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1) Players already maxxed out the level limit, WTF.
2) Game not very challenging and its getting old fast.
3) Hunters are like cockroaches, cant go by a minute without seeing one, if you are Alliance.
4)Where are the priests?!
5) Class imbalances, some are way too powerful while others are so-so.
6) Bugs, bugs, bugs, All I heard was that WoW was almost bug free. Well it isn't and its no big surprise.
7) The community for the most part sucks, reminds me of Diablo all over again. Seems like all the battlenet kiddies all jumped on this bandwagon.
8) What other reason is there too team up besides just doing instances or some group quest.
9) Game too easy but Devs tweaked it a little but still to freaking easy.
Believe the hype and you too well get very disappointed, if you play WoW thinking its the second coming of games you will. Seems alot of people get sucked up by the hype and in the beginning you will love the game but just like City of heros it gets old fast. At least for me and my guildie friends. Guess Matrix Online will be getting my money and I will be dropping this game fast.
Sure hope Blizzard can keep up the overhead on 80+ servers without raising their monthly rate when players start to move to other games. Thought it was really stupid from the start to have that many servers, unless they can find a magic way to keep cost down on so many servers which will surly run into the a boatload.
Good luck you will need it Blizzard
I can't believe ppl are maxed out on lvl cap's already lol!! thats freakin rediculous! I was in beta and got bored very quickly also, way too easy, exactly what i expected.
Oh I forgot,
10) Can buy this on an auction site, "Get 60th level in 10 days".
hi, yes it does get boring if your into lvl grind, but explore, and look at world and find the elite creatures to fight and its not so boring. game was meant to be enjoyed not rushed thru. also helps to have other games you can switch between, say EVERGREED2, Guild Wars, or a few betas. this way you get to take a break from each and not get bored so fast. i play WOW a few hours a day and have a lvl 17 warrior and a lvl 10 mage, just enjoying myself, wen im bored i do other things and dont sit there for 8 hours glued to the comp screen, saying gotta get next lvl and ill stop, wait i get a spell next lvl so ill just do one more, wait i can upgrade to lvl 2 spell in alvl. stop and leave when bored then come back later
This game is made for people with a life....
Stop complaining and get a life...
Famous people speak out:
Im for the death penalty. If you commit a terrible crime you should have a harsh punishment...So you learn until next time.
-Britney Spears
Famous people speak out:
Im for the death penalty. If you commit a terrible crime you should have a harsh punishment...So you learn until next time.
-Britney Spears
Cant please everyone mate
The language and concepts containd herein are guaranteed not to cause eternal torment in the place where the guy with the horns and the pointed stick conducts his business.
My point exacly.
Watch it, fanboy.
"The Job Of Art Is To Chase Away Ugliness" - Bono
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
You thought it was stupid from the start to have 80+ servers? You have to be nuts if you did you not see or hear about the chaos the servers were going through, they had to double because of the fact that there were too many gamers trying to play at the same time. It was the only thing they could do to keep business. What point of view are you staring from?
"",,Whom-ever said a signature is a good way to leave your mark. I for one think a signature is useless or boring.....bah forget it,,""
Now here we have a clearly example of a new MMO and MMORPG player.
Just put it out in the open
Zammorock-lvl 27 Warlock
Smeagol-lvl 22 Pally
Crousious-lvl 10 rouge
(insert name hell i forgot his name ) lvl 10 shamen
WoW Destromath!
Revion lvl 70 Warrior
Altar of Storms
Smeagol 60 Paladin
Revion 60 Rogue
1 4|\||] 0|\|_1
Ok lets get this straight, WoW is for people who have a life? How so???? If your playing a mmorpg, your not outside, your inside @ss planted in a chair staring at a screen slapping your keyboard, and palming your mouse.
If you have time to post here regularly, wheres your life? Job, and school doesn't count. I admit freely my RL is based here and a few other websites and gaming. So I can say honestly how in heck can you say you got a real life if your posting and gaming, enlighten me please, I need a good laugh
i'm still having fun, so fuck yall=)
magerithon server
Famous people speak out:
Im for the death penalty. If you commit a terrible crime you should have a harsh punishment...So you learn until next time.
-Britney Spears
Famous people speak out:
Im for the death penalty. If you commit a terrible crime you should have a harsh punishment...So you learn until next time.
-Britney Spears
Then go play Lineage ][ and leave us alone.
Two atoms walk out of a bar. The first exclaims, "Damn, I forgot my electrons." The other replies, "You sure?". The first explains, "Yea, I'm positive."
Tacklebury --}>>>
Tacklebury --}>>>
I'm a priest and still having a blast at 24th level with me and my good friends. Why complian?? Don't like it anymore don't play and spare us yet another, "Why I don't like the game and you should too." Post Thank you.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
ugh.... did you purposely get the game to whine? did you quest, explore? build, guild?
most quests require a team.
i am at level 21 now, and just taking my time. enjoying the quests and side quests. I explore mainly.
I'm just taking my sweet precious time and the game is very fun. If you quest grind like your life depends on it then it may not be as fun.
Also, about the maxed characters. Most of the level 60's I've talked to said they shared accounts with other people in different time zones. That's why their level is really high.
I am playing on and off again. Much less than I hoped I'd be able to. Only level 17 and I have had the game for so long. Then again, I did have to restart like three times, too. I think if I could have been patient enough, I could be in the 30's by now. I have 2 level 17 charecters on 2 different servers and one more level 12 character.
I also couldn't play the first character I made, Troll Rogue on PvP server, because my computer system is so crappy, when I walked near a pebble on the ground, my FPS dropped from a pittiful 13.2 to like .6 and then the game would shut down completely.
WoW reminds me alot of City of Heros. Really great and fun game at start but its dumbed down feel really destroyed any kind of accomplishment you would get in game and the PS2/Diablo/Cheat code kiddies will never get that or would even care so I could careless what they think. So when something is too easy it gets boring, you will all feel that way.
The saving grace of WoW is its PvP and I hope the Devs really build on that and not devote too much time on boring PvE. me a favor ok.....
Please don't act like your someone or like you knwo who I am....I been playing Wow and I am not dissappointed at all.....if you dislike the game then fine...but we don't need you coming on here acting like you have played thru level 60 5 times and been playing for 5 years......
once you've done that....then I will listen to your incoherent rants.......
and let me ask you somehting....whats gonna be so great about MXO.......I;m sure its gonna be played in a sense like jsut clicking skills....I mean come one...if CoH got old fast then why won't MXO get old?
And wait for CoV(City of Villains if you didn't know) PvP Good Vs. Bad....personalized revenge quests...underground lairs.....alot is gonna be added and it will be alot of fun.
But seriously...WoW is one of if not the best MMORPG out right now....I have played EQ for 3 years...and EQ2 has not even got my attention right now.....
I say WoW is the best because:
1.) Cool unique Mounts for each race
2.) I play apart in the story I love of Warcraft
3.) Multiple quests at a time
4.) open AvsH PVP
5.) Lots of fun crafting
6.) Lots of variations to choose from while making your toon
And many more.....
But this game is fun...lots to do.....and you know......
I want to know why does a game have to be so freaken hard to people for it to be good...
becasue if the game is hard..they die die die die...complain.......complain..complain....stop playing
yet if they play and never die and don't need a group often then they are like oh nothign can kill me omg....
alwell I'm out
"Everyones life has a beginning and an end, No one can change that."-Hiko
"If you wish to taste the ground, then feel free to attack."-Kenshin Himura
-Rhalon 85 B.E. rogue
-Rhalon 81 UD Mage
-Doneski 85 Orc death knight
"Everyones life has a beginning and an end, No one can change that."-Hiko
"If you wish to taste the ground, then feel free to attack."-Kenshin Himura
Predicted this all along to my friends, but noooo WoW is the holy grail. Now most of the posts here talk about exactly what I had predicted, particularly community comments. I said this game was a nexus for assholes looking for a place to happen...guess what? Its true!
And yeah once the initial retards drop off, those 80 servers are going to be miiiiiiiigghty empty. Especially as they continue to drop off (natural for any MMO) over the next few months. Good luck won't help Blizzard, this game is going nowhere and Guild Wars will replace it with similar gameplay, graphics, UI, design, focus on the 'end game' (PVP) without it being 'endgame' but being the main game,