That's the thing. If you preorder/buy at release, you're gambling that the devs will fix the bugs, balance, and performance problems quickly. The question is, with STO beta coming up, will they shift resources off of CO after launch? Star Trek is arguably a bigger money-making IP. Does it make sense to use CO mainly as income for STO? When STO is out, does it get more resources? If this happens, it's unfortunate to CO players because their fixes will happen more slowly.
This also makes more sense with lifetime and 6-month subs at launch because those people aren't leaving, even if bugs suddenly take forever to fix after launch. And performance optimizations needed to fix the low fps on high-end graphics cards is probably one of the more complicated problems. Who knows when that will be fixed?
It might not be for everyone, But I am Loving this game. They thought of every detail. Have to pay attention and actually think/plan your builds. Choices and variables or way beyond anything else. the Logic in gameplay is Incredible compared to anything else. Hope they can pull off removing bugs in time for launch. if not at least hide the bugged misisions
This post is intentionally written as to not make any sense what so ever. Thank You Very Much.
That's the thing. If you preorder/buy at release, you're gambling that the devs will fix the bugs, balance, and performance problems quickly. The question is, with STO beta coming up, will they shift resources off of CO after launch? Star Trek is arguably a bigger money-making IP. Does it make sense to use CO mainly as income for STO? When STO is out, does it get more resources? If this happens, it's unfortunate to CO players because their fixes will happen more slowly. This also makes more sense with lifetime and 6-month subs at launch because those people aren't leaving, even if bugs suddenly take forever to fix after launch. And performance optimizations needed to fix the low fps on high-end graphics cards is probably one of the more complicated problems. Who knows when that will be fixed?
One of the devs already said that as soon as this game is released, he needs to hop over to STO to do some work. I really do think that STO got more love than CO. But that makes sense b/c its an outside IP that has a lot of eyes on it.
I joined the closed beta for the last test. The game ran nicely in my comp. and the game was fun to play but the general feeling I got was that I was playing a CoX clone.
I am going to agree with wicked jelly. T4 is an acquired taste, everything leading up to it I found much more enjoyable... that was me personally, but I still stand by the fact the PvP was enjoyable.. moreso then some other games I have played.
Warhammer's PvP is ecellent in Tier one, pretty good in Tier 2, then it turns into crap.
As for PvE: the PQs are a good idea. Some in T1 are fun and varied. In any case, they are far preferable to standard mob grinding you find in other games. Also, the quest system is good in that the mobs always drop the quest item (no insane drop rates like are STILL in WoW), and the items go in a separate inventory.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2
First let me say that I LIKE this game right now. I loved this game until open beta. It turned real ugly at that point. A LOT of people were in there swooping in constantly getting at mission clickables/mobs while we were fighting to get to them, there was an awful lot of lag and the number of people simply being butt munches and handing out tripe for advice to newbies was insane. Typical open beta... I eagerly await the time when this immature crowd has settled into the game or moved on after their free taste. Usually this is about 2-3 months after launch. Otherwise THE PLAYERS will be what make me not want to touch this game. Sad, but true.
Anyways at the end of it all my two brothers and I are going to be playing it. 2 of us have lifetime subscriptions and the 3rd only doesn't because college ate a lot more of his funds than he thought it would. I really like the game. Like CoH/V it has a robust character creator and comic book theme, but it has its' own flavor too. I really appreciate the angle they have taken.
Decent, but now a hair grindy. Not like like really bad, but definitely more grindy than CoH/V. The missions are good. I like the open world ones, but I was really hungering for more indoor missions to break it up a little. There is an ok amount of them, but I like door missions or at least private instances once in a while to break up the world quest aspect so many MMOs lean on. You gotta have variety. Still the fact that a civilian or drop can give me a mission is nice and helps break things up. The one thing that really and truly bugs me about PvE from the beginning in CO is that when you start a new character you cannot skip the friggin tutorial. I mean come one! That is like standard fair now. Now many freakin times to I have to be forced to endure that stupid battle. Far worse is that since I will likely be playing it when other players are snoozing I will have to deal with a LOT of the tutorial quirks like when there are a BILLION enraged qularr between me and the end of the tutorial.
If you were an Ice/Ice/Ice or Force/Force/Force or Ice/Ice/Force in PvP you are pretty much invincible. No really. My brother made a Force/Force/Fire and only those types could take him down. Ice for primary attack, AoE and Secondary is strong. TOO DAMNED STRONG. Ice focused attcks+Ice Focused AoEs and Force for defenses works really well too. Harder to focus than a pure build, but a master at opponent positioning/speed and damage resistance.
The Future (Micro-transactions, Lifetime Members, XP ETC)
As a lifetime member I worry that micro-transactions, as they have been recently discussed, will be something that every player may be forced to pay in order to enjoy the game more fully. I mean XP boosts and in-game items could ruin the game. It is decently balanced right now and I have to wonder what these Micro-Ts with do to the that balance. Also if they become something that REALLY enhances the gameplay I worry that Micro-Ts will become the new "second subscription" that everyone is so worried they will become. We have all heard rumors about additions character slots, access to exclusive zones and costume pieces/swag will be in the store, but worries me is what they AREN'T telling us. You know the "MUCH MUCH MORE" part...*sigh*
Something I am worried about is something someone else mentioned. They recently upped the XP needed to level. For an often solo player like myself (my brothers only play one day on the weekends) this will get really harsh really fast. I noticed something. When got out of the tutorial zone and started doing my missions in the crisis zones that the task NPCs were awarding me items that I couldn't wear for 2 or 3 levels. This not only made those lower levels harder, but I had to make sure not to sell them until I had a chance to wear them. Even crafting has been effected. Usually you can craft something and don it right away. I was capable of making something I would have to wait 5 levels to utilize because of the new imposed XP/leveling system! That is a LONG time to hold onto something to equip it. Unless you grind mobs to level up between missions you could have a contact send you on a mission that is utter doom even for a large group. It was starting to get that way right around 26-28. I can only imagine later in the game...
Anyways I have posted far too much of my opinion. I am glad there are a lot of people giving the game a shot as I think that there is a lot to like about the game. Is it a WoW killer? No. WoW is an "Every Niche" monster that appeals to a very wide spectrum, but isn't great at any one thing. Will it destroy CoH/V? No. That game has momentum going for it. It has been rolling a while and will keep rolling until it CHOOSES to stop. CO is its' own thing really. Similar, but different enough. They reward you different and THAT is what I think leaves room for both. Is it strong enough to be considered alongside DCUniverse and Marvel Online? Yes. THIS is where CO will prove itself out or not. These two unreleased games, in my mind, are its' closest spiritual kin. If it can elbow its' way between these titans their IPs with great gameplay and a uniquely angled perspective it will make it for a long time to come. Otherwise they might bowl it over with their IPs and possibly similar gameplay. The IPs will attract many, but unless those two execute themselves carefully they will be outgunned by CO and its simple fun gameplay in my tiny opinion. CO, to me, is a really good comic environment with the potential to do really well if things stay loose and fun. Otherwise it will become a grindfest. No one wants that...right?
I could hope that were not the case, but I think that they just might.
With their competition working making their games more "sandboxish" , less about XP and more about acclaim, the grind mentality could kill CO. That would be a shame. Still it would be foolish to think that if 10 months from now they have a couple of other competitors, are watching fans leave and their microtransaction failing because the game was grindy that they wouldn't at least consider speeding leveling back up. If they are too stubborn to see that will not work then they deserve to flounder.
I am just glad I basically paid a year and a half's worth of subscriptions for "forever" login rights and a bunch of swag like 8 more character slots. It is just that possibility that they will wiggle in higher and higher leveling reqs along with some messed up Micro-T scheme that worries me.
PS - Sorry for all the spelling and grammar errors. I am really tired. Just wanted to pop in and share my 2 cents. Thanks.
I could hope that were not the case, but I think that they just might. With their competition working making their games more "sandboxish" , less about XP and more about acclaim, the grind mentality could kill CO. That would be a shame. Still it would be foolish to think that if 10 moths from now they are watching fans leave and their microtransaction failing that they wouldn't at least consider speeding leveling back up. If they do that then they deserve to flounder. I am just glad I basically paid a year and a half's worth of subscriptions for "forever" login rights. It is just that possibility that worries me. I mostly got the Lifetime because I know I will be playing it and wanted the 8 additional character slots right of the bat...whether or not anyone else will want to if they go grindfest is the reason I don't want to do of the Micro-Ts.
10 months? Ha ha. How about 1 or 2 months? That's more like it.
Don't read these forums, go directly to the official CO forums to get a feel for the community. With 3 games releasing in September, this website is not going to be as helpful as it can be. Trust me.
You sort of remind me of DarthRaiden from Darkfall forums. I've read quite a few post by you over last couple days. You seem to have a problem, with just about anyone, not saying something good about CO. So yeah anyone that would like an one sided opinion about CO, probably should head on over to the official forums. I, on the other hand prefer hearing both sides.
Yeah, both sides are good but I get Solareus point. seems to bring out the most polarized people and way too many negative, half full trolls and generally hate filled folks who I believe are burned out on MMOs in general. This happens on all forums due to the Anonymity of it but is getting worse here over time.
Don't get me wrong, there are great, passoniate, game loving folks here too but the longer I am here on these boards the more jaded MMO burn outs I encounter in posts.
I try hard to find the good in all games because I want them all to succeed. It means more for our favored hobby. With CO, it is a good game with good ideas and pretty darn good execution against those ideas. Not every aspect is for everyone such as the PVP elements.CO will not appeal to the hard core PVP crowd becuase that is not the focus of the game. There will be further tweaks and changes as time goes on but I for one will be playing and loving it. You read more of this on the CO forums but you WILL see the other side there too, just with a little less hatred.
It's hard to objectively discuss a game prior to release. Any criticism is taken as 'sabotaging' the chances of the game, as there is nowhere near enough time to address that criticism before release.
From a personal point-of-view, I've pre-ordered (which I'm keeping), but I'm cancelling my 6 month subscription - as I'm quite certain that it will not hold my interest anywhere near that long.
- I feel that some very bad decisions have been taken in terms of interface design, and they are not going to be fixed.
- there is a lack of planning in how the game scales in terms of players. It appears the idea was merely to raise the player caps, forgetting that you also need to raise the number of mobs, and work out what you do about unique spawns.
- I feel that the developers have created an RP playground, then added a game to it, rather than create a game with RP options. This results in a game with 'lightweight' character options but with thousands of aesthetic choices.
I do enjoy the character creation, and even for someone not particularly into RP, it still feels odd to leave people screaming 'help me' after you've completed your quota of people saved.
My own view is that players will not regret spending the cash on the game box, if only for the character creation process... but I do not see a 'game' that will retain people long-term. [I'm happy to be proven wrong though]
I just really hope they fix a lot of the graphical bugs, institute some social spines into the game (dance clubs, churches, superbases, hideouts, caves and mansions would be nice to hang out in!) and add some emotes mighty quick. I loves me some emotes. *ahem*
Seriously with today's announcement of the cessasion of the lifetime/6 month offer ATARI/Cryptic have a lot of cheesed off costumers ranting. How they react to his outcry will color people's views me thinks...
I completely disagree with the "outcry" the only people who are acting a fool are those who do this for any game about to release, as well as not really having an intention of playing the game. Seriously need to take a wiff of the cesspool of to wake up. The players who actually followed the game, READ the words "LIMITED" have pretty much moved on and are waiting for the games release. This website may have 1million subscribers, but it is only .05% of the mmorpg genre community.
Thats exactly my thoughts. The people wouldn't of bought the game in the first place. They are just here to complain about any game and any thing that comes up.
That's the thing. If you preorder/buy at release, you're gambling that the devs will fix the bugs, balance, and performance problems quickly. The question is, with STO beta coming up, will they shift resources off of CO after launch? Star Trek is arguably a bigger money-making IP. Does it make sense to use CO mainly as income for STO? When STO is out, does it get more resources? If this happens, it's unfortunate to CO players because their fixes will happen more slowly.
This also makes more sense with lifetime and 6-month subs at launch because those people aren't leaving, even if bugs suddenly take forever to fix after launch. And performance optimizations needed to fix the low fps on high-end graphics cards is probably one of the more complicated problems. Who knows when that will be fixed?
It might not be for everyone, But I am Loving this game. They thought of every detail. Have to pay attention and actually think/plan your builds. Choices and variables or way beyond anything else. the Logic in gameplay is Incredible compared to anything else. Hope they can pull off removing bugs in time for launch. if not at least hide the bugged misisions
This post is intentionally written as to not make any sense what so ever. Thank You Very Much.
One of the devs already said that as soon as this game is released, he needs to hop over to STO to do some work. I really do think that STO got more love than CO. But that makes sense b/c its an outside IP that has a lot of eyes on it.
I joined the closed beta for the last test. The game ran nicely in my comp. and the game was fun to play but the general feeling I got was that I was playing a CoX clone.
Warhammer's PvP is ecellent in Tier one, pretty good in Tier 2, then it turns into crap.
As for PvE: the PQs are a good idea. Some in T1 are fun and varied. In any case, they are far preferable to standard mob grinding you find in other games. Also, the quest system is good in that the mobs always drop the quest item (no insane drop rates like are STILL in WoW), and the items go in a separate inventory.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2
First let me say that I LIKE this game right now. I loved this game until open beta. It turned real ugly at that point. A LOT of people were in there swooping in constantly getting at mission clickables/mobs while we were fighting to get to them, there was an awful lot of lag and the number of people simply being butt munches and handing out tripe for advice to newbies was insane. Typical open beta... I eagerly await the time when this immature crowd has settled into the game or moved on after their free taste. Usually this is about 2-3 months after launch. Otherwise THE PLAYERS will be what make me not want to touch this game. Sad, but true.
Anyways at the end of it all my two brothers and I are going to be playing it. 2 of us have lifetime subscriptions and the 3rd only doesn't because college ate a lot more of his funds than he thought it would. I really like the game. Like CoH/V it has a robust character creator and comic book theme, but it has its' own flavor too. I really appreciate the angle they have taken.
Decent, but now a hair grindy. Not like like really bad, but definitely more grindy than CoH/V. The missions are good. I like the open world ones, but I was really hungering for more indoor missions to break it up a little. There is an ok amount of them, but I like door missions or at least private instances once in a while to break up the world quest aspect so many MMOs lean on. You gotta have variety. Still the fact that a civilian or drop can give me a mission is nice and helps break things up. The one thing that really and truly bugs me about PvE from the beginning in CO is that when you start a new character you cannot skip the friggin tutorial. I mean come one! That is like standard fair now. Now many freakin times to I have to be forced to endure that stupid battle. Far worse is that since I will likely be playing it when other players are snoozing I will have to deal with a LOT of the tutorial quirks like when there are a BILLION enraged qularr between me and the end of the tutorial.
If you were an Ice/Ice/Ice or Force/Force/Force or Ice/Ice/Force in PvP you are pretty much invincible. No really. My brother made a Force/Force/Fire and only those types could take him down. Ice for primary attack, AoE and Secondary is strong. TOO DAMNED STRONG. Ice focused attcks+Ice Focused AoEs and Force for defenses works really well too. Harder to focus than a pure build, but a master at opponent positioning/speed and damage resistance.
The Future (Micro-transactions, Lifetime Members, XP ETC)
As a lifetime member I worry that micro-transactions, as they have been recently discussed, will be something that every player may be forced to pay in order to enjoy the game more fully. I mean XP boosts and in-game items could ruin the game. It is decently balanced right now and I have to wonder what these Micro-Ts with do to the that balance. Also if they become something that REALLY enhances the gameplay I worry that Micro-Ts will become the new "second subscription" that everyone is so worried they will become. We have all heard rumors about additions character slots, access to exclusive zones and costume pieces/swag will be in the store, but worries me is what they AREN'T telling us. You know the "MUCH MUCH MORE" part...*sigh*
Something I am worried about is something someone else mentioned. They recently upped the XP needed to level. For an often solo player like myself (my brothers only play one day on the weekends) this will get really harsh really fast. I noticed something. When got out of the tutorial zone and started doing my missions in the crisis zones that the task NPCs were awarding me items that I couldn't wear for 2 or 3 levels. This not only made those lower levels harder, but I had to make sure not to sell them until I had a chance to wear them. Even crafting has been effected. Usually you can craft something and don it right away. I was capable of making something I would have to wait 5 levels to utilize because of the new imposed XP/leveling system! That is a LONG time to hold onto something to equip it. Unless you grind mobs to level up between missions you could have a contact send you on a mission that is utter doom even for a large group. It was starting to get that way right around 26-28. I can only imagine later in the game...
Anyways I have posted far too much of my opinion. I am glad there are a lot of people giving the game a shot as I think that there is a lot to like about the game. Is it a WoW killer? No. WoW is an "Every Niche" monster that appeals to a very wide spectrum, but isn't great at any one thing. Will it destroy CoH/V? No. That game has momentum going for it. It has been rolling a while and will keep rolling until it CHOOSES to stop. CO is its' own thing really. Similar, but different enough. They reward you different and THAT is what I think leaves room for both. Is it strong enough to be considered alongside DCUniverse and Marvel Online? Yes. THIS is where CO will prove itself out or not. These two unreleased games, in my mind, are its' closest spiritual kin. If it can elbow its' way between these titans their IPs with great gameplay and a uniquely angled perspective it will make it for a long time to come. Otherwise they might bowl it over with their IPs and possibly similar gameplay. The IPs will attract many, but unless those two execute themselves carefully they will be outgunned by CO and its simple fun gameplay in my tiny opinion. CO, to me, is a really good comic environment with the potential to do really well if things stay loose and fun. Otherwise it will become a grindfest. No one wants that...right?
-Tatsu Oyama
Wrong. The devs do.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2
I could hope that were not the case, but I think that they just might.
With their competition working making their games more "sandboxish" , less about XP and more about acclaim, the grind mentality could kill CO. That would be a shame. Still it would be foolish to think that if 10 months from now they have a couple of other competitors, are watching fans leave and their microtransaction failing because the game was grindy that they wouldn't at least consider speeding leveling back up. If they are too stubborn to see that will not work then they deserve to flounder.
I am just glad I basically paid a year and a half's worth of subscriptions for "forever" login rights and a bunch of swag like 8 more character slots. It is just that possibility that they will wiggle in higher and higher leveling reqs along with some messed up Micro-T scheme that worries me.
PS - Sorry for all the spelling and grammar errors. I am really tired. Just wanted to pop in and share my 2 cents. Thanks.
-Tatsu Oyama
10 months? Ha ha. How about 1 or 2 months? That's more like it.
You sort of remind me of DarthRaiden from Darkfall forums. I've read quite a few post by you over last couple days. You seem to have a problem, with just about anyone, not saying something good about CO. So yeah anyone that would like an one sided opinion about CO, probably should head on over to the official forums. I, on the other hand prefer hearing both sides.
Yeah, both sides are good but I get Solareus point. seems to bring out the most polarized people and way too many negative, half full trolls and generally hate filled folks who I believe are burned out on MMOs in general. This happens on all forums due to the Anonymity of it but is getting worse here over time.
Don't get me wrong, there are great, passoniate, game loving folks here too but the longer I am here on these boards the more jaded MMO burn outs I encounter in posts.
I try hard to find the good in all games because I want them all to succeed. It means more for our favored hobby. With CO, it is a good game with good ideas and pretty darn good execution against those ideas. Not every aspect is for everyone such as the PVP elements.CO will not appeal to the hard core PVP crowd becuase that is not the focus of the game. There will be further tweaks and changes as time goes on but I for one will be playing and loving it. You read more of this on the CO forums but you WILL see the other side there too, just with a little less hatred.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
It's hard to objectively discuss a game prior to release. Any criticism is taken as 'sabotaging' the chances of the game, as there is nowhere near enough time to address that criticism before release.
From a personal point-of-view, I've pre-ordered (which I'm keeping), but I'm cancelling my 6 month subscription - as I'm quite certain that it will not hold my interest anywhere near that long.
- I feel that some very bad decisions have been taken in terms of interface design, and they are not going to be fixed.
- there is a lack of planning in how the game scales in terms of players. It appears the idea was merely to raise the player caps, forgetting that you also need to raise the number of mobs, and work out what you do about unique spawns.
- I feel that the developers have created an RP playground, then added a game to it, rather than create a game with RP options. This results in a game with 'lightweight' character options but with thousands of aesthetic choices.
I do enjoy the character creation, and even for someone not particularly into RP, it still feels odd to leave people screaming 'help me' after you've completed your quota of people saved.
My own view is that players will not regret spending the cash on the game box, if only for the character creation process... but I do not see a 'game' that will retain people long-term. [I'm happy to be proven wrong though]
I just really hope they fix a lot of the graphical bugs, institute some social spines into the game (dance clubs, churches, superbases, hideouts, caves and mansions would be nice to hang out in!) and add some emotes mighty quick. I loves me some emotes. *ahem*
Seriously with today's announcement of the cessasion of the lifetime/6 month offer ATARI/Cryptic have a lot of cheesed off costumers ranting. How they react to his outcry will color people's views me thinks...
-Tatsu Oyama
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
Thats exactly my thoughts. The people wouldn't of bought the game in the first place. They are just here to complain about any game and any thing that comes up.