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It's true. So many sick things are being done that are sanctioned by courts and so forth in Iraq. The most gruesome are the torture and sick executions of homosexuals. They get their anus glued up which results to death. Death squads that are operating legally murdering and capturing citizens who havent done anything wrong other than their beliefs and sexuality. Go USA! New Saddam Government in place!
And the price? Thousand of young American lives wasted and hundred of thousand Iraqi civilians. GG .
"<Claus|Dev> i r pk"
Fact Checker need not apply.
That sort of stuff is normal in the Islamic world.
But at least they'll have Wal-mart and McDonalds right?
Then they can buy useless crap and become economic slaves just like the west.
This part is certainly true.
No matter when the U.S. leaves Iraq.. now, two years from now, ten years from now- this scab of conflict we've started there will never heal. Ever.
Unfortunately, Bush/Cheney created an artificial reason for the U.S. to be stuck there with a military presence for the next one hundred years at least.
This part is certainly true.
No matter when the U.S. leaves Iraq.. now, two years from now, ten years from now- this scab of conflict we've started there will never heal. Ever.
Unfortunately, Bush/Cheney created an artificial reason for the U.S. to be stuck there with a military presence for the next one hundred years at least.
For a hundred years to be correct we would have to survive the next 3 1/2 years .Hehe..
Can you imagne a non brutal government in Iraq.
It doesn't really fit the picture does it?
They replaced an unfriendly brutal government with a friendly brutal government. That's a gain.
Whether it was a gain that was worth the cost is a different story completely.
Of course the irony is we were friendly for a good period of time to the former brutal government, till we labeled it unfriendly. I wonder how long it will take till we do it again.
"If we don't attack them, they will attack us first. So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike"
We didn't arrive at our brand of representative democracy for hundreds of years after its inception.
Rome wasn't built in a day, not that Rome wasn't a particularly brutal culture itself. was an unjust war and we sent people over there for what? Makes me sick that Bush was able to get away with it. All we did was just take out one bad guy to let a hundred little bad guys loose. I love my country, but my god our government really needs a good house cleaning.
Please post a link with an article on all of these brutal things that are legally happening and the laws that let them get away with it.
Nothing personal but I'm not going to take the word of someone on an internet forum. was an unjust war and we sent people over there for what? Makes me sick that Bush was able to get away with it. All we did was just take out one bad guy to let a hundred little bad guys loose. I love my country, but my god our government really needs a good house cleaning.
I know millions kurds would vehemently disagree with you, as would the vast majority of the Shite.
Sometimes i wonder just why we are fighting in Iraq. First it was to disarm Iraq of its WMD's, then it was to replace its goverment and now as i look at its current goverment i ask myself "what has changed goverment wise for the people of Iraq".
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
All you need to do is look on the internet for sources of news on the subject and you will find at least some evidence. Sadly Iraq is currently a goverment divided between the US puppets the Religious groups and the tribal warlords.
To put it simply the root cause of the problems was the poorly designed gameplan for after the Iraq invasion i.e. what shall we do in iraq after we win!!!
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
Exactly. I think at this point the writing is on the wall over there.
There are too many divisive entities and tribal leaders within those entities that democracy could ever work there. If only the geniuses who thought this fiasco up could have realized that fact, when a high schooler could have given the same information.
Which shows that these guys really weren't that naive to think democracy would ever work, they simply didn't care. They thought if it did, great. If it doesn't, meh.
In the long run, the plan was to work in a government friendly to U.S. interests so that we could perhaps have in-roads to business opportunities like we tried with Cuba, Nicaraugua, Panama, Chile.. you name it. That was the plan all along.
"TO MICHAEL!" was an unjust war and we sent people over there for what? Makes me sick that Bush was able to get away with it. All we did was just take out one bad guy to let a hundred little bad guys loose. I love my country, but my god our government really needs a good house cleaning.
I know millions kurds would vehemently disagree with you, as would the vast majority of the Shite.
That doesn't matter. Good 'ol G.W. made the excuse that "Iraq had WMD's" to the American people and the world just to justify this war. Yet, after we sweep aside their meager forces, all we found was highly degraded mustard gas that was thought to be made during the Kuait War. Yep... hoarding WMD's they were... /sarcasm. And, before you reiterate the BS about "freeing the Iraq people"... thats a very bad and flawed excuse concocted by the Bush administration and Conservatives to attempt to justify this unjust and criminal war after it was discovered they lied the first time with trying to pin amassing WMD's on Iraq.
I don't really care what the Kurds and Shites think or want. As far as I know, they never asked for our help one bit. Therefore, if you are attempting to try and justify the utterly unjust war of Iraq based on us attempting to free them from their dictator... who gave us the right to do that? Oh, and before you say it, Might does not make Right. Yeah, there was no justification for this war at all except for Good 'ol G.W. to show that he could do what his pops couldn't... take out Sadam Husein. Oh, and for the greed of oil.
George W. Bush and his entire cabinet and the CIA leaders during that administration should be charged for Crimes Against Humanity and imprisioned for the rest of their lives. His greed and lies have cost tens of thousands of individuals their lives and billions of US dollars in expenses that could've been used to help the US rather than hurt Humanity. was an unjust war and we sent people over there for what? Makes me sick that Bush was able to get away with it. All we did was just take out one bad guy to let a hundred little bad guys loose. I love my country, but my god our government really needs a good house cleaning.
I know millions kurds would vehemently disagree with you, as would the vast majority of the Shite.
That doesn't matter. Good 'ol G.W. made the excuse that "Iraq had WMD's" to the American people and the world just to justify this war. Yet, after we sweep aside their meager forces, all we found was highly degraded mustard gas that was thought to be made during the Kuait War. Yep... hoarding WMD's they were... /sarcasm. And, before you reiterate the BS about "freeing the Iraq people"... thats a very bad and flawed excuse concocted by the Bush administration and Conservatives to attempt to justify this unjust and criminal war after it was discovered they lied the first time with trying to pin amassing WMD's on Iraq.
I don't really care what the Kurds and Shites think or want. As far as I know, they never asked for our help one bit. Therefore, if you are attempting to try and justify the utterly unjust war of Iraq based on us attempting to free them from their dictator... who gave us the right to do that? Oh, and before you say it, Might does not make Right. Yeah, there was no justification for this war at all except for Good 'ol G.W. to show that he could do what his pops couldn't... take out Sadam Husein. Oh, and for the greed of oil.
George W. Bush and his entire cabinet and the CIA leaders during that administration should be charged for Crimes Against Humanity and imprisioned for the rest of their lives. His greed and lies have cost tens of thousands of individuals their lives and billions of US dollars in expenses that could've been used to help the US rather than hurt Humanity.
Not really sure where to start, since you never really have any cogent points in that entire incomprehensible screed. Bush never said they had WMDs, he said they believe they have WMDs and that they know Suddam was trying to obtain them. This was all true and verified.
[Mod Edit]
I would encourage you to go read the join senate/house resolution, as in it THEY were the ones that claimed all these same exact things. So why aren't you clamoring for the Senate and House to all be "imprisoned for the rest of their lives"?
After all, the Congress is the only one that can authorize the use of our armed forces. The BUCK STOPPED AT THEIR DOORSTEP, not W. Bush's and not at the CIA.
This part is certainly true.
No matter when the U.S. leaves Iraq.. now, two years from now, ten years from now- this scab of conflict we've started there will never heal. Ever.
Unfortunately, Bush/Cheney created an artificial reason for the U.S. to be stuck there with a military presence for the next one hundred years at least.
Excuse me? we started what?
Forget for a moment the crapfest debate over why we went in the first place. The primary reason the conflict is still going on today is that after eliminating Saddam's government, the Shia portion of the Islamic world had control for the first time in centuries over an Arabic nation, upsetting the balance of power. We succeeded, quite by accident, in reigniting a civil war that has been simmering on the backburner for quite some time. This is a mess that would have boiled over on its own soon enough, the only difference we could have made was by not getting involved, and allowing them to slaughter each other like cattle. Save a handful of American lives, sacrifice a few hundred thousand unwanted third world dogs to do it, that seems to be the motto of our people recently. Bah, it makes me sick.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
How certain are you that it was an accident?
all stories and no links? Where are the links to the stories/accusations of whats happening in iraq?
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Oh, you must mean all those Shiite Iranians that Saddam gassed with our blessing during the Iraq-Iran war in the 1980s.
Or those Kurds that our allies the Turks have suppressed and killed.
American altruism.
Wow they found the worlds only elderly Jewish Iraqi Bush supporter. Grats. But it could just be the dementia talking.
Are you arguing that we did condemn the use of mustard gas on Iranian troops during the Iraq-Iran War?
Or are you arguing that we have a history of condemning the suppression and killing of Kurds by the Turks?
I'd post fancy video clips from the Iranian troops that were gassed, or from the Kurds that were killed by Turks, about what they think of the US, if only they were still alive to talk.
Are you arguing that we did condemn the use of mustard gas on Iranian troops during the Iraq-Iran War?
Or are you arguing that we have a history of condemning the suppression and killing of Kurds by the Turks?
I'd post fancy video clips from the Iranian troops that were gassed, or from the Kurds that were killed by Turks, about what they think of the US, if only they were still alive to talk.
Oh noez!!?! American didn't save everyone and everything so it's all worthless and pointless to do anything good, especially if instead we can attack Bush!!!! uhh der, der, der.
Are you saying we should rule the world?
There is much going on in Iraq that is admirable. Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis are beginning to work out their differences through negotiation, not violence. Freedom of speech abounds. A new economy is taking shape, in which entrepreneurs are creating jobs and a civil society. Elections are punishing thugs and theocrats who cannot deliver services and rewarding more-pragmatic forces. The appeal of radical Islam is waning.
Who would write such a thing? National Review? World Net Daily? Who?
Would you believe....Newsweek?
Of course the article couldn't go long without fawning over Obama and giving him some kind of future credit for the success of Iraq:
But Obama still has the power to shape a decent outcome in Iraq. In doing so, he could help change the political dynamic within the Arab world and present a new model of America's relations with a modern, Muslim, Arab country.
Gee, kind of exactly how Bush wanted it to be.
Somehow, I think that even if the fawning press gives unfairly some or much of the credit to Obama to how Iraq turns out in the next few years, our gracious ex-President will never utter a defense. Bush never sought anything for himself. It was always about us in America and what was right in Iraq.
Imagine if things do turn out so well that 20 or 30 yrs from now we have an American President shaking hands with an Iraqi President and both speaking heartfelt words before the world about the men and women of our U.S. forces who gave so much that Iraq might be free. The shrill political partisan voices of today will have long faded, and all that will be remembered is the sacrifice and the gratitude.
Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Credits Bush?s Military Surge Strategy for Ongoing Progress
Yep,pretty obvious its been a failure..have no clue do we...
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.