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Well, apparently, funcom billing department does not work on the weekends. I reactivated yesterday. Played for a few hours and now the account is frozen because my credit card transaction is "pending"
Ive never had an MMO where if you resubbed on the weekend they'll freeze the account until it goes through on Monday. That's something Aventurine would do. You figured Funcom would be somewhat more advanced in their billing department.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
and they charged me twice.
I got a feeling my resubscribing of this game will be shortly lived
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Strange looks like they tried same time following day. I hope you get it sorted out fast and that you enjoyed your pizza. Are those charges still pending?
They're pending but will go thru 12:01 this am.
Yeah, pizza was for the kids. Im on a crazy diet
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
surely Oh Prince, you wouldnt begrudge them an extra 15$.
You also might want to make sure everything is ok with your credit card.
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
why are you going through so many hoops for the regular audience to show them the double charge? Just deal with funcom and your bank and get it sorted out. Issues do happen and have happened to nearly all the games out here on the market whether it be billing or login servers etc. It's certainly no excuse, while at the same time no reason to go on a rant without giving them due time to respond to your issue.
Same old FunCom.
Make sure you delete your CC info when you cancel, they have a history of continuing to charge you if you don't
If you have seen the historical evidence of how naysayers are treated on this site, you will know why I showed it. And copy and paste is not "going through so many hoops"
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
no i mean personally taking a shot of my online banking account and such. Kinda pointless, you have nothing to prove to anyone on this site and as far as aI know noone can really help you on the site in your problems. Many companies do not fullstaff on the weekend so hopefully you can have the issue resolved tomorrow. Till you've given them plenty of time and had no success I don't see much benefit to this site in seeing your current issue.
Thats weird since mine been pending for about 2 months and still subbed.
Must be having problems. I resubbed to this game back in late november, early december, no problems. Had a bug pop up tonight on screen so I logged out and closed client then reopened the game tried to log in and it tells me now, "account frozen".
You jinx you!
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Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
It's nothing new. Was a regular occurance with Funcoms' Anarchy Online billing system for quite awhile. Still happens occasionally.
If you think Funcom is bad.... LOL.
Try Steam ( Now that one sucks monky balls BIG TIME!
Just contact billing support by email. They will sort it out. In AO days it took about 2 days then money was sent back.
Blizzard dobblebilling dogh.... Waited 5 days for them to reply by email that I had to contact them by phone... Then the phonelines were to busy so they did not accept more calls to the cue. Called 3 days in a row then just gave up.,,,,
Troubles with billing is no fun, but to be honest, writing a mail to funcom asking for a refund wouldn't be more work than posting this stuff here I'm sorry if this makes you not want to come back to the game. I'm on my second billing since I returned now and am happy about the state of the game, not to mention how much better the community has become. Btw, I have been "double billed" many times during my lifetime as a card user, those times this has fixed itself without any involvement from me. I think its something like the billing-company checks to see if your account is in ballance, then the money is reserved, after this the money is withdrawn and it will look like a double billing for some days.
FC once *gave me* three months of playtime, lmao.
They sorted it out though, but don't think I bothered to tell them about that
It is preferable not to travel with a dead man.
I 100% agree with you. I filed a email through their support line before I posted here.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I hope they will help you I personally wouldn't never subbed to any FunCom game other way than gametime card same sadly go for aventurine too.
Same here. My account got frozen then I was billed twice on my debit card. Hopefully they will fix it soon.
Hen that a brothel?
I guess this is a good extra income for Funcom whenever the customer does not take notice of the extra billing done.
Slippery hidden semi-illegal marketing at its best!
What the hell is up with funcom, I resubbed sunday and my account was reopened then go to log in today account frozen even though I know my CC is valid and was accepted. Im not really wanting to hit resubmit so they can charge me a second time like the op.
No signature, I don't have a pen
Pending transactions doesn't mean they charged you twice. Wait until its on your statement to freak out.
Mine was accepted not pending, then I log in today and it says account frozen and failed acceptance of payment.
No signature, I don't have a pen
Maybe you should learn to listen? It is enough of ignorant fanboys around these forums already. And this is nothing new. Similar things have happen in the past. Just shows how Funcom can fix their problems..