please reference the below thread for an actual translation of the review mentioned in the op... because it's better to keep a troll/flamebait thread open than a thread that bothers to translate instead of just #$^&$#%^:
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Darth in order to make a big impact, it s going to need to be around, which as I saw in game and reading more about it on various forums, it won t be. The bottomline is, no way in hell even using that rating system does DFO or any other game for that matter deserve a 9.5
I personally rate DF as an 8.
But they gave WAR a 7.4 so they were forced to give DF that high rating to make the difference sound.
The fact this actually seems serious is just hilarious if you can say that with a straight face then you must be on crack.
Darth in order to make a big impact, it s going to need to be around, which as I saw in game and reading more about it on various forums, it won t be. The bottomline is, no way in hell even using that rating system does DFO or any other game for that matter deserve a 9.5
I personally rate DF as an 8.
But they gave WAR a 7.4 so they were forced to give DF that high rating to make the difference sound.
The fact this actually seems serious is just hilarious if you can say that with a straight face then you must be on crack.
I believe Darth to be serious, and believes this with the utmost conviction.
Either that, or we have all been taken on the greatest stealth/troll poster of all time.
Yes, everyone who likes this game must just be a fanboy. Everyone who doesnt hate what you hate must just be an idiot. If only we could all be like you!
I love how you just ignored his valid point and called him a hater. <Mod edit>
I m scavenger from MMORPG Hispano, the writer of that review. A friend just told me about this post and came here to check it out:
Just some info about our site:
- The site is not ment to make money, as the spanish market is very small on MMOs, and the companies wont invest in a site like our exclusively about MMOs and MMORPGs. We get absolutie no money from any companie, just standar adds programas from google or afiliates programas, which almots cant pay the hosting.
- THe games rating list you guys have criticed here is created byt the users of the site, we dont create those ratings, even if a game is not in beta yet. It is just a lisst of voting like other sites voting from users.
- We only review the games that are actualy diferent in one way or another. We are not going to be reviewing eq/wow clones, asian farmeing games or similar, there are many sites that do that and imho there are no many dferiencies between WoW/WAR/EQ2/ROM etc, they are the same dog with diferent collar. DFO or POTBS or TR are diferent somehow and that why we reviewed.
- We publish 3 or 4 news at day, the things we think are realy important in the MMO market.
- By nomeans we received anything from Aventurine, in fact, we have been trying to contact them for months and have had no reply so far.
- I did the review, i Play the game and I play in one of the big alliances, in the same way I played SWG being jedi, WoW rank12 pvp and killed nefarian, GW, L2 got to lvl 6', and many orther games , coz i like this games and i like to test it all.
- The rating given to DFO is based in 4 months play, if i have had to reviewd in februeary i'd have giving it a 3 or 4, but man, you have to play it all and see it all to understand its nature.
Next time b4 criticicing something you dont understand , like our site in spanish, dont talk because you dont know the laught we had today reading your comments based in ignorance about mmorpg hispano.
BTW, we are planning and upgrade in our site for the next month and we are inviting spanish ppl to help us wit the content, reviews, news etc, so any1 interested is wellcome.
If you think i m a troll or something, you can always contact me on
With love, scavenger.
edit: the problem with the [beta] in the game name is a problem in the DB. We use a CMS for the site, but we also do the php for the tempalte, database and more things, but we'll have those problems solve in next version.
Whether you like it or not, the only credible magazine/site that has reviewed DF is Eurogamer. So, until Gamespot publishes its review and gives DF a 9.5, i'll stick to the 2.
"Hey, I'll tell you what. You can get a good look at a butcher's azz by sticking your head up there. But, wouldn't you rather to take his word for it?" - Tommy Boy
Hi 2 All I m scavenger from MMORPG Hispano, the writer of that review. A friend just told me about this post and came here to check it out: Just some info about our site: - The site is not ment to make money, as the spanish market is very small on MMOs, and the companies wont invest in a site like our exclusively about MMOs and MMORPGs. We get absolutie no money from any companie, just standar adds programas from google or afiliates programas, which almots cant pay the hosting. - THe games rating list you guys have criticed here is created byt the users of the site, we dont create those ratings, even if a game is not in beta yet. It is just a lisst of voting like other sites voting from users. - We only review the games that are actualy diferent in one way or another. We are not going to be reviewing eq/wow clones, asian farmeing games or similar, there are many sites that do that and imho there are no many dferiencies between WoW/WAR/EQ2/ROM etc, they are the same dog with diferent collar. DFO or POTBS or TR are diferent somehow and that why we reviewed. - We publish 3 or 4 news at day, the things we think are realy important in the MMO market. - By nomeans we received anything from Aventurine, in fact, we have been trying to contact them for months and have had no reply so far. - I did the review, i Play the game and I play in one of the big alliances, in the same way I played SWG being jedi, WoW rank12 pvp and killed nefarian, GW, L2 got to lvl 6', and many orther games , coz i like this games and i like to test it all. - The rating given to DFO is based in 4 months play, if i have had to reviewd in februeary i'd have giving it a 3 or 4, but man, you have to play it all and see it all to understand its nature. Next time b4 criticicing something you dont understand , like our site in spanish, dont talk because you dont know the laught we had today reading your comments based in ignorance about mmorpg hispano. BTW, we are planning and upgrade in our site for the next month and we are inviting spanish ppl to help us wit the content, reviews, news etc, so any1 interested is wellcome.
If you think i m a troll or something, you can always contact me on
With love, scavenger.
edit: the problem with the [beta] in the game name is a problem in the DB. We use a CMS for the site, but we also do the php for the tempalte, database and more things, but we'll have those problems solve in next version.
We laugh cause your sites a joke. ROFLCOPTER
I wanna pick your whole post apart but ill just choose one. The fact that youll only review games you like is kinda I dont know Biased.
- We only review the games that are actualy diferent in one way or another. We are not going to be reviewing eq/wow clones, asian farmeing games or similar, there are many sites that do that and imho there are no many dferiencies between WoW/WAR/EQ2/ROM etc, they are the same dog with diferent collar. DFO or POTBS or TR are diferent somehow and that why we reviewed.
- I did the review, i Play the game and I play in one of the big alliances, in the same way I played SWG being jedi, WoW rank12 pvp and killed nefarian, GW, L2 got to lvl 6', and many orther games , coz i like this games and i like to test it all.
ok... so he won't review a game like wow, but he'll get to some sort of high level in wow...
but they review games like TR (tabula rasa? didn't they close that game?); potbs (pirates of the burning seas... which sorta reminds me of df's devs...), and darkfall. i definitely see a trend in the games they play - crap.
but, wow and war are just alike? seriously? as in ... seriously - wtf over.
i find any reviews over 50% to be laughable. rating darkfall even 50% makes me wonder if the rater/reviewer has played the game. normally, those reviews ARE full of obvious lies about the state of the game... or they go on and on and on about how pretty the world is... too bad the game isn't "screen shots online"....
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
History will prove if this high-profile review will be right. I think I know where the smart money is, however. We all know both sides of the story, fans and haters (to use the current terminology, as I disagree with such categorization).
Hi 2 All I m scavenger from MMORPG Hispano, the writer of that review. A friend just told me about this post and came here to check it out: Just some info about our site: - The site is not ment to make money, as the spanish market is very small on MMOs, and the companies wont invest in a site like our exclusively about MMOs and MMORPGs. We get absolutie no money from any companie, just standar adds programas from google or afiliates programas, which almots cant pay the hosting. - THe games rating list you guys have criticed here is created byt the users of the site, we dont create those ratings, even if a game is not in beta yet. It is just a lisst of voting like other sites voting from users. - We only review the games that are actualy diferent in one way or another. We are not going to be reviewing eq/wow clones, asian farmeing games or similar, there are many sites that do that and imho there are no many dferiencies between WoW/WAR/EQ2/ROM etc, they are the same dog with diferent collar. DFO or POTBS or TR are diferent somehow and that why we reviewed. - We publish 3 or 4 news at day, the things we think are realy important in the MMO market. - By nomeans we received anything from Aventurine, in fact, we have been trying to contact them for months and have had no reply so far. - I did the review, i Play the game and I play in one of the big alliances, in the same way I played SWG being jedi, WoW rank12 pvp and killed nefarian, GW, L2 got to lvl 6', and many orther games , coz i like this games and i like to test it all. - The rating given to DFO is based in 4 months play, if i have had to reviewd in februeary i'd have giving it a 3 or 4, but man, you have to play it all and see it all to understand its nature. Next time b4 criticicing something you dont understand , like our site in spanish, dont talk because you dont know the laught we had today reading your comments based in ignorance about mmorpg hispano. BTW, we are planning and upgrade in our site for the next month and we are inviting spanish ppl to help us wit the content, reviews, news etc, so any1 interested is wellcome.
If you think i m a troll or something, you can always contact me on
With love, scavenger.
edit: the problem with the [beta] in the game name is a problem in the DB. We use a CMS for the site, but we also do the php for the tempalte, database and more things, but we'll have those problems solve in next version.
Kind of made me laugh and weep at the same time.
So you're using DFO to try and generate hits to your site to get more ad revenue.
Why are people so adamant for posting reviews to backup what they think of their game. YOU ALREADY PLAY THE GAME, YOU DON'T NEED A REVIEW TO TELL YOU IF IT IS GOOD. The only thing I can think of is that these players are so self conscious of their game that they try and back it up with any shitty review they can find.
This review sucks, especially considering the OP doesn't even care what was written -- just the rating. On the other side eurogamers review is terrible as well, and they are a terrible review source in general (they always review a few points too low).
My only advice is if you like a game just play it. I don't like darkfall, I think it's a terrible game and obviously most seem to agree with me, but if for some reason you enjoy it (nostalgia for the past or some other odd reason) then just enjoy it. Reading "waring" opinions between "fanbois" and "haters" is annoying, not to mention just sort of silly. Chances are most of these arguments just erupt into a bunch of exaggerations on both sides with no middle ground.
Hi 2 All I m scavenger from MMORPG Hispano, the writer of that review. A friend just told me about this post and came here to check it out: Just some info about our site: - The site is not ment to make money, as the spanish market is very small on MMOs, and the companies wont invest in a site like our exclusively about MMOs and MMORPGs. We get absolutie no money from any companie, just standar adds programas from google or afiliates programas, which almots cant pay the hosting. - THe games rating list you guys have criticed here is created byt the users of the site, we dont create those ratings, even if a game is not in beta yet. It is just a lisst of voting like other sites voting from users. - We only review the games that are actualy diferent in one way or another. We are not going to be reviewing eq/wow clones, asian farmeing games or similar, there are many sites that do that and imho there are no many dferiencies between WoW/WAR/EQ2/ROM etc, they are the same dog with diferent collar. DFO or POTBS or TR are diferent somehow and that why we reviewed. - We publish 3 or 4 news at day, the things we think are realy important in the MMO market. - By nomeans we received anything from Aventurine, in fact, we have been trying to contact them for months and have had no reply so far. - I did the review, i Play the game and I play in one of the big alliances, in the same way I played SWG being jedi, WoW rank12 pvp and killed nefarian, GW, L2 got to lvl 6', and many orther games , coz i like this games and i like to test it all. - The rating given to DFO is based in 4 months play, if i have had to reviewd in februeary i'd have giving it a 3 or 4, but man, you have to play it all and see it all to understand its nature. Next time b4 criticicing something you dont understand , like our site in spanish, dont talk because you dont know the laught we had today reading your comments based in ignorance about mmorpg hispano. BTW, we are planning and upgrade in our site for the next month and we are inviting spanish ppl to help us wit the content, reviews, news etc, so any1 interested is wellcome.
If you think i m a troll or something, you can always contact me on
With love, scavenger.
edit: the problem with the [beta] in the game name is a problem in the DB. We use a CMS for the site, but we also do the php for the tempalte, database and more things, but we'll have those problems solve in next version.
Well, your post a 9.5 out of 10 for laughs! Do you even realize you gave Darkfail a rating of 9 for GRAPHICS??? LOL!!!! Are you a blind man?? Did you rate the graphics based on the amount of barks from your seeing eye dog??
Even the biggest Darkfail fan in the history of these forums [the second most popular Darkfail forums after the official ones at] came on here and he said your rating is too high. If you were trying to build credibility for your site, you lost all credibility instead. Your site is become one of the smallest jokes on the Internet now.
Why are people so adamant for posting reviews to backup what they think of their game. YOU ALREADY PLAY THE GAME, YOU DON'T NEED A REVIEW TO TELL YOU IF IT IS GOOD. The only thing I can think of is that these players are so self conscious of their game that they try and back it up with any shitty review they can find. This review sucks, especially considering the OP doesn't even care what was written -- just the rating. On the other side eurogamers review is terrible as well, and they are a terrible review source in general (they always review a few points too low).
My only advice is if you like a game just play it. I don't like darkfall, I think it's a terrible game and obviously most seem to agree with me, but if for some reason you enjoy it (nostalgia for the past or some other odd reason) then just enjoy it. Reading "waring" opinions between "fanbois" and "haters" is annoying, not to mention just sort of silly. Chances are most of these arguments just erupt into a bunch of exaggerations on both sides with no middle ground.
This is exactly where the money is.
They played the game, they championed it once, now its the emperor's new coat. They have to patrol the forums to keep up the illusion. After all, they invest their life their ego and everything they live for, in this game. Now the game is dead. They have nothing to live for, till the next game.
When the next game comes, they will recreate a handle log in and hype, bullshit ... whatever the screwed up behaviour they can manage. And the cycle repeats.
It is a pathetic life they lead,
(1) if the game they champion is a major success, everyone plays, and they suddenly fear the influx of the "carebears"
(2) if the game fails, they feel the need to hype it here.
Either way, you will endlessly see them post. Spin. Moan. Troll. All the same.
I don't get my reviews from third world countries that are damn near a civil war with drug cartels. That is just me.
You should by some neurons. Thats just me.
His opinion resumes like this "Despite the hacks, exploits and bugs, it deserves a 9.5 for originality, courage, and the history and legend being built by the players themselves based epic battles". But reading it full contradictions are stunning.
Hi 2 All I m scavenger from MMORPG Hispano, the writer of that review. A friend just told me about this post and came here to check it out: Just some info about our site: - The site is not ment to make money, as the spanish market is very small on MMOs, and the companies wont invest in a site like our exclusively about MMOs and MMORPGs. We get absolutie no money from any companie, just standar adds programas from google or afiliates programas, which almots cant pay the hosting. - THe games rating list you guys have criticed here is created byt the users of the site, we dont create those ratings, even if a game is not in beta yet. It is just a lisst of voting like other sites voting from users. - We only review the games that are actualy diferent in one way or another. We are not going to be reviewing eq/wow clones, asian farmeing games or similar, there are many sites that do that and imho there are no many dferiencies between WoW/WAR/EQ2/ROM etc, they are the same dog with diferent collar. DFO or POTBS or TR are diferent somehow and that why we reviewed. - We publish 3 or 4 news at day, the things we think are realy important in the MMO market. - By nomeans we received anything from Aventurine, in fact, we have been trying to contact them for months and have had no reply so far. - I did the review, i Play the game and I play in one of the big alliances, in the same way I played SWG being jedi, WoW rank12 pvp and killed nefarian, GW, L2 got to lvl 6', and many orther games , coz i like this games and i like to test it all. - The rating given to DFO is based in 4 months play, if i have had to reviewd in februeary i'd have giving it a 3 or 4, but man, you have to play it all and see it all to understand its nature. Next time b4 criticicing something you dont understand , like our site in spanish, dont talk because you dont know the laught we had today reading your comments based in ignorance about mmorpg hispano. BTW, we are planning and upgrade in our site for the next month and we are inviting spanish ppl to help us wit the content, reviews, news etc, so any1 interested is wellcome.
If you think i m a troll or something, you can always contact me on
With love, scavenger.
edit: the problem with the [beta] in the game name is a problem in the DB. We use a CMS for the site, but we also do the php for the tempalte, database and more things, but we'll have those problems solve in next version.
Could you explain the rating in your rating ladder of an MMO called "Warhammer 40k Online" which is not even announced and we dont even know if it will exist yet.
"70 Football Superstars 7.4
71 Cabal Online 7.4
72 Lunia 7.4
73 Zero Online 7.4
74 Runica 7.4
75 Warhammer 40.000 Online 7.4
76 Atlantica Online 7.4
77 God’s Wars Online 7.4
78 Priston Tale II: 2nd Engima 7.4
79 2029 Online 7.4
80 Face Of Mankind 7.2
81 Ragnarok Online 7.2
82 World War 2 7.2
83 Stargate Worlds[Beta] 7.2
84 Trickster 7.2
85 Dungeon Runners 7.2 "
Sorry if I find hard to "squeeze" any credibility out of what you say.
In yellow. Imagine the laughs everyone is having about your website when you have to make up MMOs that dont exists and give them actual ratings just to get a few clicks.
Why are people so adamant for posting reviews to backup what they think of their game. YOU ALREADY PLAY THE GAME, YOU DON'T NEED A REVIEW TO TELL YOU IF IT IS GOOD. The only thing I can think of is that these players are so self conscious of their game that they try and back it up with any shitty review they can find. This review sucks, especially considering the OP doesn't even care what was written -- just the rating. On the other side eurogamers review is terrible as well, and they are a terrible review source in general (they always review a few points too low).
My only advice is if you like a game just play it. I don't like darkfall, I think it's a terrible game and obviously most seem to agree with me, but if for some reason you enjoy it (nostalgia for the past or some other odd reason) then just enjoy it. Reading "waring" opinions between "fanbois" and "haters" is annoying, not to mention just sort of silly. Chances are most of these arguments just erupt into a bunch of exaggerations on both sides with no middle ground.
i'm honestly curious... would you rather a review site that gives reviews that set your expectations a little low... so when you play that game you're like 'hey, this is better than i thought it'd be" and are pleasantly surprised..... or, would you rather a site gives too high a rating, youplay the game and are like "ug, this game sucks, i expected a lot more".
just curious because of your comments above.
and i concur to a point -- why do you need someone else's review about a game you've probably played a lot more extensively than said reviewer?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Could you explain the rating in your rating ladder of an MMO called "Warhammer 40k Online" which is not even announced and we dont even know if it will exist yet.
"70 Football Superstars 7.4
71 Cabal Online 7.4
72 Lunia 7.4
73 Zero Online 7.4
74 Runica 7.4
75 Warhammer 40.000 Online 7.4
76 Atlantica Online 7.4
77 God’s Wars Online 7.4
78 Priston Tale II: 2nd Engima 7.4
79 2029 Online 7.4
80 Face Of Mankind 7.2
81 Ragnarok Online 7.2
82 World War 2 7.2
83 Stargate Worlds[Beta] 7.2
84 Trickster 7.2
85 Dungeon Runners 7.2 "
Sorry if I find hard to "squeeze" any credibility out of what you say.
In yellow. Imagine the laughs everyone is having about your website when you have to make up MMOs that dont exists and give them actual ratings just to get a few clicks.
They don't rate games, it's all user-ratings on their site. He also mentioned that they only review games that they like and are fans of (so much about the credibility part, at least we know now why they gave that pos software such a good review, he is also wtfomgbbqing teh shiznit out of all the noob guilds with his zerg crew, on his macro-path to ultimate pvp glory and being part of a soon to be legendary mmo).
Nevertheless, i wouldn't be suprised if the review is mentioned by Tasos in one of his nerdrage news posts.
jedi mind - heavenly divine, steadily shine in '99!
I dont think that can be clearly objectively based review on DFO, what can take an 9/10 score for game. I dont play it. Only know this game from reviews, videos, posts and my friends refers. Im head redactor on site for around 4 years and i was redactor of and reviewer for some years back, so im not newb in this way.
DF in my eyes isnt and cant be perfect title. In all ways, this game has HC system "wannabelike UO" but in many ways, this game havent a lot to call me in. May be Mortal Online will have got it. But not DF...
If some game wants to be hardcore, wants to simulate virtual woirld, virtual living ... thats the right hc game in my eyes. If u remove FPS aiming, full drop and skillbased system, this will be one of the worst games on the market..
I dont want to rate this game, i dont know this game a lot to can do it. I only want to say, the game is overated by many players who like this game. Seem like on spain web review. I say again, game isnt that great to take 9/10 ... because this game only made one step to be little bit different, but isnt unique. If some player who dont want FPS aiming in game, who dont need full drop in PvP will look for a new mmo to play, he will miss this game by a loong bow. If someone want to rate a game, must keep in mind to rate it objectively, not subjectively. It not nepends on "what reviewer likes on game" but on "what player in general" can like on this game. Another important is to rate all aspects of game ... graphics, sound, service, lags, ping, community, price, content, play fun, etc. and all realy objective.
Repeating again i dont want to say here,. this game is bad or good. Only what i say is, in my eyes this game should be fun to play in some ways, but this game not looks perfect. And i cant rate game subjectively 9/10 only for reason i like to play it. I like many games a lot, but i know about its problems and if i review it i must keep these problems or deficiencies in my mind and expose them in final review. I cant rate game like perfect only if is perfect for players who like it, because for players who think about play it, it neednt to be perfect for them too..
And ... im sorry for my crappy and fast written English .)
And ... im sorry for my crappy and fast written English .)
your english is pretty ok, i understood everything - and yes, the review wasn't unbiased, the reviewer posted here that they only make reviews of games that they like and also play, they didn't give it a rating of 9.5, readers of their site did that, like with all the other games, that explains the weird scores that some of these games have.
ok, back to searching for the warhammer 40k mmo and where i can download it, later. ;D
jedi mind - heavenly divine, steadily shine in '99!
Why is it that all of these "hardcore" players have such fragile egos? They get so damn offended every time someone likes a game that they don't. I have yet to play the game, so I'm withholding my personal judgement until there is a free trial. If I don't like it, however, I certainly won't waste my time trying to rebuild my shattered ego by attacking everyone who actually enjoys the game.
I live in Spain, have been playing computer games since the top computers have 8 bits/16k memory and its the first time i hear from them
You think we're supposed to believe some guy that actually lives in Spain over a guy that doesn't even spanish?
please reference the below thread for an actual translation of the review mentioned in the op... because it's better to keep a troll/flamebait thread open than a thread that bothers to translate instead of just #$^&$#%^:
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
I personally rate DF as an 8.
But they gave WAR a 7.4 so they were forced to give DF that high rating to make the difference sound.
The fact this actually seems serious is just hilarious if you can say that with a straight face then you must be on crack.
I personally rate DF as an 8.
But they gave WAR a 7.4 so they were forced to give DF that high rating to make the difference sound.
The fact this actually seems serious is just hilarious if you can say that with a straight face then you must be on crack.
I believe Darth to be serious, and believes this with the utmost conviction.
Either that, or we have all been taken on the greatest stealth/troll poster of all time.
DarkFall FAQ - Read then Question with Boldness
Yes, everyone who likes this game must just be a fanboy. Everyone who doesnt hate what you hate must just be an idiot. If only we could all be like you!
I love how you just ignored his valid point and called him a hater. <Mod edit>
Ahhh, the memories, good times, good times.
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
Hi 2 All
I m scavenger from MMORPG Hispano, the writer of that review. A friend just told me about this post and came here to check it out:
Just some info about our site:
- The site is not ment to make money, as the spanish market is very small on MMOs, and the companies wont invest in a site like our exclusively about MMOs and MMORPGs. We get absolutie no money from any companie, just standar adds programas from google or afiliates programas, which almots cant pay the hosting.
- THe games rating list you guys have criticed here is created byt the users of the site, we dont create those ratings, even if a game is not in beta yet. It is just a lisst of voting like other sites voting from users.
- We only review the games that are actualy diferent in one way or another. We are not going to be reviewing eq/wow clones, asian farmeing games or similar, there are many sites that do that and imho there are no many dferiencies between WoW/WAR/EQ2/ROM etc, they are the same dog with diferent collar. DFO or POTBS or TR are diferent somehow and that why we reviewed.
- We publish 3 or 4 news at day, the things we think are realy important in the MMO market.
- By nomeans we received anything from Aventurine, in fact, we have been trying to contact them for months and have had no reply so far.
- I did the review, i Play the game and I play in one of the big alliances, in the same way I played SWG being jedi, WoW rank12 pvp and killed nefarian, GW, L2 got to lvl 6', and many orther games , coz i like this games and i like to test it all.
- The rating given to DFO is based in 4 months play, if i have had to reviewd in februeary i'd have giving it a 3 or 4, but man, you have to play it all and see it all to understand its nature.
Next time b4 criticicing something you dont understand , like our site in spanish, dont talk because you dont know the laught we had today reading your comments based in ignorance about mmorpg hispano.
BTW, we are planning and upgrade in our site for the next month and we are inviting spanish ppl to help us wit the content, reviews, news etc, so any1 interested is wellcome.
If you think i m a troll or something, you can always contact me on
With love, scavenger.
edit: the problem with the [beta] in the game name is a problem in the DB. We use a CMS for the site, but we also do the php for the tempalte, database and more things, but we'll have those problems solve in next version.
Whether you like it or not, the only credible magazine/site that has reviewed DF is Eurogamer. So, until Gamespot publishes its review and gives DF a 9.5, i'll stick to the 2.
9.5 on a scale of 100.
T=Time G=Gear W=Win Gr=Grind Nf=NoFun S=Skill FoF=FullofFail
"Hey, I'll tell you what. You can get a good look at a butcher's azz by sticking your head up there. But, wouldn't you rather to take his word for it?" - Tommy Boy
We laugh cause your sites a joke. ROFLCOPTER
I wanna pick your whole post apart but ill just choose one. The fact that youll only review games you like is kinda I dont know Biased.
- We only review the games that are actualy diferent in one way or another. We are not going to be reviewing eq/wow clones, asian farmeing games or similar, there are many sites that do that and imho there are no many dferiencies between WoW/WAR/EQ2/ROM etc, they are the same dog with diferent collar. DFO or POTBS or TR are diferent somehow and that why we reviewed.
- I did the review, i Play the game and I play in one of the big alliances, in the same way I played SWG being jedi, WoW rank12 pvp and killed nefarian, GW, L2 got to lvl 6', and many orther games , coz i like this games and i like to test it all.
ok... so he won't review a game like wow, but he'll get to some sort of high level in wow...
but they review games like TR (tabula rasa? didn't they close that game?); potbs (pirates of the burning seas... which sorta reminds me of df's devs...), and darkfall. i definitely see a trend in the games they play - crap.
but, wow and war are just alike? seriously? as in ... seriously - wtf over.
i find any reviews over 50% to be laughable. rating darkfall even 50% makes me wonder if the rater/reviewer has played the game. normally, those reviews ARE full of obvious lies about the state of the game... or they go on and on and on about how pretty the world is... too bad the game isn't "screen shots online"....
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
History will prove if this high-profile review will be right. I think I know where the smart money is, however. We all know both sides of the story, fans and haters (to use the current terminology, as I disagree with such categorization).
Kind of made me laugh and weep at the same time.
So you're using DFO to try and generate hits to your site to get more ad revenue.
Why are people so adamant for posting reviews to backup what they think of their game. YOU ALREADY PLAY THE GAME, YOU DON'T NEED A REVIEW TO TELL YOU IF IT IS GOOD. The only thing I can think of is that these players are so self conscious of their game that they try and back it up with any shitty review they can find.
This review sucks, especially considering the OP doesn't even care what was written -- just the rating. On the other side eurogamers review is terrible as well, and they are a terrible review source in general (they always review a few points too low).
My only advice is if you like a game just play it. I don't like darkfall, I think it's a terrible game and obviously most seem to agree with me, but if for some reason you enjoy it (nostalgia for the past or some other odd reason) then just enjoy it. Reading "waring" opinions between "fanbois" and "haters" is annoying, not to mention just sort of silly. Chances are most of these arguments just erupt into a bunch of exaggerations on both sides with no middle ground.
I don't get my reviews from third world countries that are damn near a civil war with drug cartels. That is just me.
Well the site is registered in Spain and the admin is Spanish...
Wrong country mate but good try!
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
Well, your post a 9.5 out of 10 for laughs! Do you even realize you gave Darkfail a rating of 9 for GRAPHICS??? LOL!!!! Are you a blind man?? Did you rate the graphics based on the amount of barks from your seeing eye dog??
Even the biggest Darkfail fan in the history of these forums [the second most popular Darkfail forums after the official ones at] came on here and he said your rating is too high. If you were trying to build credibility for your site, you lost all credibility instead. Your site is become one of the smallest jokes on the Internet now.
The one and only.
This is exactly where the money is.
They played the game, they championed it once, now its the emperor's new coat. They have to patrol the forums to keep up the illusion. After all, they invest their life their ego and everything they live for, in this game. Now the game is dead. They have nothing to live for, till the next game.
When the next game comes, they will recreate a handle log in and hype, bullshit ... whatever the screwed up behaviour they can manage. And the cycle repeats.
It is a pathetic life they lead,
(1) if the game they champion is a major success, everyone plays, and they suddenly fear the influx of the "carebears"
(2) if the game fails, they feel the need to hype it here.
Either way, you will endlessly see them post. Spin. Moan. Troll. All the same.
You should by some neurons. Thats just me.
His opinion resumes like this "Despite the hacks, exploits and bugs, it deserves a 9.5 for originality, courage, and the history and legend being built by the players themselves based epic battles". But reading it full contradictions are stunning.
Could you explain the rating in your rating ladder of an MMO called "Warhammer 40k Online" which is not even announced and we dont even know if it will exist yet.
"70 Football Superstars 7.4
71 Cabal Online 7.4
72 Lunia 7.4
73 Zero Online 7.4
74 Runica 7.4
75 Warhammer 40.000 Online 7.4
76 Atlantica Online 7.4
77 God’s Wars Online 7.4
78 Priston Tale II: 2nd Engima 7.4
79 2029 Online 7.4
80 Face Of Mankind 7.2
81 Ragnarok Online 7.2
82 World War 2 7.2
83 Stargate Worlds[Beta] 7.2
84 Trickster 7.2
85 Dungeon Runners 7.2 "
Sorry if I find hard to "squeeze" any credibility out of what you say.
In yellow. Imagine the laughs everyone is having about your website when you have to make up MMOs that dont exists and give them actual ratings just to get a few clicks.
i'm honestly curious... would you rather a review site that gives reviews that set your expectations a little low... so when you play that game you're like 'hey, this is better than i thought it'd be" and are pleasantly surprised..... or, would you rather a site gives too high a rating, youplay the game and are like "ug, this game sucks, i expected a lot more".
just curious because of your comments above.
and i concur to a point -- why do you need someone else's review about a game you've probably played a lot more extensively than said reviewer?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
They don't rate games, it's all user-ratings on their site. He also mentioned that they only review games that they like and are fans of (so much about the credibility part, at least we know now why they gave that pos software such a good review, he is also wtfomgbbqing teh shiznit out of all the noob guilds with his zerg crew, on his macro-path to ultimate pvp glory and being part of a soon to be legendary mmo).
Nevertheless, i wouldn't be suprised if the review is mentioned by Tasos in one of his nerdrage news posts.
jedi mind - heavenly divine, steadily shine in '99!
I dont think that can be clearly objectively based review on DFO, what can take an 9/10 score for game. I dont play it. Only know this game from reviews, videos, posts and my friends refers. Im head redactor on site for around 4 years and i was redactor of and reviewer for some years back, so im not newb in this way.
DF in my eyes isnt and cant be perfect title. In all ways, this game has HC system "wannabelike UO" but in many ways, this game havent a lot to call me in. May be Mortal Online will have got it. But not DF...
If some game wants to be hardcore, wants to simulate virtual woirld, virtual living ... thats the right hc game in my eyes. If u remove FPS aiming, full drop and skillbased system, this will be one of the worst games on the market..
I dont want to rate this game, i dont know this game a lot to can do it. I only want to say, the game is overated by many players who like this game. Seem like on spain web review. I say again, game isnt that great to take 9/10 ... because this game only made one step to be little bit different, but isnt unique. If some player who dont want FPS aiming in game, who dont need full drop in PvP will look for a new mmo to play, he will miss this game by a loong bow. If someone want to rate a game, must keep in mind to rate it objectively, not subjectively. It not nepends on "what reviewer likes on game" but on "what player in general" can like on this game. Another important is to rate all aspects of game ... graphics, sound, service, lags, ping, community, price, content, play fun, etc. and all realy objective.
Repeating again i dont want to say here,. this game is bad or good. Only what i say is, in my eyes this game should be fun to play in some ways, but this game not looks perfect. And i cant rate game subjectively 9/10 only for reason i like to play it. I like many games a lot, but i know about its problems and if i review it i must keep these problems or deficiencies in my mind and expose them in final review. I cant rate game like perfect only if is perfect for players who like it, because for players who think about play it, it neednt to be perfect for them too..
And ... im sorry for my crappy and fast written English .)
your english is pretty ok, i understood everything - and yes, the review wasn't unbiased, the reviewer posted here that they only make reviews of games that they like and also play, they didn't give it a rating of 9.5, readers of their site did that, like with all the other games, that explains the weird scores that some of these games have.
ok, back to searching for the warhammer 40k mmo and where i can download it, later. ;D
jedi mind - heavenly divine, steadily shine in '99!
Why is it that all of these "hardcore" players have such fragile egos? They get so damn offended every time someone likes a game that they don't. I have yet to play the game, so I'm withholding my personal judgement until there is a free trial. If I don't like it, however, I certainly won't waste my time trying to rebuild my shattered ego by attacking everyone who actually enjoys the game.