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I have no idea how many of these are paid members, but 1 million users in a freemium game like this to me sounds significant. This type of pay model is not usually this popular.
I think its significant in comparison to other free to play games
Runes of Magic recently announced 1 million registered
and that was 2 months after launch
Free Realms is only 2 weeks old -- with 1 million registered
EQ2 fan sites
At least not in western countries.
Perhaps this is like a new and much improved Club Penguin? hehe.
Why? It's a free game. There's no reason for it not to reach a million quickly
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depends how you define "quickly"
as I posted, it took Runes of Magic 2 months -- it took SOE 2 weeks
EQ2 fan sites
Why? It's a free game. There's no reason for it not to reach a million quickly
I dont think you grasp the concept of 1 MILLION....a million is a shit ton of accounts. Sorry thats NOT easy even if its free...
it will be amusing to read how people will come up with stuff how they realy dont have 1 milion users now
A million accounts and a million players are two totally different things.......
Free Realms got 1 million players, so wow lost 1mio? I mean, its the same target audience
you do know registerd users are not actualy characters created on the acc right?
Has anyone played the game? I might have to give it a run around this weekend just to see whats up.
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You wouldn't understand
played the beta and the movement system was perfect and felt smooth and seems like a fun game but im bored of all mmos so didint play more then a few hours
if i registered account.. played for 3 hours.. deleted, and never looked back i would be counted as registered user..
1 mln users is about 0 in free mmos..
dont all those silkroad, and shit free mmos, reach 100mln registered users.. just google.. im sure its somewhere near that
im pretty sure wow have 20-30 mln registered users easily, i somehow dont see blizzard saying we have 30 mln registered users..
That's because it is, at least for SOE. If I'm not mistaken, FR's 1 million registered users would give them a larger player base than all of SOE's other games combined.
Also, even if only 5-10% of those people are paid members, that would still be anywhere from 50-100,000 subscribers in two weeks. Not bad for a game of its type.
Sure it is. People like free stuff. If they happen to like the free stuff enough and want more, it only costs them $5 a month for the rest. The low cost per month combined with the sheer amount of stuff you can do right off the bat for free makes FR a pretty good deal.
free to play games and no monthly fee games (like Guild Wars) use Registered accounts
WOW, EQ2, AOC, EVE, LOTRO, etc -- are subscriber games and use sub counts
no question that subscriber counts are much more reliable to an Active Player count
but games that can be played with no monthly fees have nothing else to rely on for success beyond Registered Accounts
all mmos could report concurrent users for the month -- but most do not, including WOW
EQ2 fan sites
. . . and your point?
Posts like these just scream insecurity. Large numbers mean nothing to the average player, they only serve the purpose of the age-old "My Dad can beat up your Dad" adage.
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You wouldn't understand
this blog's first impressions does a nice job summing it up
EQ2 fan sites
depends how you define "quickly"
as I posted, it took Runes of Magic 2 months -- it took SOE 2 weeks
Free realms is also advertising on cable network television where I don't think runes of magic is.
Still 1 million registrations is very impressive.
this blog's first impressions does a nice job summing it up
Excellent article. This sums up how I feel about the game well.
The first 999,999 are getting a free t-shirt for their character and pet as well as a couple hundred station cash. The one million user will be getting lifetime membership and 10k station cash.
i didnt register to this game i just logged in with my SOE account and just played. does that include people who already has SOE ccounts?
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AH...1 million registered users!
Wonder how many are actually playing?
Since you registered with soe to create that account and you must register to play I would assume yes it does count you, even though you created it for anther game.
As pointed out before 1 million people, whether it is registered or playing, is still not a number to be laughed at. Since the game is free and is said to be relatively decent I would think lots of those registered people are using it as a reprieve from their primary MMO.
I think it is a good thing that Western companies are experimenting with different payment plans. I myself like the payment plan that Aion has for China where you pay for the hour. Since I am not a "hardcore" player (I usually play 1-2 hours a night and more on the weekends depending on the weather) I get a lot more bang for my bunch than the standard payment plans.
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You wouldn't understand
we're only counting existing Station Members (and Station Access subscribers) who have actually come to the Free Realms website and registered an account.
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