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As others have pointed out, this isn't CoH2. I resubbed to CoH to compare the two and I think CoH is the better game.
To be fair, NCSoft have also screwed up mmos since CoH - even though they're currently reporting massive profits and Aion looks set to be a major success, we shouldn't forget Tabula Rasa.
But many players seeking a better version of CoH will be disappointed by CO.
Overall Impression
Not a bad game, but it lives up to neither its hype nor its potential. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give it 7.
The basic premise for Champions Online was brilliant - City of Heroes but with complete freedom of power choice, no power cooldowns, the ability to customise power appearance and a more EQ style gameworld rather than CoH's randomly generated instanced missions.
They only hit the mark on the latter two.
Unfortunately, there are several sets with powers that use cooldowns. They had previously announced in a TTH interview that the power armor set was cooldown based, but neglected to mention that they appear in other sets - in particular gadgeteering. Their presence is felt even at the statistical level - intelligence lowers cooldown times. They are by no means comparable to CoH - which in the most extreme cases has powers with 15 minute base cooldowns - but they are there and that's disappointing.
I'll admit that my first shock came before playing the game, when I discovered how few powers there were. Knowing that players could pick up a total of 14 powers, I assumed that each framework would have at least that many powers. Some don't even come close.
In fairness though, the combat design for this game allows players to control how much damage an attack does by how much they energise/build it up. Many powers in other games mimic this control by having multiple damage powers with varying mana costs and cast times. So the relatively small number of powers isn't as bad as it may first seem.
What is really disappointing though, is the manner in which statistics have been implemented. Players can choose 2 primary statistics and these statistics will control how much damage their character does. But each statistic can also have a general effect (eg. intelligence lowers cooldowns and increases pet dps) and different effects for specific powers.
This means that some powers work better together purely because of statistical synergy. That really sucks in a game which prides itself on giving players total freedom of power choice.
Players can change gear (which has statistical bonuses) to give themself different statistics to improve different powers - but potentially at the cost of gimping others. Most players will probably stick to those sets of powers with compatible statistics.
CO has its own built-in cookie cutter.
And it has the potential to put the balancing/nerfing nightmares of CoH to shame.
In my opionion it's a matter of several degrees of complexity too far. Without statistics, the problem wouldn't exist. But gear is geared around statistic bonuses... So they could have opted for generic damage/defence/control/support statistics on items, or even just each statistic providing a single effect.
It's the biggest and most obvious game design mistake that other mmos can learn from.
There's an additional related though lesser problem in energy regeneration. Players can pick up passive powers that regenerate energy based on use of powers from the same framework. What this means is that for players to optimise their energy regen, they need to restrict themselves to using those powers that they have matching passives for.
I was honestly very unimpressed with gameplay to start with. Part of that was that I started playing as a sorcerer, which was widely regarded on the preview forums as a gimped framework. But once I found a couple of decent powers it got better, and my experience playing with other powersets was more positive.
On the whole I'd say that gameplay is good, possibly even excellent just by virtue of being different from most other mmos, though a bit dull to start with because players are stuck with a relatively small number of powers for a relatively long time. The energy building mechanic also takes a little getting used to and honestly the game might have been better without it, i.e. just giving players fast natural energy regen would probably have been a better choice.
Is it more "action-oriented" as they claim? No. It's faster paced than CoH at the beginning, but beyond a certain point a CoH character will have enough powers that they are never standing around waiting for cooldowns to expire. I think CO should be marketed as "arcade style".
This has been poorly done. The preview forums were awash with complaints about this and I found those complaints to be well-founded when I tested different frameworks myself. I struggled a bit as a sorcerer - but I got by. Then I tried a telepath and a power armor dude and I breezed through instanced missions and boss mobs that had caused me serious grief as a sorcerer.
There's a generic problem in that passive defence powers seem overpowered - picking up a passive defence power first is almost a must for every player. It is possible to play without them (and I did on one character) but it's a lot harder. A block power and your framework's passive energy regen builder are other early must-haves.
There also seems to be a nerftastic approach to balancing. From what I read on the preview forums, pet damage recently got a major nerf because players were going into combat, going into block mode (which makes you incredibly safe) and then just letting pets do all the work. To me that seems a poor approach - the obvious (though more difficult to implement) solution would be to also put pets into block mode when the player blocks.
My first attempt at team-play went very poorly, mainly because for most of the time my team-mate and I couldn't see each other either on-screen or on the mini-map. We were on the same map/instance. We could see each other's power effects. I could heal him if I happened to be close enough. But the invisibility thing was a major challenge.
That bug had been cleared up by my second attempt at teaming. For players wanting to know "can I play a support type character", the answer is yes and no. The answer on the preview forums to this question was "you can but you're never needed". So I tried it out as a sorcerer who has a heal power, a resurrect and group buffs.
I came to understand the preview forum response. My heal power was only occasionally useful. As previously mentioned, passive defence powers are very strong. So even against higher level mobs I rarely had to use the heal power. It was useful only when my team-mate became overwhelmed by adds. And then it became a problem because healing him pulled aggro onto me (and I was in support mode and had high presence, which minimised aggro factor) - and to heal myself required madly tabbing to untarget my team-mate. There's no "self-select" and the heal other converts to a heal-self only if you have no friendlies targeted. Hopefully there is or will be a key to untarget all friendlies.
Players also rapidly self-heal automatically between fights.
My team-buffs were largely useless. You can only have one active and one slotted in a passive. Unfortunately the slotting was bugged and that left me with the one active - but even that was relatively useless because of the small range (25ft). To give perspective, the range of your energy building attack is 50ft and most other ranged attacks are about (80ft). Also, if you're playing a sorcerer, your main self-buffs come in the form of stationary circles - so with a short range on the team buff, your team-mates moving around and you trying to stand still to keep your circle active.... well obviously they don't work well together.
The resurrect power is of questionable value though possibly useful later in the game. Generally if my team-mate died, I was either already dead or about to die as all mobs turned on me. If you die inside an instanced mission, you respawn inside the mission. And outdoors, there are many respawn points. The death penalty is also neglible. It's definitely an easy power to skip.
All in all, for most of the time that I was teamed - and that was many hours in Millenium City - in my support role I functioned mainly as a damage dealer just using my two starting attacks.
Performance on my machine was quite poor. I had to turn the settings right down to minimum and even then the game was still a little jerky.
I've a P4 3.0 Ghz processor, 4 gig of RAM and an ATI Radeon 4750 with 1 gig of memory. The limiting factor there is obviously my processor. Just to compare it to something else hitting the streets soon, Aion looked and performed better, though the game is effectively a year older.
I can see some people who meet the minimum specs and try CO being disappointed.
Travel Powers and Character Customisation
They both deserve a mention because they are big drawcards for CoH and CO also does them well.
CO offers more variety of travel powers than CoH (eg. tunneling, acrobatics and swinging) but on the whole I found the travel powers well-done without actually being better than CoH's - though things like the flight variations (eg. ice slice, hover disk) are very cool.
I'm unsure how to judge character customisation. CO really only stood out as being clearly better than CoH in giving players different postures - which is particular good if you're making beast-like character. My impression was that CO has far fewer options than CoH for a new player - but CO has unlockable costume pieces both via microtransactions and in-game achievements/gear. So it's hard to judge.
They also deserve a quick mention. I suspect they're there because Cryptic don't see this game as being able to compete on the subscription market. The relatively high system requirements are the first hurdle. CO's pvp is fairly limited, so that will deter many players. Then there's the full range of balance issues. It's also going to have limited appeal to players who prefer to play support type characters. Some may also be turned off by the energy building mechanics just because they're different.
That leaves them with a relatively small potential playerbase. Players who can get past all of the other problems and still like the game can probably also swallow the MTs. And the majority of players who won't touch the game because of MTs would probably also have disliked it for those other reasons.
It's a very niche game.
translation, this game isnt for me.
Personally i love the stats, they allow for you to decide where your power strength will be, and um yea you cant be uber awesome in Everything that was Never the point. They allow you to expand outside your normal area of abilities but ofcourse your not as good as another who specializes in them. And um, powers Always had cooldowns, they said that abilities wouldnt be cool down based like in other mmos as in everything you do has a cool down some powers do some don't.
Hardly - if not for the MTs I'd probably have played CO, though probably not for very long. It would have served as a reasonable distraction for a couple of months until something better came out.
And my point re statistics wasn't that "CO sucks because you can't be uber awesome at everything", it was that "statistics limit choices" and they do. Certain combinations of statistics and powers are far more effective than others.
Seriously, I wish people who dislike the game would just come out and say why...
Bottomline: You don't like CO due to the microtransactions. You have every right to do so. But I also want to add you probably have a beef with Cryptic for whatever reason. Why are so many people so angry at Cryptic that they have to bash the game? My guess is Cryptic didn't make a superhero MMO according to their individualistic "vision".
And certain combos are more effective than others? Do I have to remind you of regen scrappers and invul tanks during the early days (heck...years) of CoH?
And personally I think CoH is far more limited in choices because you are stuck between two powersets and you can't even select any two...
He dislike the game because of MT and Bill Roper, he already said it many times.
Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!
Why people end up getting so upset over a game is confusing to me. If you don't like the company for whatever reason...just don't buy their products and move on with your life. People take things so personally because some developer you only know by name made a game that didn't suit your tastes or if a company pulled off some business strategy that doesn't fit your style.
Solid review. Answered a lot of my questions. MTs are relevant. They bum me, but I don't see many MMOs releasing w/o them in the future.
I hate the idea of the Sub + MT model.. but I still have yet to see any MTs in game, or where it turns the tide of the gameplay.
If I were to buy the game .. I wouldn't be buying it to PvP.. its obvious PvPing in this game isn't competetive.. its simply who's set trumps whoever elses set.. and that will come down to who's trying to play melee, who's got the ranged crowd control.. etc. etc.
Still.. the MTs aren't killing this game.. its the idea of the MTs that are... thats fine because I'm not a fan of MTs... but to put them in a beta review and have it actually effect the score just doesn't make sense to me. Theres no way that MTs can be proven to affect gameplay at all in OB.
What are you talking about? Other than the vague press releases, no one knows anything about the MT's. No one has seen the Cryptic shop.
The OP was just guessing and since he seems to have a negative bias, his guess is negative as well.
SWtOR will have MT too, enjoy.
Regarding the review:
Where's the: "This game has terrible login screen! I will not touch any games made by Cryptic and it's successors in 50 years!!!!"
Seriously, thanks for relevant arguments. I agree with almost everything except the power generation system. For me it is very refreshing and adds some depth to the combat. It is not just mashing super powers till your power drains. You have to plan a bit, combined with blocking it makes combat more complex and fun (for me) compared to usual MMO games.
Speaking about the balance... we can be sure it will be adjusted. There is no game on the market that was completely.... ehm, nerf free
CO is a processor intensive game. I suspect that performance may have been effecting your enjoyment of the game more than you're giving it credit for.
Also, nothing wrong with stats. Freedom in power choice is nice, but making decisions about trade offs is a very important part of character design. It sounds like you're upset that there are trade offs and would rather have none. The superstats already provide a HUGE amount of flexibility.
Gadeteering is THE set for cooldowns. It even has a passive power that gives you energy whenever a power comes off of cooldown. It makes the set deeper by having the energy mechanic tied to the cooldowns in a set that already depends so much on INT (that shortens cooldowns). Its all synergy. Now if only they would fix munition bot colision detection so they don't overlap each other all the time...
I've read that SWTOR will have MTs as well. This is just something I think gamers are going to have to accept or move on. I am still on the fence myself and will be watching CO closely for how it plays out.
Had alot of fun with this game in closed beta, initially played on a single core machine with a 4850 and it was barely playable, after switching to a dual core runs beautifully.
It does feel more 'action' oriented than most MMOs, I find many to be quite tedious really... each to their own though. I thought it was fun and I'd recommend it to anyone - but not on a single core pc!
Oh, and he said he'd put me on ignore...
But here he is still pathetically attempting to misrepresent me.
MTs aside, the game isn't that good. If it were, they wouldn't need the MTs.
Not even remotely.
The problem, which I stated quite clearly, is that the manner in which statistics have been implemented create obvious synergies between certain powers - which equals a built in cookie-cutter effect.
Eg. the recommended statistics for power armor are strength and intelligence. Let's say you follow the recommendation and pick these two as your super stats.
Strength affects the invulnerability defensive power. Other defensive powers work off different statistics. Even if conceptually you feel more inclined to take eg. personal force field, that works off different statistics - ego and con is what I've heard. So theoretically you're free to take personal force field, but it's obviously a weaker option for you.
Intelligence shortens cooldowns - which the power armor set has a lot of. It also increases pet damage. So pet powers are an obvious good choice, as are some of the cooldown related powers from gadgeteering.
Said powers would be much less effective for someone who had chosen different super stats.
So while it's true that players theoretically have complete freedom to pick their powers, statistics strongly encourage certain choices and discourage others.
Not all games will have MT's.
How about Champions contender, Aion?
Not to mention you guys leave out vital information that you read about SW:TOR and it's micro-transactions. They didn't state whether they were actually having them, and the possibility for having a game that is free-to-play and with a cash shop was on the table, rather than combining it with a subscription model. This is also a possibility, but not what having micro-transactions means, unlike CO which has both.
Oh, and he said he'd put me on ignore...
But here he is still pathetically attempting to misrepresent me.
MTs aside, the game isn't that good. If it were, they wouldn't need the MTs.
I'm not, you have done it yourself, go read your previous post about MT, Bill and even the lifetime sub.
Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!
Sorcery is a very hard powerset, realy hard. And the main reason is that in a game where everyone is very movil, the sorcerors are not. Im trying to make a working buff for sorceror since monday and although in PVE I dont have any problem to kill the arch-villains using the habilities (sigil of sanctuary is maybe one of the best powers for sorceror and I think anyone is fun to attack without been attacked) in PVP I have a lot more problems because my DPS is very slow so I cant kill the uber-ultra-superdefensive players (everyone in pvp).
So you are saying you tried on porpouse to use a powerset that you knew was broken to be able to come here and say "My power set was broken and I dont like the game"? It doesnt make very sense to me.... unles all you want is trolling.
I guess knowing that just saved you actually reading what he typed. It's win/win! U R TEH WINAR!
I enjoy it, very fun game.
About the only complaint about this game I cannot refute is the Blasters and Scrappers Online comment. It really does feel that way at the beginnng levels. Of course I always played those in CoX so, it is probaly why I like the game.
Still, the wall of text posted by the OP lists many aspects as FAIL that I like. So, it shows you that there are 2 sides to the coin there.
Say hello, To the things you've left behind. They are more a part of your life now that you can't touch them.
Hardly - if not for the MTs I'd probably have played CO, though probably not for very long. It would have served as a reasonable distraction for a couple of months until something better came out.
And my point re statistics wasn't that "CO sucks because you can't be uber awesome at everything", it was that "statistics limit choices" and they do. Certain combinations of statistics and powers are far more effective than others.
You anti MT people are hilarious/annoying.
If a game has MT freaking IGNORE it. I could give a rat's ass if someone bought their shiny new cape and I earned it. In fact I plan on purchasing a few things if I need a certain piece to complete my costume. Now if they were charging 100 dollars to make your character better than everyone else combat wise I would have a problem but that is not the case.
I am not poor and I am sorry if you are but that is besides the point, you CAN ignore this feature and still enjoy the game.
Not playing a game due to a feature you can easily ignore is downright idiotic.
Playing: Tera, BF3, ME3
Waiting on: Guild Wars 2
What are you talking about? Other than the vague press releases, no one knows anything about the MT's. No one has seen the Cryptic shop.
The OP was just guessing and since he seems to have a negative bias, his guess is negative as well.
I beg to differ. The first day the game was in open beta I read multiple posts on the forums from people who were pretty upset because costume parts that they used in alpha and closed beta weren't available in open beta.
I wonder where those costume pieces are going to be? The cash shop? No... they would never do that. (Please note that this forum has no Times New Sarcasm font so you'll have to use your imagination.)
I really wish that gamers in general would start wising up to all of the sheisty business practices that have been getting worse and worse.
If you support these questionable business practices those same shady practices will be picked up and adopted by other companies.
It's even happening with console gaming as well. You "superior" PC purists can look down your runny noses at all of the "unwashed masses of console cavemen", but one day PC gaming will be just as bad if not worse. Developers are releasing games on the 360 and holding back content or locking content on the disks to be sold piece meal to who ever is willing to part with even more cash than they all ready paid for the "full" game.
The Modern Warfare 2 developers even entertained the notion of charging a subscription fee for players who wanted to level up faster by getting more exp than the people that aren't mindless pleeebs and are unwilling to pony up a monthly fee for some smarmy questionable horse hockey.
Back to Champions Online:
The whole game is based around combat. They're combat mechanics suck. Full box price, plus a monthly sub, PLUS a cash shop on top of all that? Boo-urns, good sirs... Boo... urns.
What are you talking about? Other than the vague press releases, no one knows anything about the MT's. No one has seen the Cryptic shop.
The OP was just guessing and since he seems to have a negative bias, his guess is negative as well.
I beg to differ. The first day the game was in open beta I read multiple posts on the forums from people who were pretty upset because costume parts that they used in alpha and closed beta weren't available in open beta.
I wonder where those costume pieces are going to be? The cash shop? No... they would never do that. (Please note that this forum has no Times New Sarcasm font so you'll have to use your imagination.)
I really wish that gamers in general would start wising up to all of the sheisty business practices that have been getting worse and worse.
If you support these questionable business practices those same shady practices will be picked up and adopted by other companies.
It's even happening with console gaming as well. You "superior" PC purists can look down your runny noses at all of the "unwashed masses of console cavemen", but one day PC gaming will be just as bad if not worse. Developers are releasing games on the 360 and holding back content or locking content on the disks to be sold piece meal to who ever is willing to part with even more cash than they all ready paid for the "full" game.
The Modern Warfare 2 developers even entertained the notion of charging a subscription fee for players who wanted to level up faster by getting more exp than the people that aren't mindless pleeebs and are unwilling to pony up a monthly fee for some smarmy questionable horse hockey.
Back to Champions Online:
The whole game is based around combat. They're combat mechanics suck. Full box price, plus a monthly sub, PLUS a cash shop on top of all that? Boo-urns, good sirs... Boo... urns.
A lot of these companies are having to fight to stay alive my friend. They have employees to pay that have families to feed. The reason why MTs are becoming the norm is that the subscription model just isn't getting them enough money to keep them in business. I have no problem paying for a product I enjoy know that the proceeds will go to help someone better their life.
Its people like you that are bringing this country down. This I want it now and I want it for free mind set is destroying everything. Look at Obama's healthcare plan, bailouts, socialism, they all have their roots in the same mindset that gamers use when they bitch about DLC or MTs.
Capitalism is about making money at all costs. To make money you have to have a good product that is resonably priced. Adding MTs to a game does not make a company greedy it is just part of the capitalistic system that has made America great. If you must hold on to your socialist ideals then please leave and go live somewhere in Europe cuz I am sick of it here.
Playing: Tera, BF3, ME3
Waiting on: Guild Wars 2
I agree pretty much with this review. My key words on this game are: Shallow, Solo oriented, PvE only but solo PvE, greedy devs as there is no reason this game should have a cash shop, and unbalanced.
What are you talking about? Other than the vague press releases, no one knows anything about the MT's. No one has seen the Cryptic shop.
The OP was just guessing and since he seems to have a negative bias, his guess is negative as well.
I beg to differ. The first day the game was in open beta I read multiple posts on the forums from people who were pretty upset because costume parts that they used in alpha and closed beta weren't available in open beta.
I wonder where those costume pieces are going to be? The cash shop? No... they would never do that. (Please note that this forum has no Times New Sarcasm font so you'll have to use your imagination.)
I really wish that gamers in general would start wising up to all of the sheisty business practices that have been getting worse and worse.
If you support these questionable business practices those same shady practices will be picked up and adopted by other companies.
It's even happening with console gaming as well. You "superior" PC purists can look down your runny noses at all of the "unwashed masses of console cavemen", but one day PC gaming will be just as bad if not worse. Developers are releasing games on the 360 and holding back content or locking content on the disks to be sold piece meal to who ever is willing to part with even more cash than they all ready paid for the "full" game.
The Modern Warfare 2 developers even entertained the notion of charging a subscription fee for players who wanted to level up faster by getting more exp than the people that aren't mindless pleeebs and are unwilling to pony up a monthly fee for some smarmy questionable horse hockey.
Back to Champions Online:
The whole game is based around combat. They're combat mechanics suck. Full box price, plus a monthly sub, PLUS a cash shop on top of all that? Boo-urns, good sirs... Boo... urns.
A lot of these companies are having to fight to stay alive my friend. They have employees to pay that have families to feed. The reason why MTs are becoming the norm is that the subscription model just isn't getting them enough money to keep them in business. I have no problem paying for a product I enjoy know that the proceeds will go to help someone better their life.
Its people like you that are bringing this country down. This I want it now and I want it for free mind set is destroying everything. Look at Obama's healthcare plan, bailouts, socialism, they all have their roots in the same mindset that gamers use when they bitch about DLC or MTs.
Capitalism is about making money at all costs. To make money you have to have a good product that is resonably priced. Adding MTs to a game does not make a company greedy it is just part of the capitalistic system that has made America great. If you must hold on to your socialist ideals then please leave and go live somewhere in Europe cuz I am sick of it here.
The subscription fee pricing model = socialism? Remind me to steer clear of any HMO you chair bud.
Capatilism will settle this. If Sub+MT is unpalatable to the majority of the target audience there is not sufficient demand. If it is palatable to a majority then it is in demand. It's that simple. Kryogenic's points are not remotely based in socialism. In fact his opinions as well as yours are proof that capatilism is alive and well in this society. Kryo didn't ask for anything for free. Some of us have an aversion to paying specificly for a set of pixels as opposed to a recurring fee for a medium of entertainment.
To me it's no different than Watching Battle Star Galacitica on Sci Fi and them saying, hey if you want to see the show with full special effects, pay this 10.00 fee. I'm not missing out on the plot, but the product as fully designed is not delivered as a whole so that they can nickel and dime me for what is already there and I have paid for in my cable subscription as well as watching their damn commericals.
I LOVE gross generalizations and sound bites...they make the world go round.
What are you talking about? Other than the vague press releases, no one knows anything about the MT's. No one has seen the Cryptic shop.
The OP was just guessing and since he seems to have a negative bias, his guess is negative as well.
I beg to differ. The first day the game was in open beta I read multiple posts on the forums from people who were pretty upset because costume parts that they used in alpha and closed beta weren't available in open beta.
I wonder where those costume pieces are going to be? The cash shop? No... they would never do that. (Please note that this forum has no Times New Sarcasm font so you'll have to use your imagination.)
I really wish that gamers in general would start wising up to all of the sheisty business practices that have been getting worse and worse.
If you support these questionable business practices those same shady practices will be picked up and adopted by other companies.
It's even happening with console gaming as well. You "superior" PC purists can look down your runny noses at all of the "unwashed masses of console cavemen", but one day PC gaming will be just as bad if not worse. Developers are releasing games on the 360 and holding back content or locking content on the disks to be sold piece meal to who ever is willing to part with even more cash than they all ready paid for the "full" game.
The Modern Warfare 2 developers even entertained the notion of charging a subscription fee for players who wanted to level up faster by getting more exp than the people that aren't mindless pleeebs and are unwilling to pony up a monthly fee for some smarmy questionable horse hockey.
Back to Champions Online:
The whole game is based around combat. They're combat mechanics suck. Full box price, plus a monthly sub, PLUS a cash shop on top of all that? Boo-urns, good sirs... Boo... urns.
A lot of these companies are having to fight to stay alive my friend. They have employees to pay that have families to feed. The reason why MTs are becoming the norm is that the subscription model just isn't getting them enough money to keep them in business. I have no problem paying for a product I enjoy know that the proceeds will go to help someone better their life.
Its people like you that are bringing this country down. This I want it now and I want it for free mind set is destroying everything. Look at Obama's healthcare plan, bailouts, socialism, they all have their roots in the same mindset that gamers use when they bitch about DLC or MTs.
Capitalism is about making money at all costs. To make money you have to have a good product that is resonably priced. Adding MTs to a game does not make a company greedy it is just part of the capitalistic system that has made America great. If you must hold on to your socialist ideals then please leave and go live somewhere in Europe cuz I am sick of it here.
The subscription fee pricing model = socialism? Remind me to steer clear of any HMO you chair bud.
Capatilism will settle this. If Sub+MT is unpalatable to the majority of the target audience there is not sufficient demand. If it is palatable to a majority then it is in demand. It's that simple. Kryogenic's points are not remotely based in socialism. In fact his opinions as well as yours are proof that capatilism is alive and well in this society. Kryo didn't ask for anything for free. Some of us have an aversion to paying specificly for a set of pixels as opposed to a recurring fee for a medium of entertainment.
To me it's no different than Watching Battle Star Galacitica on Sci Fi and them saying, hey if you want to see the show with full special effects, pay this 10.00 fee. I'm not missing out on the plot, but the product as fully designed is not delivered as a whole so that they can nickel and dime me for what is already there and I have paid for it in my cable subscription as well as watching their damn commericals.
I LOVE gross generalizations and sound bites...they make the world go round.
Subscription fee is not socialism. But demanding everything be free is. The fact that a company wants to add an MT just means they are trying to make money a different way. If it fails then its not a good product but having it does not make them greedy.
Thinking companies are greedy when they try and make money is a socialistic ideal. Don't condemn them for their business model just don't pay for the service.
Playing: Tera, BF3, ME3
Waiting on: Guild Wars 2