In games like WoW and such, everyone always complains about wanting new stuff to be thrown in, stuff to be shaken up a bit and a story. Now that SWTOR actually is adding this stuff in, a whole lotta people start flaming the game, saying how disgusted they are about the possibility of soloing. Please, name me 1 game where you cannot solo?!
I reckon this game is gonna be the new best thing. I find that when i play mmo's i dont always wanna be in a group. I mean... its the game experience as a whole rather than constant grouping and mad instances all the time?
I've also actually read that there are a whole lotta instances and pvp and such and such... so i reckon, do the story, then once you got the content kick ass in the other stuff the game will hopefuly offer
ok, now woflmann... Surely you play an mmorpg not to make your own story...? go play KOTOR (which is the sickest game in the history of the world) and make yer own one up The great thing bout this game *hopefully* is that it will integrate RPG stories and influences to a whole massive world in which you can interact with other people, get gear, and overall establish your roll as a Jedi (all hail jedi!) Buut thats just my perspective :P
I dunno, maybe im just being an idiot talking crap about random stuff... i for one, am extremely excited about this game, so to finish of i ask this:
Whens it coming out?!?!?!?!?! *darting eyes* and will there be a monthly payment? ...
Originally posted by hubertgrove "...a AAA MMO with absolutely no hardcore content at all, casual content would be king of the hill..." It's called Free Realms. Aimed aty 4-10 year olds.
And last I heard it already had more than 3 million subscribers.
Yep, game may be geared towards kids and families that game together, but it's kicking SWG pre-cu ass all over the place. To me that tells me that the vet sandboxer mentality is in the minority. I hope TOR doesn't appeal to any of those pre-cuftw players that continue to whine and troll, the game will be better without them.IMHO theywere the ones who bitched constantly on the SOE forums to the point where they game ended up in the suckier spot it's in today.
This is from Dana Massey's new article posted today. It's a quote that I have been saying on these and the SWTOR boards for a while now, and no one will listen. He saw the game at E3 and had this to say: "Bioware’s Star Wars: The Old Republic looks a heck of a lot like a cooperative single-player RPG." This is the game everyone here is touting as the "savior of the MMO genre". Really? A game that looks and plays like a single player RPG is going to save MMORPG games? A game with henchmen? This is not a troll post. I am hoping we can have some real discussion here about what constitutes a true MMORPG, and what is just an MMOG. In my mind, SWToR unfortunately looks like an MMOG, not an open world MMORPG where people are free to forge a memorable adventure. It seems like it's going to be the purist most sanitary theme-park game ever concieved of, leaving little else to do than run quests and maybe chat a little. This is a true bummer in my mind.
I agree with your sentiments. I think far from being the 'savior of the MMO genre' it could be just the opposite. Because it is from a very well respected developer, and because it has high production values, is Star Wars, and the previous single player rpg games have established a loyal fanbase, this game could release to great commercial success.
And like WOW, that commercial success could eclipse the actual contribution of the game in advancing the MMORPG genre forward. What could happen is what happened after WOW; other developers looking to cash in will emulate SWTOR, leaving us with years and years of SWTOR clones. That wouldn't be so bad if SWTOR didn't seem to be the almost antithesis of what the MMORPG genre stands for.
This is from Dana Massey's new article posted today. It's a quote that I have been saying on these and the SWTOR boards for a while now, and no one will listen. He saw the game at E3 and had this to say: "Bioware’s Star Wars: The Old Republic looks a heck of a lot like a cooperative single-player RPG." This is the game everyone here is touting as the "savior of the MMO genre". Really? A game that looks and plays like a single player RPG is going to save MMORPG games? A game with henchmen? This is not a troll post. I am hoping we can have some real discussion here about what constitutes a true MMORPG, and what is just an MMOG. In my mind, SWToR unfortunately looks like an MMOG, not an open world MMORPG where people are free to forge a memorable adventure. It seems like it's going to be the purist most sanitary theme-park game ever concieved of, leaving little else to do than run quests and maybe chat a little. This is a true bummer in my mind.
I agree with your sentiments. I think far from being the 'savior of the MMO genre' it could be just the opposite. Because it is from a very well respected developer, and because it has high production values, is Star Wars, and the previous single player rpg games have established a loyal fanbase, this game could release to great commercial success.
And like WOW, that commercial success could eclipse the actual contribution of the game in advancing the MMORPG genre forward. What could happen is what happened after WOW; other developers looking to cash in will emulate SWTOR, leaving us with years and years of SWTOR clones. That wouldn't be so bad if SWTOR didn't seem to be the almost antithesis of what the MMORPG genre stands for.
And the thing is, I learned long ago as a SWG vet, and so did a lot of others (a few haven't yet) that we were in the minority. And by minority I mean like players who actually liked, and were still stuck on the days of pre-cu swg and UO. The industry has changed, but our opinions of what we enjoyed did not. Maybe we are excessive compulsive types, IDK. Thing is I got over that a while back. Now I'm ready to move on. Do games these days have everything I want? nope. I can get over that and enjoy most games for what they are though. I'm not a fan of WoW only because I am not a fan of Fantasy swords and bow type games anymore, but A good sci-fi with a big IP is enough for me.
We still do not know enough about this game to say what things are in it that vets might like. It sounds like space, housing, crafting, resource gathering, economy are in. They have an open world with vast draw distances based on a description in an article I read, and instances with zero visible loading. They have a type of system in the game for stats that will allow you to differentiate yourself from others, like KOTOR, but more complex I assume. There is a light/darkside system, still no word on how Jedi works beyond that yet. There is tons of clothes and armor, weapons for each class.
SO really, if you can get over the old ways of thinking, this game might just have a little something in it for everybody. Is it going to have everything you want in it? Nope, but then that would be selfish since there are many other types of players, and we all want something different and TBH you can’t have it all without each system effecting he other.
This is from Dana Massey's new article posted today. It's a quote that I have been saying on these and the SWTOR boards for a while now, and no one will listen. He saw the game at E3 and had this to say: "Bioware’s Star Wars: The Old Republic looks a heck of a lot like a cooperative single-player RPG." This is the game everyone here is touting as the "savior of the MMO genre". Really? A game that looks and plays like a single player RPG is going to save MMORPG games? A game with henchmen? This is not a troll post. I am hoping we can have some real discussion here about what constitutes a true MMORPG, and what is just an MMOG. In my mind, SWToR unfortunately looks like an MMOG, not an open world MMORPG where people are free to forge a memorable adventure. It seems like it's going to be the purist most sanitary theme-park game ever concieved of, leaving little else to do than run quests and maybe chat a little. This is a true bummer in my mind.
It's immaterial what you think about a purely subjective point of view - which is what an MMO is. Too many folk are assuming too much at this moment in time, and just looking for something to bash without any qualifying information.
The way I look at this subject is if the worst that happens with this game is it is just a really good single player rpg with a chat room and very little co-op play than I will play it until i hit the end of the story and resub when a new expansion comes out. That is still pretty good to me.
i wont pay a subscription to a game that is basically guild wars with a star wars skin. group with your friends and go into your own instanced version of the world, no way will i pay for that monthly.
Eh...if its more like a single player game, so what? I'll just play it like one. MMORPGs aren't the only games I play. And when I am done with most of the content. I will quit playing it, like I do single player RPGs. However, I don't think it will be so limited as you suggest. If the game played exactly like a single player RPG where you could occasionaly have a few friends help you would not justify the monthly subscription. I don't think people would play it very long. They would chew through most the content and move on if there isnt MORE to do, like open world areas, instances, PvP, etc. I do not see Bioware making that kind of mistake if they are choosing a similar buisness model to most other MMORPGs. Now if there is no monthly subscription, or you pay for additional content, like Guild Wars...all bets are off.
I don't know, the Single Player RPG Online with Multiplayer Hubs model does seem to make commercial sense.
Firstly, it will be much smaller than most MMOs, that means less cost to construct and maintain
Secondly, by adding a new free 'chapter' every two months and a new paid 'expansion every four or six months, you get an end-game going that actually BOOSTS revenue.
Although I do sympathise with those who wnt a sandbox style game, what you have to realise is that your in the minority. It sells to be given a story than create one and in actuality even though you might protest it isnt a bad thing. Yeh you have to play a pre-written path in a way but you also shape your destiny in this game and in fact this way you will actually see the changes happen around you. From what bioware are saying, certain areas of the game will be instanced thus allowing the impacts of your choices to be clearly visible. I disagree that it seems to be a coop single player, we have yet to see a huge amount of the game, they have announced that they want raiding etc, just because the playable demo of the game allowed 2 players to coop was just a demostration of the group mechanics they are using and to get feedback.
It's 2 games in one. You can do your story arcs solo, or with a group if you choose, some you may only be able to experience alone, since it has to do with you. Same goes with other content, there will also be raids zones ect. Really from what I understand the game is going to appeal to those who wanted a KOTOR3, as well as vets of any MMO, and SWG fans (elder players we are called) How will they pull this off without making it suck? There is a lot being withheld till later, closer to launch.
Will there be instancing in the game? James: Yes. There will be instances in the game, and it's improtant for a lot of reasons. We want to be able to do storytelling and have players experiences that aren't disrupted like they are in public areas. Rich: But we are balancing the instanced areas with the public parts. James: Because it's an MMO and players play MMOs because they want to feel part of a vast world with lots of other players, you can't make too heavy use of instancing, or you'll take that feeling away. That's something we're very aware of. Rich: I actually met my first online friend when they saved me from dying. That's an experience you don't get in instances.
So yes, there will be public zones and instances because well, like you saw in the demo reviews you need to have an area without a lot of other players effecting the story. This isn't themeparkish, this is living an adventure. It's a little hard to wrap your head around because it's a little different from most MMOs where you really are on a themepark ride. Unless you enjoy players who camp your mobs afk trying to get them to let you in for your turn, and no one is at the helm, or getting smart ass remarks (GTFO noob/ CM), lag, kid spam ect. Nothing like standing in line to get your turn, that to me seems more like a themepark. Ride the rollercoaster, get off, next ride. The way instances will work in TOR is they will be steamed, so you will never know you entered one other than the player behind you not in your group will vanish thru the doorway. So everyone will be living their own adventures in the game with friends, or by themselves. There will be a player ecomomy, shops, craftibles, resources to build things or trade. To me this sounds like a much better option in MMOs than anything esle out there.
I think this game is meant for star wars fans. To be honest i think it is fun putting up with the idiots while trying to get my quest item or mob. the easier something is made the less value it seems to have. i have made good online friends by teaming up with them and fighting griefers or helping someone get a quest item. I think that the game will appeal to pre-teens and star war fans the most. But thats a big base so I think it atleast has a fighting chance.
And like WOW, that commercial success could eclipse the actual contribution of the game in advancing the MMORPG genre forward. What could happen is what happened after WOW; other developers looking to cash in will emulate SWTOR, leaving us with years and years of SWTOR clones. That wouldn't be so bad if SWTOR didn't seem to be the almost antithesis of what the MMORPG genre stands for.
That is your problem. MMORPG does not really have to stand for anything. TOR is going to be a GAME first. If it is a good game, there is really no reason why it should not be a huge success with many to follow.
i wont pay a subscription to a game that is basically guild wars with a star wars skin. group with your friends and go into your own instanced version of the world, no way will i pay for that monthly.
I will sure plenty will be happy to pay. I guess I wont be seeing you in the game.
i wont pay a subscription to a game that is basically guild wars with a star wars skin. group with your friends and go into your own instanced version of the world, no way will i pay for that monthly.
I will sure plenty will be happy to pay. I guess I wont be seeing you in the game.
If plenty there are, to be seen that is!
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Is it even worth mentioning that the very phrase "cooperative single-player RPG" is an oxymoron? (For the illiterate: cooperative = more than one player.)
you and your grasp of the english language, it makes me sick sometimes....
on a more serious note, it's looking a lot more like a solo friendly game, which to be honest isn't that bad but in my eyes it's not what they should be aiming for.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds -Solid non level based game -Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Something else from an interview was the producer stating, 'We are making Knights of the Old Republic 4, and 5, and 6, 7, 8, 9' which kind of leads me to believe they are focusing more on their single player game style from Mass Effect and KOTR and adding an online element.
Now their single player games are pretty badass. They have already indicated the dialogue system is a multiplayer dialogue system with multiple players interacting at the same time and shifting the outcome. This all sounds really cool, but once again, I think this is another game that will sell well, but be a content grind to end game where there will be some other hidden grind (gear, faction, pvp gear, arena, etc.) that is ultimately a shallow experience. This is just my fear for the game. It seems like they are going to make it well worth my 50$ and my monthly sub until I get through the content with my friends the same way I did in Guild Wars, DDO, LoTRO, but I don't know how well they can retain subs once end game is reached. I've only ever liked end game in one MMO and that is FFXI.. where it took like over a year to get their with my first character.
I guess one drawing aspect that the devs have intentionally done is make each class a very different playstyle and experience, and with multiple story arcs it should be fun to play through the content with at least 2 characters, maybe 3. Maybe they can pull it off though and make something with enough replayability to hold subs, but I very seriously doubt it with how much focus they are putting into the story. Still i'm excited, and I will buy it... well it depends on when it's release is in relation to FFXIV, but at some point I will play it for sure.
This is from Dana Massey's new article posted today. It's a quote that I have been saying on these and the SWTOR boards for a while now, and no one will listen. He saw the game at E3 and had this to say: "Bioware’s Star Wars: The Old Republic looks a heck of a lot like a cooperative single-player RPG." This is the game everyone here is touting as the "savior of the MMO genre". Really? A game that looks and plays like a single player RPG is going to save MMORPG games? A game with henchmen? This is not a troll post. I am hoping we can have some real discussion here about what constitutes a true MMORPG, and what is just an MMOG. In my mind, SWToR unfortunately looks like an MMOG, not an open world MMORPG where people are free to forge a memorable adventure. It seems like it's going to be the purist most sanitary theme-park game ever concieved of, leaving little else to do than run quests and maybe chat a little. This is a true bummer in my mind.
from the official website FAQ:
"Is this a MMO?
Yes, Star Wars: The Old Republic is a MMO, or “massively multiplayer online game”. Star Wars: The Old Republic will allow thousands of players to explore, adventure, and fight in a single game session."
I am not really sure what this means. It looks to me that in order to group I will have to go into an instance (single game session?) . But can I see other players in the open world? If I have to go into an instance to group with players I am done with the game.
I really like the SW ip and want to see this game succeed BUT , when i read stuff like this from a recent interview with there devs at E3 it makes me cringe...
The Flash Point scene was a private, closed off area for only you and someone you brought along from the looks of it. no other players, so it is safe to assume this was a single player area. We saw some people on Hutta, but they were just going about their normal business.
As the devs told us, the majority of the game can be done without a single bit of help from another player. They said that the main appeal of MMOs is the experience single player with the option of being with other players. They confirmed that names, chat, and so on could all be turned off or ignored if you really, really wanted absolutely nothing to do with other people.
Naming filters have been confirmed. No numbers, special characters, or Star Wars names. They emphasized the strictness of this system, as they seemed to agree on the assumption it could be immersion, if not game breaking.
If they want to make KOTOR 3 thats great but dont rap it up with optional coop play and slap a monthly sub on it..
When every lvl 30 (insert class) is running around in the same exact gear and none needs any help to aquire anything... blehhh
There will be no sense of community , no need for community
from the official website FAQ: "Is this a MMO? Yes, Star Wars: The Old Republic is a MMO, or “massively multiplayer online game”. Star Wars: The Old Republic will allow thousands of players to explore, adventure, and fight in a single game session." I am not really sure what this means. It looks to me that in order to group I will have to go into an instance (single game session?) . But can I see other players in the open world? If I have to go into an instance to group with players I am done with the game.
They are talking about game session, the single just mean every one time you play the game. It doesn't say single player game session.
Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!
I really like the SW ip and want to see this game succeed BUT , when i read stuff like this from a recent interview with there devs at E3 it makes me cringe...
The Flash Point scene was a private, closed off area for only you and someone you brought along from the looks of it. no other players, so it is safe to assume this was a single player area. We saw some people on Hutta, but they were just going about their normal business. As the devs told us, the majority of the game can be done without a single bit of help from another player. They said that the main appeal of MMOs is the experience single player with the option of being with other players. They confirmed that names, chat, and so on could all be turned off or ignored if you really, really wanted absolutely nothing to do with other people. Names:
Naming filters have been confirmed. No numbers, special characters, or Star Wars names. They emphasized the strictness of this system, as they seemed to agree on the assumption it could be immersion, if not game breaking.
If they want to make KOTOR 3 thats great but dont rap it up with optional coop play and slap a monthly sub on it.. When every lvl 30 (insert class) is running around in the same exact gear and none needs any help to aquire anything... blehhh There will be no sense of community , no need for community
Like any other MMO around today, why is it a big deal for this one. Name any today's MMO, WoW, WAR or any other, you can all lvl to the end by soloing. Take WoW as an exemple (using WoW because it's well known), you can get to lvl 80 soloing everything, you will have to skip some elite quest but that's it.
People who like to group will continu grouping and those who like to solo will solo. Join a guild and make some friends and group with them, anyway, PUGing these days is very bad.
Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!
I dont think many think this game is the savior of the genre, but it is going to be way overhyped because of its IP........ As for it being extremely solo friendly does that shock anyone anymore??...... 90 percent of the MMos coming out anymore are single player coops......
Hmm Wow only recently with its expansions has become solo friendly to 60ish ,before that everyone need to group up to run the majority of there content and still do...And even the lower level instances ,altho the bosses have been made easier if you want to do them at the aprpriate level you need a good group.. otherwise you have no shot.
You will get Nowhere in War as a solo player....You wont complete 1 instance dungeon and you wont survive long in RvR without at the very least a good 6 man ....
Hmm Wow only recently with its expansions has become solo friendly to 60ish ,before that everyone need to group up to run the majority of there content and still do...And even the lower level instances ,altho the bosses have been made easier if you want to do them at the aprpriate level you need a good group.. otherwise you have no shot. You will get Nowhere in War as a solo player....You wont complete 1 instance dungeon and you wont survive long in RvR without at the very least a good 6 man ....
Still, you can reach max lvl solo, you don't have to do any raids or instances. Same for WAR or pretty much any other game games.
Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!
In games like WoW and such, everyone always complains about wanting new stuff to be thrown in, stuff to be shaken up a bit and a story. Now that SWTOR actually is adding this stuff in, a whole lotta people start flaming the game, saying how disgusted they are about the possibility of soloing. Please, name me 1 game where you cannot solo?!
I reckon this game is gonna be the new best thing. I find that when i play mmo's i dont always wanna be in a group. I mean... its the game experience as a whole rather than constant grouping and mad instances all the time?
I've also actually read that there are a whole lotta instances and pvp and such and such... so i reckon, do the story, then once you got the content kick ass in the other stuff the game will hopefuly offer
ok, now woflmann... Surely you play an mmorpg not to make your own story...? go play KOTOR (which is the sickest game in the history of the world) and make yer own one up The great thing bout this game *hopefully* is that it will integrate RPG stories and influences to a whole massive world in which you can interact with other people, get gear, and overall establish your roll as a Jedi (all hail jedi!) Buut thats just my perspective :P
I dunno, maybe im just being an idiot talking crap about random stuff... i for one, am extremely excited about this game, so to finish of i ask this:
Whens it coming out?!?!?!?!?! *darting eyes* and will there be a monthly payment? ...
well thats me
seeya ^^
check out my insane skillz
xD =D
And last I heard it already had more than 3 million subscribers.
Yep, game may be geared towards kids and families that game together, but it's kicking SWG pre-cu ass all over the place. To me that tells me that the vet sandboxer mentality is in the minority. I hope TOR doesn't appeal to any of those pre-cuftw players that continue to whine and troll, the game will be better without them.IMHO theywere the ones who bitched constantly on the SOE forums to the point where they game ended up in the suckier spot it's in today.
I agree with your sentiments. I think far from being the 'savior of the MMO genre' it could be just the opposite. Because it is from a very well respected developer, and because it has high production values, is Star Wars, and the previous single player rpg games have established a loyal fanbase, this game could release to great commercial success.
And like WOW, that commercial success could eclipse the actual contribution of the game in advancing the MMORPG genre forward. What could happen is what happened after WOW; other developers looking to cash in will emulate SWTOR, leaving us with years and years of SWTOR clones. That wouldn't be so bad if SWTOR didn't seem to be the almost antithesis of what the MMORPG genre stands for.
I agree with your sentiments. I think far from being the 'savior of the MMO genre' it could be just the opposite. Because it is from a very well respected developer, and because it has high production values, is Star Wars, and the previous single player rpg games have established a loyal fanbase, this game could release to great commercial success.
And like WOW, that commercial success could eclipse the actual contribution of the game in advancing the MMORPG genre forward. What could happen is what happened after WOW; other developers looking to cash in will emulate SWTOR, leaving us with years and years of SWTOR clones. That wouldn't be so bad if SWTOR didn't seem to be the almost antithesis of what the MMORPG genre stands for.
And the thing is, I learned long ago as a SWG vet, and so did a lot of others (a few haven't yet) that we were in the minority. And by minority I mean like players who actually liked, and were still stuck on the days of pre-cu swg and UO. The industry has changed, but our opinions of what we enjoyed did not. Maybe we are excessive compulsive types, IDK. Thing is I got over that a while back. Now I'm ready to move on. Do games these days have everything I want? nope. I can get over that and enjoy most games for what they are though. I'm not a fan of WoW only because I am not a fan of Fantasy swords and bow type games anymore, but A good sci-fi with a big IP is enough for me.
We still do not know enough about this game to say what things are in it that vets might like. It sounds like space, housing, crafting, resource gathering, economy are in. They have an open world with vast draw distances based on a description in an article I read, and instances with zero visible loading. They have a type of system in the game for stats that will allow you to differentiate yourself from others, like KOTOR, but more complex I assume. There is a light/darkside system, still no word on how Jedi works beyond that yet. There is tons of clothes and armor, weapons for each class.
SO really, if you can get over the old ways of thinking, this game might just have a little something in it for everybody. Is it going to have everything you want in it? Nope, but then that would be selfish since there are many other types of players, and we all want something different and TBH you can’t have it all without each system effecting he other.
It's immaterial what you think about a purely subjective point of view - which is what an MMO is. Too many folk are assuming too much at this moment in time, and just looking for something to bash without any qualifying information.
The whole thread is moot.
The way I look at this subject is if the worst that happens with this game is it is just a really good single player rpg with a chat room and very little co-op play than I will play it until i hit the end of the story and resub when a new expansion comes out. That is still pretty good to me.
i wont pay a subscription to a game that is basically guild wars with a star wars skin. group with your friends and go into your own instanced version of the world, no way will i pay for that monthly.
I don't know, the Single Player RPG Online with Multiplayer Hubs model does seem to make commercial sense.
Firstly, it will be much smaller than most MMOs, that means less cost to construct and maintain
Secondly, by adding a new free 'chapter' every two months and a new paid 'expansion every four or six months, you get an end-game going that actually BOOSTS revenue.
and rapes your wallet.
Although I do sympathise with those who wnt a sandbox style game, what you have to realise is that your in the minority. It sells to be given a story than create one and in actuality even though you might protest it isnt a bad thing. Yeh you have to play a pre-written path in a way but you also shape your destiny in this game and in fact this way you will actually see the changes happen around you. From what bioware are saying, certain areas of the game will be instanced thus allowing the impacts of your choices to be clearly visible. I disagree that it seems to be a coop single player, we have yet to see a huge amount of the game, they have announced that they want raiding etc, just because the playable demo of the game allowed 2 players to coop was just a demostration of the group mechanics they are using and to get feedback.
I think this game is meant for star wars fans. To be honest i think it is fun putting up with the idiots while trying to get my quest item or mob. the easier something is made the less value it seems to have. i have made good online friends by teaming up with them and fighting griefers or helping someone get a quest item. I think that the game will appeal to pre-teens and star war fans the most. But thats a big base so I think it atleast has a fighting chance.
That is your problem. MMORPG does not really have to stand for anything. TOR is going to be a GAME first. If it is a good game, there is really no reason why it should not be a huge success with many to follow.
I will sure plenty will be happy to pay. I guess I wont be seeing you in the game.
I will sure plenty will be happy to pay. I guess I wont be seeing you in the game.
If plenty there are, to be seen that is!
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Are we talking about video games or Scientology?
you and your grasp of the english language, it makes me sick sometimes....
on a more serious note, it's looking a lot more like a solo friendly game, which to be honest isn't that bad but in my eyes it's not what they should be aiming for.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Something else from an interview was the producer stating, 'We are making Knights of the Old Republic 4, and 5, and 6, 7, 8, 9' which kind of leads me to believe they are focusing more on their single player game style from Mass Effect and KOTR and adding an online element.
Now their single player games are pretty badass. They have already indicated the dialogue system is a multiplayer dialogue system with multiple players interacting at the same time and shifting the outcome. This all sounds really cool, but once again, I think this is another game that will sell well, but be a content grind to end game where there will be some other hidden grind (gear, faction, pvp gear, arena, etc.) that is ultimately a shallow experience. This is just my fear for the game. It seems like they are going to make it well worth my 50$ and my monthly sub until I get through the content with my friends the same way I did in Guild Wars, DDO, LoTRO, but I don't know how well they can retain subs once end game is reached. I've only ever liked end game in one MMO and that is FFXI.. where it took like over a year to get their with my first character.
I guess one drawing aspect that the devs have intentionally done is make each class a very different playstyle and experience, and with multiple story arcs it should be fun to play through the content with at least 2 characters, maybe 3. Maybe they can pull it off though and make something with enough replayability to hold subs, but I very seriously doubt it with how much focus they are putting into the story. Still i'm excited, and I will buy it... well it depends on when it's release is in relation to FFXIV, but at some point I will play it for sure.
from the official website FAQ:
"Is this a MMO?
Yes, Star Wars: The Old Republic is a MMO, or “massively multiplayer online game”. Star Wars: The Old Republic will allow thousands of players to explore, adventure, and fight in a single game session."
I am not really sure what this means. It looks to me that in order to group I will have to go into an instance (single game session?) . But can I see other players in the open world? If I have to go into an instance to group with players I am done with the game.
I really like the SW ip and want to see this game succeed BUT , when i read stuff like this from a recent interview with there devs at E3 it makes me cringe...
The Flash Point scene was a private, closed off area for only you and someone you brought along from the looks of it. no other players, so it is safe to assume this was a single player area. We saw some people on Hutta, but they were just going about their normal business.
As the devs told us, the majority of the game can be done without a single bit of help from another player. They said that the main appeal of MMOs is the experience single player with the option of being with other players. They confirmed that names, chat, and so on could all be turned off or ignored if you really, really wanted absolutely nothing to do with other people.
Naming filters have been confirmed. No numbers, special characters, or Star Wars names. They emphasized the strictness of this system, as they seemed to agree on the assumption it could be immersion, if not game breaking.
If they want to make KOTOR 3 thats great but dont rap it up with optional coop play and slap a monthly sub on it..
When every lvl 30 (insert class) is running around in the same exact gear and none needs any help to aquire anything... blehhh
There will be no sense of community , no need for community
They are talking about game session, the single just mean every one time you play the game. It doesn't say single player game session.
Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!
Like any other MMO around today, why is it a big deal for this one. Name any today's MMO, WoW, WAR or any other, you can all lvl to the end by soloing. Take WoW as an exemple (using WoW because it's well known), you can get to lvl 80 soloing everything, you will have to skip some elite quest but that's it.
People who like to group will continu grouping and those who like to solo will solo. Join a guild and make some friends and group with them, anyway, PUGing these days is very bad.
Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!
I dont think many think this game is the savior of the genre, but it is going to be way overhyped because of its IP........ As for it being extremely solo friendly does that shock anyone anymore??...... 90 percent of the MMos coming out anymore are single player coops......
Looks like a very fun game, and I will probably play it, but it certainly doesn't fit my definition of a MMO.
Hmm Wow only recently with its expansions has become solo friendly to 60ish ,before that everyone need to group up to run the majority of there content and still do...And even the lower level instances ,altho the bosses have been made easier if you want to do them at the aprpriate level you need a good group.. otherwise you have no shot.
You will get Nowhere in War as a solo player....You wont complete 1 instance dungeon and you wont survive long in RvR without at the very least a good 6 man ....
Still, you can reach max lvl solo, you don't have to do any raids or instances. Same for WAR or pretty much any other game games.
Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!
The only "revolution" will come, if you can do the end-game content------> solo...
Problem is, we all know that players chew away content much faster than dev can come out with , lets see how they handle this...
RIP Orc Choppa