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Why do people put up posts, with absolutely nothing to back them up? You got some people getting there information from Xfire? What is Xfire? i dont use or do i care about this program. Secondly, i consistently see tons, and tons of players in all areas doing quests, raiding, pvping, and so on, for a game that a few people are saying is failing, not sure what they are smoking, but i just re-subbed a month ago, and this game is kicking some serious Arse, and i never find any trouble getting a group or running into tons of people for some fun PvP.
I know, and I think pretty much all AoC players feel it this way. The moment we mention that there is a lot of player growth in AoC... Some dude that have not played the game for 6 months feel compelled to pop in and tell us that what we see is not real. Funny. I never understood that thing.
Some people, in their sad existence of a life, feel it is their duty to make sure everyone else is as miserable as they are. Darkfall is the latest to get the short of end of this deal.
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You wouldn't understand
You are talking about YOUR own personal experience. And because we all have different expectations, not all have had a positive experience like you.
You do not know what Xfire is? So what? You also probably have no idea on how to split an atom, yet there are atomic bombs out there. What I'm trying to say that even though you don't know what Xfire is, doesn't mean Xfire is useless. we could have a 4 hour academic discussion about validity and statistics but the fact is Xfire has given us accurate data in past and will continue to do so in the future. End of story.
Xfire haters are a funny bunch. Age of Conan is now down from #4 top #46. Mark my words.. IF AoC somehow gets back to top-40 or even top-30, we are going to have tons of fans (these same Xfire haters) post on this forum saying how Xfire numbers are rising.
Most people here seem to use Xfire only when it helps their cause.
Xfire, do you need to have it downloaded to register you as a subscriber to a game? or can it find players who do not have that software on their PC's? just curious as I've never used it for any games.
Oh and if Xfire doesn't need me to have it installed to find out subs can you tell me how many are playing Darkfall atm pls?
I think most of them are more interested in causing it to fail, so they can have the cred of "i burned that game", or "i predicted it would fail!!!!!"
However the loss of subs was harsh, it looks and feels like the trend has changed and pop is growing slowly, however we can't really know for sure, only time will tell.
It failed for me, I don't really care for the rest.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site :
Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
No you need to have installed and RUNNING. I believe otherwise it's worthless. XFire is more of a chat program for gamers that also keeps stats of the amount of games you have installed and how much you play them. But I think it only counts the hours if it's active while you play.
lol Xfire AoC numbers plummeted from number 4 to 34, most logical explanation all the kids left the game. What's the average age of the AoC hater hell bent on telling everyone they are on crack? That'd be an interesting statistic right there.
You are talking about YOUR own personal experience. And because we all have different expectations, not all have had a positive experience like you.
You do not know what Xfire is? So what? You also probably have no idea on how to split an atom, yet there are atomic bombs out there. What I'm trying to say that even though you don't know what Xfire is, doesn't mean Xfire is useless. we could have a 4 hour academic discussion about validity and statistics but the fact is Xfire has given us accurate data in past and will continue to do so in the future. End of story.
Xfire haters are a funny bunch. Age of Conan is now down from #4 top #46. Mark my words.. IF AoC somehow gets back to top-40 or even top-30, we are going to have tons of fans (these same Xfire haters) post on this forum saying how Xfire numbers are rising.
Most people here seem to use Xfire only when it helps their cause.
Age of Mythology had 513 players active listed on xfire. I used to play that game like crazy. Anyway 513 players active in one day puts it about at 40% of what AoC reports...
Age of Mythology peaked back in 2004 on xfire. It's becoming an old game and truly never caught on online- it wasn't noob friendly by a longshot. Anyway, at peak gaming time throughout the week there is no more than 1000 players playing online, and at odd hours there is easily no more than 450 players on. The community was small to begin with and it's steadily been shrinking since... it peaked back in 2004.
Now, do you really believe that AoC only has around 2.4x the amount of players that this forgotten RTS game has, as would be indicated if these xfire numbers are an accurate representation? If you do it would be clear that it's been a significant amount of time since you've had an active AoC subscription.
Which is also curious if true. If you haven't been playing AoC, why do you start 3 topics a day in AoC discussion?
Well maybe because people are really bored and they like to troll ? "maybe" :P
Age of conan stopped bleeding many months ago, and it now seems that the population is slowly growing.
I always see new people in-game and old people who just resubed.
And i think that AOC population will have a major boost after the free trial
Bear Grylls : I need to get out of this frozen hellhole!
Bear Grylls : (Holds a beetle in his hand) 4 times more protein then Beef
You are talking about YOUR own personal experience. And because we all have different expectations, not all have had a positive experience like you.
Well, Proffessor, This site is about our own personal experiences, thanks for letting me now that, and no, not everyone will have a positive experience, and i do respect those who post about there bad experience and explain why. But you have a few people that just give alot of false information, like about Xfire, gimme a break, your telling me that xfire shows how healthy a community or populated a game is? That requires every person who plays a game to download and run that program. What if 15% of the population of that game is only using xfire? I think you get my point.But that is not what the topic is about, its about a few people giving and talking alot of stuff that is not true, its about saying this game is going to fail, when in truth its the opposite, the community is growing.
No you need to have installed and RUNNING. I believe otherwise it's worthless. XFire is more of a chat program for gamers that also keeps stats of the amount of games you have installed and how much you play them. But I think it only counts the hours if it's active while you play.
lol Xfire AoC numbers plummeted from number 4 to 34, most logical explanation all the kids left the game. What's the average age of the AoC hater hell bent on telling everyone they are on crack? That'd be an interesting statistic right there.
OIC, thanks for that.
Was wondering where ppl where getting these supposed stats from when even the company doesn't really give out that info.
Seems a bit short sighted though doesn't it to get your data from the one source which may only cover a small demographic of player types, I'd never even heard of Xfire until recently and then I was under the impression it was for younger players who liked thier FPS games, not for MMO's.
What I'm trying to say that even though you don't know what Xfire is, doesn't mean Xfire is useless. we could have a 4 hour academic discussion about validity and statistics but the fact is Xfire has given us accurate data in past and will continue to do so in the future. End of story.
No statistics presented by Xfire could be considered remotely accurate. They're a percentage of a percentage. I took a poll on Ursin a while back, a WOW server, on people who used Xfire. We got over 200 people who didn't use it, just on one server. Vert small percentage. Now multiply 200 to ever WOW server and you get a very large chuck of people, who according to XFIRE, do not exist.
So where's the accuracy in the percentage of a percentage? I have a marshmallow, i cut it in half, and then I eat half of the half I just got. I'm not out of marshmallow. I'm out of my piece. But if I said I was out of marshmallows, would that be accurate? No, because my answer was based off a percentage of a percentage.
Xfire is redundant when any instant messenger isn't used half as much as it was 5 years ago.
And, I have Xfire to keep in touch with a few gaming buddies, but I always close it before I game. See my signature? Very rarely do I leave it open and if I do it's an accident. It's an unneeded drain of resources, and you'd be surprised how much it actually drains.
So now, you have to take into consideration now the people that HAVE Xfire but don't use it 100% of the time while gaming. Now you got more percentages, really making that "accurate" statement even more hard to believe. -,-
Fact of the matter is, I just bought AOC. So did my brother, and my wife. My brother-in-law and his wife also ordered it off Amazon the other day. I see new people all over the game, same thing with Warhammer and the majority of games Xfire indicates failing. The populations are healthy once you're ingame, you don't need 10,000,000 to play on a healthy server.
It failed for me, I don't really care for the rest.
Same here.
Gl to all of u AoC fans
Being Danish myself I have the "luxury" of seeing what happens to Funcom as it is closely followed by Norwegian media.
Funcom lost 23 million US $, but they have 50 or so million $ in cash reserves still which they say will finance their remaining projects. The CEO said it was not the plan to use the cash reserves, but AoC didnt bring in the money to finance their other projects which was the financial plan. And the article I read also stated Funcom is using less resources on AoC now than initially planned, which I personally think means they will have a team working on expansion and fixing bugs and bringing out new content at perhaps longer intervals than originally intended.
In my opinion Funcom can get 100.000 players back within a year, but then Funcom really has to deliver and word of mouth has to be good. Many including me didnt just solely leave the game because it was still in beta, but also because of Funcom itself.
And Funcom does regard AoC as a failed project (compared to their own estimates) as an article linked below shows, the former CFO said that "100.000 players will be a failed project" back in May '08.
- Det er klart at om vi får 100.000 abonnerende spillere, vil vi anse Age of Conan mislykket, sa Sandnes til E24 i mai i fjor.
First of all you don't know if AoC have 100 000 or 200 000 players. Theres quite a few discussions about this you know. Second of all, even though your intentions are good I am sure you are quite off the facts. FC told the whole world in last financial report that there is 120 developers working on AoC and will continue to do so for the rest of this year at least. Let me remind you that 120 developers is more than even the WoW team.
Patch-content wise I have the impression AoC is going in the right direction, but I have my doubts with whether Funcom will be able to keep that up. Their financial state is horrible and they have been brought up recently with regards to their horrid employee treatment. There's no telling how that will turn out really.
I have continued to wonder this myself. I wonder if the people who have called this game a failure realize that if this continues, gaming failures could spell the end of this genre?
Think about it? Right now Blizzard has become the Microsoft of MMO's. No other game can compete. Instead of championing these underdogs (like WAR, AoC, DF), like the Linux OS, and hope that it makes some progress, where the big dog looks down and goes "Ooo...maybe we should try to make these games BETTER", instead we will see a dominant monopoly, of ho hum playstyles and same old mechanics.
We as players should instead HOPE these games make progress, or else continue to live with mediocrity, and same ole bland MMO's.
I guess it would be what they deserve?
The subscriber base of WoW is probably a driving force in ppl's opinion of what a successful game is, 11 million subs means successful, does it not?
So we go back in time to EQ1, the first 3d MMO, subs where about 500k plus and then more competition came out and the numbers started to drop off.
Now at that time I can't remember tales of EQ1 being a failure, or Asherons call1 or DAoC, yet their suscriber base would probably be equal to that of AoC's about now, perhaps less in some instances, yet those old games are still kicking around, no matter how many EQ killers came out or DAoC killers came out, they are still here.
I'm damn sure for all our posturing and speculating and doom-mongering and maths crunching that AoC will also still be around.
I don't believe 99% of the "facts" posted here, ppl post what they want to post and will twist the facts to suit them, but it gets pretty darn old to keep seeing the same old arguments crop up week after week, year after year about what game is a failure and what game is a success, can't ppl just play or not play a game and leave it at that.
Please don't compare linux to subproducts you have to pay to "enjoy". These subproducts deserve to make progress in the expense of the customers wallet so that someday the can stand as equals againt the tyrant called Blizzard, who promotes "ho hum playstyles and same old mechanics". I'm sure that was what FC, Mythic, Aventurine had in mind in the first place. The advancement and progress of the genre. Get real please. Really!!!
maybe because it did. The game was a meteor, burned white hot for a month or two then burned out by October. Now it has leveled out pretty much which is good, but they will never need more servers in my opinion. Unless the next patch and a comeback campaign is more successful than I anticipate. I do hope I am wrong on that.
I miss DAoC
First of all you don't know if AoC have 100 000 or 200 000 players. Theres quite a few discussions about this you know. Second of all, even though your intentions are good I am sure you are quite off the facts. FC told the whole world in last financial report that there is 120 developers working on AoC and will continue to do so for the rest of this year at least. Let me remind you that 120 developers is more than even the WoW team.
I can assure you that if AoC right now had 200.000 paying subscribers we would know about it. Funcom would let that number out as fast as they could. Because it would be much higher than everyone thinks, including potential buyers of their stock.
And saying that AoC has more developers on it than WoW is strange. I bet WoW, including those working on the next expansion, has way more developers than AoC. Doesnt quite sound right to have more devs if you have around 1% of WoWs customers.
It failed for me, I don't really care for the rest.
Same here.
Gl to all of u AoC fans
It failed for me too until I recently went back to give it another go... its greatly improved
Performance is great on my mediocre system, much more to do mid/high levels etc, and the PVP/Raids/Siege aspects really make the game.
AoC has definitly realised some of its original potential. Pity it didn't originally release in the state it is today.
Of course its not for everyone and if you've been burned by FC before then wait for a free trial before giving it another go.
Whats so erxciting about making posts to make people beleive that this mmo which was an insult to gamers is doing well.
Everyone knows that AOC isnt doing well, that it has less than 1/2 of the subs it was excpected to have.
Yet every week we see a new post saying: "10 reasons why AOC is the best mmo out there", or "population incresing" or even "DX10 ccoming to AOC".
Idk if the server merges finally occured, but some servers were nearly empty. So having 5 servers with quite a few people doesnt mean the game is doing great. Especially when fc planned to have around 30 servs originally.
I'm not a no life that sits in front of his computer all day long, I'm an intern that sits in front of his computer all day long.
The same can be said about the bashers... there is nothing "exciting" about that either. Just some poor, disgruntled souls that get only pleasure from attempting to ruin others' fun.
And, a word of advice, if you don't know something, then do not speak about it. You have less chance of ruining your credibility that way.
loading between zones is what killed it for me. which was right after level 20.