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A friend of mine has a girlfriend that works at pc zone, she does page layouts and design for the mag. It's all over the office how a couple of guys managed to pre-order and have been living the "DF" experience so far.
If they publish a review next month it will absolutely slate Darkfall and kill it before they have a chance to fix the problems. Talk is they aren't the only press guys to get an account also.
Myself I'm desperate to at least try it and having been left out in the whole preorder fiasco as I couldn't get onto the site even though I had already downloaded the client and created an account.
Right now it seems unlikely that thousands of people who have followed this game through years of development will ever get to play it as it will be killed before they can even open up sales again.
What a shame, seemed to have so much potential.
Not giving an ETA on new sales just confirms that they are months away from that. They have some money from the willing beta testers that they hope can keep them afloat for another few months before the geniune release but I doubt it wil be enough. Unfortunately for aventurine now they have declated this a release they can't hold back any reviews or label them as beta... it's released product now and it's going to be absolutely slated for it.
You're saying it's an unqualified fail?
That's a 'tad harsh but yep suppose so...
You talk like Darkfall is the next big thing. It's not. Aventurine is a new company, trying to make a mmo. Except for this site fanboys, the game aint known much and Aventurine did next to ZERO publictity. If they these guys are serious and do a review on DF, i can assure you it would be on the corner of a page down page 56 of their magazine.
Because the entire world reads some dumb magazine.
I'll take a game and review it myself, mind you. Not listen to what someone with totally different tastes than my own says or writes.
very little time has been spent in game.
any game magazine that rates a game on the launch, and the problems surrounding that has no credibility if you ask me.
That's a 'tad harsh but yep suppose so...
Then i Suggest it is way too early to make that call. A six-month period would be adequate.
My fiends are in playing from day one i cant get due to them fucking up the billing of the CC they are all lvling up in skills and i have yet to get on. It is not fair that some people get a head start like this.
This whole release has been a fuck up from the start. They should have let us Beta/stress test the servers for free, Preodering should have been done 4 weeks in advance, giving htem a good start on account managment.
If there seriously is a magzine that would destroy a game completely just because it had a very very bad launch I wouldn't wanna buy it anyway. Because I don't think much of the content will be worth reading
Do you lot honestly think that Darkfall will release in a good shape?
After all the experience you may have had with the likes of VG, Aoc, WAR and a lot of other MMOs you still think that Darkfall would release in a good shape? ROFL !
Its amazing to see people here complain to be honest, one day i guess you will learn that MMOs dont release perfect, more so for a small development company.
if the game is good after all despite its current magazine or troll cant do any harm to the game.
The moment a game launches and starts asking for subscriptions, it's fair game.
You're paying for that crap, aren't you?
I paid for the game, money is gone from my pocket, I have a right to complain.
Me - $ =
Darkfall + $ =
Looking at other big companies with so much more resources but still try to come out with a WoW wana-be, i will give AV some applause, knowing that they are small and running on limited resources. They still stick to their dream and come out with a different content.
They wont fix the bugs issue fast, that's for sure, but hopefully a few more months down the road they make this a better game.
Looking at sigil and at VG now, i believe they can make it.
Provided that Tasos stop talking....
RIP Orc Choppa
It's ridicilous that people expect a flawless mmo release and experience from an indie developer. WoW has set the standard of how a mmo should be at RELEASE it seems. I'm sure Darkfall will be a great alternative for mmo gamers when the game gets to set in.
grow up...
It is preferable not to travel with a dead man.
Yea, right, expecting to play the game we paid for 5 mins is just rediclous! Outrageous! I have no problem with bugs, I have no problem with server fixes, I do have a problem with taking my money and giving 0 support whatsoever.
Yeah, I guess you can only blame yourself for buying a new MMO right after the launch, especially from an indie company. It might work, It might not. And there's not a thing you can do. While confirming you have read the EULA and creating the gaming account, you are also accepting all the bullshit excuses you might get.
Only "LULZ EPIC FAILZOR" is to buy the unfinished product and hope it would work.
Didn't you get three days added to your playtime? I understand how players would be frustrated at not getting to play when they have been told to, especially when they have waited for years and on top of that given Adventurine cash, but to a veteran mmo player, this shit is to be expected.
Yet players act like Adventurine killed their family dog.
If they don't get their shit together after a while though, I can understand how people would get really frustrated.
It is preferable not to travel with a dead man.
Threads like this are idiotic. WoW had major issues at launch also. OMG if they had written an article at WoW launch it would be over. Like another said any "credible" review site would wait a while before doing a review.
Like I would say any "credible" developer would wait a while before doing a launch.
What is this PC Zone mag? I have never heard of it. They must be a bunch of non factors.
I for one am patiently waiting my turn. I can do that because I was privileged to have reviewed Darkfall in beta. Maybe I'll do a review of their review of Darkfall.
After all I have a million subscribers right here at mmorpg. How many does this PC Zone mag have? BTW most beta testers havn't gotten into release. That's nearly a server waiting to fill up.
Anyhow, if they are fair to their subscribers then the review will be much better then you are implying it will be. Actually I will be willing to bet Darkfall gets a front page mention. At least in word if not picture. I also think the review will be good for the most part. Good in the sense of Darkfall is unlike other mmo's......... and it is.
It's also not for everybody. Give it a shot. But don't go alone. It is a dangerous place to go it alone. That is reserved for those of my caliber. Which apparently you are not.
Oh darn, maybe I should stop playing now since it's going to fail so bad because of a few bad reviews. I'm definitely going to let other people's opinions about Darkfall affect how much fun I have playing it! Thanks for this heads up, Original Poster. If it wasn't for you, I'd still be using my preorder now, trying to increase my skills. Now I know the game is not even worth playing, since it's going to get bad reviews.
This thread = most fail evar.
If the review is on paper i have some bad news for you.
Paper from news as we know it is dead. Why buy a mag if i can surf the net. It wont have any impact what so ever. especially from a game thats only sold via download.
If someone actually reads a paper mag to make a desision and then runs to his computer. by all means that is an outdated person.
Even if they make a review on their website, what difference will it truly make? ask youself.
but comeon lets use some common sence.
I can easly say the sister of my wife who works for IGN happens to do reviews there and has got into the beta and even the launch of the game and soon will do a review.
see anyone can do it.
Watching Fanbois drop their soap in a prison full of desperate men.
The moment a game launches and starts asking for subscriptions, it's fair game.
You're paying for that crap, aren't you?
you are, but you cannot judge how good the game is if you have not played it.
they could say that they need to improve their infastructure and get better at keeping the servers open, but they cannot say the game sucks.
Like I would say any "credible" developer would wait a while before doing a launch.
if this is the case there are no "credible" developers anymore.