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I am currently an evil lvl 13 Erudite Summoner on the Roleplay server. I really do enjoy the game but there are a couple hurdles I can't seem to get over. First, the way of finding groups. Maybe I just have really bad luck but I have only been in one group and I am lvl 13. I broadcasted and flagged myself for LFG but I rarely get invited. The group I finally got accepted to (a couple days ago) disbanded once the mission was done. I am in the commonlands broadcasting my LFG and flagging myself and roaming the lands trying to complete my quests which is impossible solo. I walked up to 3 separate groups and two of the three would not even respond to me when I asked to join. The other group invited me but then I crashed and when I logged back on the leader wouldn't respond to me whatsoever, least say sorry, full or whatever and I knew he was there cause I was looking at him.
So I find myself wandering around the maze of Freeport chasing down NPC's for minimal rewards and exp over and over leaving the quests that require groups alone. I find myself outgrowing those group type quests and soloing them when I am like 3-4 levels higher than need be just so I can finish the quest and ofcourse I get like 35c which would of been nice at the level I was supposed to finish it but that much money is worthless at my level. I will find my quested kill taks mob and camping it will be like a lvl 17 player doing the same quest. Probably cause he just got the quest or could never get a group to do it so he waited till they are grey to finish it.
So now I decided to take a break from trying to get a group, which I thought would be an easy thing in this game but for some reason the attitudes I am running across are elitists already. A funny moment occured when I joined my first society and I sent a tell to a fellow Evil Erudite Summoner asking if I could ask a question and they responded with, "You just asked me a question" Which is comical. I guess that player was "Roleplaying" their evilness. I decided to not even bother replying to that person and neither did they.
To wrap it up, 7 out of 10 people don't seem to be very communicative or really seem to care or try to make friends. The one group I was in decided to put everyone on their friends list but they either have out leveled me or I out leveled them. So I feel like I am currently playing a single RPG that forces you to take part in a community that is caught up in their own concerns an agendas. For example the leader dropping out once he gets his quest completed.
Finding information in the game is hard as well. I hear people asking where such and such zone is in game and not a soul answers. Either no one knows or no one cares. Already at this low level I spend way too much time LFG, running from point A to point B, solo in a large world. Kinda like Morrowind where you are a part of a huge beautiful world but you are experiencing it alone.
Perhaps my approach is not good or I am in the wrong places. Maybe I need to find a good guild but that is not the easiest thing either.
Reason I made this post is cause I am currently standing in the crossroads in the commonlands, just standing there not knowing what to do. I log on, look at my character and then log back off. And I am metorphorically at a crossroads in this game, deciding which direction to go.
Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
You're experiencing a psychological condition which is quite common of late, called "Realising EQ2 isn't all it was cracked up to be and is populated by people with an irrational need to be aloof and look down their noses at others".
See you in WoW
Since when did roleplay mean being unhelpful?
Are you saying people will be more helpful to this guy on the non-roleplay server?
Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I remember there was a tick-box at the end of the character creation screen to choose whether you wanted to go into the tutorial or not.
I hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck in EQ2. You'll need it.
When you crate your character there is a checkbox saying "skip tutorial" or something.
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
That just skips boat btw :O... o, and they are probably right.. your on a rp server.. and evil.. Means everyone is rping stuck up assholes.. :O I am on a normal server.. get invited even when I dont ask.. kind of annoying actually..
The problem seems to have to do with your class... the summoner I'm afraid.
From what I've seen and read on various EQ2 boards, the summoner class is the least desirable in a group. That would pretty much explain your problem in receiving invites. Easy fix would be to start up another character class or search for a summoner friendly guild(would have trouble with this as well I'm guessing).
Isn't the boat the only tutorial?
I haven't played release, so they might have changed it, but in beta it was..
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
Sounds like a pretty serious balance issue to me, but you "hardcore" people seem to be able to put up with a lot more flaws and ommisions than us lowly grind-haters.
Well, thanks for the help guys but I doubt I will keep playing.
I decided to craft. Easier said than done. I read through an online crafting manual, joined a society and the wholesaler doesnt even sell ingredients that I can use to make my basic tin spikes etc. So I leave and visit three other zones, still no NPC (that I am able to find) selling the ingredients I need. I noticed many NPC's sell the default copy and pasted wares, you know, the Merchant consignment board, torch, some potions, arrows and a bow, blah blah. So I figured I needed to harvest the ingredients myself. Well, thats easier said than done as you spend so much time finding the random spawns hoping to get the material you need.
Every town zone is a maze. Ive played every day since release and I still get lost in Freeport. I have just got fed up today. However, I liked the game up until I hit these walls. Every NPC name is some form of Latin making it hard to remember what and who goes where even when referring to the Quest Journal. Yes its nice to have alot of quests but I feel there is too much to keep track of.
I figured I could simply craft and continue enjoying the game while I kept learning the mechanics and gameplay but I can't even do that since just getting the starting ingredients is a needle in the haystack.
Perhaps I am simply overlooking certain things but I should not have to resort to spoiler sites and online manuals just to play.
Between loading zone after zone, maze after maze, to unfriendliness of the community to the confusion of crafting, finding groups and finally completing quests I feel the effort does not make the end result more gratifying.
If I put more time into the game perhaps I would succeed. But I think this is more for a powergamer. As I like to log on, play an hour then quit since I have many other things I have to do, I like to know I can log on for an hour and get something accomplished besides running a marathon.
I am lvl 15 and I can already see the slow grind setting in. It is really slow, really really slow.
Too bad.
Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Get off our forums, I got of WoW's now maybe you could be kind enough to get off ours.
EQ2 Qeynos Guild-
I know I will not be playing EQ2 anymore. When WoW goes retail, I will be leaving skid marks as I race to get back to some fun.
You hit on a couple points that were really annoying to me as well. Very hard to keep track of the quest givers names and locations. Not to say I don't eventually find them, but it's just so difficult to do and really takes away from the fun going back and looking at each person again to find the right one. Quite simply too much thinking involved for something that shouldn't require thinking It just takes away from the fun.
Also, I'm finding the zone loading extremely aggravating. If I'm doing a bunch of quests and need to run across a number of zones, you will spend a good portion of that time looking at splash screens as the zones load. You run across a zone which takes 30 seconds, then you stare at a "loading" picture for 10 seconds. Run across the next zone, stare at another "loading" picture, on and on... All I feel like I'm doing is looking at those damned hand sketched drawings everytime a loading screen comes up.
I too find myself logging on, thinking about the "work" that needs to be done, then logging off again. This entire game just feels unfinished and "unfun".
You should join a new popular server like Crushbone. My guild is in that server, and you could join. Just visit us at . I dont play currently but some of the guild members do and could help you.
EQ2 Qeynos Guild-
I know you've already given up on having fun, but try this out before you completely throw away the game:
1 - Create a new character on a new server. Look for crowded servers as these tend to have more groups since there are more people around. Usually.
2 - Create a healer class, especially a cleric-type. Healers, as you know, are always in demand. You will feel like a hot-looking single girl in a frat house. Especially if you create a hot-looking female character. Unless, you don't like being groped. Can't help you with that one.
If you do these two things and you still find yourself soloing, then I don't know how to help because I don't play EQ2. However, I've found that grouping is easier when you're a healer, generally speaking.
Good luck!
No, actually Blizzard's philosophy seems to be that if you're gonna spend money on a game then you shouldn't have to work in it, you should be having fun.
And if you believe that you can't have a sense of achievement without grinding away at repetitive, boring tasks, then you'll just never understand WoW.
Back on topic, the guy who started this thread is obviously an intelligent guy. He was never gonna put up with a game like EQ2 for long.
As some things can be right and useless, can't some things be wrong and priceless? -Viktor Suikoden I
Get a good guild and 95% of the points you have are solves in the same time.
If you dont like to live for the guild, breath for the guild, pee for the guild, now you have a serious issue with EQ2 Japan-minded society structure and you are nothing but: ''An anti-social freak that want evil solo at the detriment of the many''
When you say that soloers are the many, they change the discussion topic...
EQ2 is still a nice game, as long as you like to exist for the guild!
- "Solo is, will always be, the main market. A MMORPG that succeed with little or no solo appeal is doing great considering they are ignoring the main player base.''
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
As some things can be right and useless, can't some things be wrong and priceless? -Viktor Suikoden I
Speaking from the point of view from an adult "thirtysomething", a video game should not be made to feel like "work". I work for a living in real life and don't want to come home to what feels like another part time job gaming.
Yes, I do want trivial, repetitive tasks handed to me on a silver platter.
No, I don't need to spend more than half of the time on a quest finding the original person who gave it to me.
Yes, a little hand holding though mundane parts of a quest is nice.
Yes it's nice to have a "create all" button when crafting 10 potions instead of clicking on 100 different items and making 3000 mouse clicks just to make one of them.
Call me crazy, weird, and way off base, but a video game should NOT be all that hard, just challenging and enjoyable.