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Tried Aion and it felt in no way different than questing at WoW alliance side.
I already maxed three characters in WoW, I have no interest in a shinier, flashier version of WoW where only difference is that instead of buying a flying mount, pair of wings splurt out of your back.
I posted a warning multiple places about this being standard MMO-affair and clueless as to why it was hyped so much...
Former xFire user... I only wanted a game tracker and messenger, not a screenshot taker, video recording, broadcasting piece of bloatware.
You tried the NA Beta, the China live?
You played how long to make this decision?
EU beta and china live.
Classes = same as in every other mmo
Skills and abilities = same as in every other mmo
monster AI = same as in every other mmo
This is just same ol WoW with shinier sugar coating.
No reason for questioning his opinions. Most of the time these topics are posted only to spur the fans of another game into a flame session. Everyone knows this has been discussed to death yet the likeness of every game to WoW is always brought up.
I for one hated WoW (not for the game but for those who played it) and quite enjoy Aion. If you can't see and tell the differences between the two than you are clearly wearing blinders.
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|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
Judging from the gameplay videos I just checked out on Youtube, the innovation of growing wings and flying seems to create the same exact combat that you can find in LOTR, WOW, etc. The graphics and the movements of the models look great, but overall, no matter how fun the game is, it still plays like an average fantasy dice-in-the-background- MMO. No denying it. And this is coming from someone who wants the game to be out already.
I don't mind the same repetitive gameplay, I just hope Aion can balance progression well enough so that they don't end up catering over 80% of their attention to the casual gamer that has been synonymous with fast leveling and gear-upgrades every single level so that the only gear that matters is end game gear. I REALLY don't want this to be another clone.
I think you mean same ol'MMO with just shinier sugar coating. Hate to burst your bubble, but MMO's doing the same thing were around well before WoW.
WHO SAID YOU AION WILL BE DIFFERENT ?? if you bored with mmos dont play them
Hyped so much the same reason WOW was hyped up so much. WOW was just another "clone" game, the same as Aion. But the fact of the matter is, there are drastic gameplay differences at the end. And what WOW players complain about is the end-game. So what if the characters handle the same way, and the combat system is pretty similar. What you do with it is a completely different objective than WOW's endgame.
And even the people who enjoy Aion have said it, there's nothing innovative here. But that doesn't make it a bad title. We've been saying this, as fans, forever now.
/agree 100%
Yes, the 1rst 20levels are just like WoW and other traditional MMOs.
What sets Aion apart from the others?
2-Aerial PvP
In other words, the Abyss, lvl25 onwards.
Nobody playing this game is looking for revolutionary features. Everybody knows what the game is about, it's an extremely polished game, has a very good amount of content, is very fun, combat works, economy works, crafting is meaningful, itemization is good, world looks great, sounds awesome, some pretty cool features like item skin etc.
How many recent MMOs can boast such a string of stuff that work at release? Not many. That is what differentiates Aion from the rest of the pack.
aion never boasted with being different than the mainstream mmorpgs, like 98% of all mmorpgs aion is an offspring of everquest, anyone expecting something else has obviously never read anything about this game. you don't go around and tell pears that they don't taste different enough from apples just because you somehow felt like they should taste like ice cream.
I am afraid that these are not what set AION apart from the others, my friend.
PvPvE is just a form of faction PvP with a twist.
Aerial PvP has been done before. It's not new.
Thing that set AION apart from the other is it's really polish. That's it.
Being a similar type of game, If WAR has the polishness of AION, I don't think AION even stand a chance. Too bad.
I don’t know bro, seems your reply is a little hard to follow with the terms used. I agree with the point of changing combat but, you lost me with such terms as casual gamer. What exactly do you mean by the term causal player, is that someone who plays less than ??? hours a day or is your definition of “causal player” address a certain form of game play/style???? I seem to read a lot about unhappy game players on two sides, one type of player indicates that if leveling is hard and time consuming than it is a game grinder where the next shares that fast leveling and gear upgrades per level is not good. The concept of a clone is equally confusing; does this mean that any game with a similar form of mechanics represents a clone? Or is it the sound? The graphics?
This right here shows that you know nothing about the game, thus the rest of your post is irrelevant.
Aion has challenging PvE, and a PvP system that actually works, compared to WAR's bland, boring PvE and broken pvp system. It's not just the polish that failed WAR, there's a big number of issues as well.
Aion is MUCH more like DaoC in it's PvP not WAR.
Well then don't play if you have done it before.
I however have not gotten a WoW character to any significant level and have only played, extensively, Lineage 2 as a pvp game.
so I am looking forward to more quests than L2 had but with the end game pvp.
I have also heard the keys G maj, C maj and D Maj used in so many songs I can't count. Doesn't stop me from finding something to like in new songs.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
i'm pretty sure the point of making a different game is that the game is different. So no one has to say AION will be different because it should be inferred. dont hate the OP because he made a valid point, it just doesnt make sense.
play:LoTRO status: dragging
tried: WAR, FFiX, WoW, Guildwars, Silkroad, Vanguard, AoC, Sword of the New World
Yep I agree with the OP, played this for 15 minutes. Enough to realise its same old same old,, back to Darkfall I go before i get hugged to death by cuddly wubbly bunnies of love......yuk.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
so why did the op play wow then, it was just as much an everquest offspring as aion is, according to you there was obviously no need for making wow because it did not differ enough from eq, ac and daoc. i am pretty sure you played a 08/15 mmorpg that released after eq, so why be a hypocrit then?
gonna try it if i like it i will play if i dont i will find another game, and thank jeebus everyone is differant and has differant views/opinions on things as if all was same as the OP the world would be a boring place indeed
How many of these genius threads are we going to get before live?
**shakes head**
The title should have been "This has been posted way too many times."
so why did the op play wow then, it was just as much an everquest offspring as aion is, according to you there was obviously no need for making wow because it did not differ enough from eq, ac and daoc. i am pretty sure you played a 08/15 mmorpg that released after eq, so why be a hypocrit then?
so why did the op play wow then, it was just as much an everquest offspring as aion is, according to you there was obviously no need for making wow because it did not differ enough from eq, ac and daoc. i am pretty sure you played a 08/15 mmorpg that released after eq, so why be a hypocrit then?
This is a common misconception amongst the MMORPG community. World of Warcraft, while sharing many similarities with EverQuest, is far from a clone. The games you see out now share ten fold the amount of features that WoW shared with EQ when it launched. Please, don't think a game that came out and drove one of the final nails into the EQ coffin was merely a clone.
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde