guilds will appoint some trade officers that will sell the guild members items through the guild bank to people coming by the guild town.
That would be a laughable assertion, if it wasn't so sad. Are you really, truly serious here? 6. Banks are all universal. Half or more of the people you meet in the wilderness will be naked. So much for full loot. Im sorry if u thought this game would allow u to loot shiny epics, but that notion is stupid. Full loot means that most loot is not worth much, thats how it has to be, and I dont think anyone really thought otherwise. Also universal banking is a neccesity, because the alternative simply doesnt work. Excuse me sir, but I never said anything about epic carebear fantasy loot. I said half the people will be naked. You can loot what from them exactly? Nothing, correct. Because everyone can bank their valuables anywhere they go and then pick them up at their destination, there will never be a need to risk them while travelling. All that lost opportunity for excitement and pvp supported by a game mechanic. Gone. 7. No skill differentiation between weapon skills. No offshooting skillsets, no evolving skills. Little differentiation in weapons. No tactical decisions in combat. Melee is a clickfest. So much for skill based. Click-fest as in u click buttons? yes u have to click buttons in this game... just like every other. All videos have shown that you basically stand there and click your weapon as fast as you can. You cannot dodge a monster's weapon. Blocking is illogical. What part of that combat model sounds enticing to you? It might as wellbe auto-attack. 8. Monsters are static spawns. They do not form communities, they do not increase in power, they do not migrate. So much for advanced AI. Right... as if u, or anyone, would EVER care about monster migration if Aventurine hadn't announced in in their feature section. I cared a lot about the intelligent AI. Advanced AI is one of the hugest things in a game for me, even multiplayer. Maybe especially multiplayer after fighting many, many, many human opponents throughout the years in many, many games. So yes. I fucking care about the AI. 9. Many missing or 'delayed' features, if not most. Weather is out, player housing is out, mahirim running on all 4s is out. Items missing descriptions. So much for more than half the things the developers have promised us over the years. Player housing is in, inside guild towns, and its getting improved after launch. And wheather? who cares. Most features.. that just laughable, 90 % is in. Player housing is NOT in. Weather is integral to a game's IT factor: immersion. These are just two small examples of all the features they have cut over the years, let alone in the last months before release. And yet sadly it is only one symptom of the sick whole that is Darkfall currently.
10. Boring and grindy tradeskill and crafting systems. You can tweak the balance, with parts needed and such, but you cannot tweak fun factor. So much for the carebears that would have made the game a success. At release u will have to search for rare gathering locations around the map. That means u can be attacked while carrying expensive materials, theres ur fun factor. Your solution to solving the entire horrible, boring mechanic behind gathering and crafting is to put rare materials farther away? You should email them this immediately as I don't think they've thought of it. Strike 10, you're out. Look again sir. My eyes are open. And I have perfect vision.
Donno darkstar but in some points you just got melted. Especially in point 6. If players can stash their gear in a bank, walk naked to another location and retrieve their gear. that in a way is a flawed design against the core element of the game. By god that does sound very carebear also XD
Darn atleast in eve you had to travel with your stuff in dangrous areas to then hide it in a station. There was a huge potential you get caught in a blockade and lose EVERYTHING. you cannot go to one station in a crap ship all the way to another and find all your stuff waiting for you.
Even if the rest is non revelant Justins point on number 6 is a huge one. full loot means nothing if the other players can stash their gear and run around anywhere showing their undies and not careing that they die by other players. they can simply run around again until they get to their location. Thats weak , ever for hardcore pvp players , very weak.
A player in his undies will loose against a player with gear.
Running from one location to another is a tactic used by players to travel with no risk, expect players to take advantage of this and BAG all their equipment to SEEM like thay are not carrying anything.
Its just another example of player innovation in a sandbox game.
But dont worry there will be PLENTY of armoured, ready to fight opponents for u, u wont really notice the odd naked marathon jogger.
And as I replyed, having a local bank system does not work. UO didnt have it, not even back in the day, and that should tell u something.
Rule number one will always be, dont take anything with u u cant afford to loose.
Thats what makes it so incredibly nice those few times u catch someone with something of real value in his backpack.
I'm sorry but that just seems like so much wishful thinking and doesn't make much sense. People will still get killed, they will just do it with no risk. If they had their items on them, then they would use them. (sigh)
You say that it's a tactic used to get from one point to another with no risk. That's exactly my point. You don't think there should be risk for transporting goods from one location to another? If you don't think local banks can work, look at EVE Online. Universal money, local items, and it works beautifully.
With replacable items, full loot, open pvp with consequences, there should be items in that backpack every time, and there would be with localized banks. It's exploitable otherwise.
I'm sorry but that just seems like so much wishful thinking and doesn't make much sense. People will still get killed, they will just do it with no risk. If they had their items on them, then they would use them. (sigh) You say that it's a tactic used to get from one point to another with no risk. That's exactly my point. You don't think there should be risk for transporting goods from one location to another? If you don't think local banks can work, look at EVE Online. Universal money, local items, and it works beautifully. With replacable items, full loot, open pvp with consequences, there should be items in that backpack every time, and there would be with localized banks. It's exploitable otherwise.
The difference between Eve and a fantasy MMO is that its easier to get caught in a map inviroment as opposed to something so massive and 3 dimensional as Eve.
My point is that Reagents for spells and materials for crafting could easily number in the thousands or tens of thousands for an active player. That is not "Replacable items".
Transporting goods can be risky anyone out in the wilderness harvesting, will need to get to a bank, there is also the guild crystal that needs to carried to the town location and plenty of other situations where u need to defend the goods u are carrying.
But without creating this "caravan-minigame" as something EVERYONE has to do pretty much all the time.
is iThs why we need another world war and a draft. Too many of you waste endless amounts of time hating on video games and need to do something constructive with your lives like placing yourselves in front of a bullet. Either play Darkfall or don't play it. Either way, nobody cares. Either you like a game or you don't. As a gamer, you should be spending time playing and supporting the games you enjoy. This is insanity focusing so much hate and anger towards a game you don't like nor want to play. How spoiled are you in your RLs? Mommie must have called you "her prince" one too many times because some of you act like every game produced must be made exactly to your specifications otherwise you'll just endlessly bitch about it. And I mean endlessly because that's what all spoiled kids do when they don't get their way.
This is why we need another world war and a draft. Too many of you waste endless amounts of time Fawning on video games and need to do something constructive with your lives like placing yourselves in front of a bullet.
This from some childish liberal hack who is so godsdamned afraid of free speech when it differs from your opinion..It is you who are spoiled and have such a rediculous sense of entitlement. You say the game is good, then I guess thats all that matteres. Allof us alleged trolls should keep our opinions to ourselves.
Its guys like you and the mods here at MMORPG.COM (who incidently will probably ban me again for stating fact, with this post) who make this world need some cleansing with deep cleaning lemony fresh hollowpoints.
And you guys have your own website and forms to have "yes man" conversations, so in essence your even being in these forums regarding darkfall is trolling.
It's the day before the supposed launch. Here are at least 10 major issues with the game. 1. There is not even an announcement of the launch on the game site. In fact the website has not been significantly modified in the last few years. Aventurine recieves an F-- for communication skills. So much for marketing, public relations, and advertising. Meh, the game is good. 2. Their European distributor is gone, and they never had an American one. Who said anything about Audiovisual being gone? 3. Limited distribution at release even though Tasos said that would be giving people an unfair advantage and they wouldn't do it. So much for Tasos's credibility. Yea, Tasos really can't be listened to. 4. Release without being able to try the game as Tasos has said many times would be the case. So much for the game's credibility. I guess you're right in the sense that not everyone who wanted to try it got to, but thousands did. 5. No trading game mechanic beyond individual trades. No way to advertise except through chats. So much for an economy. You're absolutely right. Their is a tab ingame for the trade boards, but they aren't activated yet. This is simply a must have. There are vendors in guild cities, once you build up the clan shop. Crafters can stock their items on them. Crafters w/o a city should have some sort of auction house option though, I agree. 6. Banks are all universal. Half or more of the people you meet in the wilderness will be naked. So much for full loot. You're absolutely wrong. Half of the people you meet running around the noob zone are naked, and that is it. Most everyone you run into outside of the starter areas is running at least decently equipped. I know, I've been playing for a month. 7. No skill differentiation between weapon skills. No offshooting skillsets As in skills leading to other skills? If that is what you mean, then you are absolutely wrong, no evolving skills Huh? My mana missle got a larger AOE, more damage, travels faster, and fizzles less, now that I have it just above 50. I don't really understand what you are asking for beyond that. Little differentiation in weapons. There is plenty differentiation in weapons. 2h Axes hit hard as hell but have a shorter range than the more well-rounded 2hand sword. Polearms have an innate knockback and huge swing radius, and great dps. Daggers you have to practically be on top of your enemy to hit them, but you attack fast as all hell. Shields/parry do need less action cost, however. No tactical decisions in combat. Melee is a clickfest. So much for skill based. Completely and utterly moronic statements from someone who hasn't played the game, and who is basing their ill-informed opinion on people who are horrible at the game. There are huge tactical decisions to make in combat (I'll elaborate at the end of this post). Also, you can rationalize any combat system to sound horrible, so quit that "clickfest" bullshit. You have to be smart, and choose the right time to swing, or else the other guy will rape you... if he has a brain. This game is more skill-based than any MMO I've yet to play. 8. Monsters are static spawns. They do not form communities, they do not increase in power, they do not migrate. So much for advanced AI. Actually, contrary to popular belief, there are migrating spawns. I have come to know the dwarven and human lands very well (I've been pking in them for a month), and I have come across mobs that weren't there the previous day, and when I run by again an hour later they have moved several hundred meters from their previous position. I have only witnessed this twice... so it is VERY rare. They need to make it a more regular occurence. Also, the AI in DFO is very fun to fight, at least 1 on 1. Group PvE is lame when you are all ganking the hell out of one mob. When you accidentally agro a few Black Knights, it gets really fun! 9. Many missing or 'delayed' features, if not most. Weather is out, player housing is out, mahirim running on all 4s is out. Items missing descriptions. So much for more than half the things the developers have promised us over the years. More than half? Haha, don't make me laugh... your ignorance is astounding. The game has ALL of the essential features in place and functioning, and some of the features which aren't essential. Also, watch your syntax. Delayed does not mean 'out" (which connotes to 'trashed,' basically) so alter your modifier usage. I'm just as disappointed as the rest of us when it comes to weather and mahirim 4LR though, I will admit. 10. Boring and grindy tradeskill and crafting systems. Harvest skills are horribly grindy and boring, but crafting isn't that bad. Strike 10, you're out. I'll make sure to try and remember this brilliant little quip while I'm having fun playing the game.
^^From someone who has played the game.
Oh, and I almost forgot to elaborate on the fighting bit...
I don't really feel like writing an essay arguing something I know to be fact, so I'll just tell you a story.
I log into DFO in the Human lands (I am a Mahirim)... I have a spare suit of armor equipped, a banded and chain outfit. I remember that I looted over 100 gold off of someone I had killed during my previous session, so I decide to run to the nearest bank, which is about 7-8 mins away.
So, here I am, a few minutes later, running in the direction of the bank, when all of a sudden over the crest of the hill I am ascending charge 2 humans... 1 on a mount, 1 on foot, both heavily armored. I was browsing the clans list, unaware of my surroundings, and I paid the price. I paniced and decided to make a run for it, but accidentally ran through an ogre encampment... they agro'd on me, and the horseman ended up finishing me off.
So I respawn at my bindstone, naked. I decide I'm going to try and fight them again. I know what I am capable of. I run to a nearby fruit tree and pick 3 apples off of it. Food will be useful in the upcoming battle, I'm thinking. As I'm running back towards where my death occurred, I get a nice little surprise in the form of an arrow sticking out of my back. I turn around thinking "Oh great," only to see a single human, moderately armored, chasing me. My health is low from respawning, so I whip out my staff and heal as I just barely dodge the next two arrows she sends my way. Then I rush in firing mana missiles, landing nearly every one as she attempted to strafe and return fire. I closed the ground quickly and equipped my sword as I came into melee range. She was an incredibly lack luster melee'r, even with the wide range of a polearm to assist her. I easily cut her down. I looted her, equipping the armor, but disappointed by how few arrows she had left (4).
Anyways, I pop an apple for regen and start again towards the location of my previous death. I came over a ridge, and looking out over the valley where the ogre encampment lied, I spotted the 2 humans, who were located just a few hundred feet east of the encampment. There is no way I will be able to sneak up on them, there just isn't enough cover. Maybe I can bombard them with the few arrows I have, and get entice them to fight me again. So I sprint towards them, and when I get within about 200 feet, I let loose my four arrows, 2 of which find the unmounted human's back. Good start, but now they are aware of my presence.
The horseman comes galloping towards me, leans to his left and swipes me with his sword as he passes. It hurts like hell, but I managed to swipe his mount... took away maybe 1/20th of it's health. Before I know it, the guy on foot is on me and trying to shove his sword up my ass, and the guy on the mount is circling around, getting ready for another charge. I realize this, and react by slotting my knockback skill and stabbing the hell out of the guy on foot trying to melee me, sending him flying back about 20 feet, and leaving me free to maneuver against the mount.
The mounted guy is closing in on me when an idea pops into my head... "What if I duck to the side? His short sword won't have the range to hit me!" And that is exactly what I did. As he passed, I ducked to the side and swiped at his mount, taking yet another slice of life away, and sure enough, his sword passes harmlessly over my head. By now the guy on foot is nearly on me again, so I turn and run in the opposite direction, knowing it will take him a second to process what I'm doing and react and that I have a few seconds before the horseman rounds on me again. As I run, I whip out my staff and issue a heal. As soon as that is through, I equip mana missle and start kiting and shooting the guy on the ground, as he sends arrows my way. When he catches up, I take out my sword and start trading blows.
I see out of the corner of my vision that the horseman has lined up his charge yet again, and is closing fast. I am still meleeing the other guy when another bright idea came to me... "If I circle strafe to the left, the guy I'm meleeing with will be between myself and the horseman." I waited until the mounted warrior was only a dozen steps away to make my move, and he was already preparing his swipe... sure enough, he didn't hold his swing, and it met with his friends back for some nasty damage as I strafed to the opposite side.
I realized my stamina was getting low, so I popped another apple, and then I continued to melee with the unmounted human, dealing him 4 blows for every 1 of his. I barely ducked the next charge of the horseman, who smartly decided to charge from behind me, I guess in order to ensure that he didn't repeat his previous mishap. As he passed I swiped his mount again, on accident, as I was still swinging at the other human.
Before the horseman could round again for another charge, I dropped his companion. My stamina was at about 1/8th, and I knew that I was done for unless I could find some potions on my opponents corpse. I also took into consideration that he was blue, thus he was likely to spawn in town or at a clan bindstone, which meant it would take him around 10 minutes to return to our position. So I decided it was safe to finish him (instead of leave him incapacitated on the ground), and I did. To my dismay I discovered no potions, and was about to close the interface when I noticed something... He had resin! I quickly looted it and turned to face my oncoming foe, just in time to dodge again and swipe at his mount. I drew my staff immediately and cast 'Mana to Stamina,' so grateful for my luck. I cast it about 4 times before the horseman made his next charge, and my stamina was near half again... which would be enough.
Again I ducked his swing and cut his horse. He was quickly becoming exasperated, and instead of circling and coming in for another swing, decided to stop, turn, and attack me with his mount's attack. It was a dumb move. Mounts turn slowly when they are not moving, and I kept to the side and slashed away as he desperately tried to buck and kick at me with his mount.
When he finally decided to try and make a run for it, his mount was close to death. I took out my staff and shot it down. He immediately whipped out his warhammer and came charging. I could tell just by the way he approached that he was reckless and was the type that would sprint around like a chicken without it's head. I stood still and let him come to me. Sure enough, he started sprinting and swinging madly around me, and I danced in and out of his range, swinging my sword only when I needed to, and connecting every time. Before he even realized, I had his health to about 1/4th, and then he chugged a potion and decided to run and heal.
You know how this ends... I shot him down with mana missle, haha.
I finished him off and was delighted to discover another mount figurine in his backpack, along with a set of mixmatched plate and black knight armor... great stuff. I loot him dry, then return to his friends grave and loo that dry as well. I equip my new armor, mount my new horse, and ride off into the sunset, towards Silvertown, a chaos city with a bank, just off the coast of Mercia (the human lands). I deposit the surplus of my winnings and ruminate over just how awesome I am.
_______________________________________________ Games looking forward to: Fallen Earth, Mortal Online
The noob formally not known as not being the formally not unkown known APEist; The Stone Cold Killer of Tarq.
It's the day before the supposed launch. Here are at least 10 major issues with the game. 1. There is not even an announcement of the launch on the game site. In fact the website has not been significantly modified in the last few years. Aventurine recieves an F-- for communication skills. So much for marketing, public relations, and advertising. And yet they sold out the preorders, guess announcing it on the website would have been overkill. How hard is it to take money that people are throwing at you? How hard is it to act like a semiprofessional group of software developers with a product to promote and sell in a sane fashion? How hard is it to treat the customer with respect?
2. Their European distributor is gone, and they never had an American one. They will sell over the net, no distributor to tell them what to do like Funcom had to deal with. This point is a good thing. No, not having a distributor is an incredibly BAD thing. As evidenced by their horrendous ongoing release that is happning RIGHT NOW. Oh wait, it's over. A couple of thousand people got in? Who knows.
3. Limited distribution at release even though Tasos said that would be giving people an unfair advantage and they wouldn't do it. So much for Tasos's credibility. The people who does not get in at launch, will be offered another new server. So there is no unfair advantage. There is one server at release. When do you think there will be another one if the game fails, because of shoddy marketing and incomprehensible release? Not ever.
4. Release without being able to try the game as Tasos has said many times would be the case. So much for the game's credibility. It didn't happen, his exact words last interview was release in time for people to be able to make up their minds about the game. Which he meant from the NDA being lifted, no MMO has ever been able to offer everyone a spot in Beta, even open Betas have limits. Those were his words in the latest interview. However, if you'd been following the forums for more than a few months, you'd know that this was a repeated and sacred promise on their part. It just really shows their disrespect for their own customer and non-confidence in their product. 5. No trading game mechanic beyond individual trades. No way to advertise except through chats. So much for an economy. This is actually an interesting way to create a better economy. I dont beleive in AHs myself, a UO style NPC vendor placed in guild towns would have been interesting, but at the end of the day its gonna be the same thing, player to player. Most likely guilds will appoint some trade officers that will sell the guild members items through the guild bank to people coming by the guild town.
That would be a laughable assertion, if it wasn't so sad. Are you really, truly serious here? 6. Banks are all universal. Half or more of the people you meet in the wilderness will be naked. So much for full loot. Im sorry if u thought this game would allow u to loot shiny epics, but that notion is stupid. Full loot means that most loot is not worth much, thats how it has to be, and I dont think anyone really thought otherwise. Also universal banking is a neccesity, because the alternative simply doesnt work. Excuse me sir, but I never said anything about epic carebear fantasy loot. I said half the people will be naked. You can loot what from them exactly? Nothing, correct. Because everyone can bank their valuables anywhere they go and then pick them up at their destination, there will never be a need to risk them while travelling. All that lost opportunity for excitement and pvp supported by a game mechanic. Gone. 7. No skill differentiation between weapon skills. No offshooting skillsets, no evolving skills. Little differentiation in weapons. No tactical decisions in combat. Melee is a clickfest. So much for skill based. Click-fest as in u click buttons? yes u have to click buttons in this game... just like every other. All videos have shown that you basically stand there and click your weapon as fast as you can. You cannot dodge a monster's weapon. Blocking is illogical. What part of that combat model sounds enticing to you? It might as wellbe auto-attack. 8. Monsters are static spawns. They do not form communities, they do not increase in power, they do not migrate. So much for advanced AI. Right... as if u, or anyone, would EVER care about monster migration if Aventurine hadn't announced in in their feature section. I cared a lot about the intelligent AI. Advanced AI is one of the hugest things in a game for me, even multiplayer. Maybe especially multiplayer after fighting many, many, many human opponents throughout the years in many, many games. So yes. I fucking care about the AI. 9. Many missing or 'delayed' features, if not most. Weather is out, player housing is out, mahirim running on all 4s is out. Items missing descriptions. So much for more than half the things the developers have promised us over the years. Player housing is in, inside guild towns, and its getting improved after launch. And wheather? who cares. Most features.. that just laughable, 90 % is in. Player housing is NOT in. Weather is integral to a game's IT factor: immersion. These are just two small examples of all the features they have cut over the years, let alone in the last months before release. And yet sadly it is only one symptom of the sick whole that is Darkfall currently.
10. Boring and grindy tradeskill and crafting systems. You can tweak the balance, with parts needed and such, but you cannot tweak fun factor. So much for the carebears that would have made the game a success. At release u will have to search for rare gathering locations around the map. That means u can be attacked while carrying expensive materials, theres ur fun factor. Your solution to solving the entire horrible, boring mechanic behind gathering and crafting is to put rare materials farther away? You should email them this immediately as I don't think they've thought of it. Strike 10, you're out. Look again sir. My eyes are open. And I have perfect vision.
Following on from an earlier post got me thinking, what are the death penalties in Darkfall?
If the only penalty is full looting and you can fight with crap, easily replacable kit and probably win a lot if your skills are sufficiently more advanced than your opponent, then there is actually no risk in this game whatsoever....I would, if this is the case, find this a little concerning for a ffa pvp game.
EvE, mentioned a lot in relation to Darkfall, has massive risk vs reward which is a pretty significant part of it's allure. I wonder how popular it would have been and continues to be if this was not the case....
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
I think you're on exactly the right track here... it all really comes down to penalties and rewards for pvp. It's just too bad that EVE is not fun. EVE combat isn't fun. I know, I have a 4 year old character; I've been the leader of 0.0 alliances. It's why I'm here.
If they instituted something like... [Youy have died. -1 to all skills]
I think that would be just about perfect. I don't think that getting sent back to your bind point is all that bad if you were going there in the first place. Give us a real incentive to STAY ALIVE!!
Don't get me wrong. I had very high expectations for Darkfall because of what the developers were saying... who didn't? Now I simply don't have ANY expectations for it being a good game. I would have bought it and played it from the start IF I was able to play a beta and IF there wasn't a limited and seemingly completely fucked-up distribution. I will still watch it to see what happens and I am still excited to get my hands on it and play. I am, however, very realistic and wary about what happens to games like this that do not initially deliver on their game model. It's hard to feel sorry for Aventurine, and we might not even have to. But whatever happens, I feel sorry for the genuine fans of this game and especially those who stuck around for a long period of time helping to try to make it better. Because no matter what happens at this point, it doesn't look like Darkfall will be as financially successful as it could have been, which I couldn't care less about except that it also means that Darkfall will never be fully developed into the concept that it could have been.
I agree, great game concept, but complete lack of public relations. I mean seroiusly....Where the hell do you go to purchase the game? The web-site doesn't say shit. I mean are they relying on the fanbois to do their advertising?
Donno darkstar but in some points you just got melted. Especially in point 6. If players can stash their gear in a bank, walk naked to another location and retrieve their gear. that in a way is a flawed design against the core element of the game. By god that does sound very carebear also XD Darn atleast in eve you had to travel with your stuff in dangrous areas to then hide it in a station. There was a huge potential you get caught in a blockade and lose EVERYTHING. you cannot go to one station in a crap ship all the way to another and find all your stuff waiting for you. Even if the rest is non revelant Justins point on number 6 is a huge one. full loot means nothing if the other players can stash their gear and run around anywhere showing their undies and not careing that they die by other players. they can simply run around again until they get to their location. Thats weak , ever for hardcore pvp players , very weak.
A player in his undies will loose against a player with gear.
Running from one location to another is a tactic used by players to travel with no risk, expect players to take advantage of this and BAG all their equipment to SEEM like thay are not carrying anything.
Its just another example of player innovation in a sandbox game.
But dont worry there will be PLENTY of armoured, ready to fight opponents for u, u wont really notice the odd naked marathon jogger.
And as I replyed, having a local bank system does not work. UO didnt have it, not even back in the day, and that should tell u something.
Rule number one will always be, dont take anything with u u cant afford to loose.
Thats what makes it so incredibly nice those few times u catch someone with something of real value in his backpack.
There snipped it so you wont post the whole damn thing.
Now wait a minute are you a different darkstar? Someone who preached that DF is all about player skill, and now you dared to mention that GEAR MATTERS.
great way to contradict the very thing you have been preaching.
Player innovation. Damn what the heck are you smoking!!1 Its NOT player innovation it is players AVOIDING loss, its a carebear tactic in a sandbox pvpffa game. Doing so involves NO risk other that getting killed and returning to spawn point. There is NO reward for the killer.
Why whould some player walk around NUDE and carry some ultra rare treasure when HE CAN BANK IT. you do not make any sence.
Im sorry but such a tactic makes this game less of a sandbox that is just a pathetic excuse you just made up to justify it. It totally defeats the risk of the game. If i want to mount an attack to a place my team can easly get there with no risk, bank up , get geared and raid a place. I dont have to worry of any of my team to be ambushed on the way by another group of players. NO risk what so ever.
In EVE when we planned to even do a move we had to plan accordingly and be in a big group to deter pirate attacks. even so some pirates manage to blow someone up, someone lost their stuff. The Risk was real and big, and it was up to us to take the chance on doing a move. Even in our own controlled space. That makes a big difference when your FORCED to carry your goods ect.
Why does this make the game less of a sandbox. Players in small to med size groups cannot benifit from doing planned ambushes to groups they spotted. ITs just not worth it. Yes we can kill them but whats he gain, nothing. This means there are just less choices on what to do. it means that people who want to live the life on the rogue system and be red will suffer the most.
This can easly be fixed making the banks not be universal. just like the space stations in eve. So if i stash my stuff in one place, that is the ONLY place i can retrieve it. That will make darkfall very exciting. In its current state it does not .
you know it, I know it. I understand your a fan to the game but out of everything worth defending you know this is pure crud to defend. This should be fixed . This alone crushed my intrest in the game. I didnt give a damn what was and what wasnt implemented. I didnt give a damn if the animations were not fluid ect. I have played hardcore pvp. as it stands now Darkfall is NOT hardcore pvp with the banks in it current state.
Avoiding risk is CAREBEAR!
Watching Fanbois drop their soap in a prison full of desperate men.
Don't get me wrong. I had very high expectations for Darkfall because of what the developers were saying... who didn't? Now I simply don't have ANY expectations for it being a good game. I would have bought it and played it from the start IF I was able to play a beta and IF there wasn't a limited and seemingly completely fucked-up distribution. I will still watch it to see what happens and I am still excited to get my hands on it and play. I am, however, very realistic and wary about what happens to games like this that do not initially deliver on their game model. It's hard to feel sorry for Aventurine, and we might not even have to. But whatever happens, I feel sorry for the genuine fans of this game and especially those who stuck around for a long period of time helping to try to make it better. Because no matter what happens at this point, it doesn't look like Darkfall will be as financially successful as it could have been, which I couldn't care less about except that it also means that Darkfall will never be fully developed into the concept that it could have been.
I agree, great game concept, but complete lack of public relations. I mean seroiusly....Where the hell do you go to purchase the game? The web-site doesn't say shit. I mean are they relying on the fanbois to do their advertising?
All sympathy and no substance, if you want info on the game you are in the wrong place. Just goto the news sections on the official site. This site is missrepresentative and full of missinformation. sadly.
________________________________________________________ Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
Don't get me wrong. I had very high expectations for Darkfall because of what the developers were saying... who didn't? Now I simply don't have ANY expectations for it being a good game. I would have bought it and played it from the start IF I was able to play a beta and IF there wasn't a limited and seemingly completely fucked-up distribution. I will still watch it to see what happens and I am still excited to get my hands on it and play. I am, however, very realistic and wary about what happens to games like this that do not initially deliver on their game model. It's hard to feel sorry for Aventurine, and we might not even have to. But whatever happens, I feel sorry for the genuine fans of this game and especially those who stuck around for a long period of time helping to try to make it better. Because no matter what happens at this point, it doesn't look like Darkfall will be as financially successful as it could have been, which I couldn't care less about except that it also means that Darkfall will never be fully developed into the concept that it could have been.
I agree, great game concept, but complete lack of public relations. I mean seroiusly....Where the hell do you go to purchase the game? The web-site doesn't say shit. I mean are they relying on the fanbois to do their advertising?
All sympathy and no substance, if you want info on the game you are in the wrong place. Just goto the news sections on the official site. This site is missrepresentative and full of missinformation. sadly.
Oh, and major issue #11. Complete and epic fail of launch. If you want to believe the last guy in the quotations it's up to you... except, oh wait, their website and forums are down because of said epically failed launch.
I hope you are ready to join him on the front line. Or maybe you gonna run away in fear, what is most likely from folks like you.
Defending a video game is the same "waste of time" as bashing it.
internet tough guys....nothing more than a geek nerd raging at the computer. And i am sure he would think twice when bullets are flying by him on the battlefield as he wets himself saying "Oh god...why did i ask for this!"
You have an answer for everything, in every post. There's no person on the planet that can have a different opinion or view on a subject other than you?
It must be wonderful knowing everything.
darkfail being a disaster is not new news:P
Donno darkstar but in some points you just got melted. Especially in point 6. If players can stash their gear in a bank, walk naked to another location and retrieve their gear. that in a way is a flawed design against the core element of the game. By god that does sound very carebear also XD
Darn atleast in eve you had to travel with your stuff in dangrous areas to then hide it in a station. There was a huge potential you get caught in a blockade and lose EVERYTHING. you cannot go to one station in a crap ship all the way to another and find all your stuff waiting for you.
Even if the rest is non revelant Justins point on number 6 is a huge one. full loot means nothing if the other players can stash their gear and run around anywhere showing their undies and not careing that they die by other players. they can simply run around again until they get to their location. Thats weak , ever for hardcore pvp players , very weak.
Watching Fanbois drop their soap in a prison full of desperate men.
I hope you are ready to join him on the front line. Or maybe you gonna run away in fear, what is most likely from folks like you.
Defending a video game is the same "waste of time" as bashing it.
internet tough guys....nothing more than a geek nerd raging at the computer. And i am sure he would think twice when bullets are flying by him on the battlefield as he wets himself saying "Oh god...why did i ask for this!"
I don't see him defending the game at all he is just sick {as are alot of us} with all the doomsday cry babys spewing crap about how this game is a epic fail on all levels. Who really cares if it is not the game you want maybe you should create your own game or go find one that is what you want, But I have never seen a game that makes anyone happy there is always something they want changed and when the dev. makes the change then there are 10 other peaple who get pissed off.
So if you don't like DF then fine go find a new game but please just stop all the bitching about a game you don't like.
Assassin's like to do it in the dark and from behind.
Donno darkstar but in some points you just got melted. Especially in point 6. If players can stash their gear in a bank, walk naked to another location and retrieve their gear. that in a way is a flawed design against the core element of the game. By god that does sound very carebear also XD
Darn atleast in eve you had to travel with your stuff in dangrous areas to then hide it in a station. There was a huge potential you get caught in a blockade and lose EVERYTHING. you cannot go to one station in a crap ship all the way to another and find all your stuff waiting for you.
Even if the rest is non revelant Justins point on number 6 is a huge one. full loot means nothing if the other players can stash their gear and run around anywhere showing their undies and not careing that they die by other players. they can simply run around again until they get to their location. Thats weak , ever for hardcore pvp players , very weak.
A player in his undies will loose against a player with gear.
Running from one location to another is a tactic used by players to travel with no risk, expect players to take advantage of this and BAG all their equipment to SEEM like thay are not carrying anything.
Its just another example of player innovation in a sandbox game.
But dont worry there will be PLENTY of armoured, ready to fight opponents for u, u wont really notice the odd naked marathon jogger.
And as I replyed, having a local bank system does not work. UO didnt have it, not even back in the day, and that should tell u something.
Rule number one will always be, dont take anything with u u cant afford to loose.
Thats what makes it so incredibly nice those few times u catch someone with something of real value in his backpack.
I'm sorry but that just seems like so much wishful thinking and doesn't make much sense. People will still get killed, they will just do it with no risk. If they had their items on them, then they would use them. (sigh)
You say that it's a tactic used to get from one point to another with no risk. That's exactly my point. You don't think there should be risk for transporting goods from one location to another? If you don't think local banks can work, look at EVE Online. Universal money, local items, and it works beautifully.
With replacable items, full loot, open pvp with consequences, there should be items in that backpack every time, and there would be with localized banks. It's exploitable otherwise.
The difference between Eve and a fantasy MMO is that its easier to get caught in a map inviroment as opposed to something so massive and 3 dimensional as Eve.
My point is that Reagents for spells and materials for crafting could easily number in the thousands or tens of thousands for an active player. That is not "Replacable items".
Transporting goods can be risky anyone out in the wilderness harvesting, will need to get to a bank, there is also the guild crystal that needs to carried to the town location and plenty of other situations where u need to defend the goods u are carrying.
But without creating this "caravan-minigame" as something EVERYONE has to do pretty much all the time.
You can make 100 points, but they have had 20 times higher demand than they expected for their game.. so its not a disaster to them.
Remember Old School Ultima Online
This is why we need another world war and a draft. Too many of you waste endless amounts of time Fawning on video games and need to do something constructive with your lives like placing yourselves in front of a bullet.
This from some childish liberal hack who is so godsdamned afraid of free speech when it differs from your opinion..It is you who are spoiled and have such a rediculous sense of entitlement. You say the game is good, then I guess thats all that matteres. Allof us alleged trolls should keep our opinions to ourselves.
Its guys like you and the mods here at MMORPG.COM (who incidently will probably ban me again for stating fact, with this post) who make this world need some cleansing with deep cleaning lemony fresh hollowpoints.
And you guys have your own website and forms to have "yes man" conversations, so in essence your even being in these forums regarding darkfall is trolling.
^^From someone who has played the game.
Oh, and I almost forgot to elaborate on the fighting bit...
I don't really feel like writing an essay arguing something I know to be fact, so I'll just tell you a story.
I log into DFO in the Human lands (I am a Mahirim)... I have a spare suit of armor equipped, a banded and chain outfit. I remember that I looted over 100 gold off of someone I had killed during my previous session, so I decide to run to the nearest bank, which is about 7-8 mins away.
So, here I am, a few minutes later, running in the direction of the bank, when all of a sudden over the crest of the hill I am ascending charge 2 humans... 1 on a mount, 1 on foot, both heavily armored. I was browsing the clans list, unaware of my surroundings, and I paid the price. I paniced and decided to make a run for it, but accidentally ran through an ogre encampment... they agro'd on me, and the horseman ended up finishing me off.
So I respawn at my bindstone, naked. I decide I'm going to try and fight them again. I know what I am capable of. I run to a nearby fruit tree and pick 3 apples off of it. Food will be useful in the upcoming battle, I'm thinking. As I'm running back towards where my death occurred, I get a nice little surprise in the form of an arrow sticking out of my back. I turn around thinking "Oh great," only to see a single human, moderately armored, chasing me. My health is low from respawning, so I whip out my staff and heal as I just barely dodge the next two arrows she sends my way. Then I rush in firing mana missiles, landing nearly every one as she attempted to strafe and return fire. I closed the ground quickly and equipped my sword as I came into melee range. She was an incredibly lack luster melee'r, even with the wide range of a polearm to assist her. I easily cut her down. I looted her, equipping the armor, but disappointed by how few arrows she had left (4).
Anyways, I pop an apple for regen and start again towards the location of my previous death. I came over a ridge, and looking out over the valley where the ogre encampment lied, I spotted the 2 humans, who were located just a few hundred feet east of the encampment. There is no way I will be able to sneak up on them, there just isn't enough cover. Maybe I can bombard them with the few arrows I have, and get entice them to fight me again. So I sprint towards them, and when I get within about 200 feet, I let loose my four arrows, 2 of which find the unmounted human's back. Good start, but now they are aware of my presence.
The horseman comes galloping towards me, leans to his left and swipes me with his sword as he passes. It hurts like hell, but I managed to swipe his mount... took away maybe 1/20th of it's health. Before I know it, the guy on foot is on me and trying to shove his sword up my ass, and the guy on the mount is circling around, getting ready for another charge. I realize this, and react by slotting my knockback skill and stabbing the hell out of the guy on foot trying to melee me, sending him flying back about 20 feet, and leaving me free to maneuver against the mount.
The mounted guy is closing in on me when an idea pops into my head... "What if I duck to the side? His short sword won't have the range to hit me!" And that is exactly what I did. As he passed, I ducked to the side and swiped at his mount, taking yet another slice of life away, and sure enough, his sword passes harmlessly over my head. By now the guy on foot is nearly on me again, so I turn and run in the opposite direction, knowing it will take him a second to process what I'm doing and react and that I have a few seconds before the horseman rounds on me again. As I run, I whip out my staff and issue a heal. As soon as that is through, I equip mana missle and start kiting and shooting the guy on the ground, as he sends arrows my way. When he catches up, I take out my sword and start trading blows.
I see out of the corner of my vision that the horseman has lined up his charge yet again, and is closing fast. I am still meleeing the other guy when another bright idea came to me... "If I circle strafe to the left, the guy I'm meleeing with will be between myself and the horseman." I waited until the mounted warrior was only a dozen steps away to make my move, and he was already preparing his swipe... sure enough, he didn't hold his swing, and it met with his friends back for some nasty damage as I strafed to the opposite side.
I realized my stamina was getting low, so I popped another apple, and then I continued to melee with the unmounted human, dealing him 4 blows for every 1 of his. I barely ducked the next charge of the horseman, who smartly decided to charge from behind me, I guess in order to ensure that he didn't repeat his previous mishap. As he passed I swiped his mount again, on accident, as I was still swinging at the other human.
Before the horseman could round again for another charge, I dropped his companion. My stamina was at about 1/8th, and I knew that I was done for unless I could find some potions on my opponents corpse. I also took into consideration that he was blue, thus he was likely to spawn in town or at a clan bindstone, which meant it would take him around 10 minutes to return to our position. So I decided it was safe to finish him (instead of leave him incapacitated on the ground), and I did. To my dismay I discovered no potions, and was about to close the interface when I noticed something... He had resin! I quickly looted it and turned to face my oncoming foe, just in time to dodge again and swipe at his mount. I drew my staff immediately and cast 'Mana to Stamina,' so grateful for my luck. I cast it about 4 times before the horseman made his next charge, and my stamina was near half again... which would be enough.
Again I ducked his swing and cut his horse. He was quickly becoming exasperated, and instead of circling and coming in for another swing, decided to stop, turn, and attack me with his mount's attack. It was a dumb move. Mounts turn slowly when they are not moving, and I kept to the side and slashed away as he desperately tried to buck and kick at me with his mount.
When he finally decided to try and make a run for it, his mount was close to death. I took out my staff and shot it down. He immediately whipped out his warhammer and came charging. I could tell just by the way he approached that he was reckless and was the type that would sprint around like a chicken without it's head. I stood still and let him come to me. Sure enough, he started sprinting and swinging madly around me, and I danced in and out of his range, swinging my sword only when I needed to, and connecting every time. Before he even realized, I had his health to about 1/4th, and then he chugged a potion and decided to run and heal.
You know how this ends... I shot him down with mana missle, haha.
I finished him off and was delighted to discover another mount figurine in his backpack, along with a set of mixmatched plate and black knight armor... great stuff. I loot him dry, then return to his friends grave and loo that dry as well. I equip my new armor, mount my new horse, and ride off into the sunset, towards Silvertown, a chaos city with a bank, just off the coast of Mercia (the human lands). I deposit the surplus of my winnings and ruminate over just how awesome I am.
Games looking forward to: Fallen Earth, Mortal Online
The noob formally not known as not being the formally not unkown known APEist; The Stone Cold Killer of Tarq.
Beta tested the game and having played allcurrent MMOs I can say this is a fantastic game. Absolutely no doubt about it.
Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
LOL PWND ...may as well re-roll dude GG no RM
This. In the end the game is just that, a game. Not everyone will like it, but some will. Have fun, and celebrate another option in the mmo world.
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
This. In the end the game is just that, a game. Not everyone will like it, but some will. Have fun, and celebrate another option in the mmo world.
Too bad the community on both sides have become a vile, obnoxious and childish bunch of immature players. Never seen attract so many from both sides.
Following on from an earlier post got me thinking, what are the death penalties in Darkfall?
If the only penalty is full looting and you can fight with crap, easily replacable kit and probably win a lot if your skills are sufficiently more advanced than your opponent, then there is actually no risk in this game whatsoever....I would, if this is the case, find this a little concerning for a ffa pvp game.
EvE, mentioned a lot in relation to Darkfall, has massive risk vs reward which is a pretty significant part of it's allure. I wonder how popular it would have been and continues to be if this was not the case....
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
I think you're on exactly the right track here... it all really comes down to penalties and rewards for pvp. It's just too bad that EVE is not fun. EVE combat isn't fun. I know, I have a 4 year old character; I've been the leader of 0.0 alliances. It's why I'm here.
If they instituted something like... [Youy have died. -1 to all skills]
I think that would be just about perfect. I don't think that getting sent back to your bind point is all that bad if you were going there in the first place. Give us a real incentive to STAY ALIVE!!
I agree, great game concept, but complete lack of public relations. I mean seroiusly....Where the hell do you go to purchase the game? The web-site doesn't say shit. I mean are they relying on the fanbois to do their advertising?
A player in his undies will loose against a player with gear.
Running from one location to another is a tactic used by players to travel with no risk, expect players to take advantage of this and BAG all their equipment to SEEM like thay are not carrying anything.
Its just another example of player innovation in a sandbox game.
But dont worry there will be PLENTY of armoured, ready to fight opponents for u, u wont really notice the odd naked marathon jogger.
And as I replyed, having a local bank system does not work. UO didnt have it, not even back in the day, and that should tell u something.
Rule number one will always be, dont take anything with u u cant afford to loose.
Thats what makes it so incredibly nice those few times u catch someone with something of real value in his backpack.
There snipped it so you wont post the whole damn thing.
Now wait a minute are you a different darkstar? Someone who preached that DF is all about player skill, and now you dared to mention that GEAR MATTERS.
great way to contradict the very thing you have been preaching.
Player innovation. Damn what the heck are you smoking!!1 Its NOT player innovation it is players AVOIDING loss, its a carebear tactic in a sandbox pvpffa game. Doing so involves NO risk other that getting killed and returning to spawn point. There is NO reward for the killer.
Why whould some player walk around NUDE and carry some ultra rare treasure when HE CAN BANK IT. you do not make any sence.
Im sorry but such a tactic makes this game less of a sandbox that is just a pathetic excuse you just made up to justify it. It totally defeats the risk of the game. If i want to mount an attack to a place my team can easly get there with no risk, bank up , get geared and raid a place. I dont have to worry of any of my team to be ambushed on the way by another group of players. NO risk what so ever.
In EVE when we planned to even do a move we had to plan accordingly and be in a big group to deter pirate attacks. even so some pirates manage to blow someone up, someone lost their stuff. The Risk was real and big, and it was up to us to take the chance on doing a move. Even in our own controlled space. That makes a big difference when your FORCED to carry your goods ect.
Why does this make the game less of a sandbox. Players in small to med size groups cannot benifit from doing planned ambushes to groups they spotted. ITs just not worth it. Yes we can kill them but whats he gain, nothing. This means there are just less choices on what to do. it means that people who want to live the life on the rogue system and be red will suffer the most.
This can easly be fixed making the banks not be universal. just like the space stations in eve. So if i stash my stuff in one place, that is the ONLY place i can retrieve it. That will make darkfall very exciting. In its current state it does not .
you know it, I know it. I understand your a fan to the game but out of everything worth defending you know this is pure crud to defend. This should be fixed . This alone crushed my intrest in the game. I didnt give a damn what was and what wasnt implemented. I didnt give a damn if the animations were not fluid ect. I have played hardcore pvp. as it stands now Darkfall is NOT hardcore pvp with the banks in it current state.
Avoiding risk is CAREBEAR!
Watching Fanbois drop their soap in a prison full of desperate men.
I agree, great game concept, but complete lack of public relations. I mean seroiusly....Where the hell do you go to purchase the game? The web-site doesn't say shit. I mean are they relying on the fanbois to do their advertising?
All sympathy and no substance, if you want info on the game you are in the wrong place. Just goto the news sections on the official site. This site is missrepresentative and full of missinformation. sadly.
Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
I agree, great game concept, but complete lack of public relations. I mean seroiusly....Where the hell do you go to purchase the game? The web-site doesn't say shit. I mean are they relying on the fanbois to do their advertising?
All sympathy and no substance, if you want info on the game you are in the wrong place. Just goto the news sections on the official site. This site is missrepresentative and full of missinformation. sadly.
Oh, and major issue #11. Complete and epic fail of launch. If you want to believe the last guy in the quotations it's up to you... except, oh wait, their website and forums are down because of said epically failed launch.
Great story!
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.