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What is it with these people ?
Im playing a preist on horde side on Ravencrest PVP server, and are often engaged in combat with alliance players, sometimes i win and sometimes them, anyway most of the times when i loose the player who beat me would "salute" or "bow" at me, or some other respectfull gesture.
But then there are rogues, these guys will sneak up behind me and do some backstap from stealth, im fine with that its what they do, but then when im dead on the ground they will "spit" or " make rude gesture" or some other stupid remark, its not all the times but very often ( i take notes ), ofcourse other classes do this, but rarely, rogues realy top the list by far.
So back to my question, whats going on in those peoples heads ?
It's just rogue payback for never getting heals...
What you expect from alliance?
RIP Orc Choppa
If you take into consideration the abilities of the Rogue, you'll understand why. They suit certain personality types.
A) Deep down, we know we're getting to you. So much that you had to go post about it on a forum.
Maybe you should take notes on spelling and typing.
Believe it or not, some people still roleplay these days. Even rogues.
might i suggest
"Midazolam for aggressivity and violence in three mentally retarded patients
WS Bond, LA Mandos and MB Kurtz
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, PA 19104.
Midazolam was administered to three mentally retarded patients with acute and refractory aggressivity and violence. Midazolam was well tolerated without complications and provided dramatic control of the symptoms, suggesting an expanded role for it in the management of aggressive and violent behavior."
Wait until they put in your water system ~ welcome to carebears online hehe
Regarding the B/ answer, english is not my native language so there might be some bad spellings, but i think most people understand what i am trying to say.
Anyway, thanks for the replys so far, keep them coming.
This should be issued with every copy of Darkfall.
Shame there aren't any copies ...
LOL! This is true. Back in my pre-BC raiding days rogues were the most worthless class to bring on raids. Always in melee range on bosses, soaking up a ton of damage, wasting tons of healer mana. Give me ranged DPS over a rogue anyday.
Oh, and most of the players were completely emo. We had more rogue turnover in our guild than any other class...hands down.
Maybe they are just naturally aggressive, maybe they are role playing it a little bit, maybe they are just RL idiots who carry it into the game, but most of all maybe you are taking it a little too seriously as it is just a gesture in a "game"?
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Think about personality types.
You're an honest, compassionate person and you value honor and straight-forwardness. Are you going to play a tip-toeing, backstabbing, shadow-walker class? No.
The majority of people that play rogues do it because the shady aspect of the class appeals to them - this comes out in their behavior.
I consider myself a pretty friendly, open, and honest guy. Why should I lie? Nothing really to hide in most cases.
That being said, rogue has always been my favorite kind of class. I like stealth because it gives me added safety because I can hide from an oncoming bad guy if I suspect him as such. I never "gank" people and only defend myself if attacked, so I don't think it's ALL personality type.
Hells, I dislike the majority of rogue players too. They seem to be complete colostomy bags most times.
It's true.
We're assholes. That's why we rolled rogue.
It is very seldom I get a /spit after I been killed if I am on my level 80 toon. But if I am leveling a new and someone of atleast 10 levels more kill me it's almost always followed by a /spit. I guess it's not so much the class as the mentality of the person playing the one killing you. On your server it's mostly rogues with this anti-social attitude, on my server it's mostly casters. I am starting to like the powerlevelers and gold farmers more and more, they atleast thank you when you kill them. ^^
Never really noticed it much before but for some reason when I play my horde toons the night elf hunters are always rude.
on my horde, i mostly get /spit from rogues, and paladins. im on draka BTW, so its not an RP thing. im either an undead warlock, or a blood elf death knight. but, i just ignore it. what -I- hate, are the classes who arent rogues, that play like rogues..the ones who can only win a dual by running and jumping around in circles like a retarded frog..yea, you know the kind.
breaking news, a brawl broke out between the hogger and arthas the lich king downtown gadgetzan. there where no survivers
Go to the AH. Check out the retarded, annoying little brats, you know - those who can't stand still, who's always jumping, and constantly nagging "gief 10g".
Now, count how many of them are rogues....
Yup. That many.
*Steps up for the rogue.*
I've been playing rogues of all colours and sizes since my first mmo (EQ2). I've started a rogue now, in WoW, and it is amazing fun.
However, I think, I can say, I am a very polite person. I like rogues, because I like to role-play them, I like to play the lone wolf. I also find them elegant fighters. But I must admit, I am not big on PvP.
In a lot of other games, rogues are rather weak. So kiddies don't tend to play rogue classes, because they want to be uber. I do have the feeling, that the rogue in WoW (I am only lvl 16) is stronger than in other mmos, so perhaps it attracts a different player type?
I am sure in your head you were thinking "ZING!" when you typed this, but way to post on a site that is obviously visited internationally and make yourself look like a jerk. If that is what you were going for, then yes, you succeeded.
As for the OPs question, I would have to agree with some of the others that certain classes also fit certain personality types. Does this always apply? Of course not! You cannot say that every person who plays a rogue is therefore a jerk IRL, but I also feel you have to take into consideration the fact that you are on a PvP server; PvP is all about competition, and rogue or not, Alliance or Horde, you will have people that take it to the extreme and want to gloat about it. Thus you get the spitting, rude emotes, squatting on your face, camping, etc.
You can't win - if you strike me down I shall respawn more powerful than you could possibly imagine!
Wait till you get in Hellfire peninsula rogue will be replaced by DKs .
LOL yeah I know, Alli are the good guys and Ive had some stuff done to me that makes them seem like the bad guy.
I just started playing again...Ive quit so many times its not even funny. Im back this time again cuz family is playing. But I was a Rogue but I like Hunter so much better.
yeah I had my fun with the rogue, I never talked smack like that after but I have killed the same person over and over again while fighting mobs.... But that is just payback for what the Alli has done to me, Ive gotten killed by ?? so many times I lost count. I used to be more honorable than most alli but now im in vindictive a-hole mode and will try and kill any Alli even if they are way lower level. I mean it only makes sense, if you can't beat them might as well join them and grief the others. Cuz what goes around comes around.
As a person that considers myself mature and happens to play a rogue, the only time I ever /spit on an enemy is when:
A) One of my lower level friends is being ganked and corpse camped by a higher-level ally and I show up to even the fight,
When I get attacked by a higher level toon that doesn't one-shot me (not so much on the rogue now that i'm leveled)
C) When I win a fight stacked against me (ie, two or three equal level allies, one five or so levels higher, or attacked at low hp fighting a mob)
I salute people I haven't been able to kill in a fair fight (dang resto druids!). As someone who's been on the recieving end as much as anyone else, I think I've developed a theory: These people, rogue and non-rogue alike, are kids that never properly learned to play their class and as a result suffered a lot in world PvP. They decided to take out their rage by rolling the sneaky backstab class so they can follow you around and pop out at the most inconvenient time. It almost seems like a crusade... I've had people twice my level corpse camp me for an hour at a time while leveling, completely unprovoked. I dunno, maybe it's a "thrill of the hunt" thing... only instead of hunting game with a rifle or bow it's more like a bazooka vs a toddler.
Haha ! Wonderful reply, really tickled.
Think its time now for a BUMP here
I think that the rude behavior is more of a faction based hatred than and class based one. Horde think all alliance players are whining little cretins who broke suction from their momma's teat long enough to line that backstab up. And Alliance members think all horde players are basement dwelling neanderthals pondering how much mana +5 that new belt is gonna land him when he spends his dkp. Or maybe it's the other way just might be a little of both.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."